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The bodily process of digestion and absorption is one of the most important to our health. Hippocrates made this statement over two thousand years ago and it is truer today than ever. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola In today’s world it’s harder than ever to keep your weight under control, as evidenced by the fact that two-thirds of American adults and one-third of children and teens are either overweight or obese.1 Weight management is a concern for most people, and many struggle to determine what they’re doing wrong. Even exercising regularly can fail to make a dent for some people. It is important to understand that while exercise is certainly part of the formula for success, the foods you choose to eat are three times more important for controlling your weight [More]
By Connie Rogers In the year 2000 Melanoma Risk was was one in 75 persons, today it’s one in 50. There are about 80,000 new melanomas a year, adding to this growing challenge.(1) Most people are not even aware that everyday habits may bring them closer to Melanoma Risk. Our Risk for Melanoma Increases When…. 1-When we take common photo-toxic drugs or use fragrances and then go into the sun, we increase our risk for Melanoma. These can include Antibiotics, Diuretics, Ibuprofen, Diltiazem for HBP and Accutane for acne.(1) 2-A daily diet of mostly processed foods can cause a pro-inflammatory [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) here. 4. Regular waterings will prevent plant stress. Having an irrigation system in place with a timer will be less work for you and will ensure your plants are getting a balanced amount of moisture at each watering. This also will help you not over-water your plants which can be just as bad as not watering at all. 5. Protect the roots with mulch. Mulching the roots is a trade secret many successful gardeners use to protect the plant’s delicate root structures and prevent weeds from growing. You can use fallen leaves, …read more Read more here: [More]
If you’re worried about your child contracting measles, whooping cough or one of the other scary-sounding infectious diseases being hyped up by the mainstream media right now, you might want to steer clear of recently vaccinated children rather than the unvaccinated. What you’re not being told by the corporate media is that attenuated vaccines like MMR, the proposed solution to the contrived Disneyland measles outbreak, shed live viruses for weeks or even months following vaccination, spreading vaccine-strain infections to others. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated children alike are at risk from recently vaccinated children, who are walking disease carriers spreading viruses [More]
By Barbara Minton Is there a link between soda pop consumption and obesity? Sure there is, but that’s just the beginning of the story. If the threat of obesity isn’t enough to make you put down that Coke or Pepsi, here are 6 other health threats you might want to consider. 1. The Chemical Used to Create the Caramel Color of Colas is Carcinogenic Cola makers would like you to believe their caramel color comes from real burnt sugar, the way it did several decades ago. But in fact the color comes from 4-methylimidazole (4–MEI), a chemical produced by reacting [More]
By Angela Smith Despite being very careful around the house, your mother recently suffered a fall and incurred a broken arm. Since your father is no longer around to look after her, you’ve found yourself at a loss regarding temporary care options. While incredibly inconvenient, her injury doesn’t warrant a lengthy hospital stay or taking up permanent residence at a retirement home. Still, she shouldn’t be left to fend for herself throughout the recovery process. After all, she had enough trouble getting before her injury – and a broken arm is guaranteed to make the problem worse. Fortunately, there are [More]
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic medical condition that affects joints of your feet and hands causing severe pain, swelling and in a few cases permanent disabilities. In Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the immune system of your body attacks joints that causes inflammation and destroys joints along with other organs of your body. There is natural relief. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Pilai If you’re anything like me, you love eating bananas. It has been revealed that there are problems that bananas can fix better than pills. Eating banana not even tasty in fact very vital for our health.It contains vitamins,protein and many other nutrients in a abundant quantity, its has thiamin, riboflavin, neocin, and folic acid which is the main source of energy in banana. In recent studies it is found that eating banana not even good for health in fact it also increase our body fairness. It increase our body strength, also control women periods problem’s by keeping them [More]
