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By Christina Sarich A new study from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) predicts fifty percent more women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in the next few decades, with more than 441,000 new cases expected in the US by 2030. The study points to an aging population as the reason why we can expect such a dramatic leap in breast cancer cases, but is that the real reason why women’s health is increasingly in jeopardy? While women have begun literally removing ovaries and breasts from their bodies, as Angelina Jolie is now famous for, the real cancer-causing culprits continue to [More]
By Christina Sarich Want to know a newly found secret for living a long and healthy life? Apparently it applies regardless of your age, gender, or ethnicity. The riddle of good health is solved in part with a simple formula, which predicts how many years of someone’s life will be lost to obesity. According to recent research, the key to longevity is having a waist size that is no more than half your height. Here’s how you work out the formula for better health: 1. Measure the waist (circumference between the lowest rib and hip bone, around your middle), making [More]
By Christina Sarich What does the US Environmental Protection Agency do when it has to save face over the claim that “glyphosate is completely safe” when even the World Health Organization admits what many have known all along – that Roundup/glyphosate probably causes cancer? The EPA will simply place the blame on farmers. That’s right, you suspected all along about cancer, but what about those 32 species of Roundup-resistant weeds that have cropped up all over the US? Farmers will now be required by the EPA to take part in stewardship programs similar to those already imposed on Agent Orange [More]
By Christina Sarich The overuse of antibiotics is destroying our gut bacteria. Not only do antibiotics cause depleted immunity, but since the gut is often referred to as our second brain, they are also seriously affecting our mental health. Only now is the mainstream media admitting this. Natural Society talked about the link between antibiotics and mental illness back in 2011 – and the mainstream press completely ignored the study that was published in the popular journal Nature. The study revealed that antibiotics are permanently destroying beneficial bacteria within the gut, a condition scientists link to mental illness. Apparently the [More]
By David Benjamin Source: 6 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Take A Shot Of Apple Cider Vinegar Daily For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by DAVID BENJAMIN We’ve all heard about the amazing health benefits of apple cider vinegar (acv) right? but we forget to take it or how to use it. Most people add a little bit to the top of their salad when they remember but that’s about it. There are so many health benefits from apple [&hellip Source: 6 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Take A Shot Of Apple …read [More]
By Cody TM Source: How To Make The Ultimate Survival Super-Food, Pemmican For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by CODY TM This protein packed super food was invented by the natives of North America. Indian scouts as well as early western explorers used pemmican for when they had to travel a long ways away and needed something substantial and sturdy enough to last them for their long adventures. Pemmican is light, compact, high [&hellip Source: How To Make The Ultimate Survival Super-Food, Pemmican Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
“Personally I’ve found taking a 1mg melatonin sub-lingual tablet about an hour before bed to be quite helpful in getting to sleep and for over a decade I’ve had a memory foam mattress topper on my bed that has made a hugh difference in sleep comfort.”  Admin As you continue to develop good health habits to improve the quality of your sleep, consider adopting good sleep hygiene. Sleep hygiene simply refers to the practices that promote continuous and effective sleep. Another way to look at it is this: Sleep hygiene is simply establishing healthy sleep habits. There are 25 good [More]
One of the most important things anyone can do to improve their health is take a probiotic. Probiotics help restore the proper balance in one of the most crucial parts of our body … many health experts say THE most crucial part of the body: the gut. Only recently have doctors discovered that a staggering 85 percent of our health problems originate in our gut, also known as intestines. Likewise, 70 percent of our immune system is in our intestines. Shocking! This is actually a good news/bad news scenario in that the good news is establishing good gut health is [More]
By REALdeal Source: DIY: How To Build Your Own Solar Powered Generator For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by IAN CROSSLAND Did you know that by acquiring the right pieces, you can simply put together a solar powered battery that can charge appliances and run your electronics for hours? It’s not as complex as it seems; there are four main pieces that are easily wired together. This infographic from Rapid Online explains what you [&hellip Source: DIY: How To Build Your Own Solar Powered Generator Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Nearly 40 percent of Americans report overeating or eating unhealthy foods as a result of stress.1 While it may seem tempting to drown your anxiety in a bowl of ice cream or calm your nerves with a bag of chips… eating junk foods while stressed may be particularly dangerous to your health. Among a group of chronically stressed women (those caring for a spouse or parent with dementia), eating foods high in unhealthy fats and sugar lead to concerning health effects, including a larger waistline, increased abdominal fat, more oxidative damage, and more insulin [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Clifton B. Parker Passion, dedication and persistence count the most when children are cultivating their intelligence and talents, a Stanford scholar says. Carol Dweck, a Stanford psychology professor, said that when children are praised for the process they engage in – hard work, strategies, focus, persistence – they become better learners. The Stanford News Service recently interviewed Dweck on this topic: What types of praise works with children? Our research shows that children who are praised for their intelligence or talents are not more motivated learners. In fact, when children are praised for their intelligence or [More]
By Der ian Do you need a heater for your home or garage, maybe you just want to save energy on the heater you have? Now, there is a new way to build your own solar panel for heating that will not cost you much at all. As most people know heating a home in the winter can […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
