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By Heather Callaghan By Brandon Turbeville A new political candidate is shaking things up in Napa Valley, California. Recently the scene of one of the most fascist healthcare laws ever passed, California is now a ground… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Edgar Agorist Source: Effective Tricks to Lose an Inch of Thigh Fat in Two Weeks For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. The thighs can be a problem area for most women. Along with the abdomen, the thigh area can be the most difficult part of the body to lose fat. Luckily, there are easy solutions for blasting thigh fat. Before you completely change your diet or begin a grueling workout, examine the following technique for burning [&hellip Source: Effective Tricks to Lose an Inch of Thigh Fat in Two Weeks Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – …read more Read [More]
By Edgar Agorist Source: Your Energy Efficient Light Bulbs Are Putting You At Risk For Cancer For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. It’s all about the green. No, I don’t mean money. I’m talking about the green movement, which aims to minimize the impact of your actions on the earth and reduce your carbon footprint.This movement has led to many great developments and made many people aware of the danger that they are putting the Earth in. [&hellip Source: Your Energy Efficient Light Bulbs Are Putting You At Risk For Cancer Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – …read more Read [More]
By Admin – Orissa by Dr. Mercola The “no-‘poo” trend — short for “no shampoo” — is all the rage. Taking part is easy; just ditch your shampoo (at least typical detergent varieties) and “wash” (or simply rinse) your hair less, such as once every five days instead of daily or every other day. The idea is that over-shampooing your hair strips it of its natural oils. Dr. Lisa Donofrio, cosmetic surgeon and associate clinical professor of Dermatology at Yale University School of Medicine, told HealthDay News:1 ” … [B]y leaving the natural oils on the hair, the hair doesn’t [More]
By Admin Health Impact News has announced that it has launched a new Social Media platform: The Health Impact News Communities. The Online Communities of Health Impact News provide a new social platform that is secure and safe, networking like-minded people interested in topics not generally covered by the mainstream media. Hosted entirely within the Health Impact News secure cloud, networking and secure chat is now possible with no personal data being collected and shared with advertisers or parties interested in knowing your identity. To get started in harnessing the powerful social tools available in the Health Impact News Communities, [More]
By Julie Fidler Next week, “Organic Ambitions: An Action Plan for organic food and farming in Scotland 2016-2020” will be unveiled in Scotland. The plan for organic food production is designed to help build a more sustainable farming future and stimulate the rural economy. The January 27 launch will coincide with the first day of the Organic Research Center’s annual conference, being held in Bristol. Organic Ambitions is a reboot of Organic Futures, an organic action plan produced in 2011 and revised in 2013, which was intended to strengthen Scotland’s organic food sector. It is the work of the Scottish [More]
By Rosalina Water fluoridation, which began on a widespread basis in the United States in the wake of World War II, has been controversial since its beginning. Despite this controversy, however, fluoridation is a fact of life in communities across America and use of it is so widespread in public drinking water that it is estimated that around 211 million Americans have fluoridated water in their homes. As of 2012, this number represents about 67% of the total U.S. population – and of this percentage, around 11% are exposed to fluoride levels through the water that are at or above [More]
By Sherice Carrots are one of the healthiest vegetables – and they’re a great source of vitamin A & carotene which are important for the health of your eyes. Carrot is rich in alkaline elements which purify and revitalize the blood. They nourish the entire system and help in the maintenance of acid-alkaline balance in the body. The carrot also has a reputation as a vegetable that helps to maintain good eyesight. Eating carrots is also good for allergies, aneamia, rheumatism, tonic for the nervous system. Carrot is good for diarrhoea, constipation , intestinal inflammation, cleansing the blood , an [More]
By Lynn Griffith A survey that was conducted from February 4, 2014 to March 11, 2015 found that 32 percent of American households spend $500 or more on skin care products.(1) Many people seek after clear skin, tight pores, and that healthy glow. That healthy glow may be easier to obtain through nutrients and vitamins than in a bottle, tube, or canister in the skin care aisle of your favorite stores. Thirty-two percent of U.S. households spend $500 or more per year on skin care products! Research shows that specific nutrients are essential for preventing and reversing signs of aging. [More]
By onealexander The fact is that we are less active during the winter. When we are less active, the metabolism slows down. Poor food choices can only worsen the situation, so stay with us and learn a few handy tricks on how to speed up your metabolism in a tasty way! These powerful drinks will speed up the rate at which you burn calories, provide the necessary energy and help you fit in those jeans again! Tropical smoothie In addition to speeding up your metabolism, this smoothie is rich in vitamin A and C and helps in strengthening the immune [More]
By Lynn Griffith More and more people are seeking alternative cancer treatments. Studies completed by the Survey Sampling International and The Research Intelligence Group report that two-thirds of people across the world feel disrespected by their physicians. They also report that unclear communication is a major reason for patient dissatisfaction. One-fourth of people across the globe reported that their physicians don’t answer questions, don’t involve them in treatment decisions and use medical terms without explanation. (1) Two-thirds of people around the world feel disrespected by their physicians! There is an estimated 13,776,251 people living with cancer in the United States.(2) [More]
By Beverly Entin Gout is the inflammation of joints which affects people over 40 years old normally. A sudden attack of severe pain in joints is the main symptom of gout, other symptoms include swelling in the joints, redness, heat or tenderness in and around the affected joints. It can affect many joints at the same time and the joints towards the ends of the limbs tend to be affected more often, such as toes, ankles, knees, fingers and wrists. If gout is not treated on time, it will affect more joints over time. If you want to prevent gout, [More]
