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By Admin by Sustainable Pulse Excerpts: Russia has dealt a huge blow to U.S. farmers, after banning all imports of U.S. soybeans and corn due to microbial and GMO contamination, the country’s food safety regulator Rosselkhoznadzor announced (earlier in February). “Restrictions (were) imposed on imports starting from February 15,” Assistant Director of the Rosselkhoznadzor, Alexey Alekseenko, said.. adding that “they (the US) have to establish a system to ensure safety of products imported to Russia.” According to the regulator, the corn imported from the US …read more Read more here: Health Impact News     
By Ariana Source: Checklist For Spring Gardening For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ARIANA MARISOL Spring gardening season is almost upon us! This checklist will help you prepare your garden to for the upcoming season. Early Spring Prep beds Remove any winter mulch that has not decomposed. If your mulch looks like it is well composted, work it into the top layer of the soil and [&hellip Source: Checklist For Spring Gardening Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Jim Coras Push-ups are one of the most popular body weight exercises, and they should be included in every workout routine. Here’s why: Push-ups are actually a full body exercise You may know that push-ups are meant to train your arms, chest and shoulders, but due to the body tension that you create, your whole body including your abs and legs will benefit from the exercise. Research found that your abs contribute a lot to the body stiffness while performing push-ups. Therefor push-ups are actually a great full body workout. Push-ups prevent injuries Push-ups are beneficial for reducing injuries [More]
By Lynn Griffith The Mediterranean diet is based on traditional foods eaten in the Mediterranean region in the year 1960. Researchers have found that people in this region were exceptionally healthy when compared to Americans. The diet has been linked to weight loss, prevention of heart attacks, strokes, type 2 diabetes and premature death. (1) Mediterranean diet results in weight loss, prevents heart attacks, strokes, type 2 diabetes and premature death! The Mediterranean diet is rich in vegetables, fruit, whole grains, olive oil, and is low in dairy and red meat. A recent study has also determined that the Mediterranean [More]
By Sophie Robinson Walnuts are delicious, wrinkly tree nuts that are loaded with incredible health benefits. They boost brain power, improve digestion, strengthen your skeletal system, reduce inflammation, balance your blood sugar and keep your heart healthy. They contain plenty of essential vitamins and minerals, as well as being full of healthy fats, antioxidants and disease fighting compounds: it’s no wonder that walnuts have been consumed for thousands of years as a powerful source of nutrition. Just 7 walnuts a day can give you a significant health kick, and here are 11 impressive ways that they benefit your body: They [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola If you’re like most people, when looking for apples among the plethora of offerings at your local supermarket, perhaps you choose the most visually appealing. You may have noticed that in comparison with varieties that may be smaller, slightly mottled or have a brown spot or two, the Red Delicious easily wins the blue ribbon for best looking. Your first bite, however, might remind you that apples are one more thing you can’t judge by first appearances. The gorgeous apple that for 70 years was everybody’s first choice for lunchboxes and teachers’ desks has [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola “That Vitamin Movie,” created by award-winning producer and director Michael Beattie,1 features a long list of vitamin experts and health professionals in the complementary medicine field — including yours truly — discussing the healing potential of vitamins. Beattie was inspired to make this film after Trevor, a close friend of three decades, told him he’d turned his life around; finally getting a handle on the depression that had plagued him. Removing sugar from his diet was the first step. Taking niacin (vitamin B3), was the …read more Read more here: mercola     
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Admin – Orissa by Carolyn User submitted testimony to Health Impact News Coconut Oil Lowers Blood Sugars Through Rubbing on Skin I brought my 88 year old mother out of 7 years of nursing home neglect/abuse on February 14, 2016. I’ve been studying the effects of coconut oil and Alzheimer’s disease. She was taking 4 units Novolog insulin at meals and 10 units Lantas at night. After applying coconut oil all over her buttocks, vaginal area, feet and body, I noticed her sugars were continuing to lower without insulin shots. The first 2 …read more Read more here: Health [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola While your diet should contain colorful organic vegetables, ideally it should include moderate amounts of high-quality animal protein, which are valuable sources of nutrients that cannot be obtained elsewhere. However, I advise you to avoid meat from confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs), usually sold in supermarkets. They come from animals raised in poor living conditions, and are nutritionally inferior and often contaminated with growth hormones, antibiotics, pathogens, and consist on a diet filled with genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Opt for organic pastured meats, which are not only healthier but are also leaner and tastier. [More]
By By Daniel Barker (NaturalNews) A new scientific study has revealed yet another health hazard associated with mobile phones: A drastic reduction in viable sperm cells was found in nearly half of men tested who carry their phones in their pants pockets or near their testicles.The study, which was… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor (NaturalNews) New science reveals that statin drugs DOUBLE the risk of diabetes. This is in addition to the extreme harm they cause to the body in other ways, including:• Accelerating aging.• Causing chronic muscle fatigue.• Compromising cognitive function.&bull… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
