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By Heather Callaghan By Heather Callaghan, Editor Likewise, “it seems that what we do to ourselves we are more than happy to carelessly inflict on any other living thing, including our bees,” says an… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Russel Davis (Natural News) According to experts, combining the …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Hesh Goldstein Methylsulfonymethane is marketed lucratively as MSM. The process starts with crystals, which are then turned into powder with anti-caking agents, like silicon dioxide, added to it. This presents a problem for the people that buy it because when the crystals are turned into powder much of its effectiveness is lost. When the anti-caking agents are added to it, the remaining benefits are nullified. To derive the maximum benefits from MSM, it must be in the form of organic crystals and lignin (wood) based or prepared with Food Grade DMSO. Our organic sulfur crystals are produced as follows: [More]
By Dr. Serge Gregoire Weight loss surgeries have witnessed huge popularity in recent times. The number of stomach-shrinking operations, a type of bariatric surgery meant for severely obese people has skyrocketed in recent years. Few celebrities of Hollywood have also opted for this form of surgery to curtail obesity. But there are various risks associated with these surgeries especially for elderly people and those suffering from heart disease (1, 2, 3). At times, it can result in early death. Patients aged 65 or older face a nearly threefold increase in the risk of early mortality according to latest findings. It [More]
By Ariana Source: Never Waste Cannabis Root Again: It Can Save Your Life For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. The weed root is the most underutilized part of the weed plant. Save it because it could come in handy! We use almost every part of the weed plant: leaves, seeds, flowers, resin, fiber. During historical times, cannabis root was highly valued by our ancestors as they used them for medicine. The Roots […] Source: Never Waste Cannabis Root Again: It Can Save Your Life Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Heather Callaghan By Heather Callaghan, Editor Starbucks is always keen to cozy up to the millennial crowd, so it’s not surprising that they would grind up a Unicorn mess complete with “sparkles” on… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Admin – Orissa Jodie Marchant (center) with her parents. Jodie became permanently brain-damaged after receiving mystery vaccine-combination without informed consent. by Christina EnglandHealth Impact News On May 17, 1993, Mr. and Mrs. Marchant took their daughter, Jodie, to the doctor for her 14-month check-up. Jodie was fit and healthy and meeting all her milestones, so her parents agreed for her to be vaccinated with the MMR vaccination, a decision that will haunt them forever. Mr. Marchant explained to us what happened the moment that Jodie received her vaccination: Jodie let out a high-pitched scream and appeared to be in [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Martin Hajek More and more people suffer from depression today than ever before. Reports reveal that 1 in 10 US adults say they are suffering from depression and by 2020, depression is anticipated to be the world’s second-leading cause of disability. Negative side effects and dangers of psychiatric medications are two main drawbacks to conventional treatment programs for depression. Also, they do not often work. In fact, about 90% of patients endure at least one of the many serious side effects from these medications. Therefore, natural healthcare providers and their patients are looking for a safer way to fight [More]
By Admin – Orissa by Paul FassaHealth Impact News The health ramifications of virgin coconut oil keep surfacing from international studies without much coverage from mainstream media health or food sections. Fortunately, Health Impact News and their CoconutOil.com website is the leading authority today on the health benefits of coconut oil, keeping you up-to-date on all the published research about coconut oil you will never read in the mainstream corporate media. There has been a lot of text and talk about the wonders of coconut oil’s medium chain fatty acids and how they …read more Read more here: Health Impact [More]
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Currently, over one thousand different chemicals are used as pesticides in the United States. Funneled into at least 20,000 different products, these pesticides are utilized not only for crops, but for lawns, gardens, homes, parks and schools as well. Research has linked excessive and prolonged pesticide exposure to cancer, endocrine disorders, respiratory problems, birth defects, and organ failure – as well as neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Now, it appears that a plant pigment, quercetin, may help to neutralize the damage from toxic pesticides, offering some protection against …read more [More]
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Researchers have long known that following the Mediterranean diet reduces risk of dying from heart disease and stroke. But what about effects on people who already suffer from heart disease? In research presented at the European Society of Cardiologists Society Congress, results showed that people with heart disease who most closely adhered to the diet died a stunning 37 percent less often than those with the lowest rate of compliance. Powerful intervention study changes mortality rate Researchers followed 1,197 participants for over seven years to obtain the results, which were deemed “extraordinary” – …read [More]