By REALdeal Source: Eight Common Diseases Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by JONATHAN BENSON The cure for some of the most common and debilitating health conditions today may be as elemental as simply correcting a nutrient deficiency that plagues millions of Westerners: Vitamin D deficiency. Here are eight common diseases that have been scientifically linked to a chronic lack of vitamin D: 1) Asthma. Though a [&hellip Source: Eight Common Diseases Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Der ian It is very important to keep your blood sugar at a healthy level. Keeping your blood sugar at healthy levels can protect you from health problems such as diabetes, stroke, blindness, and even heart attack. The following foods can keep your blood sugar at a good level or lower your blood sugar when it is […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
By Der ian Millions of people get sore throats every year. It is considered the most common illness in the world. Someone can get a sore throat by simply eating or drinking something cold, but the truth is sometimes there is an underlying health problem. Before you go to the doctor and spend a lot of money, try these […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Recent research1 reveals that you have more than one biological clock in your body. As it turns out, virtually every organ in your body has its own clock or circadian rhythm, and in order to keep them all in sync, you need to keep a regular waking and sleeping schedule that is linked to the rising and setting of the sun. When your sleep schedule is erratic, a cascade of effects can occur, raising your blood pressure, altering hunger hormones, and disrupting your blood sugar control, for example. Chronic sleep disruptions also promote metabolic [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) New research in The FASEB Journal suggests that the neonicotinoid class of pesticides do not kill bees but impair their brain function to disturb learning, blunt food gathering skills and harm reproduction In research report published in the May 2015 issue of The FASEB Journal, scientists report that a particular class of pesticides called “neonicotinoids” wreaks havoc on the bee populations, ultimately putting some crops that rely on pollination in jeopardy. Specifically, these pesticides kill bee brain cells, rendering them unable to learn, gather food and reproduce. The report, however, …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze [More]
Europe faces an obesity crisis of “enormous proportions” as unhealthy diets and physical inactivity inflate waistlines and health costs, the World Health Organization claimed Wednesday. Nearly all adults in Ireland — one of Europe’s fattest nations — will be overweight by 2030, the European Congress on Obesity in Prague was told. “Even in countries with a traditionally lower prevalence of obesity such as Sweden, obesity rates are predicted to rise sharply,” said a statement issued by congress organisers. “The data highlight a serious problem for many countries.” The ballooning burden of overweight and obesity, a preventable condition mainly caused by [More]
Jeffrey Smith, the world’s leading expert and best-selling author on the health risks of genetically modified organisms in food (GMOs) interviews Dr. Jack Heinemann.
In October 2000, Jerry Rosman, an Iowa farmer, noticed a problem with his hogs. During breeding, the female sows exhibited all signs of pregnancy, yet when the time came to deliver nothing happened, a phenomenon called “pseudopregnancy.” Over the next year, the breeding rates in Rosman’s sow herd plummeted 80 percent. Rosman eventually traced the problem back to his feed, which was genetically modified Bt corn. Laboratory tests revealed that the corn contained high levels of Fusarium, a fungal pathogen that can produce mycotoxins, which can enter the food chain and negatively affect human and animal health. Rosman wasn’t the [More]
By Cody TM Source: 16 Gardening Tricks That Every Gardener Should Know About For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by CODY TM With the new season of gardening among us, there are multiple beginners just starting to grow their first plants. Gardening can seem complicated at times, but luckily, there are an abundance of tricks and tips to help you get started! 1. Homemade Weed Killer To create your own weed killer, the recipe [&hellip Source: 16 Gardening Tricks That Every Gardener Should Know About Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola The idea that saturated fat is bad for your heart and should be avoided to prevent heart disease is misguided to say the least. There’s no telling how many people have been harmed by this dangerous advice, as scientific evidence shows that a lack of healthy fat actually increases your cardiovascular health risks, but the number is likely significant. Adding insult to injury, cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) have become the go-to “preventive medicine,” despite ever-mounting evidence showing that these drugs can do far more harm than good as well. Taken together, a low-fat diet and [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Heather Callaghan Back in March on one of the “friday the 13ths” this year, Scott Teeters on Far Out Radio and I hashed out some hot topics that are ongoing today. We covered a lot and kept a positive beat. First, there was some shop talk about blogging and vlogging, but then we quickly touched on a variety of health freedom topics described below. Do you know how to have water that’s free from fluoride? After talking about a few posts, we critiqued the vaccine/GMO documentary called Bought. Did you know about a <a class="colorbox" href="http://www.activistpost.com/2015/03/study-new-gm-soybean-oil-and-non-gmo.html" [More]
By Christina Sarich We all know that biotech likes to spew lies about their products like a fire hydrant left on to overflow into the street. Well talk about genetically modified Golden Rice is no different. Fortunately, farmers from the Philippines are rejecting this environmentally irresponsible crop because, “they have plenty of other solutions for Vitamin A deficiency.” Golden Rice has gotten a lot of hype. Biotech tries to sell it as a miracle cure for blindness due to a genetically altered augmentation of beta-carotene (Vitamin A) within the plant. It is often used as a Trojan Horse to force [More]
By REALdeal Source: Popular Olive Oil Brand Sued For Selling Fake Product Cut With Cheap Fillers For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by JONATHAN BENSON You’ve probably seen them at the grocery store: those ubiquitous, clear bottles of so-called olive oil that contain a strange, yellowish substance branded as “extra virgin.” One of the largest purveyors of this anomalous oil is the subject of a new lawsuit alleging that its products are not, in fact, real extra-virgin [&hellip Source: Popular Olive Oil Brand Sued For Selling Fake Product Cut With Cheap Fillers Learn more at <a class="colorbox" rel="nofollow" …read [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) here Tess Pennington is the author of …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By REALdeal Source: Pain Management: 7 Herbs For Chronic Back Pain Relief For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by JEERY PARK Are you plagued with back pain? Are you the Weekend Warrior who wakes up on Monday morning with back pain or tightness? Would you rather avoid costly and sometimes dangerous prescription drugs? Back pain can make your life a misery. You can’t concentrate on your job, your personal life is affected and [&hellip Source: Pain Management: 7 Herbs For Chronic Back Pain Relief Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com [More]