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By cormac84 Whilst we’re in the midst of a heat wave it can understandably feel as though the winter, and the associated sky high energy bills that come along with it, are a literal lifetime away. However the fact remains that energy pricing remains an equally as hot topic, and with energy pricing looking set, at best, for a relatively plateauing out for the foreseeable 12 months now may be the time to undertake the work necessary to heat your home in a way that is both greener and cheaper. Mulling over Multi fuel stoves Multi fuel stoves are not [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Daisy Luther There are a lot of different ways to go about building your pantry. While each style has its pros and cons, I think that adhering to any one strategy alone leaves some gaps in your food preparedness. Personally, I’m a fan of combining the best of each world based on the needs of your particular family. Enjoy this excerpt from the updated version of my book, The Pantry Primer. Excerpt from The Pantry Primer: A Prepper’s Guide to Whole Food on a Half-Price Budget Looking for a strategy to create …read more Read more [More]
By By Daniel Barker (NaturalNews) Nearly 100,000 German beekeepers are calling for a nationwide ban on the cultivation of GMO crops. The beekeepers are represented by the German Beekeepers Association (DIB), which is pursuing the ban after the introduction of legislation allowing member states to opt… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Catherine J. Frompovich Nothing is more disappointing, and even disgusting, than to see someone who obviously should know better, especially a duly-licensed professional, make a verifiable dumb ass out of himself. That’s one thing, but when it cascades back on to others, well that’s a totally different story. That happened to none other than the propellant for California’s vaccination bill SB277, California State Senator and Pediatrician Richard Pan. The disgustingly sad aspect of SB277 is it takes away all vaccination exemptions, except medical, for California children. Also, that every politician in California believes a lying, …read [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Raw organic nuts make for a near-ideal snack given their healthy fat, vitamin, antioxidant, and fiber content. If you’ve avoided them out of concern for your weight, you may want to reconsider. A growing number of studies refute the myth that nuts might cause weight gain. In fact, the converse is true, as research1 shows weight loss is one of the health benefits of regular nut consumption. Those who eat nuts on a regular basis also tend to have lower systolic blood pressure and are less likely to have risk factors for metabolic syndrome, [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Noise pollution is an often-overlooked source of environmental stress that can raise your risk of serious health conditions, including heart disease. In the US it’s estimated that 100 million people are exposed to unhealthy levels of noise, typically from automobile and aircraft traffic (although everything from leaf blowers and lawnmowers to loud music can also contribute).1 In the 1970s, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) set a recommended noise exposure limit of 55 decibels in a 24-hour period, with nighttime noise weighted more heavily …read more Read more here: mercola     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola The largest analysis of health trends around the world from 1990 to 2013 has been released — with some striking findings.1 Only 4 percent of the global population was free from health complaints in 2013, while one-third, or 2.3 billion people, struggled with more than five health problems each.2 While in some cases death rates have declined, rates of disability have increased. Further, the proportion of years of healthy life lost due to illnesses is rising at an increasing rate, from 21 percent in 1990 to 31 percent in 2013. …read more Read more [More]
By Shelby Hall Now that it is finally getting warm well, hot, we are spending a whole lot more time outside. This means our skin is becoming more and more dry, that’s definitely not a good thing. Now that your skin is becoming dry, cracked, irritated skin how are you going to fix it? Instead of going to […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
By Christina Sarich Cosmetic products like toxic deodorants, body washes, soaps, and other ‘beauty’ treatments are causing greater numbers of breast cancer (though mainstream breast cancer ‘awareness’ organizations won’t talk about it). These products contain toxic ingredients like aluminum chlorohydrate, triclosan, parabens, glycol, TEA, FD&C, DEA, and various other toxins that no one should be absorbing through their skin. Fortunately, women can do a simple, natural armpit cleanse in order to rid the body of toxic build up that might cause breast cancer and other disease. Studies have shown that many women show to their doctor’s offices with cancer in [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) at …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Shelby Hall Do you like doing things the natural way? This face scrub is amazing, natural, and only takes a few minutes to make. Turmeric as I’m sure you have already read somewhere is extremely good for you. It has unbelievable antimicrobial, astringent, antioxidant, moisturizing, and anti-aging properties. Turmeric can overall rejuvenate your skin and give it […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Jesse Herman Source: You Can Live Off The Grid Anywhere in This Wind & Solar Powered Capsule For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by J HERMAN Have you ever dreamt of living entirely off the grid, only to have your dreams return to the ground once you realize that usually means giving up things like hot water and electricity? If so, you’ll love this project. Architects from Slovakia recently revealed a design for a capsule that allows you [&hellip Source: You Can Live Off The Grid Anywhere in This Wind & Solar Powered Capsule Learn more at …read [More]
