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Bone weakening is a common problem associated with aging. In most people, sometime during your 30s, your bone mass will begin to gradually decline. For women, that bone loss can significantly speed up during the first 10 years after menopause.   This is the period when osteoporosis often develops, provided you’re not doing anything to counteract it, that is. Those with osteoporosis are at increased risk of height loss, fractures of the hips, wrists, and vertebrae, and chronic pain.   Many are under the mistaken impression that a prescription drug combined with megadose calcium supplements is the answer to strong [More]
By Admin – Orissa Image copyright by Orissa Mora-Kent by Dr. Mercola Eighty-seven percent of U.S. adults say they like onions,1 which is great news since they’re one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Rich in vitamin C, sulphuric compounds, flavonoids, and other phytochemicals,2 an onion a day may help keep the doctor away. Onions are surprisingly high in beneficial polyphenols, which play an important role in preventing and reducing the progression of diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases. Polyphenols also play an important role as a prebiotic, increasing the ratio of beneficial bacteria in your gut, which [More]
By Christina Sarich By the year 2000, most of the groundfish that was usually sought by commercial fisheries on the West Coast were completely gone. California’s waterfront restaurants used to serve seafood that came straight from its shores, but for years now it has been imported from places like China. With the help of activists and environmentalists, though, the groundfish are returning. Before, fish like sand dabs and petrale sole were plentiful, but once they all but disappeared, the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch program moved most species of West Coast groundfish on to their red “Avoid” list. By 2005, [More]
By Angela Smith The world is turning away from the traditional norm of living and constantly embracing new ways that are environmentally conscious. One such way is through the use of eco friendly products. Almost all industries including the automobile sector are well aware of the importance of using such products and ways of maintaining the environment. The home sector has not been left behind. Although the bathroom is one of the many rooms in any house, it’s of utter importance to make it eco friendly. This is because a lot of wastes and water go through the bathroom. Utilize [More]
By Alex Jordon The common symptoms of lung mucus may include: Chest pain, coughing, coughing blood, shortness of breath and wheezing. And these symptoms are normally worse in the morning. These are very uncomfortable experiences, if you are suffering from this problem, find the causes of it first, so what causes the lung mucus? The Common Contributors to Lung Mucus – Exposure to smoke, tobacco smoke or dust – Sudden changes in temperature, dry climates or exposure to cold winds – Allergies – Asthma – Colds or flu – Infections For getting the mucus out of lungs, drink plenty of [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Mae Chan More evidence is being revealed that black raspberries have astonishingly high antioxidant levels. They are also among the highest foods in anthocyanins and show greater health benefits… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Lynn Griffith Cumin is an herb that is found in Mexican, Spanish, Middle Eastern and Indian cuisine. The cumin seed comes from a small plant that is a member of the parsley family. The herb has historical uses dating back 5000 years, where it served in the mummification process. (1) In the Middle Ages the cumin seed promoted love and fidelity and was carried at weddings. Traditionally, it has been used as a diuretic and to calm stomachs. Some cultures have used it to support female health and menstruation. (1) Cumin stimulates pancreatic enzymes and improves digestion! Cumin is [More]
By Edgar Agorist Source: 4 Most Common Body Types That Hormones Are Responsible For, And What It Means For YOU For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. You may be surprised to learn that here is a relationship between the four main body shapes and hormones. In a major discovery it was found that alterations or weaknesses in the functions of our glands or organs can contribute to different body shapes or distortions, which are largely designed by the accumulation of excess [&hellip Source: 4 Most Common Body Types That Hormones Are Responsible For, And What It Means For …read [More]
By Edgar Agorist Source: The Dangers of Nightshades: Why Eating the Wrong Fruits and Vegetables Can Make Pain Worse For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. This post was originally published on My Health Maven. Elisha is deeply passionate about educating people and empowering them to lead healthier lives. I encourage you to check out her blog. Nightshades are a specific group of plants belonging to the Solanaceae family which includes over 2,000 species. They are also some of the most [&hellip Source: The Dangers of Nightshades: Why Eating the Wrong Fruits and Vegetables Can Make Pain Worse Learn …read [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Contrary to what infant formula companies want you to believe, infant formula cannot replace breast milk when it comes to protecting your baby’s health and promoting healthy long-term development. In fact, breastfeeding offers a long list of life-long health benefits not just for the baby but for mother as well. Considering the fact that babies have been successfully raised on breast milk since the beginning of mankind, it stands to reason that breast milk is a perfect food in every way, providing a growing infant with everything it needs. Modern science confirms this logic, [More]
Flowers are not only beautiful, but they can be used as essential ingredients in a food and medicine. Many edible flowers are rich in phenolics and have excellent antioxidant capacity. They can be added to your food or in teas to prevent chronic disease. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Alcohol acts as a depressant to your central nervous system, which means when you drink it your brain cells communicate at a slower rate than normal. The limbic system of your brain, which controls emotions such as anxiety and fear, is also affected. As the function of your limbic system decreases, your inhibitions may disappear and you may become more outgoing and social. The functioning of your prefrontal cortex, a brain region associated with reasoning and judgment, also slows when you drink alcohol, leading to more impulsive behavior and (combined) sometimes-poor judgment. At lower [More]
