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By By Vicki Batts (NaturalNews) If you aren’t already outraged by the contents of vaccines, this new discovery might just change your mind. Research scientist Dr. Anthony Samsel has recently found that Monsanto’s most prolific herbicide is actually present in most vaccines, according to his test results… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Twain Yobra For many years, frankincense oil has been used for therapeutic, religious and pharmaceutical purposes. Research shows that it offers many benefits like relieving pain, fighting inflammation, reducing stress, and fighting cancer. There are various ways to use this oil, you can either inhale it or absorb it through the skin. It can also be ingested but only in small amounts because it can be toxic if you consume large quantities. And when buying it, make sure you don’t confuse it with ‘fragrance oil’ – it won’t give you the health benefits listed below. Here are the health [More]
By Ariana Source: Bayer and Monsanto Merge to Create Corporate Chemical Super Power For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Bayer, a German company known largely in the U.S. for its pharmaceuticals, has announced that it will take over Monsanto to become one of the world’s largest agriculture conglomerates. This $66 billion deal has the potential to reshape the way seeds and pesticides are developed in order to fuel the world’s food supply. In […] Source: Bayer and Monsanto Merge to Create Corporate Chemical Super Power Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com [More]
By Alex Jordon This is a miracle weight loss syrup, one of the main ingredients is fresh horseradish, a popular herb with perennial green leaves and white roots. It has pungent taste and has been widely used in treating many health problems. Thanks to its healing properties, people described horseradish in this way: “Radish worth the weight of lead, silver – beet weight and horseradish weight of gold.” Super Food: Horseradish Horseradish is a good source for lots of essential nutrients:B Vitamins (Vitamin B1, B2, B6) Vitamin C Calcium Iron Potassium Magnesium Phosphorus Horseradish is a good agent for stimulating [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Sagi People around the world who are conscious about their health and diet continuously seek for the best food items to eat. There’s been a lot of talk lately about foods that are packed… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Prof. Hesin Kidney stones are crystals comprised of a compound called calcium oxalate . Undoubtedly, kidney stones can cause extreme pain. According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), roughly 1 person in 10 develops kidney stones during their lifetime. It send more than 300,000 people to the emergency room each year. Healthy kidneys clean waste from the blood and remove it in the urine. They control the levels of sodium, potassium and calcium in the blood. Symptoms of Kidney Stones -Pain in the side and back of the body -Difficulty and pain during urinating -Needing to urinate [More]
By By Isabelle Z. (NaturalNews) Cats are vulnerable to many of the same conditions that humans are, and asthma and allergies are two particularly frustrating problems for many cats and their owners. Thankfully, there are a number of holistic treatments that can ease your cat’s respiratory woes without… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Admin – Orissa Corrupt Pediatricians Disgrace Themselves by Alliance for Natural Health – USA The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), hugely funded by vaccine makers, calls for a police-state approach to vaccination. Action Alerts! Last month, the Academy, in a report titled “Countering Vaccine Hesitancy,” called for the elimination of all non-medical exemptions to vaccinations, including religious exemptions, on the model of California. Released alongside this report was another report, also from the AAP, bemoaning the increase in vaccine refusals. The report also endorsed doctors’ “firing” patients who refuse to follow the government’s precise vaccination schedule, and found the [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola U.S. health agencies, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continue to claim that artificial sweeteners are safe in the amounts typically consumed. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) even went so far as to say a 150-pound adult can safely consume “17 [12-ounce] cans of soda or 97.4 packets of artificial sweetener containing aspartame daily and not be adversely affected.”1 The science, however, would seem to suggest otherwise. Research published in Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism, for instance, found aspartame intake is associated with greater glucose intolerance in people with …read [More]
By Admin – Orissa by Paul Fassa Health Impact News In an earlier Health Impact News article, it was pointed out how statin drugs cut back on the body’s ability to produce an important co-enzyme called CoQ10. One of CoQ10’s important health features, among others, is that it’s vital for good heart health. Ironically, statin drugs prescribed for protecting cardiovascular health hamper this heart health co-enzyme production, and worse, it affects other areas of health. This could explain the other adverse side effects of statin drugs, such as fatigue, lowered immunity, and aching joints, muscles, and tendons. (Source) Co-enzyme Q [More]
Yes, someone really has conducted a scientific study of the five-second rule. It turns out bacteria may transfer to almost anything that has fallen on the floor no matter how fast you pick it up. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Ariana Source: Nebraska Farmers Sue Monsanto For Cancer Causing Chemicals For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Nebraska farmers sue Monsanto for giving them cancer. Monsanto has done damage to most aspects of American life. From causing health issues, to creating environmental damages, this GMO food powerhouse gets away with far too much. Four Nebraskan ag workers have had enough of the corporation’s shady actions and filed a lawsuit against Monsanto […] Source: Nebraska Farmers Sue Monsanto For Cancer Causing Chemicals Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Your cardiac muscles are rather specialized. While similar to your skeletal muscles in that they’re striated, their functionality more closely resembles your smooth muscles, as the continuous contraction of your heart is involuntary. Every minute, your heart pumps about 5 liters (1.3 gallons) of blood throughout your body, and for optimal health, it’s imperative your heart continues its duty without interruption for the duration of your life. As all other muscles in your body, your cardiac muscles need a constant and consistent supply of certain nutrients and their cofactors to operate properly.1 Interestingly, part [More]
