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By araza It has long been known that when consumed daily, green tea provides many benefits. This has, in a way, overshadowed the benefits of consuming black tea on a daily basis. Green tea and black tea come from the same shrub called Camellia Sinensis, but they are processed in different ways. The black tea leaves are withered, then they are rolled and heated, fermented, and then they endure a final heating process. To fully enjoy the benefits of black tea, it is recommended to have 2 cups per day with no additives like sugar or milk. Antioxidants Black tea [More]
By edwinhenry You’re alone, naked, and climbing into a light-tight, sound-proof, eight foot long tank. Meditation comes easy with the world filtered out. The tank is filled with water that’s saltier than the Dead Sea. And the temperature is the same as your skin. You float on the top of the water with an effortlessness that’s remarkable. The water itself feels slippery from the salt, and only very faintly scented. When you close the door, the light disappears and sound vanishes. You can hear your heartbeat, your lungs fill with air, but that’s nearly it. Your fingers stick out of [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Stress often starts in your head with a worry or a fear, but those feelings of anxiety, and perhaps even panic, don’t stay there. When you feel stressed, your body ramps up production of the stress hormones cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine. This triggers the start of the stress response, and, like a snowball rolling down a mountain, it gains traction and speed until you’re ready for the proverbial attack. Adrenaline, for instance, increases your heart rate, causing your heart to beat faster and ultimately raising blood pressure. Cortisol can interfere with the function of [More]
By Edgar Agorist Source: Why You Should Never Opt For A C-Section (And The Dangers Of Having One) For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. This article was republished with permission from Family Health Freedom Network. You can find the original post here. It seems like many women today are in favor of C-Sections. Almost everyone knows someone who has either gotten one or will get one in the future. Between 1996 and 2009 C-Sections increased by 60%, but for [&hellip Source: Why You Should Never Opt For A C-Section (And The Dangers Of Having One) Learn more …read more [More]
By Admin Cervarix changed my life by Christina Berry-McIntosh from Margate, Kent – UK SaneVax.org Our daughter Ellen was a happy healthy 12 year old girl who loved to swim competitively and take part in charity runs; she was enjoying secondary school taking part in the school band as well as representing her school at swimming and running events. On 14 January 2010 Ellen had the first Human Papillomavirus vaccination, Cervarix, and the second one on the 25th of February. Since those vaccinations our family lives have been turned upside down. Ellen is no longer a healthy confident …read more [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Heather Callaghan Hope you are not hungry while you read this. A Christmas dinner without bees would be a minimalist lifestyle in the worst way possible. According to University of Reading… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Admin GM Chicken Approved “For Medicinal Purposes”! Are Humans Next? by Alliance for Natural Health The floodgates are open for more genetically modified animals—possibly even humans. Last week saw the approval of another genetically modified animal— this time a chicken genetically altered to produce a drug in its eggs. The drug is designed to replace a faulty enzyme in people with a rare genetic condition that prevents the body from breaking down fatty molecules in cells. The genetically engineered (GE) chicken is not approved for human consumption, but it is the third so-called “farmaceutical” approved in the US market. [More]
By Ariana Source: Never Drink Fluoride Contaminated Water Again: Distill Your Own Water For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ARIANA MARISOL Droughts across the world have caused many people to suffer from lack of clean drinking water. As we face a new era where clean water has become a privilege, it is important that we learn how to do things ourselves. Here, you will learn how to collect dirty water and turn it [&hellip Source: Never Drink Fluoride Contaminated Water Again: Distill Your Own Water Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
