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By The Holistic Sanctuary The fight against addiction is often a grueling one with many falling at the wayside before overcoming the vice. It is a fact that drug addicts that do not get help as soon as they can end up losing everything they hold dear and even their lives in some cases. However, this does not have to be the case for every addict as some have successfully fought the addiction battle and emerged victorious. It does not matter how long you have been addicted to drugs such as heroin, cocaine or other well-known hard drugs, you can [More]
By ash_stevens Essential fatty acids are all the rage. When they exploded onto the health scene they certainly had the potential to become the latest health fad, but their list of benefits keep on coming. This is definitely one health trend that’s here to stay. In fact, it’s even sneaking its way into dog health. Why Omega-3 essential fatty acids consist of alpha-linolenic acid, docosahexaenoic acid, and eicosapentaenoic acid (or for us simple folk ALA, DHA and EPA). Scientists are seeing a huge impact from these fatty acids with human matters like heart health, cancer, and arthritis. And the studies [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Adding herbs like parsley and thyme to your diet might help boost your brainpower, courtesy of apigenin. Apigenin is a flavonoid found in many herbs, including parsley, thyme, and chamomile, and certain other plants like celery and other vegetables. When researchers applied apigenin to human stem cells in a petri dish, something remarkable happened – 25 days later, the stem cells had turned into neurons (an effect that didn’t occur without apigenin).1 The synapses, or connections between neurons, were also “strong and more sophisticated,” which is crucial for memory consolidation, learning, and overall …read [More]
By Maja Tisma It’s always great fun to change up our hairstyle every now and again. Getting a new haircut, availing a perm, or sitting out a hair coloring session are easy ways to give ourselves a little relaxation as well as a brand new look. And of course, who better to trust your hair with than the professionals at beauty parlors? However, while it is a great load of fun, we have to remember that it is not advisable for us to avail of hair treatments so often. The chemicals and products used in most of these procedures can [More]
By By David Gutierrez, staff writer (NaturalNews) U.S. Navy sailors and Marines dispatched to provide aid to Japan following the massive earthquake and tsunami in 2011 are now suffering a variety of rare and undiagnosed health problems, including many involving horrifying and visible changes to their bodies.After… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Paul Fassa Source: Monsanto Considers Teenage Canadian Activist a Clear and Present Danger For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by PAUL FASSA Sixteen year old Canadian Rachel Parent started her activism against GMOs when she was 12. Her class required a report on the topics of their choice. So after scanning potential topics, she became more interested in GMO realities and pursued that. Pursue is an understatement. She became an all out activist, giving [&hellip Source: Monsanto Considers Teenage Canadian Activist a Clear and Present Danger Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read [More]
“It’s no wonder our corrupt US gov hates this guy so much, the US is the biggest pusher of GMO’s worldwide.”  Admin   Putin is not  a fan of Monsanto or bioengineered anything, which is why, in a new address to the Russian Parliament last Thursday, he proudly outlined his plan to make Russia the world’s ‘leading exporter’ of non-GMO foods that are based on ‘ecologically clean’ production.   The Russian president harshly criticized food production in the United States, stating that Western food producers are no longer offering high quality, healthy, and ecologically clean food.   “We are not [More]
By Michael By Daisy Luther As often occurs, members of Congress snuck some crusty little barnacles onto the budget bill that would have been hard to pass on their own. One of those was repealing the law that… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Heather Callaghan By Daily Superfood Love Love is all you need. Not really…but wouldn’t it be great if the concept worked in every facet of your life? I’ve always been a believer in the benefits of hugs to comfort and… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Ariana Source: This Delicious Thai Soup May Have Cancer Curing Benefits For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ARIANA MARISOL Soup has been used as a remedy for various ailments like the cold or flu. What if the your favorite soup could also help cure serious ailments such as cancer? Researchers are beginning to think that Thailand’s famous zesty soup Tom Yum Goong could have cancer curing properties. Tom Yum Goong, [&hellip Source: This Delicious Thai Soup May Have Cancer Curing Benefits Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Edgar Agorist Source: Miracle Leaf For Treating Prostate Cancer (And 16 Other Uses) For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Guava is a fruit we have all heard of, but might not have tasted. Although it is no secret that guava is packed with nutrients such as: vitamins A and C, potassium, healthy fiber and lycopene, many would be hard pressed to say they have actual implemented guava into their diet. Other than a few [&hellip Source: Miracle Leaf For Treating Prostate Cancer (And 16 Other Uses) Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read [More]
By Christina Sarich On Monday December 21, students from Livingston High School joined Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, an American scientist with a PhD in systems biology from MIT, to debate the ‘safety’ of GMO crops. Monsanto was invited to come and prove that there are indeed GMO safety assessment standards, and was even offered a $10 million enticement to send representatives to argue its side. But the company was entirely absent from the event. [1] Dr. Ayyadurai had offered Monsanto a healthy prize for proving their GM crops such as soy, corn, or cotton had adequate safety standards. “If Monsanto can [More]
“A scorecard for egg companies in terms of how “organic” their eggs really are and how the chickens are treated.”  Admin Organic Egg ScorecardOrganic Egg Report/Ratings Arranged by Egg Star Ratings. View Scorecard Criteria Click on Egg Company Name for Full ProfileView Egg Report/Ratings Arranged Alphabetically “5-egg” rating (2250-2700): “Exemplary”—Beyond Organic Producers in this top tier manage diverse, small to medium-scale family farms. They raise their hens in mobile housing on well-managed and ample pasture or in ?xed housing with intensively managed rotated pasture. They sell eggs locally or re-gionally under their farm’s brand name, mostly through farmer’s markets, food [More]
