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By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Heather Callaghan The main character in the movie Idiocracy goes to the hospital of the future and tries to tell the clerk about his problem. She apathetically scans her finger over a bunch of picture buttons that indicate a medical problem – she doesn’t have to think. Imagine if everything was even further reduced from Idiocracy into nothing but basic colors and shapes. It would almost be like shopping with Big Bird as your guide. “Should food products be labeled with traffic light symbols to make health-related information on ingredients easier to understand?” Apparently, this very [More]
By Debi Elison-Warsat When you listen to music, multiple areas of the brain become engaged and active. But, when you actually play an instrument it becomes a full body brain workout! “Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.” It has the ability to increase the capacity of your memory, refine your time management and organizational skills, enhances coordination and betters your mathematical ability among other things. Virtual fireworks go off in a musician’s brain! Here is a video that examines the long-term positive effects of this mental workout, and it is positively fascinating! Sources: http://www.brainpickings.org/2015/01/29/music-brain-ted-ed/ [More]
By Mike Barrett How far does the fraud and contamination of our country’s products go? The list is seemingly endless. Recently adding on to the list, mega-company Johnson and Johnson was recently found out to be knowingly selling adulterated bottles of Tylenol that contain metal particles. The makers of this children’s Tylenol seemed to think it was OK to pollute our nation’s children – even if it meant a federal criminal charge. Johnson & Johnson subsidiary McNeil Consumer Healthcare ? which makes Infants’ and Children’s Tylenol and Children’s Motrin ? agreed to pay $25 million to resolve the case, the [More]
By Debi Elison-Warsat Have you ever thought about animals? I mean what would happen if animals decided to treat us the way that we treat them? These powerful “cartoons” show animals playing the human role, a reversal that will make you cringe. Have you ever considered yourself to be in the same position? We as humans often times seem to see ourselves as dominant to animals, when in reality they are very much equal to ourselves! How would you like to be a rug on someone else’s floor? Or what about as a leather bag for a fashion piece? Maybe [More]
By greenmedinfo The HPV Vaccine The HPV vaccine continues to be a hotly debated issue. Robert Scott Bell, popular radio host and homeopathic practitioner, discusses the theory behind the HPV vaccine and whether or not he thinks it’s safe. Contributor(s): Bell, Robert D.A. Hom. Source: iHealthTube Image Copyright: / 123RF Stock Photo The post Hear Why He Calls The HPV Vaccine a Crime Against Kids! appeared first on GreenMedTV. read more …read more Read more here: Green Med info     
By Christina Sarich With radiation exposure from medical practices such as mammograms,and cancer treatments, as well as that which is being leaked from sites like Fukushima, it becomes more important than ever to educate ourselves about natural ways to protect against radiation exposure. Fortunately, iodine has been shown to protect the important glands of the endocrine system from radiation toxicity, namely the thyroid. The Iodine Solution and Why it’s Important The triple meltdown that happened just a year ago, which still dumps millions of gallons of radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean, could be small potatoes in comparison to the [More]
By admin by Christina Sarich – Natural Society Pepsi One and Diet Pepsi drinkers lost a battle against the GMO supporting company, Pepsi Co, recently when a federal judge dismissed a class action lawsuit over the carcinogenic additive, 4-methylimidazole (4-MeI) found within the beverages. The substance 4-MeI is a byproduct of caramel coloring, and it has been proven to cause cancer […] The post Pepsi To Keep Using Carcinogen (4-MeI) In Soda appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Read more here: undergroundhealth.com     
Health experts around the world recommend people incorporate these 6 seeds in their diets. Whether you sprinkle these over your breakfast cereal or have them as a health boosting snack, you can’t go wrong with seeds. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Odette Pollar In an economic downturn, people with jobs naturally feel cautious about complaining that they have too much work. If financial difficulties have led to layoffs at your job, you may find yourself picking up additional duties. With this in mind, what should you do when you find yourself overworked but nervous about negotiating a more reasonable and realistic work load with your boss? Is it safer to grin and bear it than complain? Don’t be a martyr. You can negotiate a realistic work load without getting fired. With jobs changing so quickly, renegotiating your [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By greenmedinfo Benefits of Cat’s Claw Chris Kilham, the Medicine Hunter, discusses how the herb cat’s claw can have an anti-inflammatory effect and also benefits immunity. He explains how cat’s claw still isn’t well known because it’s not a prescription and can’t be patented. Contributor(s): Kilham, Chris Source: iHealthTube Image Copyright: / 123RF Stock Photo The post This Herb Can Be a Safer, More Effective Anti-Inflammatory appeared first on GreenMedTV. read more …read more Read more here: Green Med info     
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) Natural Blaze Sad movies are fattening People watching tearjerkers eat 28-55 percent more Sad movies are bad news for diets. A newly reported study from the Cornell Food and Brand Lab showed movie-goers watching tearjerkers ate between 28% and 55% more popcorn both in the lab and in a mall theater during the Thanksgiving holiday. According to findings published in a JAMA Internal Medicine research letter, movie goers ate 28% more popcorn (125 versus 98 grams) when watching the tragedy Love Story than when watching the comedy Sweet Home Alabama. Dumpster diving analyses of discarded mall movie [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Tess Pennington, Ready Nutrition From a sustainability standpoint, herbs are one of the easiest plants to produce. Many of the herbs we grow are perennials and will produce for many years. Drying herbs is a great way to save money and use for cooking or to enjoy for aromatherapy needs. That said, we haven’t completely put these perennials to their full potential. Harvesting Your Tea Growing your own tea blends is almost effortless. Many herbs prefer to be on the “dry” side during the growing season, so you can skip a few waterings and they will [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) by Catherine J. Frompovich Just WHAT are the facts regarding measles? readers may be asking. Fact – There are 23 strains/genotypes of measles: “The WHO [World Health Organization] currently recognizes 8 clades, designated A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. Within these clades there are 23 recognized genotypes, designated A, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, E, F, G1, G2, G3, H1, and H2, and 1 provisional genotype, d11.” [1] Which strain/genotype of measles is in the MMR vaccine? Fact – According to the MMRII vaccine [More]
