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By Heidi Kristoffer We need to reduce the amount of pesticides in the fruits and vegetables we eat as possible as we can. It has been proven that this will be good for a healthy brain, protect kids’ health and reduce the risk of cancer. The risk from pesticides on conventional produce varies from very low to very high, depending on the type of produce and on the country where it is grown. The differences can be dramatic. For instance, eating one serving of green beans from the U.S. is 200 times riskier than eating a serving of U.S.-grown broccoli. [More]
By Michael By Claire Bernish Controversy over genetically-engineered salmon intensified Thursday, as a “broad coalition of environmental, consumer, and commercial and recreational fishing organizations” filed a… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola The application of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers to farmland represents the epitome of unsustainable agriculture. In an extremely shortsighted view, use of such fertilizer makes sense because plants need nitrogen to grow. As such, crops pull nitrogen out of the soil each season, leaving it depleted after harvest. Traditional agriculture techniques, such as composting crop waste and applying animal manure, naturally help to cycle usable nitrogen back into the soil. But in the early 1900s, a German chemist developed synthetic nitrate, which is the form of nitrogen plants use. Originally, this nitrate was used to [More]
By Amy Lock Gardening with kids is a wonderful way to enjoy the outdoors together. Not only is it fun but it also fosters a lifelong love for nature, promotes physical and mental health, encourages healthy eating, and provides countless engaging learning opportunities. Choosing kid-friendly plants for the garden maximizes the opportunities that the garden provides a child. Early childhood experiences with nature, especially hands on activities such as gardening, increases the chances of a person becoming a lifelong gardener (2). With the many physical and mental health benefits associated with gardening, this is definitely something that we, as parents, [More]
By Admin A mockup of a possible GMO label on a can of Campbell’s Spaghetti-Os, with these words: “Partially produced with genetic engineering.” Unless Congress or a federal court intervene, Vermont’s new GMO labeling law will go into effect in July. So some companies are scrambling to comply. Courtesy of Campbell Soup Company. Source. by Dan Charles and Allison AubreyNPR.org Excerpts: You’ll soon know whether many of the packaged foods you buy contain ingredients derived from genetically modified plants, such as soybeans and corn. Over the past week or so, big companies including General Mills, Mars and Kellogg have <a [More]
By By S. Johnson (NaturalNews) Although more and more people are jumping on board the natural foods bandwagon, the bulk of the American diet still consists of ultra-processed foods. That is at least according to the insights of a recent study published in the online journal BMJ Open, which found that… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Heather Callaghan By Heather Callaghan Do you slip back into groggy unconsciousness as soon as you hit the snooze button in the morning? Are your legs and arms more like the Tin Man’s – stiffly heading for… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor (NaturalNews) In case you didn’t notice, we are living in an age of extreme medical censorship. Over the last week or so, we’ve all watched in fascination as the entire mainstream media called for the outright censorship of a vaccine documentary they had never even seen. That documentary… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
According to the conventional wisdom of mainstream medicine, the world’s leading health practitioners in alternative, complementary and integrative medicine have it all wrong and are misinforming millions in practice and on the internet with a barrage of myths and misconceptions they claim are causing more harm to cancer patients. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola It’s that time of year again. Spring is upon us, and summer — when sun exposure is at its peak — is just around the corner. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, this is a high-risk time of year for developing skin damage that can lead to melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer. A brand new study funded by the Academy, in conjunction with the Skin Cancer Foundation, estimates as many as 40 million Americans will exceed the maximum recommended level of sun exposure this summer, resulting in tens of thousands of [More]
By P. S. Orr As you plan your organic garden this spring, you may want to include some important medicinal herbs that pack a punch for alternative health benefits. Herbal medicine is an old healing art that goes back thousands of years and in fact, many of our modern day medicines are derivatives of plain, old herbs. Johns Hopkins Medicine states that, “Many prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines are also made from plant derivatives, but these products contain only purified ingredients and are regulated by the FDA.” You can grow your own little garden of natural, medicinal herbs that can [More]
By Paul Fassa Source: Was Raymond Royal Rife Really Murdered? For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by PAUL FASSA Well, you may not know who Raymond Royal Rife was. He went by Roy Rife to simplify things. He was a scientific genius who had created a successful cancer cure back in the 1930s, among many other scientific achievements. Now the internet blab among the usual click-bait unfounded conspiracy spinners is that [&hellip Source: Was Raymond Royal Rife Really Murdered? Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Christina Sarich In a publicity blitz against GMO labeling, Big Food is using a six-figure campaign to run ads in prime time on network and cable TV in and around the nation’s capital. This is part of a last ditch effort for the biotech industry and Big Food to keep states from writing their own mandatory GMO-labeling laws. The effort is likely due to the fast approaching date for Vermont’s mandatory labeling law to go into effect, July 1st. Opponents of on-package labeling are running out of time. Big Food companies like General Mills, known for using GM ingredients [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola The Flint water crisis began 2 years ago, in April 2014, when the state of Michigan took over city management and decided to switch Flint’s water supply from treated Detroit Water and Sewerage Department water to water from the Flint River — a notoriously polluted waterway. As noted by long-time Flint resident Rhonda Kelso:1 “We thought it was a joke. People my age and older thought ‘They’re not going to do that.'” But, it wasn’t a joke. This cost-cutting strategy was implemented to save $5 million — a temporary measure while a new pipeline [More]