By By David Gutierrez, staff writer (NaturalNews) Eating a meal containing both chili peppers and ginger may help prevent cancer, according to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.Researchers have long been divided over the cancer-fighting potential of capsaicin, the chemical that… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By By Jonathan Benson, staff writer (NaturalNews) A recent symposium on autoimmune disease that took place in France has brought to the world’s attention a new disorder linked to the aluminum-based chemical adjuvants added to many childhood vaccines. Known as Autoimmune Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants, or… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) For years we have been warning of an impending medical catastrophe due to the over-prescribing and overuse of antibiotics. In fact, as we reported last year, hospitals are some of the most prolific breeding grounds for drug-resistant superbugs, killing more patients… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Heather Callaghan By Heather Callaghan Even though government agencies like the FDA and USDA are supposed to inspect and test food samples – and the USDA does do that – neither of them have tested for… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola The use of biofuels like ethanol in the U.S. has expanded over the last decade under the assumption that they’re better for the environment than gasoline. A new study by professor John DeCicco, Ph.D., at the University of Michigan, and colleagues is the latest to suggest that such assumptions are categorically false. The research looked into the notion of whether or not biofuels are carbon neutral as they’re often assumed to be. Carbon neutrality is perceived as the holy grail of the biofuel industry. It refers to a …read more Read more here: mercola [More]
By Phyllis Bentley The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finally admitted that products using oil of lemon eucalyptus can provide longer lasting protection against mosquitoes, just as the toxic chemical bug repellent DEET does. A study by the US Department of Agriculture compared four synthetic mosquito repellents and eight natural mosquito repellents and found that Repel Lemon Eucalyptus was the most effective repellent, more so than a 7% DEET repellent. In a 2010 study, three species of eucalyptus (E. staigeriana, E. citriodora, and E. globulus) were tested for use with the blood-sucking sandfly, lutzomyia Lutzomyia longipalpis. Researchers found [More]
By Admin – Orissa Kratom leaves. by Paul Fassa Health Impact News Within weeks of denying an anticipated change in the DEA’s classification of cannabis as a schedule I controlled substance, the DEA has announced plans to post another harmless plant as schedule I by September 30th, 2016. The newly posted schedule I substance is kratom. Schedule I is a category of drugs the DEA considers dangerous, subject to abuse, and addictive. The DEA has many drugs like that in other more permissive categories, but the clincher for cannabis and now kratom is that they lack medical merit. And how [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Christopher David Pumpkin seeds are a great source of magnesium, fiber, vitamin K, and iron. Plus, the seeds are loaded with protein, so they’re the perfect addition to vegetarian and vegan meals. Cucurbitacins in pumpkin seeds have potent anti-inflammatory properties and are effective to be used as treatment for different types of cancer in their early stages. According to a Spanish study, a compound […] The post Pumpkin Seeds Fight Cancer and Can Help Prevent Diabetes appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Read more here: undergroundhealth.com     
By By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor (NaturalNews) As expected, my recent announcements about heavy metals in various unscrupulous superfood products has all the “dirty foods” propagandists running around at full steam, screaming to every corner of the internet that all heavy metals found in superfoods (or dietary supplements… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Michael By John Vibes Pharmaceutical company Mylan has made news recently by raising the price of a popular and important drug. Mylan acquired a product by the name of EpiPen in 2007. At the time, the price… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Admin Two schoolchildren in California are suspected of having contracted the disease leprosy, but where might they have caught it? This week, officials in Riverside Country (which is near Los Angeles) said they are investigating the suspected cases of leprosy, now usually called Hansen’s disease, at an elementary school in the area. Nursing staff at the school first […] The post Leprosy Possibly Contracted by 2 California Children – But How Did They Get It? appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Read more here: undergroundhealth.com     
By Anna Scanlon The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently banned the use of the antibacterial agent triclosan in soaps. Yet it remains in one of the most popular toothpastes: Colgate Total. So if it is banned for our skin, why does it remain in toothpaste? Largely because the Colgate Company has demonstrated that toothpastes with this chemical are more effective against gingivitis and plaque. Susan Maples, a dentist and author, told Yahoo! Beauty in an interview the reason why she was concerned about triclosan-based toothpastes: “We notice that we’re lowering our immunity and creating superbugs — bugs that are [More]