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It seems there could never be enough empathy and compassion in our world, but we are starting to discover that our capacity to share the emotions of others and take their perspective comes with a bit of a sting if we’re not careful. If we get caught up on the misfortunes of others without understanding life’s processes, it can make us angry and unhappy. So where do we draw the line between tuning into empathy and tuning out perceived resolutions that will leave everybody empowered? …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
“Excellent article featuring an interview with a pharmacist on vaccines, western medicine, the pharmaceutical industry and more. Good read.” Admin You gotta meet Margaret*.  I changed her name to protect her privacy.  She recently emailed me to vent against Western Medicine’s push to get everyone hooked on drugs and stab kids with risky, ineffective vaccines!  Interestingly enough, she has seen medicine from an angle that most people aren’t privy too.  Margaret is a pharmacist.  With a Pharmacy (PharmD) degree, and over two decades working in the field of pharmacy, she’s seen firsthand how “guideline-driven” medicine has artificially forced every patient into [More]
By Admin by Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D.Reset.me Excerpts: When Americans think of women who choose home birth, we usually conjure up images of barefoot hippies with flowing skirts and unbrushed hair, not of Jennifer Lang, M.D., a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist and a graduate of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, whose typical attire is LA-chic: designer jeans, low-heel ankle booties, a strappy tank, and structured jacket. Lang spent four years attending births at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center, which is affiliated with Columbia University, did three years of additional surgical training at UCLA as a gynecological …read more Read more here: Health Impact [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola If there’s one thing we require to thrive it is sensible exposure to the sun. Sure, sunlight is needed for growing food, but you also need direct sun exposure to thrive, just like plants. The video above features a 2014 lecture by German doctor Alexander Wunsch, M.D. In it, he provides a historical perspective on sun exposure, explaining why current sun avoidance recommendations may be doing far more harm than good. For starters, spending time in bright mid-day sun helps anchor your circadian rhythm, helping you sleep better. Surprising as it sounds, scientists have [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Joe Battaglia Could the species of bacteria living on your scalp determine whether you get dandruff or dry itchy scalp? Previous research thought the condition that affects more than 50 percent of… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Julie Fidler A new study published in Molecular Biology and Evolution suggests that consuming a long-term vegetarian diet may alter human DNA and make people more susceptible to some cancers and heart disease. This, according to researchers, is because DNA makes vegetarians more susceptible to inflammation by boosting arachidonic acid, a substance linked to cancer and inflammation. The study suggests that because of this, vegetarian populations have a 40% increased risk of developing colorectal cancer. The research is a bit surprising, as a vegetarian diet has long been associated with a variety of health benefits. Vegetarianism has been shown [More]
By Julie Fidler Eating too much junk food, smoking cigarettes, drinking too much alcohol – all these things can shorten our lives, and we know it. So set on proving most of the things that are terrible for us are fun, scientists from the University of Sydney followed more than 230,000 people aged 45 and older for 6 years. The team assembled a list of 6 ‘deadly sins’ Researcher Dr. Melody Ding, said: “To examine specific patterns of lifestyle risk behaviors, 96 variables – representing all possible mutually exclusive combinations of smoking, high alcohol intake, physical inactivity, poor diet, prolonged [More]
By Admin by Jason Fung – IDM While many consider Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) irreversible, fasting has also been long known to cure diabetes. In But even milder forms of bariatric surgery show the same reversibility of T2D. A gastric band is essentially a belt implanted around your stomach. They keep tightening the belt so that you can’t eat. If you try to eat too much, you’ll puke it all back up. Loverly. It ain’t pretty, but it sure do work. Again, long term results are kind of iffy, but short term results are pretty good. You can see the [More]
By Admin by Jenn Savedge – Mother Nature Network Have all of those end-of-year goodies left you feeling a little … clogged up? You may be tempted to search for solutions in your medicine cabinet, but you’ll be glad to know that there are better, more natural ways to relieve your constipation. Check out these foods that act as natural laxatives: 1. Water. That’s right, drinking plain old water is one of the best ways to soften stools and get things moving again. Aim to drink at least eight cups of water a day. 2. Coconut water. If plain water [More]
Couples’ preconception lifestyle factors are often associated with pregnancy loss, although women’s multivitamin adherence dramatically can reduce that risk by 55 percent compared to not taking the vitamins. In addition to serving as a back-up for any nutritional gaps in diet, prenatal supplements help reduce the risk for many serious birth defects. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Michael By Christina Sarich Maui’s State Department of Transportation just agreed not to spray Monsanto’s Roundup along roadways. All purchases of the glyphosate-based, carcinogenic weed killer have been… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Admin By Therese Borchard – Everyday Health Last year, I was seeing four different doctors: a psychiatrist for my mood disorder; an endocrinologist for my pituitary tumor and thyroid issues; a cardiologist for my aortic valve regurgitation; and a primary care physician for some digestive problems and fungus growth. I suspected that all of my health problems were connected, but each doctor refused to look beyond her specialty to achieve a systemic, balanced perspective of how the conditions were related. I searched for an integrative doctor who could piece together all of my broken parts and help me determine [More]
