? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE A retrovirus is a virus that contains RNA encoded genes rather than DNA. Using reverse transcriptase, the retrovirus is able to transform the single-stranded RNA into a double-stranded DNA When the retrovirus infects a host, it integrates its DNA into the DNA of the host cell, which allows the retrovirus to replicate itself and spread through the host One example of a transmissible retrovirus is the HIV virus, which can cascade into the clinical symptoms of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) A retrovirus family known as xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related viruses (XMRV) may play
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Did you know? A vax is not intended to protect against diseases – at least not according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which now insists that vaxxes are only meant to “stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.” Understandably, the CDC transitioned to a doublespeak definition of this type of drug, of course, since the COVID mRNA shot fiasco has made at least one thing clear – these shots from Pfizer and Moderna do not stop transmission nor infection. But even with this abject failure to “end the pandemic” by
By Sara Tipton Whether we choose to look the other way or not, the planet is facing a food crisis. Even if your grocery store is fully stocked, it won’t take long for food to run out if people come from towns over because their store is out. Recently, President Biden warned of food shortages due to the Russia-Ukraine war. The food crisis is looming and it is going to get worse before it gets better, so it’s best to prepare now. If you already have a stockpile of food in a prepper’s pantry, you should go through everything and
04/04/22 Morano on Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson Tonight: “They know the Green New Deal won’t pass…The solution to the Russian invasion is the same solution to climate change, it happened to be the same solution to COVID too — which is more working from home, less driving, less freedom, more restrictions on your liberty. Regardless of the crisis, it always empowers the administrative state, the bureaucrats, and those in power. … They are going to rule by emergency declaration, by crisis management. This is how they want to do it. The COVID emergency declaration gave us, particularly
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Will we start to see a rising trend of abnormal heart rhythms, blood clots, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE), and related circulatory problems in the near future? And if so, why? Some wonder if the rollout of mRNA vaccines, which have been shown to damage the heart and blood, could be to blame. Perhaps this is precisely what Pfizer and other drug companies have anticipated … hence the increased effort to sell drugs that can treat these conditions. The Big Pharma playbook? Create a disease, make and sell the …read more Source:
04/04/22 “How much of this is going on across the country unknown to parents? We are truly becoming a very sick society.” Admin A school nurse has been suspended after blowing the whistle on how “woke” teachers are forcing transgender drugs on children, stunting their puberty development and keeping it “secret” from their parents. Kathleen Cataford, 77, was suspended by Hartford Public Schools School in Connecticut after she blew the whislte revealing that teachers are forcing kids to “transition” to a new gender and keep it hidden from their families. Cataford, who worked at the Richard J Kinsella Magnet
04/04/22 Canadian Christian Pastor Artur Pawlowski broke his silence on what he described as deplorable jail conditions he faced while spending 51 days in prison, saying he was forced into solitary confinement on many occasions, strip-searched, and generally humiliated at times. “What I went through, it was a rollercoaster,” said Pawlowski in an interview Thursday. “I was placed in metal box, I was stripped naked, searched, I spent many hours, almost every day on concrete.” Pawlowski claimed that at times prison staff tried to get inmates to “beat” him up, and he was also placed in a part of
An investigation of official Government data has uncovered that fully vaccinated individuals are up to 3 times more likely to be infected with Covid-19, 2 times more likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19, and 3 times more likely to die of Covid-19 than unvaccinated individuals. The question is, why? One possibility is that as feared, the vaccinated are suffering Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease leading to conditions such as antibody-dependent enhancement, and cytokine storm. In effect, this means the Covid-19 injections cause a vaccinated person’s immune system to go into overdrive when they come into contact with the virus, causing
04/04/22 Disney has released what has been described as the “gayest kid’s movie yet,” as it continues to pay fealty to radical queer activists with its attacks on Florida’s anti-grooming law that gives parents a say in their children’s education. This month, Disney+ released a musical comedy aimed at pre-teens titled Better Nate Than Ever. The movie features 13-year-old Nate (Rueby Wood) who is upset about losing the audition for his high school musical and who goes on a trip to New York City with dreams of winning a part in a Broadway play. While the movie never
By Brian-Admin by Jan Eastgate President CCHR International In a continuing series exposing the American Psychiatric Association’s updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders-5 called DSM5-TR, CCHR draws attention to The New York Times on 18 March 2022, that reported the APA’s launch of a “new” mental disorder—prolonged grief disorder (PGD).[1] Psychiatrists suggest that grief has a time limit and that if grief continues after one year, it’s a mental illness, akin to addiction. The article was headlined, “How Long Should It Take to …read more Source: Health Impact News
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM Overrated “precision medicine” may just be serving vested interests, and consumer DNA testing can be useless—or even worse. …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org
By Brian-Admin A sampling of the stories we have covered over the past 15 months on thousands of older adults dying after the COVID Vaccines. by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News The FDA announced today that it has issued another emergency use authorization (EUA) for a second COVID booster vaccine for adults over the age of 50, and as young as 12 years old if they are “immune compromised.” Pfizer had made the request for a second booster shot two weeks ago, but their request was for adults over …read more Source: Health Impact News
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Hundreds of studies show mercury destroys health and causes dramatic reductions in IQ, and researchers have demonstrated that ethylmercury from vaccines accumulate in the brain to a far greater degree than the methyl-mercury you get from fish In 1997, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration started removing mercury preservatives from childhood vaccines, but mercury-containing vaccines are still given to children in Africa. The flu vaccine also contains mercury and is given to pregnant women Thimerosal (ethylmercury preservative) was replaced with aluminum preservative, and aluminum is also a potent neurotoxin. So, they simply replaced one
