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By Brian Is our relationship with money bad for us? Recent figures suggest that the average household now owes about £13,000 – not including mortgages. Low interest rates mean that credit is relatively cheap… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Sina McCullough Symptoms of autism were reversed in a study published in April of 2017 by Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology.1 Five children, average age of 9 years old, received one dose of suramin – a manmade drug first synthesized in 1916. The results were remarkable: Improved scores for language Improved scores for social interactions Decreased restricted or repetitive behaviors None of the improvements occurred in the placebo group. This was the first study in the published, scientific literature to analyze the effect of suramin in a pediatric population of autistic children. And, it worked! According to [More]
By Admin – Orissa by AL Whitney Parents Against Mandatory Vaccines – Exposing and Opposing the Vaccination Agenda MIGHT HAVE TO BE DECLARED . . . IN WRITING! Last January 2017 a close family relative suffered a serious medical emergency requiring hospitalization. His condition was so critical his kidneys shut down. While in the hospital he was given extremely potent drugs in an attempt to stop life threatening abnormal heart beats. A week later his wife received a letter from his cardiologist’s office informing of the need to monitor his liver function via blood …read more Source: Health Impact News [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Brushing your teeth twice a day is an indispensable health habit that affects more than just your teeth. The state of your oral health most definitely plays a role in optimizing your overall health and well-being. Regardless of your age or the number of years you’ve been using a toothbrush, it’s a good idea to make sure you are addressing the important aspects of dental hygiene. Bad breath, plaque, yellow teeth, tooth decay and other health problems are easily avoidable when you adopt an effective oral-care routine. I hope you will take a few [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) The very first global symposium focused on the health benefits of pure maple syrup was held in early April 2017. This symposium was part of the 253rd annual American Chemical Society (ACS) meeting in San Francisco. This is a big deal – considering that the ACS is the largest scientific society in the world. The special symposium was called “Chemistry and Biological Effects of Maple Food Products.” Scientists gathered to share research regarding the positive effects of maple syrup on inflammation, infection and the gut microbiome. Maple syrup …read more Source: Natural Health 365 [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola The HBO documentary “Warning: This Drug May Kill You,” details the devastating effect America’s pharma-driven opioid crisis is having on families and the victims themselves. The film, made by Perri Peltz and Sascha Weiss, features the perspectives of four families whose lives have been ripped apart as a result of opioid and heroin addiction. Opioid and heroin addiction — which public health officials have described1 as being the worst drug crisis in American history — affects about 2.5 million Americans, nearly half a million of whom are addicted to heroin,2 a dangerous …read more [More]
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) If you doubt the fact that fluoride is toxic, consider this: 20 years ago, the FDA ordered toothpaste manufacturers to add a poison warning to all toothpastes containing the chemical. The warning, which advises the public to seek professional medical help if swallowed, still appears on fluoride toothpaste tubes today. In addition, fluoride continues to be added to municipal water supplies in 70 percent of the United States. The long-term chronic exposure to fluoride has natural health experts – as well as a growing group …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Julie Fidler Boxed macaroni and cheese is often a favorite food among youngsters, but a recent study suggests the packaged food contains dangerous, endocrine-disrupting chemicals that have been banned in toys: phthalates. [1] Phthalates are a group of toxic additives in plastics. They’re used to make plastics soft and flexible, and are commonly found in artificial fragrances, inks, coatings, adhesives, and other consumer and industrial products, the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) explains. These chemicals are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in equipment and materials for food handling, processing, and packaging. Because of [More]
There’s a handy ingredient probably sitting in your pantry just waiting to provide an array of super benefits. Vinegar. did you know you can safely use this ingredient in the garden too? Check out a few clever ways you can use vinegar (white and apple cider) where your veggies and plants spend their days: 1.Vinegar for weeds: Instead of spending a lot of money on toxic chemicals to get rid of the weeds in your garden, pouring apple cider vinegar directly on the weeds. The acetic acid will stop weed growth without damaging the soil. 2.Get rid of ants: Ants don’t like the [More]
By Michael By Amanda Froelich Purified water is essential for health, but many of the filters on the market contain toxins which may adversely affect one’s well-being rather than support it. For this reason, we… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Admin – Orissa by Paul Fassa Health Impact News A recent 2017 study has determined that pure dietary saturated fats, especially coconut oil, can ease the suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease. This study was conducted at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, a private institution well known for independent research. The study was reported in Science Daily June 22, 2017. Mice were fed only plant based fats such as cocoa butter and coconut oil. The mice fed coconut oil or cocoa butter had fewer kinds of gut bacteria. Their gut microbiome content had been [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Each year, an estimated 1 million Americans get sepsis1,2 and up to half of them die as a result.3,4,5 Sepsis is a progressive disease process initiated by an aggressive, dysfunctional immune response to an infection in the bloodstream, which is why it’s sometimes referred to as blood poisoning. While illnesses such as bronchitis, pneumonia, strep throat, kidney infection or even localized infections can turn septic, sepsis is most commonly acquired in hospital settings.6,7 Starting out with symptoms of infection, the condition …read more Source: mercola     
By Heather Callaghan By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. The international journal Science of the Total Environment has just published a compelling study from the Republic of Korea, where autism prevalence is high. The study… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By samanthaolivier There are countless articles on the Internet that warn about the negative effects of chronic sleep deprivation, like an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, or diabetes. If you’re staying up late every night binging your favorite TV series, then sleeping for a few hours and going to work first thing in the morning, that’s a habit you could put under control. On the other hand, insomnia is a serious medical condition that can’t be fought with just a simple habit shift. Sleep deprivation and the mind Depriving yourself from sleep can be caused by [More]
