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06/18/22 “Great interview on the dystopian future the globalists have planned for us and how they intend to pull it off. The interview starts about the 6 min mark.” Admin Marc Morano of @ClimateDepot talks Climate fraud, ESG, how they’re taking away our cars, Social Credit, the Great Reject, and more.   Listen: Listen: Morano on TNT radio talks Climate fraud, ESG, how they’re taking away our cars, Social Credit, the Great Reject | Climate Depot
Monkeypox; or the new name the W.H.O are urgently trying to find for it to make it sound more frightening, is about to become the word of the day in the mainstream media now that they know everyone is bored of hearing about Ukraine.   The World Health Organization is convening an emergency meeting and will most likely have announced a Public Health Emergency of International Concern over the alleged disease by the end of June.   All member states including the USA, UK, Canada, Europe, Australia etc. will be legally obliged to then act and respond.   But data made available by [More]
Stew Peters Show: The truth is coming out! Dr. Aryiana Love joins to back up Dr. Jane Ruby’s findings on tissue scaffolding technology and microspheres used on vaccinated people.
Ben Armstrong Show: Giving a child the covid vaccine is a violation of the oath doctors take to do no harm. Doctors have had enough time to not be fools on this issue. There is no excuse for a doctor to say they don’t know the harms from the vaccine by now. All doctors who say that should watch this video.
Cornstarch isn’t usually the first thing you think of when asked about pantry staples, but this useful ingredient has many uses.   You can use cornstarch as an egg substitute, for cleaning purposes and as DIY dry shampoo. (h/t to HomesteadSurvivalSite.com)   Cornstarch is a white, powdery substance made from the endosperm of dried and ground corn. It is composed of starch molecules that unravel and swell when moistened and heated.   This unique gelatinization process makes cornstarch a great thickening agent.   Cornstarch is a gluten-free alternative to wheat flour thickeners and it can be used in gravy and sauce recipes. When using [More]
Jeff & Erica discuss Amyloidosis, blood clots, Spike Protein danger in causing miss-folding proteins, latest on Monkeypox virus Listen here
At 29, Hayley Lopez had a promising career she had worked 12 years to achieve, as an air traffic controller at one of the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) busiest facilities in the U.S.   On Oct. 8, 2021, that career came crashing to a halt 15 minutes after Lopez got her first, and only, dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.   In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Lopez, now 30, shared her story, including the injuries she sustained and the challenges she experienced trying to get a diagnosis and treatment.   “About 15 minutes after the shot, I noticed arm [More]
Jeff & Erica – Latest news on Covid, Grieving Mothers Talk About What The Death Shots Did To Their Children – Novavax OK’d – Shedding Listen here
There are more than a dozen “smoking guns” that indicate that the Pfizer Phase 3 trial was not properly conducted. The FDA should investigate all these allegations, but they aren’t. Why not?   It is in the best interest of all parties to have transparency in these issues in order to restore public trust in the medical community and reduce vaccine hesitancy which are key goals of the CDC and FDA.   Read More: Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trial fraud allegations that should be immediately investigated by the FDA
06/17/22 President Joe Biden signed an overreaching executive order for “pride month” on Wednesday that Alliance Defending freedom is warning targets and removes “fundamental rights with a stroke of his pen.” Like many other pro-LGBT policies and legislation, the executive order signed this week acts like a trojan horse cloaked in “equality” and combatting hateful discrimination while carrying measures aiming to attack religious liberty and parental rights. Although the order contains a dozen sections, three particular points of concern should be examined.   Read More: Biden Signs Trojan Horse Executive Order Taking Aim At Christians, Time-Honored American Values | Harbingers Daily
Nearly 90% of people in Australia are considered fully vaccinated against Covid-19, but despite this, the country is still riding the largest wave of Covid-19 deaths to hit the country since the beginning of the alleged pandemic in 2020, a wave that began in February 2022.   Therefore, Australia has provided the world with unequivocal evidence that the Covid-19 injections not only simply do not work, they in fact make recipients worse.   Read More: Australia provides unequivocal proof the Covid-19 Vaccines don’t work and just make you worse – The Expose
The World Health Organization is set to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the end of June 2022 over Covid-19 vaccine-induced shingles which all member states including the USA, the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Europe are legally obliged to respond to.    The world is being told that Monkeypox is on the rise in countries such as the USA, the UK, Australia, Canada, and most of Europe.   But evidence suggests this is a lie, and it is actually a cover-up of the adverse consequences of Covid-19 vaccination.   But either way, the Emergency Committee [More]
06/17/22 Left-Wing extremists have firebombed or vandalized at least 23 pro-life centers and organizations while the Biden regime and Mainstream Media refuse to cover it Left-Wing violence and extremism is highly prevalent in the United States, and yet, the mainstream media, the Biden Administration, and the FBI only focus on so-called “right wing extremism.” This is in spite of the 2020 summer of riots and destruction by Black Lives Matter, the assassination attempt on Republican congressmen at a softball game, Antifa thugs, an attempt on Justice Kavanaugh’s life by a pro-abortion fanatic, and terrorist attacks on pro-life centers. Despite all [More]
06/17/22   You will eat bugs, and you will be happy! No, that’s not a joke, it’s just the sustainable mantra of the World Economic Forum. Who doesn’t want to buy a bag of edible insects at their local grocery store?   Such insect-filled realities may be more imminent than some Americans have been led to believe. Recent viral videos shared by American journalists show a sight one may have previously only seen in a horror movie: thousands upon thousands of cattle lined up dead in a seemingly endless video panning across farmland in Kansas. Read More: BREAKING: 10,000+ Cattle Suddenly Dead [More]
By Michael By Elisha McFarland Few people are familiar with the term nightshades, and many will be surprised to learn that consuming foods from this plant group may be contributing to their pain and… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Amy Allen Many vegetables can be grown, harvested, and will continue to grow for later harvests. This is called a cut-and-come-again garden, a technique used for continuous harvests. We cut only enough for our use at that moment, allowing the plant to grow for another harvest on another day. In this article, I’ll discuss how this is done and what vegetables are best suited for this gardening method. What garden plants work with cut-and-come-again? Many cut-and-come-again vegetables are perennial and range from the usual greens and herbs to amaranth, asparagus, and broccoli. Greens and herbs can be grown in [More]
Another Wednesday, is another Ask Dr. Jane! Dr. Jane Ruby joins the show to answer all of YOUR questions and more! To submit your questions for Dr. Jane Ruby to answer, follow her Telegram @DrJaneRuby!
