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By Anna McPhee There are many types of mushrooms that offer lots of health benefits, following are the most common eight types of mushrooms and what they can do for your health: 1.White mushrooms are high in selenium which not only aids weight loss but is showing to have positive effects on prostate cancer. 2.Shiitake is an excellent source of vitamin D and fighting infection. 3.Reishi has the following properties: anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal. 4.Maitake mushrooms for breast cancer- A half of a cup per day of maitake mushrooms is said to be able to sweep the system, [More]
By drdach Originally published on Jeffrey Dach MD. Aged garlic shows promising effects on reducing elevated coronary calcium scores while also acting as a gut-friendly antimicrobial. read more …read more Read more here: Green Med info     
By Shelby Hall People go through a tremendous amount of pain when they or someone they care about is diagnosed with cancer. Cancer is a very common thing nowadays. We are knowingly exposed to way too many different dangerous chemicals on our foods, in our water, even when we buy a new car! What is so wrong with […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola I’m very excited to be partnering with an organization named CATIS-Mexico. CATIS-Mexico is a non-profit organization based in San Miguel de Allende, in Guanajuato State, in central Mexico. CATIS-Mexico’s mission is to work in partnership with economically limited communities to improve the lives of the people in these communities, and to help develop their health, economies, and sustainability of the environment by providing training and technical assistance. The Independence Watershed, in Guanajuato State in the heart of Mexico, has struggled for decades due to overexploitation and pollution. The region began drilling and extracting water [More]
By Shelby Hall Do you consume too much sugar? Sometimes it can be hard to cut back on sugar, sugar his highly addictive. Do you crave sweet things specific times during your day? As children, our parents would reward us with sweets, and this makes us associate them with something good. Dessert foods have always been a way […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
By REALdeal Source: No Naturally Occurring Fluoride Is Added To Drinking Water. See What’s Really Added… For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ARJUN WALIA The resistance against water fluoridation might be a different story if the naturally occurring element of fluoride was added to our water. Fluoride is found in all natural waters, levels can be very high in groundwater, depending on a number of factors, such as the types of rocks and minerals of that region. [&hellip Source: No Naturally Occurring Fluoride Is Added To Drinking Water. See What’s Really Added… Learn more at <a class="colorbox" …read [More]
By Andrew Egg shells are one of those things usually end up in the the garbage. Well I’m here today to tell you to NEVER toss them away again! They are like gold! I am always trying to find ways to waste less and reuse what I already have. Egg shells fit right into that category. Egg shells are full of calcium! Each medium sized egg shell has about 750-800 mgs of calcium plus magnesium, iron, manganese, sulphur, phosphorus,silicon, gelatin, collagen and zinc. That’s only a few of them; egg shells contain 27 microelements that are able to be absorbed [More]
By Jesse Herman Source: The Coolest Raised Bed Design Out There: Building A Keyhole Garden For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by J HERMAN Anybody who’s ever grown vegetables in a raised bed garden knows how awesome they are at producing an incredible yield that eclipses that of a traditional garden. But no matter how productive your design has been, chances are that it’s not as productive as the one I’m about to share with you. What’s [&hellip Source: The Coolest Raised Bed Design Out There: Building A Keyhole Garden Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy …read more Read [More]
By By Jennifer Lilley (NaturalNews) It’s no secret that, compared to many parts of Europe, the United States is seriously lacking when it comes to protecting people from encountering harmful chemicals on a daily basis. For example, the synthetic chemical known as brominated vegetable oil (BVO) continues… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
Major packaged-food companies lost $4 billion in market share alone last year, as shoppers swerved to fresh and organic alternatives. Can the supermarket giants win you back? Try this simple test. Say the following out loud: Artificial colors and flavors. Pesticides. Preservatives. High-fructose corn syrup. Growth hormones. Antibiotics. Gluten. Genetically modified organisms. If any one of these terms raised a hair on the back of your neck, left a sour taste in your mouth, or made your lips purse with disdain, you are part of Big Food’s multibillion-dollar problem. In fact, you may even belong to a growing consumer class [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) It’s not a hard case to convince someone that smoking is bad. From reports of lung or prostate cancer to serious birth defects, it is universally accepted that smoking leads to negative health effects. For these very reasons, public acceptance of smoking has been on the decline. This trend has led people to look for alternatives to traditional smoking, which has introduced recreational activities like hookah. However, the recent rise of e-cigarettes has been getting the most attention lately. The act of using e-cigarettes is called “vaping” and it is one of the most popular alternatives, resulting [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Carey Wedler For the first time in over four decades, McDonald’s is shrinking. The fast food giant is currently closing more restaurants in the United States than it is opening, signifying a period of contraction for the global corporation. McDonald’s announced in April that it would be closing 700 “underperforming” locations, but because of the company’s sheer size—it has 14,300 locations in the United States alone—this was not necessarily a reduction in the size of the company, especially because it continues to open locations around the world. It still has <a class="colorbox" …read more Read more [More]
By Christina Sarich Three-hundred and fifty federal government cafeterias will enjoy ‘low-antibiotic’ food starting at the beginning of 2016, and during a White House summit on antibiotic use last week, voluntary pledges from 150 food processors, restaurant chains, hospitals, and drug companies vowing to phase out the use of meat from animals treated regularly with antibiotics will change the food landscape for the better. The White House issued a memorandum finally heeding the warnings of scores of scientists and nutritionists that antibiotic overuse has grown to epic proportions, and subsequently is causing serious health issues. A recent study showed that [More]