By Sandeep Godiyal Mercury is a natural element, but unlike some elements, it is of absolutely no benefit to the body; on the contrary, mercury can be harmful in a number of important ways and can interfere with several bodily systems. There are many ways in which people are exposed to mercury, including through some dental procedures, seafood consumption, and exposure to a variety of agriculture pesticides. It can also be found frequently in the drinking water. What is especially concerning is that when children are exposed to mercury as they are growing, this exposure can have a long-lasting impact [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum Researchers saw evidence only in first 3 years of disease, findings could lead to early test By Dennis ThompsonHealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, Feb. 27, 2015 (HealthDay News) — Chronic fatigue syndrome appears to be linked to specific changes in a person’s immune system, particularly increased amounts of chemical messengers that regulate immune responses, researchers report. The study adds to growing evidence that chronic fatigue syndrome is caused by a malfunctioning immune system, said lead author Dr. Mady Hornig. She is director of Translational Research at the Jerome L. and Dawn Greene Infectious Disease Laboratory at [More]
At the edge of the Pacific, women believe they’re part of an unexplained breast cancer cluster. It’s a fear created by media hype and medical researchers who should know better. Since the ’90s, the San Francisco Chronicle has published a steady stream of articles claiming the affluent, mostly white women of Marin have the highest rate of breast cancer in the country, as much as 35 percent higher than the national average. A new documentary plans to dispel the myths. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Christina Sarich You voted with your dollar. You spoke out on social media. You educated your co-workers who were eating a junk-food diet. Thanks to this influence, organic food sales are exploding, so one of the largest retailers in the US is ‘doubling down’ their investment in organic and sustainable products. Target’s initiative is called ‘Made to Matter,’ and it will nearly double the number of sustainable and organic products it sells. The chain has already included an exclusive collection of 16 brands and over 100 individual products that were introduced last year – ranging from bleach-free diapers to [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By LEVI QUACKENBOSS Not all of the diseases we vaccinate children for are serious or appropriate. Many of them are a matter of inconvenience and some are for manufactured epidemics: Hep B, HPV, chickenpox, flu. This isn’t to minimize the rare adult or child death from chickenpox but that number is 1/40th of the deaths from vaccine-induced SIDS. Immunity from vaccines doesn’t last forever. Most adults would be considered “unvaccinated” today for everything but the viral diseases they naturally acquired. Even if you buy into the theory of herd immunity, most of our …read more Read more [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola For the past half century, cholesterol has been touted as a grave health hazard, and dietary fat and cholesterol have been portrayed as being among the “deadliest” foods you could possibly eat. This may finally change, as limitations for cholesterol will likely be removed from the 2015 edition of Dietary Guidelines for Americans. It’s about time really, as 60 years’ worth of research has utterly failed to demonstrate a correlation between high cholesterol and heart disease. Not only does undamaged natural cholesterol not cause heart disease, it is actually one of the most important [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) by Catherine J. Frompovich What is biochemistry? According to the Medical Dictionary at The Free Dictionary by Farlex, it is The study of the chemical substances AND vital processes occurring in living organisms. [CJF emphasis added] The chemical composition of a particular living system or biological substance. [1] That definition defines, in this writer’s opinion, only half of what the pharmaceutical-vaccine-medical paradigm not only considers, i.e., study of chemical substances, but apparently ignores: chemical physiological impacts that occur in living organisms, i.e., humans, and infants and toddlers, in particular. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have so many iatrogenic [caused [More]
By admin by E.C. LaMeaux – Gaiam Life If you’ve heard that laughter is the best medicine for stress, you’ve heard the truth! It can be stronger than any over-the-counter aid you might take to beat your stress. In fact, the Mayo Clinic notes that laughter actually produces physical responses that are designed to take your stress away. Here’s more of what […] The post Laughter Is The Best Medicine For Stress appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Read more here: undergroundhealth.com     
By Brock Schilling So we all know how important it is to drink plenty of water every day, but let’s face it – water can get boring. There are plenty of flavored water varieties available, but the problem is that most water alternatives contain additives, sweeteners, dyes, and other chemicals. Why not enhance your water naturally? Something as simple as adding a few natural ingredients to your water can not only change up the flavor, but with the right additions – your water can even help flatten your stomach. The following recipe takes the power of lemons, cucumbers, ginger, and [More]
