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By Admin – Orissa Daniel Green with his son. Source: Green family by Health Impact News/MedicalKidnap.com Staff A Massachusetts father faces up to 15 years in prison after being convicted of Shaken Baby Syndrome. Sentencing is set to occur on September 24. The testimony of child abuse specialist, Dr. Alice Newton, played a major role in his conviction. She is the same doctor who accused Justina Pelletier’s parents of medical child abuse so that the state could medically kidnap Justina. Her testimony was behind 2 other cases of parents spending time in jail for Shaken Baby Syndrome – cases which [More]
One sugary drink a day does not keep the doctor away, according to new research. A study by Harvard’s School of Public Health, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology estimates that just one “sugar sweetened beverage” can increase the risk of a heart attack by 35 per cent. Additionally, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases by just over a quarter (26 per cent), as well as the risk of a stroke increasing by 16 per cent. Researchers examined data from a number of studies and meta-studies to assess the health effects of sugary and [More]
By Admin by Alliance for Natural Health-USA Federal bills have been introduced that will make it easier to sell raw milk across state borders—but they need our support to succeed. Action Alert! Late last week, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), Chellie Pingree (D-ME), and a bipartisan coalition of sixteen other lawmakers including Jared Polis (D-CO), have reintroduced two important bills, the Milk Freedom Act and the Interstate Milk Freedom Act. The Milk Freedom Act would prohibit the government from interfering with the interstate traffic of raw milk products. The Interstate Milk Freedom Act would explicitly allow the shipment of raw …read [More]
It’s promoted as natural, gluten-free, low-calorie, no cholesterol and an excellent source of protein, iron and calcium. It’s also one of the most common sources of protein for those who pursue plant-based diets. But let’s be honest and bring tofu back to where it belongs…in the trash. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalNews) Maybe you or someone you know has cancer – right now. Obviously, the diagnosis can be devastating, but the question remains – “what needs to be done to successfully overcome the health challenges of this disease?” Based on scientific research, most cancer… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By REALdeal Source: What Might You Gain From Drinking Golden Milk? For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Golden Milk is a wonderful beverage to have in the evening and the benefits are extraordinary. The main ingredient in this recipe is turmeric. Turmeric contains curcumin, the polyphenol identified as its primary active component and which exhibits over 150 potentially therapeutic activities, which include antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Additional benefits: -Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antiseptic,analgesic,. -Boosts immunity. -Anti-carcinogenic. [&hellip Source: What Might You Gain From Drinking Golden Milk? Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Close to 800,000 Americans die each year from heart disease, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases combined, making heart disease the leading cause of death in the US. An estimated 920,000 Americans will have a heart attack each year as well, with half of them occurring suddenly without any warning signs.1 The notion that you could be going along with your life one day, struck with a heart attack and then, just like that, be gone tomorrow, is unsettling but, sadly, not uncommon. The most common symptom of heart disease is sudden death, which …read [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Activist A coalition of Lyme patient advocacy groups will hold rallies and a candlelight vigil on October 9 and 10 during the IDWeek medical conference in San Diego. IDWeek is organized by the Infectious… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Activist If you’re sitting down, don’t sit still, new research suggests New research suggests that the movements involved in fidgeting may counteract the adverse health impacts of sitting for long… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Julie Fidler Several brands of soft cheeses have been recalled by a California company in the wake of a Listeria outbreak that has sickened at least 24 people in 9 states and killed one, the Centers for Disease Control reported. The CDC is working with state health officials to investigate the outbreak, which first arose on August 8, 2010. Of the 24 individuals that were sickened, 21 had to be hospitalized and 1 death was reported in Ohio. Five of the patients were female, and one of them lost her fetus. It’s possible, however, that there are more cases [More]
There are many foods that may be hurting your mood, making you sick, and even pushing you toward depression! On the flip side there are many foods that promote your health, give you energy, turbocharge your memory and focus, and improve your mood. These are some of the most effective foods in that category. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Summer and dessert are a great combination, but nothing beats a combination of lemon and coconut, which offers the best flavor and texture. This coconut pudding recipe is easy to prepare, and the fresh burst of citrusy flavor from lemon adds zing to the dish. The coconut is celebrated in all parts of the world. Some countries even call it the “king of food” because of its benefits, from beauty regimen to daily cuisine. This recipe not only answers your sweet tooth craving but it’s also overflowing with healthy goodness. Enjoy this tropical-inspired pudding [More]
By REALdeal Source: How To Get Rid of Blackheads on The Nose Fast at Home For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Did you know? Blackheads, the small dark spots on your skin, are also known as ‘open comedones,’ whereas whiteheads are ‘closed comedones.’ Blackheads are, in fact blocked pores that become filled with keratin, skin debris, and sebum, your body’s natural oil. This marks the first stage of pimples or acne formation. Although they aren’t an [&hellip Source: How To Get Rid of Blackheads on The Nose Fast at Home Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – …read more Read more [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola An estimated 5.4 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease, a severe form of dementia,1 and the most recent data2,3 suggests over half a million Americans die from Alzheimer’s each year, making it the third leading cause of death in the US, right behind heart disease and cancer. As prevalence has increased, so have the questions about why, and the search for answers has dished up some pretty curious findings over the past several years. It seems quite clear that Alzheimer’s disease is primarily diet-related, with insulin resistance, processed foods, trans fats, …read more Read more [More]