By By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalNews) Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common form of heart disease – killing about 370,000 people (every year) in the United States alone. Sadly, for most people, the first warning sign of heart trouble is a heart attack – often ending in premature death… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Alex Jordon Drinking water on empty stomach as the first thing in the morning, this is a new trend which suggested by Japanese medical experts. And research has been shown that you would get lots of health benefits by insisting doing this. Firstly, You Have To Know What To Do Drink four 6 oz. glasses of water once you wake up in the morning. Eat or drink anything after at least 45 minutes. And once a meal you are done eating that initial meal, don’t eat anything for 2 hours. Some Specific Diseases That Can Be Cured Or Relieved [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Heather Callaghan Oprah Show alum is an expert on the deepest root causes of anxiety, overeating, anger and abusive relationships. Curiously, he flies in the face of about a hundred years of… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
Two new meta-analytic studies involving thousands of children and college students show that anxiety has increased substantially since the 1950’s. In fact, the studies find that anxiety has increased so much that typical schoolchildren during the 1980’s reported more anxiety than child psychiatric patients did during the 1950’s. The findings appear in the December issue of the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Christina Sarich The Yurok Tribe, the largest Native American tribe in California, will join other peoples such as those from Russia, Italy, and Germany in saying NO to genetically modified organisms. The tribe has just announced that it is implementing a ban on all GM crops and GM animals. [1] A committee meant to review the Yurok Tribe Genetically Engineered Organism (GEO) Ordinance, which was first allowed public comment, has now been enacted this December, 2015. The Tribal GEO Ordinance prohibits the propagation, raising, growing, spawning, incubating, or releasing of genetically engineered organisms (such as growing GMO crops or [More]
Citrus fruit peels hold some amazing nutrient properties and they don’t belong anywhere near a garbage can. Whenever trying to use the peels of any citrus fruit such as oranges, try to buy organically-grown, especially if you plan to eat the peels or use them on your body. Here are 8 incredible health benefits of orange peels. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By REALdeal Source: Why You Should Never Opt For A C-Section (And The Dangers Of Having One) For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by Family Health Freedom Network It seems like many women today are in favor of C-Sections. Almost everyone knows someone who has either gotten one or will get one in the future. Between 1996 and 2009 C-Sections increased by 60%, but for the first time in years, the cesarean deliveries have leveled and not increased. [&hellip Source: Why You Should Never Opt For A C-Section (And The Dangers Of Having One) Learn more at …read more [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola In 2014, nearly 10 percent of the entire swine population in the U.S. was wiped out by the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv) — a highly lethal virus traced back to pig’s blood used in piglet feed. At the time, I noted that this was a perfect example of what tends to happen when you “cannibalize” the food system; feeding animal parts back to animals of the same species. This is especially true for herbivores like cows, where the practice is associated with lethal Mad Cow disease. Pigs are omnivores, but even there the [More]
By Christina Sarich A Beijing, China-based agritech company, Origin Agritech was planning on launching China’s first seed company on its home turf, but with the country feeling uneasy about biotech seed sales, and the recent news concerning Monsanto’s RoundUp containing a likely-carcinogen, Origin will test its seed technology in the US instead. [1] Months ago, Chinese firm China National Chemical Corp (CNCC) showed its eagerness to enter the international biotech market, but after a failed attempt to fast-track its plans with a bid to purchase the Swiss-based Syngenta (just after Monsanto tried and failed), the company also found that officials [More]
By Admin – Orissa by Dr. Brownstein Holistic Medicine Is a blood pressure less than 120/80mm Hg healthier than a higher blood pressure? Scientists randomly assigned 9,361 subjects with systolic blood pressure of 130 mm Hg or higher and increased cardiovascular risk, but without diabetes, to two groups. The intensive treatment group had a systolic blood-pressure target of less than 120 mm Hg while the standard treatment group had a systolic blood pressure target of less than 140mm Hg. This study is known as the SPRINT trial. The end point of the study was the difference in …read more Read [More]
By Admin by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News News highlighting the dangers of vaccines and medical kidnapping stories dominated our readership in 2015. Half of the top 10 stories were stories about vaccine dangers, and 4 of the top stories were Medical Kidnapping stories of families who lost their children to the medical system and Child Protection Services (CPS). Two of the vaccine stories, including the #1 most-read story in 2015, were stories about young women who reportedly had their lives destroyed by the Gardasil HPV vaccine. Here are the top 10 most read stories in 2015 on the Health [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Antidepressants are the most commonly prescribed class of medication other than antibiotics, taken by more than 1 in 10 Americans (and 1 in 4 among women aged 50 to 64).1 Many assume that such pills are the best available treatment for symptoms of depression, but in fact the difference between antidepressants and placebo pills is very small — and both are ineffective for most depressed patients.2 In a meta-analysis published in PLOS Medicine, only the most severely depressed showed any response to antidepressants at all and that response was quite …read more Read more [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Sunlight: we all feel better when we’re exposed to it, but do you know why? Dr. Michael F. Holick, a foremost expert on vitamin D with an impressive list of credentials, is just the right person to explain the healing power of sunlight. His academic credentials include chief of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Nutrition at Boston City Hospital and Boston University Medical Center from 1987 until 2000. He’s currently the director of Bone Health Care Clinic, and a professor of Medicine, Physiology, and Biophysics at Boston University Medical Center. He’s also the director of the [More]