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By By Vicki Batts (NaturalNews) There are many reasons to partake in strength training; weight-baring exercises are known for their health benefits. But, could lifting weights also boost your brain? Recent research indicates that may just be the case.To begin the study, researchers asked a group… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Heather Callaghan By Lizzie Bennett Do a search for images of malnutrition on any search engine and you will most likely come up with pictures of wide-eyed, big-bellied babies from some part of the developing world…. …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By jeery park There is no doubt that antibiotics are truly a wonder of modern medicine but over the last several decades, over-use of antibiotics has reached an all-time high. As a result, super-bugs have developed that are resistant to all but the most powerful drugs, whose side effects are often dangerous. Most people are unaware, but virtually all pharmaceutical medications originally came from the plants of the Earth. Instead of waiting until you get sick or discover that drugs don’t work on whatever strain of virus or disease you have, you can start building up your immune system in [More]
By Alexandra Preston Well, in a way, omega-3-fats could be ‘the new cholesterol.’ It seems as though we hear about omega-3 fats and their apparently never-ending list of benefits so much that many people just roll their eyes whenever they’re mentioned. But some health experts, like Dr William Harris, will freely talk about them as if they are the holy grail of health. A professor at the Sanford School of Medicine, Dr. Harris has been researching essential fatty acids (1 omega-3, 1 omega-6) and their benefits for 30 years. “Each study clarifies what it does. It’s been shown to help [More]
By Admin – Orissa by Paul Fassa Health Impact News Opioid painkiller addiction is the fastest growing drug addiction in the United States today, and it was recently featured on the popular Dr. Oz TV show. Dr. Oz pointed out the astonishing statistics that 48 million Americans, one out of every 5, have reported that they have abused prescription drugs. 12 states have more opioid pain pill prescriptions than people. In states where marijuana is legal, however, opioid prescriptions are declining. Dr. Oz looks at the question: Is marijuana the new gateway drug OUT of opioid addiction? Many health practitioners [More]
By Heidi Kristoffer They keep affecting your appearance and remove them with the expensive products won’t always work, sometimes they will appear again after some days, yes? They are blackheads, a common skin problem that affect lots of people, especially women and teenagers. Instead of using those expensive treatments, some natural remedies are effectively actually, and they deal with your ailments without any side effects. Here is a facemask you can make at home with only 2 simple ingredients to remove blackheads. Ingredients: 2 tablespoons milk 1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin How to make: Prepare a disposable container and put all [More]
By Christopher David So much of the uneasiness that surrounds dieting can often be attributed to the search for the perfect food, one that will cure all of our “health issues.” Each of us obsess over all the nutritional facts and ingredients in the foods we eat. From the protein to the omega oils and vitamins, the only […] The post Relearn Eating Habits: No Diets Required appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Read more here: undergroundhealth.com     
By Alex Jordon The foods with rich antioxidants will help you fight against many inflammation-associated diseases, including some serious health issues such as cancer and heart disease. Studies found that there are some super foods that are great sources of antioxidants, it’s wise to increase your intake of such foods to keep healthy. Following is a list that will help you add more antioxidants to your daily diet. Top 40 Super Foods for Antioxidants 1.Leeks – Contains a flavonol called kaempferol, which helps fight cancer and lowers the risk of heart disease as well as other chronic disease. 2.Onions – [More]
By Phyllis Bentley There are literally hundreds of smoothie recipes, but I like to keep mine clean and simple and I focus on using powerful ingredients. Whenever the temperature changes, it seems like everyone around you has red eyes, drippy noses, and scratchy throats. It’s a fantastic anti-inflammatory drink that tastes lovely and has great medicinal benefits. Although the key ingredient of this smoothie is pineapple and turmeric, mainly due to there many health benefits, there are many other healthy ingredients included that make this smoothie one of the best recipes for strengthening your immune system. Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie Recipe Ingredients: [More]
By Roy Ellery When it comes to supplementing protein, most people will automatically choose a whey based product, while whey based proteins are by far the most popular, for some people, whether it be diet or lifestyle, whey based products are not an option. There are however a number of plant based proteins on the market now which can provide the same nutrient benefits as whey proteins, albeit without the addition of any animal products. The majority of these are derived from soy, hemp, rice, peas and pumpkin seeds. The issue with these products can however be in the way [More]
By Julie Fidler A striking new study published in JAMA Psychiatry links hormonal contraceptives to depression, especially in teenage girls. The findings aren’t surprising to many women. A professor at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark and lead supervisor of the study, Dr. Øjvind Lidegaard said: “We have known for decades that women’s sex hormones estrogen and progesterone have an influence on many women’s mood. Therefore, it is not very surprising that also external artificial hormones acting in the same way and on the same centers as the natural hormones might also influence women’s mood or even be responsible for [More]
By Christopher David Want to supercharge your workout and but you are short on time? Try adding some interval training. Not only will you burn more calories, improve overall conditioning but it will keep your exercise routine from becoming … well, too routine. The best part is practically anyone can do it, no matter their fitness level. It […] The post How to Burn More Calories With Just One Minute of Exercise appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Read more here: undergroundhealth.com     
