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Maple syrup is one of the many wonders of the world and far more than a simple sweetener. Maple syrup is not only rich in essential nutrients such manganese as well as zinc, but 34 new beneficial compounds discovered just a few years ago have been confirmed to play a key role in human health. Read More  Maple Syrup Does Far More For Your Health Than Just Sweeten Your Food.
“Another threat to our food supplies, besides GMOs. Article also gives tips on what food items you can grow yourself in small spaces. You can read about 5 new high tech ways to grow produce indoors here.”  Admin The practice of dosing livestock with antibiotics combined with putting the same drugs into animal feed is having a profound effect on the soil where the manure is used as fertilizer. We have known for years that antibiotics in livestock has hastened antibiotic resistance but a new study proves just how detrimental the practice can be to our health and our food [More]
“This so called meal (and others like it) is being consumed by who knows how many people because it’s convenient (never mind the dreadful health implications), just pop it into your dangerous microwave then gobble it down. It’s no wonder obesity and poor health are rampant in this country.”  Admin All we did was try to read the ingredients list on the back of this TV dinner. We didn’t realize we would get sucked into a processed food hell time vortex. In this day and age of genetically modified, subsidized, and highly processed food full of chemical additives and synthetic [More]
“This just shows how we are morphing more and more into a totalitarian society bent on controlling dissent.”  Admin What happens to a society when thinking outside of the box or being righteously enraged about your government going in the wrong direction becomes an excuse to be sedated and re-educated? It seems we don’t have to go too far back in history to find out. The Soviet Union used new mental illness for political repression. People who didn’t accept the beliefs of the Communist Party developed a new type of schizophrenia. They suffered from the delusion of believing communism was [More]
“Just more evidence about the link of childhood vaccines to autism”  Admin April 4, 2014 Following a recent study conducted by scientists at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania which revealed that many infant monkeys given standard doses of childhood vaccines as part of the new research, developed autism symptoms, question marks over the ultimate safety of vaccines have come to the fore. The groundbreaking research findings presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) in London, England, have revealed that young macaque monkeys given the typical CDC-recommended vaccination schedule from the 1990s, and in appropriate doses for the monkeys’ [More]
“There has been an explosion in new mental “disorders” created by the psychiatric industry over the last several decades resulting in millions being put on drugs, a bonanza for big medicine and big pharma but at what cost to society.”  Admin Twenty-six years have passed since Prozac, the antidepressant drug, was introduced to the US market and quickly achieved the label of a “wonder drug.” In the decade that followed, other antidepressant drugs including paroxetine (Paxil), sertraline (Zoloft), fluvoxamine (Luvox), and citalopram (Celexa) would be released, creating an entire class of medications known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Since [More]
I have long been a fan of coconut oil as one of the most health promoting of all plant-based fats.I have spent nearly 15 winters in Hawaii where fresh coconuts off the tree are readily available.Coconut oil comes from the “meat” of the coconut.But today, I’d like to share a little information about coconut oil’s best friend: coconut water.If you’ve ever picked up a fresh coconut in the grocery store and shaken it, you’ve heard the liquid sloshing inside—this is coconut water.Both coconut water and coconut milk come from coconuts, but they are not the same thing. Read More  Why [More]
Honey, one of the most incredible non-perishable foods that can kill almost every type of bacteria. It could also be one sweet solution to the serious, ever-growing problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, researchers said. Medical professionals sometimes use honey successfully as a topical dressing, but it could play a larger role in fighting infections, the researchers predicted. Their study was part of the 247th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s largest scientific society. “The unique property of honey lies in its ability to fight infection on multiple levels, making it more difficult for bacteria to [More]
Quick and easy to prepare, these smoothie recipes not only contain a variety of refreshing fruits, they pack monounsaturated fatty acids and probiotics –two ingredients that help mobilize belly fat. The addition of chia seeds helps you feel full for at least an hour, not to mention adding valuable blood sugar benefits. These filling, creamy smoothies are perfect for breakfast, lunch, or a Flat Belly snack. Kefir is a fermented milk drink made with kefir grains. Kefir grains are a combination of bacteria and yeasts in a matrix of proteins and lipids. For this reason, a complex and highly variable [More]
The health benefits of eating dark chocolate have been extolled for centuries, but the exact reason has remained a mystery –– until now. Researchers reported here today that certain bacteria in the stomach gobble the chocolate and ferment it into anti-inflammatory compounds that are good for the heart. Read More  Natural Health News, Natural Remedies and Wellness Tips: Mysterious Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate Discovered.
