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By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By REALdeal Source: Ginger tea: Dissolves Kidney Stones, Cleanses Liver & Obliterates Cancer Cells (Recipe) For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. One of the most health-beneficial plants on earth – ginger, is abundant in medicinal properties, among which it reduces inflammation, stimulates digestion and boosts immunity. Ginger owes its flavor and aroma to several different essential oils: gingerol, shogaol and zingerone. These agents have really powerful anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial effects, which can ease […] Source: Ginger tea: Dissolves Kidney Stones, Cleanses Liver & Obliterates Cancer Cells (Recipe) Learn more at REALfarmacy.com …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com [More]
By Twain Yobra The stomach is the first body part fat settles, and it’s also the hardest part to remove fat. You may lose fat on all other parts but belly fat still won’t budge. So you have to prevent fat from settling in the stomach. Now, you may know the obvious cause of belly fat – overeating. But there are other causes of belly fat you need to be aware of. Here are 5 little known causes of stubborn belly fat. Hormonal imbalances Our hormone levels affect where fat will settle in the body. Research shows that high cortisol [More]
By Christopher Drummond Everybody needs exercise, but not everyone has time for the gym or aerobics classes, or maybe they just want to do some quick exercises on a rest day from the gym. Exercising at home can be just as beneficial as going to the gym, as long as you complete your 30 minutes recommended exercise – all is OK. So what are the best exercises to do? To save over complicating matters, here are 5 of the best exercises for home, and by completing these you can fulfill your daily recommended 30 minutes: 1. JUMPING Jumping on the [More]
By Christopher David Turmeric Curcumin has amazing health benefits! It’s been proven time and time again through numerous documented and published research studies. There are generally two ways to get turmeric into your body, you can use it in its powdered form as a spice in your cooking, or you can find it as a supplement in extract […] The post Why is Turmeric Curcumin so Amazing? appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Read more here: undergroundhealth.com     
By Don Wrightman (NaturalNews) Newer chemtrails may have a static …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Sulfur is the third most abundant mineral in your body, based on percentage of total body weight.1 While close to half of it can be found in your muscles, skin and bones, sulfur plays important roles in hundreds of physiological processes.2 Sulfur bonds are required for proteins to maintain their shape, and these bonds determine the biological activity of the proteins. For example, hair and nails consist of a tough protein called keratin, which is high in sulfur, whereas connective tissue and cartilage contain proteins with flexible sulfur bonds, giving the …read more Read [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Everyone is aware of the benefits of exercise including cardiovascular health, improved physical fitness and emotional well-being. But, did you know – with the rising concerns about dementia – regular exercise can improve your memory? That’s right! Just 15 minutes of exercise per day has been shown to bring a tremendous boost to health, longevity and overall quality of life. For example, new research is confirming that building muscle is beneficial in avoiding cognitive decline and preventing <a target=_blank …read more Read more here: Natural Health 365     
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Admin by Dr. Mercola Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) — not to be confused with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) — is an autoimmune disease that can have very serious consequences. (IBS, on the other hand, is a functional bowel disorder. In other words, there are no significant physical conditions that contribute to the problem; hence it’s a functional disease.) According to the latest statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), IBD affects more than 3 million American adults, nearly triple previous estimates. [1] There are two types of IBD: Crohn’s disease Ulcerative colitis Both of these …read [More]
Curcumin, the yellow pigment associated with the curry spice Turmeric, has been found to be effective in reducing depressive and symptoms of anxiety even in people with major depressive disorders. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Admin By Brendon Wade – Diamond Herbs For those who are lucky enough to travel the world, a common problem we might face is getting sick while abroad. I took a recent trip to India to sight see and enjoy a vacation that I worked hard for the whole year. In my mind, I thought nothing […] The post Probiotics: Benefits & How They Can Help You appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Read more here: undergroundhealth.com     
By Admin – Orissa Some nurses, when given the option, will refuse the flu vaccine and wear a mask instead. Many just lose their jobs for refusing the flu vaccine. Photo from Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines Facebook Page. by Christina England Health Impact News How are pregnant women expected to work out whether or not the flu vaccine is safe to receive during pregnancy, when there are so many conflicting views and opinions? For example, the insert for the flu vaccine, Fluvrin, states: 8.1 Pregnancy Pregnancy Category B: A reproductive and developmental toxicity study has been performed in rabbits at [More]