By Anthony Gucciardi It is a sad day in the fight against Monsanto, GMO labeling, and the future of the planet. The Senate has adopted a law that would give ‘fast-track’ ability for the so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) — a highly secretive bill that could restrict GMO labeling in the United States and abroad. In fact, some legal experts believe it could make GMO labeling completely illegal. I have been spreading the word about the TPP since I first asked my team members at Natural Society to start writing on it back in 2014. It was then that we told [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Erin Elizabeth I’m sad to say that two prominent doctors in the “alternative medicine” world have died in the past few days. The first is the accomplished, well known and much loved Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet, who formerly lived here on the East Coast of Florida. He then moved to our neighboring state, Georgia. Fox Carolina is reporting that his body was found in a river in North Carolina and that he died of an apparent “self inflicted gunshot wound to the chest“. The funeral is in Shelby, North Carolina. Shelby is …read more Read more here: [More]
By REALdeal Source: Why Grow Marigolds? Mosquitoes HATE Them! (Plus a Massive List of Other Mosquito Repelling Plants) For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by JOEL EDWARDS Marigolds are beautiful, strong smelling herbaceous flowers that are widely grown throughout the world. They are very easy to take care of and rarely have problems with pests. They have only a few natural enemies; of these, the most common are frost, slugs, and snails. Fragrant Blooms All Season Long Marigolds will [&hellip Source: Why Grow Marigolds? Mosquitoes HATE Them! (Plus a Massive List of Other Mosquito Repelling Plants) Learn …read more [More]
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) He was widely panned for it, but former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who recently joined the crowded field of Republican presidential contenders, became the first – and so far, only – member of that group that has tied the recent Charleston, S.C., shootings to… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Jesse Herman Source: Six Tips To Grow Bushels of Corn In Small Spaces For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by J HERMAN Love buying fresh picked corn from your supermarket? Yeah, that’s pretty awesome. But you wanna know what’s even cooler? Fresh picked corn from your own yard. And that, my friends, is totally doable. Read on to discover six tips that will help you grow corn effectively in your own backyard. Tip [&hellip Source: Six Tips To Grow Bushels of Corn In Small Spaces Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and …read more Read more here: [More]
By Jesse Herman Source: How to Grow Tomatoes Upside Down For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by J HERMAN Are you finding yourself a little short on space when it comes to planting the tomato garden you’ve always wanted? With this post, discover a slightly unusual growing method that will solve your issue of space when it comes to planting tomatoes. Firstly, you’ll want to buy five gallon-sized plastic buckets. You [&hellip Source: How to Grow Tomatoes Upside Down Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola A new discovery by a team of researchers from the University of Virginia (UVA) “may call for a reassessment of basic assumptions in neuroimmunology” (a field involved in the study of the nervous system and the immune system).1 A direct link between the brain and the immune system, via lymphatic vessels that were not previously known to exist, was found. Similar to blood vessels, which carry blood throughout your body, lymphatic vessels carry immune cells throughout your body. However, it was long believed that such vessels stopped before reaching the brain. The new …read [More]
By REALdeal Source: Top 10 Worst Food Companies that are Poisoning You Daily and Lying About It For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by RICK D Much of the mainstream American food supply is laden with unhealthy additives, artificial flavorings, coloring, dyes, preservatives, hormones, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and toxins. Not everyone agrees that GMOs have been proven harmful to humans, which is why the food chains listed here were selected specifically because they are responsible for a [&hellip Source: Top 10 Worst Food Companies that are Poisoning You Daily and Lying About It Learn more at …read more [More]
Before you dive off the diving board at your favorite swimming pool, you might want to take a closer look — and sniff — at the water down below. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the cases of recreational water illness (RWI) in the United States are on the rise and those illnesses are caused by germs and bacteria that may be lurking in your nearby pool. According to the CDC, 90 illness outbreaks were reported in 32 states and Puerto Rico between 2011-2012. These outbreaks sickened at least 1,788 people, resulting in 95 hospitalizations and one [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Heather Callaghan ABC Action News has just reported General Mills’ groundbreaking announcement that they are voluntarily removing harmful food dyes and artificial flavors from their entire cereal line – even Trix and Lucky Charms. This is not to say that the brightly colored breakfast grains will become lackluster – it’s always been possible to naturally color food. There was never any need to subject consumers to 15 million pounds of carcinogenic petroleum byproducts (coal tar derivatives) per year. ABC Action News reports: The company is the first major cereal company to replace those …read more Read [More]
By Shelby Hall Coconut has been around for centuries yet it has recently gained a popularity in the media for its amazing health benefits. Coconut is also fantastic for losing weight! This coconut boosters recipe will leave speed up your metabolism and give you something delicious to eat, so why not give it a shot? Coconut Boosters Recipe […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
As far as fruits go, pomegranates seem like more trouble than they’re worth. They have spiny skin, and if not sliced into just so, they make a mess and leave some of the seeds inside, which is the actual fruit part, cut and bruised; the surrounding white membrane is too bitter to eat. Pomegranate juice, too, easily stains hands and fingers. They’re a kind of berry, so it would be easier to spring for some strawberries instead. The thing is pomegranates are healthy in their own right. Sure, like strawberries, they’re a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants, not [More]
Corruption in the medical industry can no longer be ignored. There’s no doubt that much of what is told to the masses, including medical schools and physicians, is simply untrue. Even Dr. Richard Horton, editor of the world’s most respected medical journal, The Lancet, agrees: “Much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.” Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and longtime Editor-in-Chief of [More]