By Michael By Jason Erickson Predictive medicine – or “precision health” as it is sometimes known – is a trend in healthcare that is growing exponentially. Perhaps the greatest… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Rhonda Johansson (Natural News) “Dumbo” may be a misnomer. …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Admin – Orissa Toxic Pesticides Found in Drinking Water — and Other Pesticide-Related News by Dr. Mercola Modern agricultural practices have led to ever-increasing amounts of chemicals being used on our food, and whether we’re talking about pesticides, herbicides or fungicides, most have deleterious effects on health. According to the latest report on pesticide residues in food by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), a mere 15 percent of all the food samples tested in 2015 were free from pesticide residues. In 2014, over 41 percent of samples had no detectable pesticide residues on …read more Read more here: [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Did you get enough sleep last night? If your answer is no, you’re in good company. Data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests 35 percent of U.S. adults are not getting the recommended seven hours of sleep each night.1 When you consider that some people probably need closer to eight hours to be optimally healthy, that percentage jumps even higher. What’s at stake when you skimp on sleep, either by choice or consequence? Your emotional and physical health can suffer, and this has steep ramifications for your work life, [More]
High-doses of the omega-3 DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) may boost the Omega-3 Index (O3I) more than EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), says a new study. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Rhonda Johansson (Natural News) Non-invasive brain stimulation using magnets …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By stephaniedodier What was the number one reason I didn’t make my health a priority for more than 15 years? Can you guess? You got it: time. It may be different for you, but for the majority of my patients (and in the past, for me), time is at the top of the list of reasons why they are struggling. Every day I balanced work, home, friends and a seemingly endless stream of errands and to-dos. I wore too many hats. To be honest, I was once a workaholic; I used to work up to 14–16 hrs. a day. There [More]
By none When it comes to purchasing essential oils, there are a lot of factors that affect your decision to buy them or not: value for money, freshness, effectiveness or all of the three. There are oils that can give you all of these qualities with just a few drops, and galbanum essential oil happens to be one of them. What Is Galbanum Oil? Galbanum essential oil comes from the plant of the same name (Ferula galbaniflua).1 The plant is native to countries in southern Europe, North Africa and West Asia, particularly in Iran, where it’s said to have originated. [More]
By Hesh Goldstein Using the HRT (hormone replacement therapy) drug scandal for openers, relying on conventional medicine to treat your health is like playing Russian Roulette with your life. Virtually every popular treatment offered by conventional medicine is potentially deadly. Chemotherapy kills more patients than it saves, bariatric surgery kills thousands of obese patients right on the operating table, HRT drugs double your risk of breast cancer and pharmaceuticals may double your risk of heart attacks or stroke. Over-the-counter painkillers can kill you from internal bleeding, vaccines cause autism and Alzheimer’s disease, antidepressant drugs cause diabetes, diabetes drugs double the [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Dylan Magaster A delightful tiny house anyone would be proud to call home. Enter this exquisitely hand crafted home that is full of secrets. Travis Build his own Tiny House on Wheels, he started… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Karen Berrios When I was first diagnosed ( Karen’s Journey ) I couldn’t help myself but to feel afraid, somehow I felt shame for feeling this emotion because I thought as a believer of God I had to be strong in every area of my life despite the challenges I may face. After all the word of God says in His perfect love there is no fear. Could it be then that I really didn’t know of His love? Or perhaps, I’m a normal human being with normal emotions? God gave us emotions right? Let me tell you… Yes!! [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Health Tips Now Most people, over the age of 50, wake up during the night to urinate. This condition is known as nocturia. It can lead to irritability, sleep disruption, stress, and daytime… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Amy Goodrich (Natural News) As more people are turning …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Perhaps you first heard about Vegemite in the early 1980s from the Men at Work song, “Down Under.” The Australian sandwich spread, described by the Telegraph as a sticky, gloopy, salty spread made from yeast extract, may be the flavor that embodies the entire continent, as 23 million jars are purchased in Australia every year.1 Vegemite’s first cousin, Marmite, is the British version of the controversial condiment. Both are considered an acquired taste, but it’s the latter that’s been scrutinized in scientific circles and found to contain some very impressive properties for the human [More]
By chrisclarkxerveo According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 36.5 percent of all American adults are considered obese. This is a significant health problem since obesity has been linked to an increase in risk of heart disease, stroke, type-2 diabetes, and a myriad of other diseases. As such, many people are beginning to gain a better understanding of the risks associated with obesity and are taking steps to shed the excess weight. Unfortunately, many people have a difficult time losing excess weight, which can be a rather disheartening process. More often than not, this leads to someone giving [More]