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By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Is it safe to drink raw (unpasteurized) milk? The short answer is a resounding yes — provided it comes from healthy, organically raised, grass-fed, or pastured cows, that is. Dr. William Winter, who is eminently qualified to speak on this topic, expounds on the health benefits — and safety — of raw milk in this interview. He’s not only a veterinarian; he’s also a livestock nutritionist, holistic herd health consultant, and a chapter leader for the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF). He’s also written a book for veterinarians called The Holistic Veterinary Handbook, published [More]
By Admin by Jefferey Jaxen Health Impact News Parents Receive Letters from State Strongly Urging HPV Shots for Their Tracked Children The United States continues to carelessly move forward with the HPV vaccine Gardasil. Meanwhile, due to its endless damage, the shot is the center of criminal lawsuits in Spain, India, France, Japan and many other countries. In the UK, the HPV vaccination push has 8,228 of?cial reports of side-effects, almost more than all other vaccine reports combined. Dr. Dalbergue, a former pharmaceutical industry physician with Gardasil manufacturer Merck gave a …read more Read more here: Health Impact News     
By Christina Sarich It becomes exceedingly clear that there is a war of information going on when you compare the headlines about genetically modified foods (GMOs) in Russia and Europe and compare them to what is being whitewashed in the US Press. EU country after EU country has been banning GMOs, and Russia has banned GMOs. The prime minister of Russia says that we don’t need GMOs to feed the world. This surely isn’t the line we’ve been fed by ‘scientists’ paid handsome sums by the biotech industry. In a laughable attempt to minimize the damage of the WHO’s recent [More]
By Michael By Catherine J. Frompovich A video presentation by Dr Raymond Obomsawin, PhD You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola The Real Dirt On Farmer John (Feature) from Collective Eye Films on Vimeo. By Dr. Mercola The 2005 film, “The Real Dirt on Farmer John,” tells the unusual and winding story of John Peterson, an eccentric farmer in rural Caledonia, Illinois. Spanning two decades, it shows how John — a lover of soil, heavy machinery, glitz, and glitter — beat the odds and transformed his failing family farm into a successful organic enterprise. The film, directed by Taggart Siegel, has won awards in more than 30 film festivals, and it’s a heart-warming example of what can happen [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Eric Blair It’s hard to believe that the once almighty Monsanto is on its knees. But their dirty deeds seem to have finally caught up with them. Monsanto shares have already dropped 27 percent… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By REALdeal Source: This Poison Destroys Your Bones Yet is Consumed Daily by Many For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Statistics show that Americans drink more soda than ever before. They account for more than 25 percent of all drinks consumed in the United States. More than 15 billion gallons were sold in 2000 — about one 12-ounce can per day for every man, woman and child. But here’s some information that may keep you [&hellip Source: This Poison Destroys Your Bones Yet is Consumed Daily by Many Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News …read more Read more [More]
As good as high quality cheese tastes in many parts of the world, fake cheeses have been invading the global market for a long time. Specific ingredients illegal in the production of cheese in other parts of the world are perfectly legal in the U.S. and other countries. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Dave Hawthorne We’d all agree that dandruff can be very embarrassing, especially if you’re fond of wearing dark-colored clothes. Thus, those who are suffering from dandruff have been in search for the most effective, natural treatments that will keep their head, dandruff-free. Fortunately, there’s a number of ways on how to control dandruff and sticking with a healthy hair-care regimen is one of the best natural remedies that you can try. Though, you have to know that patience and dedication are needed because natural remedies usually take time before you can see the results. Without further ado, here are [More]
By By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor (NaturalNews) You might not have noticed that the Natural News network of websites has exploded in the past two months. In September alone, we reached one million new visitors across our new “partner” sites like Glitch.news, Collapse.news, FukushimaWatch.com and Twisted.news.Here… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Admin – Orissa Image courtesy of Your Health Asia One. Health Impact News Editor Comments U.S. government officials and agencies have proven that they cannot be relied upon to give the public accurate information regarding vaccine safety and efficacy. With the National Vaccine Compensation Program implemented in 1986 to grant pharmaceutical companies total legal immunity allowing them to put as many vaccines into the market place without the threat of lawsuits if they harm or kill people, the incestuous relationship between Big Pharma and government agencies overseeing vaccines has become a huge conflict of interest. See: CDC’s Purchase of [More]
There’s no doubting the magnitude of scientific evidence showing that the active form of vitamin D shuts down cancer cells. Higher levels of vitamin D are highly correlated with better chances of cancer survival and a new meta-analysis of existing data shows that increasing vitamin D status is associated with a significantly reduced risk of developing lung cancer. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
“The stats for kids on these drugs is staggering. I’m sure big Pharma is loving it.”  Admin While the recent New York Times article, “Thousands of Toddlers Are Medicated for A.D.H.D., Report Finds, Raising Worries,” seems shocking, the actual numbers of infants and toddlers being prescribed psychiatric drugs dwarfs the 10,000 2-3 year olds being prescribed ADHD drugs.[1] The mental health watchdog, Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) says according to data provided by IMS Health, the world’s leading health information and analytics company, hundreds of thousands of toddlers are being prescribed far more powerful psychiatric drugs than just ADHD [More]