By By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer (NaturalNews) As the invigorating scent of fresh-cut lemongrass fills the air, the mood changes, lifting the spirits of all nearby. The scent of lemongrass alone has a noticeable affect on the mind. Lemongrass essential oil is lemony-bold and bitter-sweet. It adds powerful flavor… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Ariana Source: 6 Delicious Spring Flowers For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ARIANA MARISOL Add color and nutrition to your diet by eating these delicious spring flowers. Spring is a time to admire the arrival of beautiful, colorful blossoms, warm weather, and new life. Did you know that many beautiful spring wildflowers have more uses than just looking pretty? There are many wildflowers that are edible and [&hellip Source: 6 Delicious Spring Flowers Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) For the past several years, as it rose in popularity, “raw” milk – that is, milk that has not undergone pasteurization – has been heavily criticized as being unclean, disease-ridden and dangerous to consume. But a growing body of research and evidence suggests… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By By Julie Wilson staff writer (NaturalNews) The long, drawn-out political circus that accompanies a presidential election can be exhausting to say the least, especially when, as usual, the candidates are far from representing the public’s needs and wants.But thanks to social media and alternative news outlets… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Alex Jordon Essential oils become more and more popular these days, some of them or the right combination may work well for many health conditions, such as lavender, oregano, peppermint, tea tree, lemon and rosemary. And don’t miss another one, frankincense, which can make other essential oils more effective and beneficial to overall health greatly. Used as an essential oil, frankincense oil deserves its reputation as the “King of Oils”. There are tons of research-based uses for frankincense oil, read on for the uses and benefits of this incredible oil. For General Health Care Frankincense oil treats cuts and [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Plants are not simple bystanders in the environment, soaking up sun and otherwise engaging in a passive existence. They’re actually active communicators and engage in a complex relationship with their environment. Not only do plants communicate with each other but they also take steps to protect themselves from predators. About 200 plant species, for instance, manufacture a glue-like substance that attracts sand or soil. The resulting “sand armor,” which is created in a process called psammophory, has been the subject of numerous theories. Some researchers have suggested plants coat themselves in sand as a [More]
By Christina Sarich The list seems to grow daily. The multinational ConAgra now joins General Mills, Mars, and Kellogg’s as a company which will label its products if they contain genetically modified ingredients. With Vermont’s mandatory GM labeling bill going into effect this summer, this is a decision more companies will have to make, and soon. This list of new companies willing to label is starting to look like a Who’s Who of the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association, the lobbying group recently found guilty of fraud and money laundering in order to prevent the very labels they are now being gently [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Heidi Kristoffer Consume one large of this orange superfood, you can get 2g fiber : 8% RDV Vitamin A : 241% RDV Vitamin K : 12% RDV Vitamin C : 7% RDV Potassium : 7% RDV And only 30 calories, no fat, no cholesterol! According to NutritionData.com. Yes, this is carrot. You can get a lot of benefits by eating carrots regularly, studies have found that people who consumed a cup of carrots daily for 3 weeks lowered the blood cholesterol levels. Carrots have been linked to lower risk of lung cancer due to the alphacarotene and bioflavonoids they [More]
By Ariana Source: Never Waste Food Again With This Storage Method For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ARIANA MARISOL Avoid wasting food by storing your produce in sand to ensure longer shelf life. It is no secret that humans are wasteful. Especially when it comes to food. Many people do their best to diligently keep their household food waste to a minimum but it is still sometimes very difficult keep [&hellip Source: Never Waste Food Again With This Storage Method Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Heather Callaghan By Hannah Kastoryano Baking is one of my most cherished hobbies. I often find myself baking unhealthy treats, which is something I’ve tried to slow down on. Instead of quitting the kitchen for good,… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Christina Sarich The biotech industry once told the world that Bt insecticidal crops were only harmful to insects and were harmless to pets and people. But a new study of the ecotoxicological risks of widespread commercial Bt spraying found otherwise. Introban®, a Bt-containing product, caused 100% lethality in amphibians. Dr. Eva Sirinathsinghii tested the effects of Introban®, a commercial formulation of a Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) subtype, Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (Bti). She discovered that Introban® is toxic to tadpoles of an Argentinian species of frog at environmentally relevant concentrations. The Bti subtype is meant for mosquitoes, in order to [More]
By P. S. Orr Millions of people use essential oils for a variety of purposes and aromatherapy has become a multi-million dollar business. In fact, one large MLM company is worth upwards of 300 million dollars. Obviously, there’s lots of information swirling around about these products…some truth and some myth. 5 Myths About Essential Oils Here’s 5 common myths that even the most dedicated users may not know. Myth #1: There are NO therapeutic grade standards that qualify essential oils. You hear quite often that there are no therapeutic grade standards when it comes to all the different oils developed [More]