By annielizstan Thanks to the advancements in the technology that are utilized to detect diseases, doctors can diagnose a continuously growing number of diseases today. When new diseases are discovered, the advancements in medicine and the healthcare industry, in general, helps us find new cures or treatment methods for these diseases. Today, however, we are not here to discuss some new disease that has been discovered, but rather a particular disease that affects quite a significant number of people and causes severely painful symptoms. The disease, or rather a group of diseases that we would like to discuss is arthritis. [More]
By Hesh Goldstein By now we have a pretty good idea why dis-ease in our body manifests from a scientific viewpoint, but lack the tools to reverse that state of dis-ease and the symptoms brought upon us by our actions. If we can learn about what actions bring about these symptoms we will be in a better position to take steps to reverse them once and for all. Mineral Deficiencies: If you or yours are prone to illness resulting from a decreased enzyme production, or have asthma, autism, ADHD, poor blood circulation, allergies, cancer, arthritis or joint pain, osteoporosis, emphysema, [More]
By Hesh Goldstein In part 1 we talked about acute disease, which is the result of nature’s efforts to eliminate waste matter or poisons from the body to repair injured tissues. If this acute condition is not allowed to run its natural course, or is treated with suppressive methods, like drugs, surgery, vaccines and the like, and is not allowed to fulfill its intended function of elimination, then eventually “chronic disease” will result. In other words, when an organism has a lowered vitality due to the accumulation of waste materials and poisons effecting destruction upon vital parts of the body [More]
By Admin By: Matt Fitzgerald, MS, MBA & Dr. John Fitzgerald, DC The #1 issue with the Standard Ketogenic Diet (SKD) is a complete lack of focus on micronutrients. Fruits, Vegetables, and Superfoods are the best source of micronutrients, but they are high in carbohydrates; and carbohydrates are only allowed in very small amounts by the SKD. […] The post Daily Cyclical Ketogenic Diet – with Meal Plan appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Source: undergroundhealth.com     
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Admin – Orissa Traditional fats such as coconut oil and butter are high in saturated fats. Modern processed cooking oil such as corn and soybean oil, the new vegetable oils that are polyunsaturated, have only been in the food chain since World War II, and contain dangerous trans fatty acids. by Paul Fassa Health Impact News Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is rapidly becoming an international epidemic. The mainstream medical mantra for its underlying cause is “fat consumption.” However, “fat” is a very general term and does not distinguish between traditional healthy fats and unhealthy modern processed fats …read [More]
By Seth Pollard You might have cravings for sweet treats while you’re pregnant, but a recent study shows that pregnant women who overindulge may be more likely to have a child with allergies or asthma. [1] Researchers from Queen Mary University in London studied nearly 9,000 women who gave birth during the 1990s and their children. Compared to children whose mothers ate the least amount of sugar (less than 7 teaspoons daily), children born to moms who ate the most (16-69 teaspoons a day) were 73% more likely to be diagnosed with two or more types of allergies, and 101% [More]
By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalHealth365) There is growing consensus – among holistically-minded healthcare providers and conventionally-trained physicians alike – that chronic inflammation is the root cause of chronic disease. And chronic disease, from arthritis to cancer to diabetes, is currently endemic within the Western world. In fact, the National Council on Aging reports that a shocking 80 percent of people 65 and over suffer from at least one chronic disease condition. (Of course, younger people can be affected as well.) Although Western medicine attempts to treat chronic inflammation with a variety of …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Spending time outdoors can significantly lift your mood, so it’s no surprise that outdoors activities such as gardening and nature hikes1 have been found to be good therapy. In one survey,2 80 percent of gardeners reported being “happy” and satisfied with their lives, compared to 67 percent of non-gardeners, and the more time spent in the garden, the greater their life satisfaction. Among volunteers at an outdoor conservation project, a whopping 100 percent said participation improved their mental health and boosted their confidence and self-esteem.3 This general well-being among gardeners is typically …read more [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Your brain works in mysterious ways, many of which we’re only beginning to understand. As part of your day to day daily grind, your brain may actually run on autopilot much of the time. In fact, research suggests people may be mentally “checked out” — focused not on the present moment, the world around them or a particular given task, but rather on their own thoughts nearly half the time.1 This mental state of blasé, in turn, generally makes us unhappy, likely because our minds turn to unsettling thoughts, past arguments, worries or other [More]
By Sierra Bright There are numerous types of oils that benefit health and wellbeing such as krill oil. Often overlooked, emu oil contains potent properties including omega-3’s that can reduce inflammation and remedy skin conditions. An Australian study found that emu oil used both topically and orally can reduce inflammation. According to researchers, emu oil is especially effective in treating inflammation in the gastrointestinal system. The emu is a flightless bird from Australia that is similar to an ostrich. Emus are comprised mainly of fatty acids. Aborigines from Australia, known to have been the oldest group of people on earth, [More]
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Air pollution is a global health crisis and being linked to the rise in Alzheimer’s disease. The WHO reports that the most popular form of dementia (Alzheimer’s) contributes to 5.4 percent of all deaths worldwide, and living in areas with a high degree of air pollution is known to increase the odds of heart disease, cancer and stroke. But, now, a scientific study is giving rise to concern that iron-based particles generated by industrial and automotive pollution could be an environmental risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. Abundant …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Mike Barrett The World Health Organization (WHO) is warning that antibiotic-resistant strains of gonorrhea are on the rise, and about 78 million people per year could be at risk for the sexually-transmitted disease (STD). [1] In a recent report, the WHO explains how researchers looked at data from gonorrhea cases and antibiotic resistance from 77 countries. Of those countries: 97% of those that reported data from 2009 to 2014 had cases that were resistant to ciprofloxacin; 81% reported cases were resistant to azithromycin; 66% had infections resistant to cephalosporin. Dr. Teodora Wi, medical officer of human reproduction at the [More]