By By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalNews) Do you know that 80% of disease symptoms are triggered by problems in the mouth? The vast majority of the population has some form of gum disease, infected root canal-treated teeth or other (undiagnosed) dangerous pathogens inside the mouth – which cause chronic… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Heather Callaghan By Jesse Alvarado We all know how important it is to get a good night’s sleep, but in recent years, the average amount of sleep we get has been steadily decreasing. In both men and women, the average… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Resveratrol is an antioxidant found in a number of plants, including grape skins, raspberries, mulberries, pomegranate, and raw cacao, and is known to have a number of beneficial health effects. It belongs to a family of compounds known as polyphenols, which is produced by plants to increase their survival and resistance to disease during times of stress, such as excessive ultraviolet light, infections, and climate changes. When you consume it, you can reap similar protection. Indeed, resveratrol is known to combat damaging free radicals in your body, and health benefits include general life extension, [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Dr. Wayne Pickering, also known as the “Mango Man,” is a naturopathic physician on the East Coast of Florida and was a good friend of fitness legend Jack Lalanne. In his late 60s, he swims several miles a week in addition to extensive biking and performing a wide variety of calisthenics, pushups, and pull-ups. While he is undoubtedly an inspiration in the field of fitness, one of the things he’s known for in the nutrition world is food combining. Improper food combining is one of the primary factors that cause gas, flatulence, heartburn, and [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Amanda Froelich An oasis of greenery is floating on the Gowanus Canal in New York City, purifying the water and brightening the murky waterway. The Gowanus Canal in New York City is known to be… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
Soda consumption in the United States has lost its pop. Sales of full-calorie soda have dropped 25% in the past two decades after a sharp increase from the 1960s to the 1990s. Americans are increasingly turning to other beverages, such as water, to quench their thirst, according to The New York Times. The sales drop has been fueled by increased concern about obesity, particularly among children. Many school districts have banished soda sales from campuses. Cities including New York, Philadelphia and San Francisco have sought to restrict sales of soda in one way or another, but have been largely stymied. [More]
The world has been very receptive to the health benefits of olive oil, especially in that last fifty years as more studies and established brands have increased in reputability. However, the olive oil industry is also littered with problems from low quality processing, adulterated oils and toxic extractions. From cancer to cardiovascular benefits, there’s only one type of olive oil that maximizes therapeutic potential and it’s raw. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Julie Fidler A report published in the journal Genome Research details a new test developed by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis that can detect virtually any virus. The new test, ViroCap, purportedly works so well that you don’t even need a doctor’s examination to get the correct diagnosis. “With this test, you don’t have to know what you’re looking for,” said the study’s senior author, Dr. Gregory Storch, M.D. “It casts a broad net and can efficiently detect viruses that are present at very low levels. We think the test will be especially useful [More]
By Geary Andrew Cancer affecting so many people in the world today, if you want remove cancer from your life your body must be balanced, and your immune system in top notch condition. While eating foods does not solve everything, they can be preventive agents that help destroy cancer cells at the base level and boost overall well-being. One of the ways in which anyone can take steps to reduce their risk for cancer is by eating the right foods. Utilize these healthy options in your diet to help fight off cancer and improve your overall health 12 Most Functional [More]
By jeery park This is master cleansing antibiotic tonic, it is powerful enough to kill super-bugs and boost immunity. It has a potent antiviral and antifungal formula, improves blood circulation and lymph flow. The powerful antibacterial qualities, along with vitamin C, enzymes, and probiotics of all the ingredients together makes this a very potent medicine. Natural Antibiotic Recipe Ingredients: 24 oz /700 ml apple cider vinegar ¼ cup finely chopped garlic ¼ cup finely chopped onion 2 fresh peppers ¼ cup grated ginger 2 tbsp grated horseradish 2 tbsp turmeric powder or 2 pieces of turmeric root Preparation: -Combine all [More]
By Sherice kardon Electrolytes are basically salts. Salts keep your body’s electrically conductive to maintain cell voltage for receiving or passing along information. Regular table salt works fine as long as it contains sodium chloride, which almost all salts are made of. Some also have potassium iodide, which is also excellent for your cocktail. In our bodies their are basically calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium chloride, hydrogen phosphate (a mineral) and hydrogen carbonate. These electrolytes are vital for survival and if we dilute them too much, it can lead to death by “water poisoning.” Home-made Electrolyte Drink Recipe Ingredients: 1/2 cup [More]
By Admin Sarah Janbahan with her father Jason. Photo courtesy of family. by Health Impact News Yesterday we reported the story of Jason Janbahan and how he lost custody of his 5 year old son to LA County DCFS due to a charge of “medical neglect,” and then saw his son die from medical complications while staying in a foster care group home. Mr. Janbahan told his emotional story during an interview with the National Safe Child Show. See the original story here: Medically Kidnapped Child in LA County DCFS Care Dies – Father Vows to Expose Criminal …read more [More]
By By Sandy J. Duncan (NaturalNews) Many people in the United States lament that everything comes from China and now according to a paper released last week, so does a portion of the Western United States air pollution. Heavy emissions from industrial China is blown across the Pacific Ocean and ends up… …read more Read more here: Natural News