Jeff & Erica – More On The Growing Danger Of Spike Generated CJD Prion Disease, The Micro Clotting Cause Of ‘Long Covid’…And Much More Listen here
By Amy Allen It’s getting to be that time of year, at least in the Northern Hemisphere: garden planning! Drawings are made, seeds are being started, in warmer areas plants are either in the ground or soon will be. And intercropping can help you to be as efficient with your garden space as possible. Not only does this ultimately boost your food production, but it keeps your plants healthier as well. So, just what does intercropping entail? Let’s take a look. What is intercropping? Intercropping is the practice of planting two crops in proximity to one another, thereby producing more
By Michael By Meleni Aldridge & Melissa Smith “We abuse land because we see it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
“The sheer insanity of all this is breathtaking!” Admin Staff at a British National Health Service (NHS) hospital have begun asking male cancer patients whether they might be pregnant before scheduling certain scans. A report in the Telegraph Monday unveiled that the Walton Care NHS Foundation Trust in Liverpool asks “all patients under the age of 60, regardless of how you may identify your gender” if they are pregnant before performing radiotherapy, x-rays, and MRI scans, all of which can be harmful to a developing baby in the womb. The new measure has apparently been adopted in response to a 2017
More Israelis are experiencing injuries and reactions following COVID-19 booster shots than the country’s passive reporting system indicates, according to a survey conducted by the Israeli Ministry of Health. What do the data tell us about safety signals and underreporting? More Israelis are experiencing injuries and reactions following COVID-19 booster shots than the country’s passive reporting system indicates, according to a survey conducted by the Israeli Ministry of Health (MOH). The MOH conducted an active survey of booster shot recipients to collect data on adverse events associated with booster doses, then compared the survey data to the data available from
On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane shows you the latest evidence of Pfizer and Moderna vials containing metallic foreign objects, and that they have been seen growing into self assembling circuits that rapidly expand when warmed to body temperature; and later, Dr. Jane shows you an FDA document proving that the bioweapon makers and the FDA keep calling the death shots “vaccines” because they’ve always known the dangers of gene therapy; and the show winds up with a look at Moderna’s top line results they will use to seek an emergency use authorization to shoot up 6 month
On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane shows you the implications of what we now know is the intentional gene changing mechanism in these shots falsely referred to as vaccines, that in addition to forcing the body to become a pathogenic spike protein factory, the natural God Given DNA is permanently altered with NO proper informed consent and no oversight by the Human Subject Review Boards that are charged with your safety.
Analysis by Tessa Lena STORY AT-A-GLANCE On March 7, New York City lifted the indoor vaccine mandate for restaurants, bars, and theaters along with the mask mandate in public schools Masks are still required in public transportation and healthcare settings, and children under the age of five are still required to mask The past two years, and especially the recent period of state-mandated segregation, have brought out the best and the worst out of us The mandates in NYC have been mostly lifted but how long will it take us to heal, and what are the guarantees that the mandates are
04/02/22 “Criminal fraud Biden’s perverse agenda marches on. How long will God let us survive as a nation if we continue promoting evil of all kinds.” Admin Joe Biden’s agenda, announced just this week, to endorse and promote transgender surgeries that mutilate the healthy body parts of children has been the target of widespread condemnation from the Christian community. But none has been more pointed that the comments from Franklin Graham, chief of the worldwide ministry Samaritan’s Purse, which has multiple programs reaching out to and helping children specifically. Biden’s plan was featured in an announcement from his
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Researchers from Northwestern University found even a moderate amount of light exposure while sleeping has a negative effect on your heart health and metabolism, increasing your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes Light controls your internal clock known as your circadian rhythm, which is influenced by melatonin production in the pineal gland. Light exposure at night inhibits melatonin, which plays a role in many health functions Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant with anticonvulsant, antiviral, antibacterial and antiexcitotoxic properties. It has the rare ability to enter the mitochondria and prevent impairment; melatonin has been used
04/01/22 “Is this the coming world government that the Bible says will occur in the last days? It’s sure looking that way.” Admin Economist and White House advisor, Dr. Pippa Malgrem, during the World Government Summit 2022’s session, which the globalist group titled “Are We Ready for A New World Order?” asserted that the world is on the brink of a dramatic change from the “traditional system of money” to a new digital system enforced by world superpowers. “What underpins a world order is always the financial system,” she told the audience. “What we are seeing in our world today
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Fear of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine causing a nuclear incident has resulted in Europeans stockpiling iodine. In the case of a serious nuclear accident, radioactive iodine can be released into the air, increasing your risk of thyroid cancer and acute radiation sickness when inhaled Non-radioactive iodine supplements help to prevent the radioactive iodine from concentrating in your thyroid gland, thereby reducing the risk of thyroid cancer The conventional recommendation to ward off some of the health dangers of radiation exposure is to take supplemental potassium iodide. In addition to potassium iodide tablets, you could
Dr. SarahBeth Hartlage was the associate medical director of the health department in Louisville, Kentucky. She was also “the face of the LouVax site” at the Kentucky Exposition Center and became known for pushing the COVID-19 vaccine. Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer said that Hartlage “took command of an amazing team of city workers and volunteers to vaccinate tens of thousands of people in a previously unthinkably short amount of time.” Earlier this month, without apparent cause, the 36-year-old died. All Louisville Chief Health Strategist Sarah Moyer had to say was that it was “sudden and expected” but could not explain the
Ben Armstrong show: This is a must see! Dr. Reiner Fuellmich exposes all the lies of the globalists! Watch the video if you want the truth.