“By his actions the man just proves himself to be a brazen liar with no conscience.”  Admin A lobbyist and public relations consultant for the pesticide industry refused to drink a glass of Monsanto’s weed killer “Roundup” after labeling the substance safe to drink. Discussing the United Nations’ recent classification of Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, as a likely carcinogen, Dr. Patrick Moore shot down an offer to drink a glass of the herbicide after initially telling a French filmmaker that humans could “drink a whole quart of it” without seeing any harmful effects. “You want to drink some?” [More]
By Tina Hoffman Everyone wants to make the best decisions and ensure that they purchase healthy and safe food products. Especially, when it comes to meat, poultry and dairy products. Surely, the growing number of different labels such as “Organic”, ”Natural” and “Hormone Free” have been noticed, and it is clear that not all meat and dairy products are created equal. How do we know which one is better; organic or natural? They both sound like good options. Below is a list of the most common labels and what they actually mean in terms of animal diet and welfare. Natural [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Seeds represent the foundation of life. We depend on them for food, for medicine and for our very survival. In many ways, you can trace the underpinnings of any given culture through the heritage of their crops and seeds. It wasn’t long ago when seeds were mostly the concern of farmers who, as the Worldwatch Institute put it, “were the seed producers and the guardians of societies’ crop heritage.”1 But this is no longer the case. Once considered to be the property of all, like water or even air, seeds have become largely …read [More]
By Barbara Minton Extra virgin olive oil has become fashionable in health circles because it’s the predominant fat used in the Mediterranean diet, a diet shown to reduce risk of death for all causes. Italian extra virgin olive oil is considered the best, and it is the most highly sought. The only thing bothersome here is the fact that when you buy a bottle of Italian extra virgin olive oil, you may not get what you think you are getting, because olive oil tops the list for agricultural fraud. An intergovernmental organization known as the International Olive Council (IOC) based [More]
By greenmedinfo FDA Corruption Constitutional Attorney, Jonathan Emord discusses how corruption within the Food and Drug Administration results in unsafe pharmaceutical drugs becoming available to the public. Few know that the FDA does not do any testing of the drugs, of which it approves; it relies entirely on the testing done by the advocates presenting their products for approval, which is done entirely with self-interest and in conflict of interest. On at least one […] The post FDA Corruption – Unsafe Pharmaceutical Drugs Available to Public appeared first on GreenMedTV. read more …read more Read more here: Green Med info [More]
By christina.england@btinternet.com Originally published at The Liberty Beacon If the allegations are true, this is one of the biggest stories of our time. Did the WHO try to sterilize Kenyan women of reproductive age by slipping into tetanus vaccines a hormone with anti-fertility effects and then try to cover it up? read more …read more Read more here: Green Med info     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Your body is a complex ecosystem made up of more than 100 trillion microbes that must be properly balanced and cared for you to achieve optimal health. This system of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa living on your skin and in your mouth, nose, throat, lungs, gut, and urogenital tract is referred to as the “human microbiome.” It varies from person to person based on factors such as diet, health history, geographic location, and even ancestry. When your microbiome falls out of balance, you can become ill. Those organisms perform a multitude of functions [More]
By Debi Elison-Warsat Everything is toxic the food we eat, the air we breathe, the beauty products we use, and even the chemicals on our produce our world is toxic. All of the outside contaminations cause our bodies to create mucous or fatty tissue to avoid an immune feedback from occurring, or in other words the fat stores the toxins. This is a straightforward method to begin the fat burning process. It is something you can make in your own home, with no added chemicals and it is affordable as well! This is the morning elixir. Ingredients: 2 Cups room [More]
By Christina Sarich There’s Big Pharma, Big Ag, and now Big Sugar – all industries too sweet on the smell of money to be truthful about their products to the public. New information has come forth that proves the sugar industry knew their products would cause dental and health issues since the 1950’s, but they worked with our government agencies (cigarette-ad-campaign-style) to make sure we wouldn’t know the true damage sugar could cause until we were all addicted. Internal documents exchanged between a sugar industry trade association, representing 30 international sugar manufacturers and our government, prove that sugar companies knew [More]
By Michelle Bosmier It’s pretty safe to say that nearly everyone has heard about the health-boosting benefits of smoothies, but what doesn’t get a lot of press is how they can provide you with the essential fiber your body needs to keep the plumbing clean and efficient! Naturally, a diet high in fiber-rich foods is the ideal goal (for example, fresh fruits, veggies, grains), but in a pinch – or even if you just love them – smoothies are a fabulous way to get your daily dose of fiber in! Speaking of daily dose, women should aim for 21 to [More]
By Herw According to researchers with Thailand’s Chulalongkorn University, the ancient mulberry leaf can not only lessen arterial inflammation, but can lower both triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein levels as well. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, killing about 600,000 people each year. Poor diets, lack of physical exercise, and also exposure to environmental toxins are key factors in heart disease risk. But what if some of the physical risk factors for cardiovascular disease could be reduced significantly by something as unassuming as mulberry leaf? That’s just what some recent research has found. The researchers [More]