By Vinay Grover Every Tom, Dick and Harry has to pass through this phase of life i.e. anxiety. Lots of people in this world has to deal with this condition in one way or the other. In this situation of anxiety your heart beats at a faster pace, one feels baffled and muddled. Anxiety is also a state when one feels worried without any apt reason. It results in poor concentration, trembling, sweating, rapid heart rate, shallow breathing and unwanted negative thoughts and behaviours. That said, every problem has a solution. You will find different cures, herbs and oils which [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola When feeling down, people might say they’re “feeling blue” and the world looks “colorless” or “gray.” It turns out these may be more than expressions, as how you feel may actually change the way you see the world around you. Emotions influence low-level visual processes, which are your basic perceptions of space and form, including color perception. This might sound surprising, until you realize that your visual processes require input from your brain. As Time reported:1 “Sadness decreases arousal, for example, which in turn limits the amount of light entering the retina and reduces [More]
By By Joel Edwards (NaturalNews) “Trust your doctor” or so goes the saying. You wouldn’t blindly trust a car salesman. You’d ask a lot of questions to see if a car is right for you. But most of us have been conditioned to believe our doctors are infallible. To question their judgment is akin to blasphemy… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Julie Fidler The Food and Drug Administration is changing dispensing requirements for the drug clozapine, an atypical antipsychotic used to treat schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder, and to treat suicidal behavior in individuals with the disorders. To address “continuing safety concerns,” the FDA has “clarified and enhanced” prescribing information for clozapine to simplify how to monitor patients on the drug for a blood condition known as neutropenia and better manage treatment. In doing so, the FDA approved a new, shared-risk evaluation and mitigation strategy (REMS), known as the Clozapine REMS Program. According to MayoClinic.org, neutropenia is an abnormally low count [More]
By Julie Fidler A report published in the BMJ says that the new federal nutrition guidelines recommended by a health expert lack the most recent dietary research and reinforce bad advice that many believe is behind America’s obesity epidemic. The U.S. Dietary Guidelines have been released every 5 years since 1980. Carefully selected by an advisory committee, the guidelines play a pivotal role in the diets of millions of people. But Dr. Fiona Godlee, BMJ’s editor-in-chief, says the new guidelines aren’t based on science and encourage Americans to continue to eat the same old, unhealthy diet. “The least we would [More]
By mcshane Fibromyalgia is an auto-immune disorder affecting 2-4% of the world population and Fibromyalgia affects an estimated 5.8 million Americans. Fibromyalgia has in the past been called arthritis of the muscles but it is much more. It is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread pain, diffuse tenderness, and a number of other symptoms, Fibromyalgia pain mostly experience in neck, shoulders, hips, and low back. But there is chronic pain in the arms, thighs, chest, and rib cage. 10 Natural Ways To Manage Fibromyalgia Go Gluten-Free It is estimated that 1 in 7 people are gluten intolerant. Gluten is a [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Many people like to end their day by sipping on a cup of chamomile tea, but even devoted tea drinkers may be tempted by a warm cup of golden milk. In fact, while some people find it soothing, and perfect before bed, others enjoy it first thing in the morning and even drink it in place of coffee. What is golden milk? It’s not actually milk at all, at least not in the dairy sense. The basis of golden milk is a combination of the warming (and golden-colored) turmeric spice along with coconut milk [More]
By Prof. Hesin The human brain is considered a very delicate part of a human being. The brain is made up of 90% water and scientist are still researching into its complexity. The brain is an vital organ composed of billions of cells that send signals from head to toe. It controls everything from basic functions like breathing, heartbeat, reacting to pleasure and pain and ability to remember anything. The damage to the brain can lead to a number of health complications. World Health Organization has released the biggest Brain damaging habits according to their latest research findings. 8 Biggest [More]
From root canals to bridges and gum disease, there’s no end to the myriad of oral health problems caused primarily by modern diets. Prevention is the number one way to avoid sensitive teeth, gums and of course the dentist. Besides great dental care, there are many natural herbs you can use which give your oral health the preventative and restorative medicine it needs. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
When it comes to packing for an outdoor adventure, leave the single-purpose items at home unless you have a pack mule to carry it all. Each item in your camping/bushcraft/survival kit should be able to perform at least three different tasks beyond its intended purpose. Manly woodsmen, listen up. The women folk are more aware of the benefits and well ahead of us in using this stuff. Time to catch up! It may not be as sexy as an ax or knife, but smart woodsmen should pack this non-sexy stuff in all their kits – bushcraft, EDC, Get Home Bag, [More]
By Christina Sarich An important precedence has been set by a recent ruling in French Court. Even after an appeals court heard a case which attested that a farmer was poisoned by accidentally inhaling the fumes of an herbicide, they still sided in favor of the farmer. Considering that the herbicide, though not its best seller, was made by Monsanto – this news is even more important. Monsanto makes an herbicide, which like Roundup, is damaging to human health. It’s called Lasso, and its main ingredient is alachlor. When a farmer was exposed to this herbicide, he became grossly disabled [More]
By Julie Fidler Federal health experts are taking another look at Essure, a permanent birth control device for woman that is associated with numerous serious side effects. The Food and Drug Administration will be asked to consider further clinical studies on Essure, and will be asked to make changes to the device’s warning label. Some 17,000 women have taken to Facebook to discuss Essure, which they say did them more harm than good. The women allege the contraceptive caused them chronic pain, heavy bleeding, fatigue, and skin allergies. They’ve created a group on the site called “Essure Problems.” [1] Essure [More]