Every mouthful of this savory buttercup squash soup delivers an abundance of cancer-fighting nutrients: carotenoids, vitamin A, real vitamin C, and manganese. It’s also a good source of most B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids, which makes it an excellent choice for protecting your heart and blood vessels. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By By David Gutierrez, staff writer (NaturalNews) Antibiotic resistance is reaching such dangerous proportions that the entire global health system is at risk of collapse, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned on November 16. The agency released a report highlighting many of the myths about antibiotics that people… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Mike Barrett The government in Taiwan recently passed legislation that would effectively prohibit any food containing genetically modified ingredients from being served to children in school meals. [1] The decision was made primarily due to potential health and environmental hazards revolving around genetically modified foods, as stated by Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Lin Shu-fen, one of the amendments’ sponsors. Taiwan imports nearly 2.3 million tons of soybeans each year, with 90% being genetically engineered. Though the GM crop is primarily used as animal feed in Taiwan, if the soybeans were used in meals for schoolchildren, Shu-fen and others fear [More]
By Admin I didn’t consent to Gardasil Norway: Force-vaccinated with Gardasil by mother Stine-Marie Buer Hasvold. Skien Norway SaneVax.org Caroline was born in 2000 and is now 15 years old. My daughter was very sociable, full of energy and always together with her many friends – running, cycling and playing football. She always had a good appetite. The only information we were given when the Gardasil vaccine was offered was that it may cause influenza like symptoms which were temporary, just like other vaccines for children. Even though I had written in the notice book and given information that if [More]
By Heidi Kristoffer Dark patches on the skin are the common symptoms of hyperpigmentation, this skin problem can occur on any part of the body, from face, neck, hands to arms and legs. The common causes of hyperpigmentation are: Excessive sun exposure Skin injuries Burning Some medications Hormonal changes Heredity Emotional stress There are many ways to lighten the appearance of hyperpigmentation or prevent it. For preventing hyperpigmentation, try to avoid sun exposure as possible, and wear a sunscreen of at least SPF 15 daily. And you can prevent or get rid of hyperpigmentation naturally with the help of some [More]
By Lynn Griffith Essential oils are concentrated liquids that are derived from plants. They carry a distinctive scent of the plant and have been used for a variety of medicinal purposes. Essential oil use has grown in popularity over the past several years.(1) Essential oils can be diluted in a carrier oil and then applied directly to the skin, inhaled through a compress or diffuser, or used in foods and beverages if essential oil brand is safe for consumption. Essential oils are most powerful via the blood supply to the brain but have an indirect effect through the olfactory nerve [More]
By Alijuina Herw What are hiccups? Hiccups are sudden, involuntary contractions of the diaphragm muscle. As the muscle contracts repeatedly, the opening between the vocal cords snaps shut to check the inflow of air and makes the hiccup sound. Irritation of the nerves that extend from the neck to the chest can cause hiccups. Common Causes of Hiccups Stretching of the stomach after eating or drinking Sudden emotional excitement Sudden change of air temperature (eg. cool shower) Very hot/cold food or drink Alcohol or excess smoking Heartburn or acid reflux 12 Home Remedies to Stop Hiccups Instantly Remedy #1 Cardamom [More]
By Alex Jordon This is a simple juice recipe that made with elderberries which is beneficial to beat colds and flu, and the active compounds in the elderberries are also responsible for boosting immune system and fighting illness. To make this elderberry juice, prepare: -16 ounces of elderberry liquid ( To make elderberry juice, choose some fresh elderberries and put in a saucepan, add water to cover the elderberries. Bring the saucepan until boiled and turn off the heat, then leave it for some hours. Stain the juice into a container) -4 tablespoons of lemon juice -1 tablespoon of honey [More]
By Geary Andrew Brain inflammation & Brain fog Inflammation is an innate response to injury, stress, or illness, poor gut function or eating toxic foods and induces an inflammatory response. Brain fog is a sign of leaky brain or brain on fire. In other words, brain fog is a sign of inflammation. Inflammation in the brain causes neurons to fire more slowly, slowing down mental acuity, recall, and reflexes. Sluggish neurons also shut down the production of energy in the cells. This means that cells fatigue easily, and you may lose your ability to focus for long periods of time. [More]
