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By Heather Callaghan By Jillian Grady When summer rolls around and the days start to get longer, many of us dream of being invited to an outdoor event where we can eat, drink, socialize and spend some quality time… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Ariana Source: Grow Fresh Eggplant in Your Garden For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ARIANA MARISOL Eggplant parmesan is a popular dish amongst Americans. Growing your own eggplant can be fun, easy, and tasty! Eggplants belong to the nightshade family of vegetables, which also includes tomatoes, sweet peppers, and potatoes. Eggplants grow similar to tomatoes, hanging from the vines of a plant that can grow up to several [&hellip Source: Grow Fresh Eggplant in Your Garden Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Julie Fidler Researchers at Consumer Reports have a warning for us, though: nearly half of sunscreen products in the U.S. fail to live up to the SPF claim on their bottles. The group independently evaluated the SPF (Sun Protection Factor) value of 65 sunscreen products, including lotions, sprays, and sticks, and found that 43% of them had less SPF than their label promised. If you’re like me, and no amount of SPF ever seems to be enough anyway, you could go home looking like a lobster. Do that enough, and you could wind up with skin cancer. The American [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Sleep is supposed to be a time for your body to recharge, a respite from the demands of the workaday world. Yet, according to the documentary Sleepless in America, 40 percent of Americans are sleep deprived, with many getting less than five hours of sleep per night. For many, sleep isn’t a respite at all but rather has turned into a source of great frustration and stress. If you’ve ever struggled with insomnia, you know the anxiety that can occur when the clock starts approaching bedtime. Will you be able to fall asleep? Will [More]
By By Daniel Barker (NaturalNews) The use of antidepressants has skyrocketed in recent years, despite a growing consensus that these drugs are dangerous and often ineffective in treating the conditions for which they are prescribed.Health experts in the US and the UK are concerned about the high… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By By David Gutierrez, staff writer (NaturalNews) Exposure to pesticides and household flame retardants may dramatically increase a person’s risk of developing the fatal neurological disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), according to a new study conducted by researchers from the University of Michigan and published… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Heidi Kristoffer As a natural herbal oil, tea tree oil has been widely used for your health, beauty and around the house. It’s particularly beneficial to skin health, people use it to treat many skin ailments, such as acne, pimples and psoriasis. While the benefits of tea tree oil don’t stop here, keep reading to find out more reasons why you should keep it in your medicine cabinet. 1- Relieves arthritis: The oil helps reduce the pain related with arthritis, simply mixing 10-20 drops of tea tree oil to 2 ounces of a carrier oil you like, massage it [More]
By Admin By Pete Kennedy, Esq.Farmtoconsumer.org Excerpts: In FDA’s words, the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) “directs FDA to build an integrated national food safety system in partnership with state and local authorities explicitly recognizing that all food safety agencies need to work in integrated ways to achieve public health goals.” To FDA “integrate” means dictating to the states what their food safety laws will be. FDA wants “uniformity” and to have the laws governing interstate and intrastate commerce be the same. FDA has long tried to co-op state food regulation through cooperative agreements with and …read more Read more [More]
By By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor (NaturalNews) After decades of denials and attacks by the media which called people concerned about cell phone radiation “tin foil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists,” a massive, multi-year study funded by the federal government now concludes that yes, cell phone radiation causes brain… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) Federal and state governments under authoritarian Left-wing regimes are increasingly demanding that parents subject their children to potentially dangerous vaccine regimens, but when it comes to migrants and refugees coming into the country, that demand hypocritically… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Anna Scanlon Four Nebraska farmers are now suing the agricultural giant Monsanto because they believe the herbicide Roundup has caused them to develop cancer. The farmers feel that Monsanto did not give them accurate information about the safety of Roundup and that their non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is directly linked to daily exposure to the chemicals in the herbicide. Glyphosate is one of the main ingredients in Roundup, which is made to kill weeds in fields without damaging the crops. Roundup is so common that up to 90% of soybeans in the U.S. are routinely sprayed with the herbicide. Although Monsanto [More]
By Michael By Michelle Goldstein The chicken pox vaccine, formally known as the varicella vaccination, was added to the recommended childhood vaccination schedule in 1995. Prior to this vaccine’s creation, it… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Ariana Source: This All-Natural Pest Control Method Will Cheer Up Your Garden For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ARIANA MARISOL Invite these feathered friends into your yard and watch them protect your crops. Learn how to attract the best birds to your garden and watch your plants flourish: Nighthawks These little birds enjoy eating flying ants, leaf chafers, flies, mosquitoes, moths, and grasshoppers. Nighthawks even eat Colorado potato beetles, [&hellip Source: This All-Natural Pest Control Method Will Cheer Up Your Garden Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Alex Jordon Cumin has been widely used in lots of natural remedies, as a herbal medicine, it’s beneficial to the overall health in many ways that backed by science: 1. According to a study, cumin extract works greatly to reduce blood glucose, it’s even more effective than anti-diabetic drug. (S1) 2. In another study, cumin extract was proven to be able to reduce total cholesterol and triglycerides. (S2) 3. A study in rats found cumin protected their livers from ethanol. (S3) Find more science-based benefits of this spice at here. This article are talking about how to lose weight [More]