There are well over 30 commercial producers of honey that have no traces of pollen and lack beneficial vitamins and enzymes among a host of other natural constituents which are removed due to pasteurization and processing. Most golden honey you see at your local grocery is dead and far from the health promoting powerhouse of its raw unpasteurized counterpart. Processed honey is not honey at all and if you desire any kind of health benefits, you must stick to the real stuff. In the U.S., the Food and Drug Administration says that any product that’s been ultra-filtered and no longer [More]
An excellent Gary Null film about the dangers of vaccines and the politics behind them.
“The news just keeps coming on how disastrous GMO crops really are.”  Admin A new study will make it hard for Monsanto, Dow, and DuPont to argue that they aren’t simply desirous of eliminating all of nature, and then – us By Christina Sarich | Natural Society A detailed analysis of species diversity – more plants, animals, and insects – is included in the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Oxford University’s report published in the Journal of Applied Ecology, looking at data from 94 previous studies covering 184 farm sites dating back to 1989. It shows how organic farms support life on planet [More]
Excellent expose on the multi-billion dollar Cancer Industry! Check out this post for more info and links to sites with info on alternative natural treatments. For more info on the heavy handed tactics of the FDA watch this video.
“Another good website to checkout in addition to the ones mentioned in the article  is www.drday.com. It’s the site of Dr. Lorraine Day who cured herself of cancer using natural means. Unfortunately the cancer industry is a hugh business with no real incentive to find any cure.”  Admin If you or someone you love is diagnosed with cancer, it is in your best interest to consider a second opinion away from the mainstream of the cancer industry. Oncologists will insist and even demand your immediate acceptance of surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy. They will frighten you more than you already are with all [More]
“I posted this for informational purposes, use at your own discretion.”  Admin Despite the medical model which relies on pharmaceutical intervention for every known illness, there are well over one hundred common diseases that can be reversed naturally. That’s the difference between treatment for profit and healing for wellness. Arthritis (both rheumatoid and osteo) diabetes (both Type I and Type II), hypertension and cancer are all reversible with proper herbal strategies, nutrition and exercise. Read More  4 Diseases Few Are Aware Can Be Reversed Naturally Without Drugs.
Much of the focus of late has been on the toxicity of the main ingredient in Roundup ‘weedkiller,’ namely, glyphosate. And rightly so: far from being ‘practically non-toxic,’ as advertising copy once bragged,[i] the chemical has recently been shown to exhibit toxicity in the parts-per-trillion concentration range, and is being found literally everywhere: in the water, soil, air, rain and our food. But very little research has been performed on its metabolites and so-called ‘inactive ingredients’ – until now. A new study, published in Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology titled, “The effect of metabolites and impurities of glyphosate on human erythrocytes [More]
Vaccines contain much more than just viruses. They also contain a range of ingredients that may include antibiotics, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate (MSG), bovine fetal tissue, polysorbate and heavy metals like aluminum and the mercury-containing preservative thimerosal. Taking a chance on injecting that cocktail straight into a growing baby’s bloodstream, thus bypassing the majority of the child’s natural immune system and allowing it to go directly into the kid’s tiny developing brain, all to attempt to protect from a disease he or she may never even contract does seem ill-advised at best, and it’s a chance more and more parents are [More]
Strawberries are known to curb cardiovascular disease, cancer, and delay aging. A new study from Italy that supports the heart health benefits of the fruit was published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. It showed that daily consumption of strawberries may improve blood lipid levels and platelet function by a significant margin. Strawberries are an important fruit in the Mediterranean diet because of their high content of essential nutrients and beneficial phytochemicals, which seem to exert beneficial effects in human health. In fact, studies suggest that the high antioxidant levels in strawberries can help neutralize the negative effects of free [More]