By Edgar Agorist Source: Native American Tea Cures Cancer. Kept Secret for Over 100 years! For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. This article was found via The Health Avengers. A simple inexpensive four herb tea that cures cancer? Even AIDS maybe? This has been a critical concern since Essiac tea was introduced in Canada during the early 1920’s. For over 50 years, a humble nurse, Rene Caisse (pronounced Reen Case), used the tea successfully with many [&hellip Source: Native American Tea Cures Cancer. Kept Secret for Over 100 years! Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News …read more Read [More]
By Beverly Entin As weather changes, it is easy to get sick. Many people are suffering with colds, flu and throat infections. A sore throat may be caused by colds or flu, and it might just be a dry throat. No matter what is the causes, the pain and burning of an itching throat can be discomfort, it even makes you cringe in pain when swallowing. There are several natural remedies you can take to relieve the colds symptoms and throat infections. Recipe: Soothing pear and ginger juice for sore throat Ingredients: 2 Medium pear 1 inch ginger root 1 [More]
By By David Gutierrez, staff writer (NaturalNews) An article in the journal Science casts doubt on how seriously the findings of any one psychological or other type of scientific study should be taken. In order to contribute to an ongoing debate about the reliability of psychological research, 270 researchers on five… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Julie Fidler The U.S. Senate unanimously voted recently to phase out the use of plastic microbeads in soaps, body washes, and other personal care products starting in 2017. The Microbead-Free Waters Act of 2015 was approved following House approval last week and is now headed to President Barack Obama’s desk. The bill was created to protect fish and wildlife that are ingesting the microbeads after they are rinsed down the drain and are eventually dumped into lakes and rivers. [1] In September, we reported on the environmental dangers posed by these tiny beads, 8 billion of which have already [More]
By Admin – Orissa by National Vaccine Information Center Action Needed By December 31, 2015 for Personal Belief and Religious Exemptions to be Grandfathered Dear California NVIC Advocacy Members, SB 277 – the bill eliminating all nonmedical exemptions for the 10 vaccines currently required before a child can attend public or private school, preschool or daycare – was signed by Governor Brown on June 30, 2015 and goes into effect on July 1, 2016. However, what everyone in California who is planning on using a personal or religious belief exemption needs to know to take advantage of the grandfathering of [More]
By REALdeal Source: French Court Finds Monsanto Guilty of Chemical Poisoning For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by Lorraine Chow An appeals court in Lyon, France has upheld a 2012 ruling against Monsanto, in which the agribusiness giant was found guilty of the chemical poisoning of a farmer named Paul François. The grain grower said that in 2004 he became ill due to Monsanto’s weedkiller, Lasso. François claimed he suffered from neurological problems, memory loss, headaches [&hellip Source: French Court Finds Monsanto Guilty of Chemical Poisoning Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more [More]
By Veronica Davis One of the most common questions gemologists are asked is how to determine if a given diamond is real or if it’s just a fake stone. Whether you receive a diamond necklace for Christmas, inherit gems or find a possibly good deal at a garage sale, here are some do-it-yourself home tests to help you determine a fake diamond from a real one… or at least whether it warrants a lookover from a professional gemologist. Use a Loupe to Look at the Diamond A loupe is a specialized magnifying glass you can obtain from most jewelry stores. [More]
By Rehan ijaz Every man has to shave, but the problem is they take it for granted and ignore the most important aspects about shaving. It is not about picking up a razor and dragging it over the face rather it need some other considerations and little know how about a perfect shaving. As every man wants to have a flawless shave and desires to look handsome for the reason they need to take extra care about this task. Shaving needs to begin with little preparation; one must soften his hair by cleansing them and after that apply a cream [More]
By Sam Cohen Part of an ancient system of practices collectively known as Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese herbal therapy is a growing response to the concern over the long-term impact of conventional Western treatments that rely on manmade drugs and dangerous surgical procedures to treat symptoms and body parts. Instead, Chinese herbal medicine takes a focus on the whole body and the way it interacts with the world in an effort to bring individuals a high level of overall wellness, and Western companies are beginning to discover the demand for a more natural method of treatment in their home countries, [More]