By By Daniel Barker (NaturalNews) We’ve all read warning labels about combining alcohol with various medications, but the mixing of booze and antidepressants is particularly dangerous, and can exacerbate the symptoms of the disease, while increasing the side effects of these already dangerous drugs.At… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Dr. Mercola More than just offering a familiar scent or flavor, bergamot oil is bursting with a powerhouse of benefits. Find out how this sweet-smelling essential oil can work wonders for your health. What Is Bergamot Oil? Bergamot essential oil is made from the hand- or cold-pressed rind of a nearly ripe fruit of the bergamot tree, also known as the Citrus bergamia from the Rutaceae family. The bergamot orange tree is the result of the cross-breeding of the lemon tree and the orange tree,1 which explains its pear-like shape …read more Read more here: mercola     
By Admin by JANE SCEARCE – LifeHack.org Though public understanding of depression has improved somewhat over the years, we as a society still frequently misunderstand or overlook depression and its symptoms. Because of the continuing stigma, we don’t always recognize when people in our lives are struggling with this illness. Worse, too many people go undiagnosed because of erroneous assumptions about how depression manifests and what to look for. This results in a number of people who’s depression is hidden, either from others or from themselves. Especially when a person with depression is undiagnosed, they may develop ways of coping [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Lack of sleep is detrimental to your health, and in the case of chronic insomnia it can even be deadly. People with chronic insomnia have a three times greater risk of death from all causes compared to those who sleep normally.1 Sleep is also intricately tied to important hormone levels, including melatonin, production of which is disturbed by lack of sleep. This is extremely problematic, as melatonin inhibits the proliferation of a wide range of cancer cell types, as well as triggers cancer cell apoptosis (self-destruction). Lack of sleep also decreases levels of your [More]
Horseradish (Cochlearia armoracia) is a natural antibacterial which contains compounds that could help detoxify and eliminate cancer-causing compounds in the body, a study has shown. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Ariana Source: This Condition Could Kill Your Crop in 10 Days For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ARIANA MARISOL Root rot is a condition can sneak up on crops, killing them before gardeners even know what has happened. Know how to identify the symptoms of root rot and take the correct steps to resolve the problem before it devours your garden. Plants growing in soils that are too dense for [&hellip Source: This Condition Could Kill Your Crop in 10 Days Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By REALdeal Source: Sperm Whales Found Dead In Germany, Stomachs FULL Of Plastic And Car Parts For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by AMANDA FROELICH The whales’ deaths are symbolic of humanity’s shocking disregard for marine life. In January, 29 sperm whales were found stranded on shores around the North Sea, an area that is too shallow for the marine wildlife. Only recently were details of the animals’ necropsy released. However, scientists were deeply disturbed by what [&hellip Source: Sperm Whales Found Dead In Germany, Stomachs FULL Of Plastic And Car Parts Learn more at <a target=_blank rel="nofollow" …read [More]
By By S. D. Wells (NaturalNews) The AFI: The American Food Industry. What a shame that more than 90 percent of all conventional foods cause obesity, cancer, diabetes, dementia, arthritis, inflammation, fibromyalgia, brittle bones, strokes, lowered IQ and heart disease. One of the courses available… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Admin by Arthritis Foundation Generations of people have reported that cherries help keep painful osteoarthritis (OA) and gout flares in check. Now, scientists are putting this popular folk remedy to the test, with promising results. Researchers have tested different amounts of several varieties of cherries in almost every form, from juice to pills. And though most studies are small and the findings preliminary, evidence of the benefits of cherries is growing. Gout Management In a study of 633 participants, Boston University Medical Center researchers found that eating at least 10 cherries a day protected people with existing gout from [More]
By By David Gutierrez, staff writer (NaturalNews) Did you know that there’s a direct physiological response that leads from hugs and cuddling to better health? The link is the hormone oxytocin, also known as the “attachment hormone,” the “trust hormone” or even the “mama bear hormone.”Physiologically, oxytocin is… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Beverly Entin If you’ve had cancer in the past or knew a loved one that had it, chances are you researched on the Internet all sorts of alternative therapies, products and ingredients you can use to get rid of the cancer – or prevent it from happening again. One of the “recipes” you might have saw was something with lemon, honey, apple cider vinegar and baking soda. If you thought this sounded strange, think again. Baking soda can be used for all sorts of reasons and has an array of benefits. It can make your stomach and esophagus healthier, [More]
By By Amy Goodrich (NaturalNews) Teri McCall, the widow of a prominent farmer from Cambria, California, has just filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Monsanto Co. Anthony Jackson ‘Jack’ McCall, 69, died December 26, of terminal non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, after using Roundup weed killer on his 20-acre… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By REALdeal Source: The Top 10 Worst Food Ingredients to Avoid For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by JIM HEALTHY Food companies use lots of unhealthful and dodgy ingredients to extend shelf life, add gaudy colors, and make us crave their products. You can (and should!) steer clear of these toxic, tacky ingredients to protect your family’s health. When enough of us say “no way,” these food companies will get the message [&hellip Source: The Top 10 Worst Food Ingredients to Avoid Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) If you’re someone who enjoys (over)indulging in fast food and pizza, there is more harming you than just the fare. According to new research, people who eat a lot of fast food are being exposed to 40 percent higher levels of potentially harmful chemicals, the Daily Mail… …read more Read more here: Natural News