By Alex Jordon Yes, it’s well known for us that avocados are with varieties of practical and medicinal benefits. The skins also offer great benefits due to the antibiotic and anti-parasitic properties. And the leaves can be made into tea to treat several ailments such as sore throat, according to studies. But, did you notice that the seeds which are often thrown out are also very nutritious? What makes the seeds so miracle and they are also providing a range of potential health benefits, real or not? It’s real! And the secret benefits of the seed of avocado will surprise [More]
By Edgar Agorist Source: How To Easily Remove Leg Hair With These Natural Ingredients For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. One of the joys of being a woman is hair removal. Smooth skin feels and looks great, but it can be difficult to achieve, particularly if you don’t like using dangerous chemicals on your skin. If you are looking for natural ways to get rid of unwanted leg hair, learn more about natural remedies that [&hellip Source: How To Easily Remove Leg Hair With These Natural Ingredients Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read [More]
By Christina Sarich The New Year starts with more positive news. Aldi Süd, a German supermarket chain with stores in the U.S., has become the first major European retailer to ban pesticides toxic to bees, including the neonicotinoids imidacloprid, clothianidin, and thiamethoxam, from all produce sold in their stores. [1] The announcement was made January 1st, with the retailer expecting fruit and vegetable suppliers for their stores to comply with their new policy ASAP. The following pesticides will no longer be tolerated: Thiamethoxam Chlorpyrifos Clothianidin Cypermethrin Deltamethrin Fipronil Imidacloprid Sulfoxaflor The decision to ban bee-toxic pesticides comes following public pressure, [More]
A survey by the Oceana group found that up to 30 percent of America’s favorite seafood is being misrepresented and the practice may extend to the rest of the world. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Dr. Mercola If you’re thinking of including high-quality protein in your diet or if you’re just a plain seafood lover, fish is a sure way to go (as long as it’s sourced from pristine waters). Halibut, known as the “steak of seafood,” is the star of this recipe. It has a firm yet flaky texture, and has a milder taste than salmon. It is abundant in omega-3 fatty acids and protein, but is low in sodium and cholesterol. The best halibut recipe is best serve with vegetables for extra crunch. That’s why I’ve come up with this halibut and [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Scientific misconduct and fraud: most of us have no concept of how they influence our food. Jonathan Latham, a scientist with a master’s degree in crop and a Ph.D. in plant virology, sheds much-needed light on this issue. Together with his wife, Allison Wilson, who is also a scientist, he founded the Bioscience Resource Project, an organization with a mission “to provide the highest quality scientific information and analysis to enable a healthy food system and a healthy world.” He’s also the editor of Independent Science News. Part of his career was spent doing [More]
By Julie Fidler In a first for this fast food provider, Chick-fil-A is venturing into the world of organic foods, having launched its first organic menu option on Jan. 18. Honey Kids’ Appley Ever After juice drink can now be found across the country following a test in Orlando that proved to be successful. The beverage, which contains no added sugar, won’t cost any more than the establishments’ other children’s drinks. [1] Children also have a choice of low-fat regular and chocolate milk, and fresh-squeezed lemonade. [2] Recently, Chick-fil-A announced that it would be adding a new Superfood Side option [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Christina Sarich Due to the efforts of thousands in a grassroots campaign, as well as the actions of Senator Maria Sachs and Representative Vasilinda who started a campaign 3 years ago, 3 GMO labeling bills are being put forth in Florida – Senate bills SB 1700 and SB 1708, and House bill HB 1369. Polls report that ‘9 of 10′ people in the U.S. want to know what’s in their food, while 64 other countries already require GMO labeling. Yet we’re still struggling to achieve the right to know exactly what we’re consuming. With the DARK ACT and …read [More]
By By Jennifer Lea Reynolds (NaturalNews) Time has a funny way of creeping up on us. We know that all too well when birthdays and various anniversaries come up, sometimes surprising us with “where has the time gone?” thoughts. Well, we imagine it’s going to be about the same for Whole Foods Market. After all… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By REALdeal Source: 15 Causes of Women’s Hair loss and How To Treat it For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by Dr. Sara Gottfried M.D. You’ve seen the infomercials. You’ve clipped the ads with before and after photos. Rogaine (minoxidil) and Propecia (finasteride) are two treatments for hair loss. Before I tell you why I don’t think you should be in a rush to slime your hair follicles every day or remove every molecule of testosterone [&hellip Source: 15 Causes of Women’s Hair loss and How To Treat it Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy …read more Read more [More]
Menstrual cramps and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can be debilitating for some women and make them feel very uncomfortable at “that time of the month.” Our ancestors have utilized a variety of very effective herbal solutions to address every kind of pain associated with monthly cycles. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By By Julie Wilson staff writer (NaturalNews) A Missouri mother has been accused of medical child abuse after requesting a second opinion regarding her 17-year old son’s medical care. Isaiah Rider, who suffers from neurofibromatosis, a rare condition causing tumors on the nerves, was told he could no longer see… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor (NaturalNews) Do you consider yourself to be sensitive to gluten? Your problem with wheat, it turns out, may not be a problem with gluten at all. It may, in fact, be a problem with GLYPHOSATE.Most people don’t realize it, but even though wheat is not yet commercially grown as… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola The “no-‘poo” trend — short for “no shampoo” — is all the rage. Taking part is easy; just ditch your shampoo (at least typical detergent varieties) and “wash” (or simply rinse) your hair less, such as once every five days instead of daily or every other day. The idea is that over-shampooing your hair strips it of its natural oils. Dr. Lisa Donofrio, cosmetic surgeon and associate clinical professor of Dermatology at Yale University School of Medicine, told HealthDay News:1 ” … [B]y leaving the natural oils on the hair, the hair doesn’t …read [More]