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By Dr. Serge Gregoire Are you like thousands of people who can’t sleep? Or do you seem to have trouble get a full night of restful sleep and you keep waking up in the middle of the night? Here are some simple tips and tricks to help you beat insomnia and get the sleep you have been missing (1, 2, 3). Insomnia Buster # 1: Creating the Right Atmosphere Being comfortable and free of distractions is one of the first steps in securing a good night’s sleep. Keeping your sleeping area cool, dark, and as free from noise as possible [More]
By Jhoanna Robinson (Natural News) Cayenne pepper, whose color can …read more Source: Natural News     
By Fari Magdala Valerian root supplements worked well for me when I had trouble sleeping years ago. Compared to prescription drugs, Valerian root was a welcome and effective alternative. My mother, who was a registered nurse, suggested it. I’ll never forget the first time I took it. I was shopping with my Mom at a mall. I took one pill and felt sleepy almost immediately.Whew, I was so glad I wasn’t driving! At the time, I was also suffering from stress. I hated shopping but soon felt peace and enjoyed myself. What is Valerian Root? The Valerian root plant grows [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Brandon Turbeville A new story is sweeping the news regarding a controversial “herbal coffee.” Recently, New of Kopi Jantan Tradisional Natural Herbs Coffee, which was marketed… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Chemotherapy has been one of the primary treatments against the growth of cancer cells in many cancer types. Now research is showing that chemotherapy could actually be exacerbating the presence and growth of cancer cells, especially in persons with breast cancer. A common treatment protocol for breast cancer patients is chemotherapy followed by surgical removal of the tumor. It is believed that the chemotherapy drugs both help to reduce tumor size as well as prevent cancer cells from spreading in the body. However, now it …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Admin Comments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News This latest article by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., explains how world governments go to great lengths to hide vaccine-related deaths. The fact that vaccines do cause deaths sometimes is not even a fact in dispute. In addition to the deaths reported in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the Department of Justice supplies a quarterly report to the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines on cases settled for vaccine injuries and deaths. The American …read more Source: Health Impact News     
By Rhonda Johansson (Natural News) It is common knowledge that …read more Source: Natural News     
By Julie Fidler In July 2017, the Senate Appropriations Committee voted 24-7 to approve an amendment that would allow vets legal access to medical marijuana as part of the 2018 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill. The bill, if met with final approval, would allow physicians at VA hospitals in legal marijuana states to recommend and write medical cannabis prescriptions for veterans. [1] The amendment is intended “to prohibit the use of funds appropriated or other-wise made available under this Act to interfere with the ability of veterans to participate in medical marijuana programs approved by States [More]
By Michael By Catherine J. Frompovich According to Electrosmog Prevention, “Accommodations may be requested of the PUC or utility for qualifying disabilities or medical conditions [regarding EMFs/RFs radiation… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola U.S. prices of wholesale organic milk have dropped significantly — in some cases by more than 30 percent — in the last year. While this might seem like welcome news for consumers looking for a price break on this premium milk, it comes at a cost to small farmers — some of whom are selling organic grass fed milk at non-organic prices or, worse, being forced to dump it.1 Small farmers risk being forced out of business in this market, even as the organic dairy industry has grown in size. The problem is that [More]
By Sierra Bright As humans, none of us are perfect all of the time, and it’s far too easy to get off track when it comes to healthy living. Sometimes, we just need a little inspiration to get back into the game, and get serious about our health. Whether you’ve been “off track” for days, weeks, years, or were never on it in the first place, these great Netflix documentaries focused on a variety of healthy living subjects, are sure to get you inspired to get you where you need to be. Do you need a push? Just grab a [More]
By Ariana Source: How Can We Save Our Children? For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. There is a silent tragedy happening in our homes concerning our children. Our children are in a devastating emotional state. Teachers and professionals agree that in the past 15 years, the emotional wellbeing of our children has reached an all time low. In the past 15 years, researchers have released alarming statistics on the […] Source: How Can We Save Our Children? Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Source: realfarmacy.com     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola No matter where you live, if you enjoy gardening and grow your own vegetables, herbs and other plants, you probably wish the season were longer. Who doesn’t love picking luscious red tomatoes right off the vine, or finding an abundance of crisp, green cucumbers hiding under their fanlike foliage? Gardeners who live in the chilliest plant zones, though, have a definite disadvantage, as they may be forced to wait until May to sow their first seeds into the soil, and later watch their vibrant garden production come to a chilly halt as early as [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Kerry McDonald How Schooling Crushes Creativity In 2006, educator and author Ken Robinson gave a TED Talk called, “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” At over 45 million views, it remains the… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