Red raspberries are rich in polyphenols but its health benefits can only be fully understood by studying how the body metabolises these micronutrients and the mode of action of the bioactive compounds that trigger these potential protective effects, a study has shown. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Ariana Source: Protect Your Garden From Heat Waves For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ARIANA MARISOL As temperatures are rising throughout the world, summers have become increasingly hot. Searing temperatures can cause crops to wilt and die before their time. Take these simple measures to protect your plants during a heat wave. Many common vegetable crops do not have trouble withstanding the periodic heatwave. Yet it is [&hellip Source: Protect Your Garden From Heat Waves Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Here to kick off the annual GMO Awareness Week is Ronnie Cummins, founder of the Organic Consumers Association (OCA). February 4th was the 22nd anniversary of the introduction of genetically engineered (GE) foods into the U.S. food system. Twenty-two years ago, on February 4th, Monsanto’s bovine growth hormone (BGH) was forced onto the market despite complaints from consumers and scientists warning that this technology is inherently dangerous. “Despite the fact that consumers said they wanted labeling and independent safety testing, they just rammed it on through,” Ronnie says. “Here we are, 22 years …read [More]
By Admin – Orissa by Alliance for Natural Health – USA We think this is to pave the way for a new blockbuster drug. Action Alert! In October we told you about a potential new blockbuster drug for Alzheimer’s from drug giant Eli Lilly. Solanezumab is in the third and final phase of FDA drug trials, and if approved, could bring in at least $7.6 billion in sales by 2024 and probably much more. Other drug companies also have “big” Alzheimer’s drugs in the works. Now the FDA has sent warning letters to five supplement companies targeting the supplement picamilon, [More]
By Christina Sarich Three key scientific studies that would reveal possible risks to human and environmental health from the use of the herbicide chemical glyphosate have been held back in the name of ‘trade secret protection.” The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has been asked to reveal all the possible original elements of these studies that allowed the agency to call glyphosate an ‘unlikely’ human carcinogen. Members of the European Parliament are also being asked to reject the Trade Secrets Directive in the April 2016 plenary vote on the final text. The data withheld in these scientific documents is what [More]
By Ariana Source: Build Your Own Rain Barrel And Save Hundreds For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ARIANA MARISOL Watering your plants can be a costly task. Build your own rain barrel and save hundreds of dollars! For every inch of rain that falls on a 500 square foot roof, you can collect 300 gallons of water. For many regions of North America, this means you can collect over one [&hellip Source: Build Your Own Rain Barrel And Save Hundreds Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Heidi Kristoffer Joint disease is the result of many causes, including aging, arthritis as well as other chronic ailments. Using natural remedies to treat the painful joints is always better than finding help from the pain relieving drugs, which can lead to many side effects on the body. Try some herbal remedies, together with healthy foods and exercise regularly, you will find it’s easy to handle this problem. Here is a simple remedy you can make at home, it’s said that it will cure joints pain and rheumatism in just 1 week! Ingredients: 10 fresh hot red peppers 2 [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By By Harold Shaw (NaturalNews) Summertime isn’t a stroll through the park for everyone. Especially if you live in a hot region like Hawaii, Florida or Texas, a swimming pool becomes a gift from heaven when the temperature gets to 80 degrees plus. A refreshing way to keep cool on a hot day, swimming… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By By Daniel Barker (NaturalNews) In what appears to be a “genocide-for-profit” scheme, South Dakota officials and Big Pharma interests have teamed up to remove Native American children from their homes to be put into foster care, where they are routinely over-prescribed dangerous drugs used for treating… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Prof. Hesin Depression is a mood disorder characterised by low mood and a wide range of other possible symptoms, which will vary from person to person. Depression is common, and in its mildest form most people can lead a healthy and active life with the right treatment and support. On the more severe end, depression can be devastating and even life-threatening, so don’t go through it alone. Signs and symptoms include: Sad, anxious, or “empty” feelings Feelings of hopelessness Feelings of guilt Irritability, restlessness Fatigue and decreased energy Difficulty concentrating and making decisions Insomnia or excessive sleeping Thoughts of [More]
By Ariana Source: Guide For Planting Trees and Shrubs For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ARIANA MARISOL Trees and shrubs are a beautiful addition to any garden. This care guide will help you grow strong healthy trees and shrubs. You can find bare-root plants during the late winter or early spring. You will want to purchase them while they are dormant. Bare-root plants are typically the least expensive [&hellip Source: Guide For Planting Trees and Shrubs Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Ariana Source: Your Hose Could be Toxic: How to Save Your Garden From These Harmful Chemicals For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ARIANA MARISOL Are you unknowingly spraying your beautiful, healthy garden with harmful chemicals like BPA, lead, and more? One study found disturbing levels of chemicals in the hoses we use. Some toxin levels are 20 or more times higher than safe drinking water standards. Not all hoses are equal. Learn how to minimize the [&hellip Source: Your Hose Could be Toxic: How to Save Your Garden From These Harmful Chemicals Learn …read more Read more [More]
By Alex Jordon It’s essential to help the liver function perfectly, one of the most effective methods is detoxing. Detoxing with different types of beverages helps your digestive system as well as provides enough nutrients that your body needs. Besides, detox drinks can also be used for many ailments, including promoting weight loss, as these drinks may be taken to flush the body of fat. And they will also assist in boosting your immune system, optimizing digestion. Following is a list of excellent foods that have ability to remove and eliminate toxins, and also feeding your body with healthy nutrients: [More]