By David Benjamin Source: The Top 6 Educational GMO Films To Watch For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by DAVID BENJAMIN Genetically modified (GM) foods are a hot topic and occupy so much of the current health talk. Are GM foods bad for our health? Are GM foods damaging the environment? Are multi-national corporations controlling the GMO industry and controlling profits by limiting the amount of food in the world by genetically modifying [&hellip Source: The Top 6 Educational GMO Films To Watch Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Paul Fassa Source: Fat Loss Wars: Pills That Don’t Work and Which Ones Do For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by PAUL FASSA Personally, I’m tired of all the weight loss fads that have come through media MDs over the past few years. They’re usually safe, but not usually effective. But mainstream medicine’s offerings are not effective, unless you take their amphetamine concoctions which have you run around without eating until you go crazy. Mainstream [&hellip Source: Fat Loss Wars: Pills That Don’t Work and Which Ones Do Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News …read more Read [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Daisy Luther If you’re one of the people who was excited when the “natural” sweetener that was allegedly made from the stevia plant became more commonly available, I’m afraid I have some bad news for you. All of that hype about the “new” zero-calorie Truvia? All the talk about how natural it is? That’s just not true. Incidentally, while the FDA has approved this bastardization of stevia, the actual leaf, where the active chemicals are found, is banned from sale as a food additive or sweetener and my only be sold as an “herbal supplement.” The [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola While antibiotics are given to combat bacteria responsible for illness, these drugs indiscriminately kill off beneficial bacteria in your gut as well, dramatically altering your gut microbiome. Gut bacteria, we now know, have an extensive repertoire of functions in your body. They even play a role in obesity. And, while your microbiome can change rather quickly based on your diet, exposure to antibiotics early in life may have serious long-term ramifications. According to recent research, infants given penicillin are at increased risk of obesity later on in life due to this early alteration of [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
Antibiotics can kill infectious bacteria and has helped to a certain extent save lives. But now there is disturbing evidence that they may be contributing to the disease–in other words, certain antibiotics may increase the risk of developing diabetes. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Lynn Joseph People should not be a slave to money because it can only prompt them to do things that can give them trouble. But it’s true that people need money to meet their daily needs and support their family. It’s a necessity which can be fulfilled by getting employed, starting one’s own business or even doing freelance work. In today’s tough times, numerous people are struggling with their finances. They worry about their funds, the bills they have to pay, the children they have to send to school and not to mention, the debts they need to settle. [More]
By Shelby Hall Have you noticed how popular cat videos have become nowadays? Some people spend all day watching these cute little felines doing all sorts of things. One scientist decided that she wanted to see if these cat videos were benefiting anyone or just a waste of time. Her name is Jessica Gall Myrick she is from […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
By David Benjamin Source: How To: All Natural Hand Soap Recipe (Only 25 Cents To Make) For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by DAVID BENJAMIN Every once in a while you come across something kind of crafty that makes your life better in one way or another. I recently discovered that I could make my own all natural hand soap and it would cost pennies on the dollar. I can literally make an all natural eco-friendly, vegan [&hellip Source: How To: All Natural Hand Soap Recipe (Only 25 Cents To Make) Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – …read more Read [More]
By Christina Sarich DDT, the pesticide once used in WWII was banned in the US in 1972, but it remains in the soil for decades. The good news is that a simple vitamin can reduce its negative effects. DDT was considered a ‘miracle’ when it was first created. It was the first important synthetic pesticide from chlorinated hydrocarbon (organochlorine) discovered by a Swiss chemist named Paul Muller in 1939. It was toxic to a large range of insects, didn’t break down rapidly so it didn’t require frequent applications, and it wasn’t water soluble, so rain wouldn’t wash it away. For [More]
By Robert Harrington As reported by one of the major British dailies, tens of thousands of teenage girls have been stricken with a debilitating illness following “routine” HPV vaccinations. How often do we now read similar headlines? This issue concerning childhood and teenage vaccination programs will only get bigger until the vaccine manufacturers conduct the high integrity studies which are necessary. The rising incidence of secondary illness and concerning symptoms is simply too compelling not to take seriously. By seriously we mean that every untested and unproven vaccine ought to be removed from the healthcare marketplace. Otherwise, the sensitive and [More]
By Sayer Ji Since biblical times, dates were to believed to possess profound healing properties, but only now is science catching up to confirm our distant ancestors knew exactly what they were talking about. If you go by the Nutrition Facts panel of an ordinary package of dates, they look more like sugar bombs than a healthy snack. Check this one out: But are they really as nutritionally vapid as these label claims make them seem? Not by a long shot. read more …read more Read more here: Green Med info     
By nickgonzalezmed What if water, plain and simple, was the most critically lacking substance for energy and health promotion in the modern lifestyle? read more …read more Read more here: Green Med info     
By MRHEALTH (Ethan A. Huff) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is attempting to sidestep an amendment to the infamous Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) that was originally intended to exempt small food producers from having […] The post FDA Pushing New Regulations To Shut Down Small-Scale, Artisanal Food Producers appeared first on Healthy Debates. …read more Read more here: Healthy Debates News