Doctors say they are treating an extraordinary number of cases of various common viruses in young patients that they believe are the result of a severe decrease in immunity caused by the lockdowns and other COVID-19 mitigation measures.   The Washington Post reported the Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital in Connecticut is seeing, in addition to COVID-19, staggering numbers of children with adenovirus, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), human metapneumovirus, influenza and parainfluenza.   Read More: Doctors: Lockdowns caused staggering spike in viruses among kids
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche: Covid Infection, Disease to Aggravate in Vaccinated   The mass vaccination campaign against Covid has been a “blunder of unprecedented scale” that would likely result in “a global catastrophe without equal,” warned world-class Belgian scientist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche at the beginning of the vaccines’ rollout.   In this interview with The New American, Dr. Vanden Bossche described why mass vaccination with “leaky” vaccines could not lead to herd immunity, and why he expected the emergence of the “super variants” of Covid that would be resistant to all current and future Covid vaccines.   The doctor [More]
  On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane interviews Canadian physician and molecular biologist, Dr. Daniel Nagase who explains how the bioweapon shots from all of the companies are poisoning human DNA for generations to come.
Science and medicine have no other modern definition than FAKE at this point in time. Dr. Judy Mikovits presents her findings of medical fraud, and how Fauci was involved in her arrest AND career destruction. Buy tickets to see Mikovits at the crimes against humanity conference: https://pathtotruth.ticketleap.com/t/Stewpeters/
By Amy Allen Kitchen scrap gardening is another way to recycle rather than buy. The basic premise is that some vegetables, though not all, will regrow from their parts. By recycling kitchen scraps, we save money on the grocery bill. It’s environmentally friendly, can be done in small spaces, and can even serve as a science experiment for the kids. Best of all: home-grown vegetables aren’t treated with pesticides or anything else, and the nutrient density is higher since it wasn’t picked for travel before ripening. In fact, many things from our Cut-and-Come-Again gardens can be regrown in this …read [More]
By Fabian Ommar By the author of Street Survivalism: A Practical Training Guide To Life In The City and The Ultimate Survival Gear Handbook. I’ll start this by saying I’m against violence. By that, I mean gratuitous violence because I acknowledge it is much part of life, the natural state of things. But being peaceful is different than being harmless. In fact, the most peaceful people I know are also the most harmful. Throughout my entire life, I have always strived for conflict avoidance and de-escalation. …read more Source: Organic Prepper     
By Zoey Sky (NaturalNews) (Natural News) Parsley is normally used as a garnish and not as the star of a main dish. But according to a study, parsley deserves a bit of the culinary limelight too, especially since it contains apigenin, a compound that can help fight cancer.Parsley is a superfood full of beneficial antioxidants that offer many health benefits. … [Read More…] …read more Source: Natural News     
By Zoey Sky (NaturalNews) (Natural News) No superfood can cure asthma, but according to a fascinating study published in the Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology, a type of vitamin E found in nuts helps prevent asthma attacks by reducing airway inflammation. The findings suggest that asthma can be naturally managed by making dietary changes or taking a … [Read More…] …read more Source: Natural News     
By Michael By Neenah Payne Information about COVID policies that was dismissed as “fake news” or “conspiracy theories” and had been cancelled by “fact checkers” is now increasingly being recognized as correct… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane has guest analyst Sasha Latypova with an exclusive first look at Judicial Watch’s FOIA results and the shocking evidence that male fertility has been an intentional target – depopulation through sterilizing the next generation in a stunning two-part interview that also reveals FDA falsification of labeling.