By Christopher David Knitting is not only a hobby that people enjoy, but can be good for your health from multiple perspectives. You may think of knitting as an old woman’s game, but that’s simply not true. The Craft Yarn Council states that one third of women who are of the ages 25 to 35 now either knit […] The post Knitting’s Health Benefits appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Read more here: undergroundhealth.com     
By REALdeal Source: Flu Shot Causes Over 5x Times More Respiratory Infections – A Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Study For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. While the government in the U.S. continues to resist doing a true study on vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children or adults, stating that such a study would be “unethical”, researchers in Hong Kong have conducted a true vaccinated vs. unvaccinated study on the influenza vaccine. This is probably one of the few, if not only, true […] Source: Flu Shot Causes Over 5x Times More Respiratory Infections – A Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Study Learn …read more [More]
By Roy Ellery Sleep is more than just a time for rest, the importance of sleep extends to almost every area of human physiology, physical processes of the body undertaken mostly during sleep range from areas such as the healing of muscle and organ tissue, the regulation of blood pressure, the ability of the body to regulate and respond to blood sugar levels along with the balance and delivery of specific hormones and chemical messengers. Mentally, sleep allows the brain to process thoughts, thought processes, store new experiences / memories, enhance emotional responses, along with optimizing the connections between brain [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Ryan Banister Turmeric, also known as Curcumin, is a medicinal plant that has been used to remedy a number of diseases for over 4,000 years. Commonly used as a spice in Southeast Asia, the… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
Combining garlic and lemon juice slashes total cholesterol levels in people with elevated blood lipids, as well as improves their blood pressure, says a new study. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Jenny Heth It is clear that no one can look down on the importance of skin as it has direct influence on others’ thought about your appearance. Particularly, once you are lucky to have a perfect skin layer without any signs of damage, it is likely that you will feel so good. Unfortunately, not everyone are happy enough to stay away from skin-related issues. Among certain skin problems, skin tag is a popular one. Facts have shown that skin tags will be easily identified by small spots which are known as outgrowing soft skin in many body parts. On [More]
By Ariana Source: 5 Things You Need to Know About CBD Marijuana For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. CBD, or cannabidoil, is quickly changing the debate around the potentials of medical marijuana. When most people think of marijuana, they think of the chemical THC because it is the chemical that gets users high. But recently, more and more people have been looking into another compound found in marijuana called CBD. While […] Source: 5 Things You Need to Know About CBD Marijuana Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Industrial agriculture, characterized by concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and vast swatches of genetically engineered (GE) monocrops, claims to be the solution to ending world hunger. They downplay the fact that their version of farming is destroying the environment with excessive waste and chemical pollutants, water overuse and the spread of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on the premise that without this relatively new intensive farming, people around the world would starve. The United Nations has even declared that world food production must double by 2050 in order to feed 9 billion people, but this [More]
By George Zapo Fracking has expanded — outpacing scientific understanding of its potential health risks and impacts. Nevertheless, there’s a lack of studies relating to health outcomes for people living in close proximity of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking well sites. John Hopkins researchers recently initiated a study to find out more about the impact of fracking on human health. As a result, their research adds to the growing evidence of a link between fracking and health problems. Fracking Industry Linked to Health Problems Hydraulic fracturing involves injecting millions of liters of water into deep rock formations to free up natural [More]
By By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) Responding to an outpouring of consumer demand, one of the largest chicken producers in the country has announced that most of its flocks are now antibiotic-free, and that no longer will its chickens be needlessly fed antibiotics for growing purposes unless they’re actually… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Mark Twain once wrote, “The basin of the Mississippi is the body of the nation,” but even the mighty Mississippi is facing mounting environmental threats. The Mississippi River was named the second-most polluted waterway in the U.S. in 2012,1 but it still maintained swatches that were considered to be relatively pristine, particularly in the Upper Mississippi in Minnesota. Now that, too, is being threatened by changes in the landscape, namely increasing industrial agriculture that is depleting groundwater for irrigation while flooding the area with chemicals. Forests Rapidly Replaced With Corn, Soy and Potato …read [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Eating plenty of vegetables can help reduce your risk for many chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke and certain cancers. For example, one 2010 study found that eating just one extra serving of leafy greens a day reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes by 14 percent.1 Fresh vegetables are a nutritional cornerstone, as most are very low in calories and net carbs while being high in beneficial fiber,2 vitamins and minerals. Vegetables also contain a wide variety of antioxidants and other disease-fighting compounds. Phytochemicals found in plants have potent …read more Read [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Scientists at Michigan State University (MSU) recently reported encouraging news for people suffering from lupus, an autoimmune disease that affects about 1.5 million people in the U.S. Lupus attacks your immune system and destroys healthy cells (aka macrophages), tissues and other organs. The most common target is your skin, although your brain, kidneys, lungs and other organs and tissues can also be damaged. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the form seen in 70 percent of cases. Patients often experience unexplained fever, shortness of breath and chest pain, heart or kidney problems, swollen, painful joints, [More]