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By Admin Supplements Killing Children? by ANH-USA No, but this false narrative is being pushed by the mainstream media. Last week, a paper in the Journal of Medical Toxicology reported that calls to poison control centers concerning dietary supplements were up 50% over the period 2005-2012, with most of those calls relating to small children. The mainstream media pounced, questioning whether parents should risk storing supplements at home. As with previous attacks against supplements, however, an analysis of the underlying data shows that supplements are overwhelmingly safe products. The Journal article cited findings from the American Association of Poison Control [More]
By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalHealth365) What exactly are genetically modified foods, or GMOs, doing to our health? Will this ‘new’ way of growing food – developed by the biotech industry – actually live up to the promise of feeding the world and reducing our dependency of toxic farming chemicals? Or, does this modern technology pose a serious threat to our digestive system, immune function and the environment? No doubt, the future of our food supply is at stake and GMOs represent one of the most hotly debated health topics of our time. …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Dandelion greens are nutritious, delicious and versatile. They can be added to salads, soups and stews or sautéed and served as a side dish. What you may have only thought of as a pesky weed in your yard is actually a flowering herb with significant health benefits. The dandelion plant belongs to the largest plant family — the Asteraceae or sunflower family — which includes more than 22,000 species, such as daisies and thistles. The dandelion alone has more than 100 different species, all of which are beneficial to your health.1 In fact, every [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola If you’re a U.S. adult and don’t regularly take a prescription drug, you’re now in the minority, according to a survey of nearly 2,000 U.S. adults by Consumer Reports.1 The revealing sample found that more than half of U.S. adults regularly take prescription medications, and the average adult takes four. If it seems like your friends and family are taking more drugs than they did in the past — or if adults use more meds than they did when you were a kid — it’s not in your imagination, either. Consumer Reports found that [More]
By Michael By Jon Rappoport I’ve placed these lies in the context of a Q&A: Q: Let’s say I accept the idea that vaccines create protection against disease. Vaccines create immunity. What’s the problem? Why… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By REALdeal Source: These 20 Hacks Will Forever Change How You Clean Your House. They’re Genius. For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Most of us hate cleaning. It’s time consuming, boring, and we’d rather be doing almost ANYTHING else. Just think about all of the wasted time in your life spent on making sure the coffee pot is cleaned out, or getting the water ring off the table. It’s really insane when you add it up. Well, no […] Source: These 20 Hacks Will Forever Change How You Clean Your House. They’re Genius. Learn more at <a target=_blank …read [More]
By REALdeal Source: Here is What a 70 Year Old Woman Who Went Sugar-Free 28 Years Ago, Looks like Today For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Carolyn Hartz gave up eating processed sugar almost 30 years ago after years of being ‘addicted’ to sweets. Today she boasts a bikini body and glowing complexion that many people who are decades younger than her dream of having. But she believes that in order to get what you want you need to take […] Source: Here is What a 70 Year Old Woman Who Went Sugar-Free 28 Years …read more Source: realfarmacy.com [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Heather Callaghan, Editor Unique study reveals documented mechanism of just a few walnuts to decrease hunger signals A recent two- or three-part, double-blind study demonstrated that less than… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Many health-minded individuals are already well aware of the benefits of grapefruit. It is loaded with immune system-boosting vitamin C and many other nutrients. Eating grapefruit can assist with appetite control, weight loss, blood sugar regulation and even diabetes prevention. But, have you ever considered grapefruit essential oil? Great news for those seeking the benefits of consuming grapefruit – but, don’t like eating this healthy fruit. There are actually many health benefits of grapefruit in a versatile essential oil form. How does grapefruit essential oil inhibit cancer …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Sierra Bright It goes without saying that the lungs are a very important organ. Without them, you couldn’t breathe, and without breath, you cease to exist. They’re a part of the respiratory system, working with other organs and tissues to help you breathe, and every single cell in the body needs oxygen to live. The lungs are what move oxygen into the bloodstream where it’s carried throughout the body when you inhale. When you exhale, the waste, in the form of carbon dioxide, is removed. But the lungs are tasked with a whole lot more than that, in fact, [More]
By Julie Fidler If you have avoided becoming a runner because you were worried that the constant pounding on your joints might cause you problems later, well, you may not have anything to worry about. An analysis of 17 studies involving nearly 115,000 people should put your mind at ease. The findings suggest that recreational running may actually be good for your hips and knees. [1] A team of international researchers from Spain, Sweden, Canada, and the United States analyzed the studies to learn more about the relationship between running and hip and knee osteoarthritis. They discovered that only 3.5% [More]
By Julie Fidler A 30-year study published in Scientific Reports suggests that people who consume high amounts of sugar intake may be more likely to experience mental health problems, especially men. Further, the study reveals a link between sugar and depression, which should be intriguing to everyone given the amount of sugar Americans consume. [1] Nitty Gritty Study Details More than 10,000 British civil servants between the ages of 35 and 55 were recruited for the University College of London’s Whitehall II study, which launched in 1985. In the study, researchers monitored the participants’ health and behavior, conducting surveys with [More]
By Admin – Orissa by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Another peer-reviewed study was published this month (August 2017) showing dietary virgin coconut oil has beneficial heart-health effects regarding lipid profile, renal status, hepatic antioxidant defense system, and cardiovascular risks. The study was conducted by researchers in Nigeria in the Department of Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, at Federal University. The title of the study is: Dietary Supplementation with Virgin Coconut Oil Improves Lipid Profile and Hepatic Antioxidant Status and Has Potential Benefits on Cardiovascular Risk Indices in Normal Rats. Here is the abstract of the …read more [More]
