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Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Polypharmacy is the term used for overprescribed medications. This is more common in older adults who have several risk factors and often have more than one chronic health condition that can lead to overprescription Overprescription is not limited to adults. Data from 2014 showed more than 274,000 children from birth to 1 year were prescribed psychiatric drugs, 249,669 antianxiety drugs, and 1,422 ADHD drugs Over-the-counter medications can also create drug interactions and side effects. When too many drugs are prescribed, you may be taking one to take care of the side effects of another [More]
By Amy Allen So we’ve been watching the news and hearing all about the baby formula shortage. We’ve been to our usual stores and seen the empty shelves. Our baby is hungry and needs to eat! We have to break out of the programmed habit of relying on the centralized food system in order to provide, but how? This article will discuss what mothers did before commercial formula and baby foods came into existence. Disclaimer: I am not giving medical advice! If your child needs a medical diet, discuss the matter with your doctor. So what did mothers do before [More]
Dr. Wolf: 28% Of Vaccinated Pregnant Women Suffered from Serious Adverse Effects?three countries now are reporting babies dying of vaccinated mothers disproportionately.   Watch: Dr. Naomi Wolf: ’28 percent of vaccinated pregnant women’ suffered ‘serious adverse effects’ – Geller Report
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Just as hysteria about COVID-19 is winding down, another “pandemic” is poised to take its place. This time, it’s monkeypox, a typically mild infection that often resolves in three to four weeks without treatment The first European case of monkeypox was confirmed May 7, 2022, in the U.K. Then, seemingly overnight, cases were being reported across the world. May 20, 2022, the World Health Organization held an emergency meeting to discuss reports of more than 100 suspected or confirmed cases in at least nine countries A tabletop simulation exercise of a monkeypox outbreak took [More]
05/30/22   “Democrats, the party of perversion and evil, a blight on this land. Lets pray their wicked rule will end in Nov.” Admin   The Biden administration will require schools that receive federal funding for lunches to enforce its ban on discrimination on the basis of gender identity and let biological males into girls’ bathrooms. All state and local agencies that receive Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) funding, including schools, will have to update their non-discrimination policies to include protections for gender identity and must investigate any allegations of discrimination on the basis of gender identity, according to a May 5 [More]
John Hopkins University’s Dr. Marty Makary publicly slammed the CDC over the agency’s approval of COVID boosters for children as young as five, with Pfizer now also ready to submit applications to vaccinate babies as young as six months old later this week. According to the Daily Mail, Makary said that the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) is a kangaroo court with no ideological diversity pushing “low value care.” He said that the board approves every vaccine that comes their way, and that those who have pushed back against their stance on vaccines have been pushed off of the [More]
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola                                                            STORY AT-A-GLANCE Mistletoe, a semi-parasitic plant that grows in the branches of trees all over the world, has been used in herbal medicine for thousands of years for conditions such as epilepsy, spleen disorders, pain and rheumatic conditions In 1917, Rudolf Steiner, a philosopher with keen observation skills, noticed that mistletoe looks a lot like a tumor, and proposed it might have anticancer properties. Dr. Ita [More]
05/30/22   Marc Morano of Climate Depot gives a 7 min summary on the CO2 fearmongering being used to bring about total societal control.   Watch: Watch: 7 min summary of Morano’s talk on climate: Using ‘CO2 (fears) to essentially control society’ | Climate Depot
By Michael By Amy Allen Sugar is yet another thing that can be difficult to come by these days. It was rationed during the lockdowns and has risen in price along with everything else. And it’s in everything,… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Zoey Sky (NaturalNews) (Natural News) Having healthy habits, such as following a balanced diet and exercising, is key to maintaining good health. This is especially true as you age.Research suggests that the essential nutrient choline has a crucial role in brain development and cognitive function. Many experts believe that this vitamin-like nutrient helps … [Read More…] …read more Source: Natural News     
By Ethan Huff (NaturalNews) (Natural News) As you might expect, the current White House occupant is about to rake in boatloads of cash from the new monkeypox “vaccines” that are currently under development.The Penn Biden Center, a globalist think tank at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital, is receiving a flood of cash, we now know, to create the next wave of … [Read More…] …read more Source: Natural News     
By Arsenio Toledo (NaturalNews) (Natural News) The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) never caused a pandemic. But the so-called vaccines created to respond to COVID-19 did.This is according to Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, a German trial lawyer who has successfully won cases against megacorporations. In his home country, Fuellmich leads the Extra Parliamentary Corona … [Read More…] …read more Source: Natural News     
By Ethan Huff (NaturalNews) (Natural News) Do Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” cause AIDS? A growing body of government data from all around the world suggests so, and that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is largely a distraction from it.Public Health Scotland (PHS), the New Zealand Ministry of Health, the Canadian government, the UK Health Security Agency … [Read More…] …read more Source: Natural News     
In this comprehensive review, Dr. Yeadon argues that all the main narratives about SARS-CoV-2 and imposed “measures” are lies. I contend that all the main narrative points about the coronavirus named SARS-CoV-2 are lies. Furthermore, all the “measures” imposed on the population are also lies. In what follows, I support these claims scientifically, mostly by reference to peer-reviewed journal articles. In 2019, World Health Organization (WHO) scientists reviewed the evidence for the utility of all non-pharmaceutical interventions, concluding that they are all without e#ect. Read More: The Covid Lies – Doctors for COVID Ethics