Smoking rates have been slowly falling in Western countries for decades. Soon, the habit could be wiped out, without even having to ban it. …read more Source: Prevent Disease     
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) The best defense against illness and disease is a strong immune system. Unfortunately, according to Jonathan Landsman, host of NaturalHealth365, too many so-called ‘health’ organizations and government agencies fail to emphasize this reality. As a result, most people are uninformed about the importance of immune system health and how to best support it. The Immune Defense Summit is on a mission to change all of that. Starting Mon. July 24, this 7-day, FREE online event, hosted by Jonathan Landsman will forever change the way we view infectious …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) According to the CDC, 23,000 people die in the United States every year from drug resistant infections — while cancer kills over half a million. Unbelievable as it may seem, this already-staggering loss of life from antimicrobial resistance will begin to seem like “small potatoes” over the next 30 years – unless drastic action is taken. According to British chancellor George Osborne, antimicrobial resistance is on target to emerge by the year 2050 as the world’s number one killer – surpassing even cancer to claim a …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Isabelle Z. (Natural News) When the oil drilling rig, …read more Source: Natural News     
By Admin by GMWatch.org Excerpts: A new report by the toxicologist Dr Peter Clausing shows that the EU authorities violated their own rules and disregarded evidence that glyphosate is carcinogenic to reach a conclusion that the chemical does not cause cancer. The EU authorities reached the conclusion that glyphosate is not carcinogenic by disregarding and brushing aside evidence of cancers in experimental animals and by violating directives and guidelines that are supposed to guide their work, according to a new report by the German toxicologist Dr Peter Clausing. The report shows for the first time that glyphosate should have been [More]
By Julie Fidler On July 7, 2017, officials in Arkansas and Missouri enacted a temporary ban on dicamba, the herbicide blamed for vaporizing and damaging crops which have not been genetically engineered to withstand the weedkiller. The Arkansas Plant Board had voted June 23, 2017 to temporarily ban the spraying of dicamba on any crops except pasture land for 120 days. [1] The newest ban, set to start July 11, 2017, extends the 120-day moratorium. The bans come as complaints about suspected dicamba drift continue to snowball. More than 130 cases of dicamba drift have already been reported in Missouri [More]
By Paul Kemp A variety of skin conditions, including psoriasis, eczema, and Red Skin Syndrome, are currently being brought under control by those using the herb, kratom. Kratom is a botanical derived from the leaves of the tropical tree, Mitragyna speciosa korth, which is commonly used as an ingredient in artisanal soaps, lotions, and salves, and in which the leaf powder is also taken as a tea, in capsules, or mixed in food and beverages. By whatever method kratom is applied, the results of those whom conventional drugs have not helped are simply astounding. Kratom, interestingly, has traditionally been used [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Antibiotic resistance is a growing threat in our world with no truly effective remedy currently offered by Western medicine. By some estimates, antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” will kill more people than cancer by 2050. No doubt, it’s time to focus on solutions. Your best defense against infectious disease and tomorrow’s global health threats is a strong immune system. However, all too many people remain uninformed about how to best optimize the immune system – in order to deal with chronic and infectious diseases. Avoid antibiotic resistance: Get INSTANT access …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola For people suffering from Crohn’s disease, here is one of the most recent — and possibly most dramatic — breakthroughs in its treatment: Good fats can bring about positive changes in your gut bacteria, decreasing the symptoms of this debilitating, long-term condition. One caveat, though, is that the fat must be derived from plants. Scientists say eating a diet containing high amounts of coconut oil and other plant-based fat lowers gut inflammation, which causes damage to your health in a number of ways. According to Medical News Today, patients with Crohn’s disease — which, [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Many people have pumpkin seeds just once a year – as a delicious toasted by-product of the Halloween jack-o-lantern. Many others have never even tried them. However, with all of their health benefits, these nutty tasting seeds and its by-product pumpkin seed oil ought to be consumed far more often. (keep reading to find out why) Pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil contain an impressive array of vitamins and health-supporting compounds. These include manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, copper, protein, zinc and iron. Pumpkin seeds are also high …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
Here’s another reason to start the day with a cup of joe: Scientists have found that people who drink coffee appear to live longer. …read more Source: Prevent Disease     
By Seth Pollard I grew up surrounded by farmland and lived near rural Tennessee for a time, yet I wouldn’t have the foggiest idea how to start a farm. But if I wanted to experience farming on a small scale, Farm From the Box would be the way to go. The tiny house movement has shown us that shipping containers can be turned into stylish homes, and 2-acre farms capable of feeding 150 people come in shipping containers, too. The really cool part: you can do it off the grid. [1] Farm From the Box is the brainchild of Brandi [More]