When does too much of something become a bad thing? That’s the question Dr. Jonathan Claussen, assistant professor at Iowa State University’s Department of Mechanical Engineering, and his team of researchers aim to help farmers answer when it comes to pesticide use …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Vitamin D has some pretty extraordinary achievements under its proverbial belt, not the least of which is disease prevention. Skin exposed to the sun produces this “sunshine vitamin,” which helps prevent osteoporosis and promotes strong bones and teeth. It’s known to be advantageous and even crucial in several areas of your body, as a deficiency has been implicated in such problems as macular degeneration, lupus, bowel diseases, multiple sclerosis and chronic heart failure.1 That’s not all. Vitamin D is also tapped as possibly …read more Read more here: mercola     
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Approximately 70 million Americans – one out of three – have high blood pressure, a serious risk factor for cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and stroke. But many more have prehypertension: blood pressure that is higher than “normal,” but that still falls below the measurement of 140 over 90 mmHg – the traditional benchmark of high blood pressure. The dangers of high blood pressure, or hypertension, are widely known. Less well known, however, are the risks of prehypertension. Due to recent medical …read more Read more here: Natural Health 365     
By Heather Callaghan By Organic and Healthy When you’re in the dairy aisle in the supermarket, how often do you see a butter product being marketed as ‘healthy’? Almost never. It’s always the… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By REALdeal Source: The FDA-Approved Toxic Meat Treatment that You Need to be Aware of before Selecting Meat From the Grocery Store For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. After reading this you may never trust Congress or the FDA again, let alone corporate chain grocery stores. This toxic practice makes seriously decayed meat look fresh for weeks and is banned in many countries including the European Union and Japan. Many consumers are unaware that over 70% of beef and chicken in the […] Source: The FDA-Approved Toxic Meat Treatment that You Need to be Aware …read more Read more [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Exopolitics Obama’s recent executive order is a both a globalization of control over “health” and its militarization. Section 1 of the order, ‘Policy,’ lays out what the focus… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Heather Callaghan By Organic and Healthy A balanced diet is essential for good health, but sometime striking the balance between healthy foods and foods food that will fill you up is tricky. Sweet potato is a great… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Christopher David Omega-3 fatty acids (omega-3s) are a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are important for a number of functions in the body. Some types of omega-3s are found in foods such as fatty fish and shellfish. Another type is found in some vegetable oils. Omega-3 supplements are also available, but be sure the choose the right […] The post Omega-3 Supplements Explained appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Read more here: undergroundhealth.com     
By none Recipe From Naturally Savvy Whether you eat them on a casual day at home or serve them at a party, you can guarantee that almost anyone will enjoy munching on chips. Unfortunately, most chips nowadays are made with genetically engineered (GE) ingredients and mixed with trans fats and other artificial components. Fortunately, you can still get your fix of delicious and crunchy chips without the health risks. This Simple and Crunchy Kale Chips Recipe from Naturally Savvy, shows you that there’s more to kale than just salads and smoothies. With the right spices, you …read more Read more [More]
By Don Wrightman (NaturalNews) The almighty Monsanto has recently come …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Currently 80,000 toxic chemicals and heavy metals lurk in our water, air and food supply – including, electromagnetic pollution which bombards us on all sides. In addition to these toxic exposures, most people suffer from nutritional deficiencies, like low levels of glutathione – which increase the risk of chronic disease. Generally speaking, our body is designed to produce disease-fighting substances like glutathione to protect us from harm. Unfortunately, many people suffer from dangerously low levels of health-protective nutrients …read more Read more here: Natural Health 365     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola It wasn’t long ago, relatively speaking, that humans woke and slept along with the rise and setting of the sun. While the invention of modern artificial lighting has allowed us to be productive 24 hours a day, even in what would otherwise be the black of night, our bodies have not adapted to this onslaught of light when it should be dark. Humans have long existed with the glow of firelight, and its corresponding yellow, orange and red wavelengths do not appear to have the detrimental effects (such …read more Read more here: mercola [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Sunlight has a profound impact on your mental health — more so than any other weather phenomenon. That’s the conclusion of a recent study looking at links between weather and depression.1 Mental health data from more than 16,000 Brigham Young University students was used. Assessments had been filled out several times by each person over the course of six years. Each assessment was then matched to local weather data. Nineteen different environmental factors, including solar irradiance (the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth), cloud cover, …read more Read more here: mercola     
By Admin By jeery park – Natural News Blogs Diet sodas are carbonated beverages. Diet Coke was the second best selling soft drink in the US last year but sales have actually dropped since more people have become aware of it’s apparent health risks. Instead of sugar, they are sweetened with artificial sweeteners like aspartame, cyclamate, saccharin and sucralose. […] The post Is Diet Soda Really Bad for You? appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Read more here: undergroundhealth.com