By Admin – Orissa Weeding Out Vaccine Toxins: MMR, Glyphosate, and the Health of a Generation by Dr. Stephanie Seneff Glyphosate, often sold under the brand name “Roundup,” is the most widely used weed killer in the U.S. Glyphosate is a “non-selective herbicide,” which means it kills many plants, not just weeds. It kills them by interfering with the production of critical proteins necessary for growth. In commercial agriculture, Roundup is used on “Roundup Ready” crops—crops that have been genetically modified to resist the powerful toxic effects of glyphosate. The list of Roundup Ready crops includes …read more Source: Health [More]
By Paul Fassa Source: How to Rid Your Body of Fluoride from All Sources For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by PAUL FASSA Having fluoride in most drinking water and crop irrigation systems for decades means most people have fluoride accumulated in the tissues of their body, even if it’s in small daily doses that are considered “safe”. Accumulation is the key word. Avoiding it and getting it out should be a priority, since fluoride […] Source: How to Rid Your Body of Fluoride from All Sources Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Source: [More]
By Admin – Orissa New study: Vaccine Manufacturers and FDA Regulators Used Statistical Gimmicks to Hide Risks of HPV Vaccines by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.Worldmercuryproject.org. A new study published in Clinical Rheumatology exposes how vaccine manufacturers used phony placebos in clinical trials to conceal a wide range of devastating risks associated with HPV vaccines. Instead of using genuine inert placebos and comparing health impacts over a number of years, as is required for most new drug approvals, Merck and GlaxoSmithKline spiked their placebos with a neurotoxic aluminum adjuvant and cut observation periods to a matter of months. Researchers from Mexico’s [More]
By REALdeal Source: Oil of Oregano: A Powerhouse for the Alternative Medicine Cabinet For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Oregano oil is the ultimate antibiotic. Oregano is a powerful herb with unique healing properties. Did you know that oregano has eight times more antioxidants than apples and three times as much as blueberries? Antioxidants are needed to protect our body against free radical damage. They boost the immune-system naturally. Oregano Oil is the most […] Source: Oil of Oregano: A Powerhouse for the Alternative Medicine Cabinet Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and …read more Source: realfarmacy.com     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Although many accept declining eye sight as a part of natural aging, it is really more of a side effect of our modern lifestyle. Aging does not automatically equate to failing vision, cataracts or dry eyes, provided you’ve properly nourished your eyes through the years. Unfortunately, statistics demonstrate that many Americans are suffering the effects of years of poor lifestyle choices. In people over age 40:1 24.4 million people have cataracts 2.7 million have glaucoma 4.2 million suffer impaired vision 4.88 million suffer dry eye The risk of developing dry eye increases with age [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) If you’re not favoring organic, chemical-free personal care product choices or natural solutions whenever possible, you (quite frankly) are probably raising your risk for getting cancer. Research out of the University of Cambridge has verified the link between toxic chemicals called aldehydes, the destruction of DNA repair mechanisms and a higher risk of cancer due to their effects at the cellular level. Aldehydes are known cancer-causing substances that have become increasingly pervasive in our modern living environment. In addition to being found in a range of …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) “Giving up junk food.” “Getting off the sofa.” “Quitting smoking.” These are the common, and beneficial, lifestyle changes that many people adopt when they become serious about avoiding heart disease and cancer. But, what about poor oral health? (does your doctor appreciate the danger?) I understand: making an appointment with a licensed dental hygienist just doesn’t have the same sense of urgency as seeing your cardiologist for a checkup – but, maybe it should. When it comes to preventing chronic, life-threatening diseases, maintaining good oral health …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Admin I am someone who loves spending time in the garden, and I am far from being the only one! Millions of people all over the world have taken up gardening as a hobby for a variety of different reasons. One reason for gardening that is less well-known is that it is very healthy for us! […] The post Health Benefits from Your Garden appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Source: undergroundhealth.com     
By Julie Fidler Endometrial cancer, otherwise known as uterine cancer, is the fourth most common cancer in women in high-income countries, including the United States, Canada, and Australia. There’s no shortage of things you shouldn’t do if you want to avoid cancer, such as using tobacco or drinking alcohol. As some research points out, another thing women can do to lower their risk of endometrial cancer is to breastfeed their babies. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that women exclusively breastfeed for the first 6 months of their child’s life and then continue to do so after introducing solid food [More]
By Seth Pollard Deaths from cancer in the United States peaked in 1991, but have since dropped a whopping 25%, according a report published earlier this year by the American Cancer Society (ACS). [1] As a result of that drop, 2.1 million fewer people died from cancer between 1991 and 2014 than would have died if cancer death rates had remained stagnant at their 1991 level. The ACS credits reductions in smoking and advances in early detection and treatment for the significant decline, such as more people having colonoscopies to detect colorectal cancer. Source: CDC Dr. Otis Brawley, the chief [More]
By Julie Fidler The FDA informed the manufacturer of Impossible Burger – a meat-like burger made using only plants – that it had not yet proven that the product’s key genetically modified (GM) ingredient is safe for consumption. The company, Impossible Foods, decided it knew better and launched the product anyway. [1] The Impossible Burger is made using a GM form of a protein called soy leghemoglobin (SLH) or “heme,” which comes from the root nodules of soybean plants. An SLH gene is added to a yeast strain that is grown in vats using a fermentation process. Impossible Foods then [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Dr. Veronique Desaulniers There are so many things you can do to lead a cancer-free life. Not surprisingly, many of the actions you can take to prevent dis-eases like breast cancer can also help your mind clear and active as well. Prevent Cancer and Help Your Brain Too Here are 6 easy things you can do NOW to prevent cancer and also stay alert, centered and relaxed. #1 Cut the sugar. Here’s a fact: sugar intake actually feeds cancer cells. Many studies have proved this, including a 2009 investigation conducted by the University of Utah found that found that [More]