Loads of studies over the years have shown that children who were breastfed score higher on IQ tests and perform better in school, but the reason why remained unclear. Is it the mother-baby bonding time, something in the milk itself or some unseen attribute of mothers who breastfeed their babies? It may be a little of both. Breast milk is the most nutritious feed for the baby, protects them against infections and offers various benefits to the mother, including helping to lose the weight gained during pregnancy and reducing the risk of certain cancers. Read More  Study May Show Another [More]
What do regions where a significant percentage of the people live past age 100 have in common? As it turns out, quite a bit. In September 2009, Dan Buettner gave a TED Talk in Saint Paul, Minnesota, focused on finding the answer to that very question. His presentation explored the habits of people living in ‘blue zones,’ areas of the world with the largest number of centenarians (people 100 years old or older). The worldwide winners were Okinawa, Japan, and Sardinia, an island off of the coast of Italy. In the United States, the winning area was Loma Linda, California. [More]
Have you ever heard or spoken the tired line of “single-dom” – but if I don’t get married, I might choke alone and die and no one will ever find me in my apartment until weeks later… But married people choke too – anyone can and they might be alone. The method of running into or bending over a couch arm has worked for people, but it doesn’t seem fail proof when you think of the abdomen clenching up in anticipation. And, what if there is no furniture; what if you are driving; what if you are too weak to [More]
An increasing number of people are moving into urban environments and away from traditional agriculture. As a consequence, those who have a mind for self-sufficiency can find themselves falling short. Storable foods are of course an important part of every emergency prepper’s pantry, but storable foods are not a sound long-term solution that contain optimal nutrition. Even produce from farmers markets and store-bought organic food will lose peak freshness faster than one might imagine. Alanna Ketler from Collective-Evolution explains: Most people do not realize that vegetables will lose about half of their nutrients within the first week of being picked. [More]
“Now it appears we not only have to be concerned about eating GMO foods but also breathing in the toxic chemicals associated with their growing as well! It looks like we are all a part of a giant experiment with as yet unknown and likely serious consequences.”  Admin Thursday, February 20th 2014 at 1:00 pm Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder Roundup Weedkiller Found In 75% of Air and Rain Samples, Gov. Study Finds The GM farming system has made exposure to Roundup herbicide a daily fact of our existence, and according to the latest US Geological Survey study its probably [More]
“The news about GMO health risks just keep piling up.”  Admin The inclusion of genetically modified (GM) plants in the human diet has raised concerns about the transfer of transgenes from GM plants to humans. Contrary to the claims by biotech giants such as Monsanto, a report in PLOS One shows that that meal-derived DNA fragments are large enough to carry complete genes as they enter the human circulatory system. In some of the human samples studied the relative concentration of plant DNA was higher than the human DNA. The potential effects of horizontal gene transfer on human health have [More]
“I learned long ago to take with a grain of salt any comments by the “medical establishment” as to the value of nutritional supplements. You’ll see in this article how they used the results of a ridiculous study to try and discredit Vit D supplements while ignoring tons of research documenting its importance. Take charge of your health, do your own research and don’t let some authority figure flimflam you with bogus information.”  Admin Last November, researchers at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research1 declared that vitamin supplements are probably useless when it comes to preventing heart disease and/or [More]
“Excellent article on the importance of Vit K2 and the crucial role it plays in helping transport Calcium properly in the body. Since reading this I will be incorporating K2 in the supplements I take.”  Admin Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin most well known for the important role it plays in blood clotting. However, many do not realize that there are different kinds of vitamin K, and they are completely different. The health benefits of vitamin K2 go far beyond blood clotting, which is done by vitamin K1, and vitamin K2 also works synergistically with a number of other [More]