By By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor (NaturalNews) Factually speaking, the CDC is a malicious, criminally-run anti-science quackery front group for the vaccine industry. As part of its criminal activity, it has long insisted that the vaccine preservative thimerosal is not tied to autism. But once-secret documents, now… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Admin by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News The controversial film VAXXED, which has been censored at certain film festivals across the United States, recently opened at the Angelika Pop Up theater in Washington, D.C. The film is produced by Del Bigtree, a medical journalist and the past producer of the popular daytime show “The Doctors.” Mr. Bigtree states that when he learned about the top scientist whistleblower at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), that he knew this was the biggest story of his life, and that this was “bigger than Watergate.” Since the 2004 study that supposedly …read [More]
By Admin by Zane Baker – Vallhalla Mind Have you ever seen a salt lamp? I am sure you had to, they are everywhere nowadays, you see them at Bed Bath and Beyond, at Pier Import and other home goods stores. The other question is, have you used a salt lamp? Well, you don’t know what you’re missing if you’ve never used a Salt Lamp. The best way I can describe a salt lamp is that it feel like having an open window that’s letting just the right amount of sunrays. Or as my mom like to call it “Salt [More]
In the last couple of years, news stories surrounding hormone replacement therapy (HRT) have brought to light just how risky it can be. The best-known pharmaceuticals in this category are Premarin and Premplus. Premarin contains the equine estrogen hormone, which is extracted from pregnant mare urine. Premplus is similar, but also contains progestin in a single medication. So what is a natural alternative? …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola One of the fastest ways to destroy your health is to eat a diet high in net carbs and protein and low in healthy fats. Considering the fact that 80 percent of Americans are insulin resistant and eat in this way, it’s no surprise that obesity rates are on a steady climb. While no one diet is perfect for everyone, as a general rule, most people could benefit by restricting net carbs (total carbs minus fiber) to less than 50 grams per day. If you exercise a lot or are very active, you might [More]
By P. S. Orr You can make your own natural home cleaning kit that can easily do just about any job in your home. And, you can make it for under ten dollars. How’s that for frugal and healthy! Even though there’s a plethora of natural cleaning recipes from which to choose, some may not seem to work as well as you expected. A lot of times, the key is to apply the right cleaning solution to the right problem area of the home. If you just want to be done with experimenting and trying everything under the sun for [More]
By Michael By Jeff Sanchez As the old adage goes, ‘”you are what you eat.” But once you find out how deadly your regular meals can be in China, that old adage gets a completely new meaning all of a… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By By S. D. Wells (NaturalNews) The number one source of depression and anxiety is a drug that also tastes hundreds of times sweeter than sugar. This drug was illegal in America for decades, until 1980, when the FDA changed “heads” and Big Pharma took over. You can only guess what followed: prescription… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By By Sarah Landers (NaturalNews) The proportion of people in the U.S. taking antidepressants is truly astounding, according to a report by the National Center for Health Statistics, which reveals that one in every 10 Americans is taking an antidepressant. As reported by Harvard Health Publications,… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Michael By John Vibes It was recently uncovered that the top selling children’s vitamin brand could be doing much more harm than it is doing good. The Flintstones Vitamins, which have been the #1 brand in… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Admin by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News The Detox Project, using laboratories at the University of California San Francisco, has found the presence of glyphosate, the most used herbicide in the world, in the urine of 93% of the American public during a unique testing project that started in 2015. From the project’s public statement on their website: Glyphosate, labeled a ‘Probable human carcinogen‘ by the World Health Organization’s cancer agency IARC in 2015, has now been revealed to be ubiquitous in the first ever comprehensive and validated LC/MS/MS testing project to be carried …read more Read more here: [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola One of the most dramatic game changers in improving your health is incredibly simple, and it’s free. In fact, it may be the most crucial step you can take to make several phenomenal health improvements. What is it? Simply put, it’s calling a halt to all sodas, because virtually all of them are loaded with toxic amounts of sugar or artificial sweeteners. The carbonated sugar water you’ve been clinging to is more toxic to your health than you ever imagined. The problem many people have with giving up soda is that they feel they [More]
By Admin – Orissa Supplements: New Sneak Attack by Alliance for Natural Health – USA It’s the same tactic these senators used last year, and with your help we will beat it back again. Action Alert! Last year, Sens. Blumenthal (D-CT) and Durbin (D-IL) attempted to attach anti-supplement amendments to a must-pass defense appropriations bill, but were stopped by our grassroots activists and other stakeholders. It looks as if the same tactic is being deployed once again: Sen. Blumenthal, in closed door meetings of the Senate Armed Services Committee, floated a proposed amendment that would restrict access to dietary supplements [More]