Some smoothies are made to taste great. Others have a combination of antioxidants that can really benefit our health. This smoothie has both. It has a superb taste and combines four important ingredients known to have an effect not just on weight loss, but more importantly fat loss. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) Image By Rachel Pontillo/Lauri Shea, LE, Holistically Haute Have you ever noticed dry, rough, sometimes red, tiny bumps on the backs of your arms, thighs, knees, or buttocks? You scrub, and moisturize regularly, but they still don’t go away? In today’s post, guest author and licensed aesthetician Lauri Shea, LE shares her insight and personal experience in managing Keratosis Pilaris (KP)–also commonly referred to as “chicken skin”–and then shares a simple, yet effective DIY recipe you can try to help improve the appearance of this condition. At the end, I’ll give some additional holistic measures …read more [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) Tony Cartalucci, LocalOrg When money and power are involved, those standing to gain the most will say and do anything to push their agenda forward. Five centuries ago, saying and doing anything involved exploiting people’s superstitions and their faith in religion. Today, saying and doing anything means also exploiting science. Science, engineering, and design are amongst our most practical and effective tools to make real and meaningful change. But because they are so powerful and appealing, the potential for their abuse in the wrong hands is immense. Compounding this is the naivety of those who are fascinated [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Daisy Luther There’s a big movement towards frugality afoot these days. It probably has something to do with our declining economy, record unemployment levels, and the increasing price of food, but only the wisest families are paying attention to these things. The rest of the folks are blithely going on as they always have, wondering why on earth they keep spending more money each week at the store. If you are just beginning to move towards a thriftier lifestyle, you might be looking at the big picture. You could be asking yourself things …read more Read [More]
By Christina Sarich If you’ve understandably compared airplane food to tasteless cardboard, you’ve at least been eating cuisine that wasn’t contaminated with radiation. Now, Nippon Airways Co. Ltd. (NAC) will be serving their customers in the friendly skies ‘Fukushima food.’ From this March until May, they will feature food from the Fukushima prefecture, part of a marketing campaign that was meant to highlight food from all over Japan. In their internationally-connecting lounges, NAC will serve Fukushima peaches, tomatoes, and beef, as well as 12 kinds of rice wine. A local newspaper reported Fukushima tomato will also be served for in-flight [More]
By Brock Schilling Believe it or not, monarch butterflies are in serious danger of going extinct. So much so, that they are a candidate for becoming listed as an endangered species by the Endangered Species Act. According to scientist the monarch population is only 10 percent of what it was 25 years ago. The number one culprit for the demise of monarchs? Genetically Modified Foods. GMO crops are designed to be resistant to herbicides like Monsanto’s Roundup which kill off the monarch’s sole food source: milkweed. It’s estimated that GMO crops are responsible for destroying almost 80% of the natural [More]
By Linda Easthouse Did you know I can tell what is going on in your heart by what is happening in your shoulders? The medical world wants you to check your cholesterol and take Statin meds for it. Then check your blood pressure and take more meds for that…. But you and I both know that you can’t medicate your way out of something that you ate your way into and you can’t ignore your way out of what you worried and feared yourself into. When I think of heart problems I want to know the root cause. For heart [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist Post) By Aaron Dykes A report from Baker Creek Heirloom Rare Seed’s catalog explains how the genetic engineering of crops is having real life consequences for business, as well as food security. Just from the perspective of a medium sized business, Baker Creek and its partners in the seed industry have lost literally hundreds of thousands of dollars as a result of GMO corn contamination. Baker Creek began testing their Heirloom corn varieties for GMO contamination, and found that more than 50% of their more than a dozen varieties were contaminated. Those varieties, most of which were [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By The Edgy Truth With so many diets taunting our Facebook feeds, it can be incredibly difficult to ingest it all (pun intended). The fact is, most diets fall somewhere between two extremes: Vegan or Paleo. With one focused on low glycemic vegetable, fruit and starch loads and the other focused on heavy protein and sometimes even heavier fat intake. The line between Vegan and Paleo can of course sometimes be contentious as ethical and even environmental debates spawn. However, those aside and simply focused on health, Dr. Mark Hyman, one of the more respected nutrition Docs [More]