By Christina Sarich There’s a reason that Monsanto recently made a suicide bid for its competitor Syngenta’s business. The company continues to lose profits, with the latest numbers painting a continued stark financial picture for one of the most hated companies in the world. [1] Announced just this past week, Monsanto related figures showing that sales in the company’s agricultural productivity segment, which includes its best-selling Roundup herbicide, fell 34% to $820 million for the quarter ended Nov. 30. Shares fell slightly due to the admittance. Monsanto also revealed that it plans to cut more of their work force – [More]
By By Amy Goodrich (NaturalNews) In 2004, President Hugo Chavez prevented the planting of 500,000 acres of Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) corn. Since then the Venezuelan farmers have been expressing strong feelings against growing or buying GM seeds.However, this didn’t stop big corporations… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Edgar Agorist Source: How to Tell If Your Eggs Came From a Sick Chicken (plus how to find healthy eggs if they did) For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. There’s nothing better than a delicious, perfectly cooked egg. Whether you like your eggs fried, scrambled, poached, or boiled, a better egg always makes a better breakfast. Are the eggs you’re eating from healthy chickens, or have you been unknowingly eating unhealthy eggs your whole life? WHAT MAKES A HEALTHY CHICKEN? First, it’s important to [&hellip Source: How to Tell If Your Eggs Came From a Sick Chicken …read [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Both men and women need high-quality sleep to function optimally, but women are far less likely to achieve this than men. One poll by the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) revealed that two-thirds of women experience a sleep problem at least a few nights each week and up to half said they wake up feeling unrefreshed.1 In a separate NSF poll, women were more likely than men to report experiencing insomnia at least a few times a week, and the average woman between the ages of 30 and 60 reported sleeping just six hours …read [More]
By Admin – Orissa by Sayer Ji GreenMedInfo A new study validates a controversial cancer theory, namely, that yeast in our body can contribute to not just feeding, but actually causing cancer. Can the ancient healing spice turmeric come to the rescue? A recent study published in Critical Reviews in Microbiology lends support to the concept that opportunistic Candida albicans (yeast) infection may not just be a consequence of cancer, but is an actively contributing cause as well. Titled, “Candida albicans and cancer: Can this yeast induce cancer development or progression?“, the study provided the following important background …read more [More]
By Lynn Griffith Green tea is loaded with polyphenols that function as powerful antioxidants. These substances reduce the formation of free radicals in the body and protect cells and molecules from damage. Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) is one of the more powerful compounds in green tea and has been found to treat various diseases, giving green tea powerful medicinal properties.(1) Green tea is the drink of choice around the world and has been used for centuries in Chinese and Indian medicine. Traditional medicine used green tea for stomach ailments, regulating blood sugar and improving mental acuity. Studies have shown that green [More]
By Admin – Orissa by Dr. Brownstein Holistic Medicine Since graduating from medical school in 1989, I have come to the conclusion that much of what I was taught was wrong. In fact, at my medical school graduation, the dean said, “Fifty percent of what we just taught you was wrong, your job is to figure out which part was correct and which was incorrect.” When medical students come to my office, I always encourage them to question everything I tell them and, furthermore, to question what …read more Read more here: Health Impact News     
By By S. D. Wells (NaturalNews) As reported on Natural News by David Gutierrez in October of 2014: “A field of unregulated genetically modified (GM) wheat has been discovered growing wild in Montana, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced. No varieties of GM wheat have been approved… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Edgar Agorist Source: Reduce Flabby Stomach Fat With One Tablespoon of This Homemade Syrup For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Ah syrup… you’re so delicious. Especially when dolloped onto a stack of pancakes with some bacon…Too bad that that breakfast is just about the least healthy thing imaginable – especially if you’re trying to lose fat in the morning…But don’t blame the syrup! Sure, syrup is sugary in most cases but if you change the [&hellip Source: Reduce Flabby Stomach Fat With One Tablespoon of This Homemade Syrup Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News …read more Read [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Claire Bernish St. Louis, MO — Agrichemical behemoth Monsanto plans to cut an additional 1,000 jobs to compensate, in part, for a slump in sales of its genetically-engineered corn seeds. The seeds… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By By Jonathan Benson, staff writer (NaturalNews) The future of weaponry won’t necessarily involve higher capacity firearms, more advanced bombs or better fighter jets. It will encompass an entirely new realm of genetically-modified (GM) bioweapons that threaten to destroy the human brain and cause irreversible genetic… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Edgar Agorist Source: 10 Best Herbs for Flushing Belly Fat, Removing Toxins and Skyrocketing Metabolism For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Weight loss is one of the most difficult things you will ever do because it requires that you completely revamp your entire lifestyle. However, this is not to say it is out of your reach because thousands of people start their weight loss journey every month. It is a fact that 85 percent of people [&hellip Source: 10 Best Herbs for Flushing Belly Fat, Removing Toxins and Skyrocketing Metabolism Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – …read more Read [More]
By By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer (NaturalNews) It doesn’t matter if you consume it accidentally in food, inject it via vaccine, or let it leech for years into your mouth from a dental filling; mercury is toxic to the body in all its forms. Gratefully, the negative effects of mercury can be mitigated by essential… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org