“What Ms. Clark really means is these lunatics may be losing momentum in imposing their desired tyrannical rule on the world. We have to oppose and fight this power grab if we wish to remain a free people.” Admin   With popular support for pandemic measures such as lockdowns and masks declining, the world’s leaders are losing the opportunity to accelerate the globalist agenda, said former New Zealand prime minister Helen Clark in a panel with billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates and others a the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland.   Clark, who more recently was the administrator of [More]
American physician and biochemist Dr. Robert Malone recommends starting a backyard garden to reclaim self-sufficiency as food crisis looms due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, the lingering Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and other geopolitical, economic and natural causes.   “People don’t have to be dependent on international agribusinesses, nutritionally valueless food, grain from Russia or Ukraine, food imports from China and other countries, or even be dependent on high priced organics to feed ourselves and our families. Each of us has the power to create our food from scratch,” Dr. Robert Malone, the mRNA inventor, said on his blog.   He [More]
Analysis by Tessa Lena STORY AT-A-GLANCE The World Economic Forum claims that genetic modification is the way of the future In February 2022, Chile passed a law prohibiting employers from discriminating against genetically impaired employees There are studies suggesting that in some cases, COVID injections might lead to changes in human DNA; more research is needed Disabled rights attorney Todd Callender looked at a Supreme Court case from 2013, which led him to believe that using mRNA to modify genomes may turn people into legal property of the patent holders (unless this interpretation is explicitly ruled out) Making us biologically dependent [More]
Do Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” cause AIDS? A growing body of government data from all around the world suggests so, and that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is largely a distraction from it.   Public Health Scotland (PHS), the New Zealand Ministry of Health, the Canadian government, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and many other government agencies are quietly publishing data that reveals the truth, but the media is ignoring it.   Read More: Government data proves that people “fully vaccinated” for covid are developing AIDS, which [More]
“Next time someone tells you these so called Covid vaccines are safe and effective give them a link to this article which lists almost 500 articles in publications like Pubmed.” Admin   A partial list of articles in the peer-reviewed literature documenting adverse reactions after the vaccine. There are close to 500 articles here. Read More: Vaccine adverse reaction articles
An epidemic of brain damage in children is sweeping across America following the rollout of the COVID-19 jab, according to reports. Neurological brain damage can now be added to the list of serious side effects in children following the COVID-19 jab, which also includes weakened hearts and blood clots.   Read More: Cases of Brain Damage in Children Skyrocket Following Jab Rollout – News Punch
After reviewing electron microscope images of elements contained in the Covid Pfizer and Moderna injections, Dr. Daniel Nagase revealed that, strangely, the contents of the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines” show no signs of biological material, including mRNA or DNA.   Dr. Nagase is a Canadian emergency room doctor who was put on involuntary leave for successfully treating Covid patients with ivermectin in a central-Alberta hospital in 2021.  He has since been touring through Alberta and British Columbia (“BC”) speaking at rallies on treatment options for Covid. Nagase said he has also been “learning a lot about the legal system” while reviewing the [More]
05/28/22   The dangers of a one world government are becoming even clear in Davos, Switzerland As the world’s wealthiest people gather around to talk about how great it is to rule the world and how they can make the average person’s life more terrible, the common people are struggling to pay rent, buy gas to go to work, and put food on the table.   All thanks to the same radical liberal and globalist policies which the World Economic Forum wants to continue.   Read/Watch: Sen Rand Paul on Globalist Elites in Davos: “This is our worst nightmare” [VIDEO]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM Cranberries and pumpkin seeds are put to the test for benign prostatic hypertrophy. …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE People with higher levels of lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-cryptoxanthin had a lower risk of developing dementia as measured in 7,283 people over 16 years Lutein and zeaxanthin have long been prized for their ability to protect the eyes; when combined with vitamin E they appear to improve lung function and when combined with beta-cryptoxanthin and vitamin E they are inversely correlated with congestive heart failure Astaxanthin is another antioxidant associated with slowing brain aging; it plays a role in protecting the skin from the inside out and against dementia, heart disease and Parkinson’s disease [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Data from Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School showed that people living in urban areas near busy streets or under flight paths have a higher risk of a heart attack that can’t be blamed on other health conditions or air pollution Short- and long-term exposure to air pollution also raises the risk of cardiovascular disease and it can exacerbate existing heart conditions. Nearly double the number than previous estimates are dying from air pollution and 80% of those are from heart disease Noise pollution also affects sleep quality and creates psychological stress that lowers [More]
Jeff & Erica – Amyloidosis Recap And The Mystery Of Monkeypox Global Spread plus more Listen here
“Important show on the Covid vax and how the spike proteins generated by them may be causing Amyloid clots not typical blood clots” Admin Jeff & Erica – They talk about Monkeypox and Why You Must Understand Amyloidosis And Amyloid Plaques caused by Covid vaccines spike proteins. Listen here