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By Earthie Mama There is an awakening going on. A global awakening that is manifesting a transformation, which begins with a personal inner shift. In order to make the changes that are in alignment with this awakening, people need to get healthy in mind, body and spirit. This is the time to be at your ultimate best. For many people the first step to get in alignment is detoxing the body. The body is full of the toxins we are forced to ingest by the air we breath, the food we eat, the water we drink and the chemicals in [More]
By Earthie Mama It’s no secret that Big Pharma and cosmetic companies generate billions of dollars each year by selling a huge array of body care products. Most of these chemical-based products include harmful ingredients that are toxic when absorbed into the skin. Manufacturers funnel revenues into lawmakers’ pockets to ensure their ongoing support. With the support of deceptive media and marketing techniques, the general public have been led to believe that not only are pharmaceuticals the best line of defense against poor hygiene, but that they are the only things keeping us safe from the perils of disease-causing bacteria, [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola It’s estimated that close to 300 million tons of plastic are produced every year, more than half of which is for single-use products. Those discarded plastic bottles, bags, straws and other plastic waste end up largely in our oceans, to the tune of more than 8 million tons a year.1 Carried along with the ocean’s currents, swirling gyres of “plastic smog”2 now cover about 40 percent of the world’s ocean surfaces.3 While these heavily plastic polluted areas are often referred to as garbage patches in the sea, the problem is …read more Source: mercola [More]
The fastest way to gain weight quickly is often to lose it quickly. Losing steady as it goes appears to be the key to successful weight loss, according to a new Drexel University study appearing in the journal Obesity. …read more Source: Prevent Disease     
By Sierra Bright Sugar is everywhere. Even in places, you’d never expect it. When I decided to give up sugar, I assumed that meant foregoing dessert and giving up my favorite snack – Peanut Butter Cap’n Crunch cereal, but I soon learned that it was going to take a whole lot more than that. For years, I told myself that sugary treats, especially things like cereal, hard candies, jelly beans and the like, weren’t really all that bad for me because they contained little, if any, fat. When I had my cholesterol checked and my triglycerides were through the roof, [More]
By Admin – Orissa by Paul Fassa Health Impact News Currently grains, especially wheat, are blamed for most of our digestive ills, which are rampant within a variety of autoimmune diseases, Crohn’s, IBS, and leaky gut syndromes that create other diseases. Now we have the gluten free rage, similar to the low or no fat crazes of the past. The commercial food industry “solutions” for the faulty lipid theory of obesity and heart disease, which is a “low-fat diet,” has probably created more cases of obesity and heart disease than what had previously existed. So how will …read more Source: [More]
By GROW test Source: How To Store Fresh Produce Without Power For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. If you’re like many, a plethora of knowledge which should have been passed down from your grandmother was replaced by the refrigerator and freezer. These are very recent inventions that most people take for granted nowadays. Now you may be wondering, how did my ancestors preserve a whole winter season worth of frost-intolerant produce? Canning is a […] Source: How To Store Fresh Produce Without Power Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Source: realfarmacy.com     
By Rhonda Johansson (Natural News) Meegan Hefford, an Australian bodybuilder, …read more Source: Natural News     
By Dr. Mercola Early European explorers had traveled all over the world to find spices such as nutmeg with good reason. Nutmeg, or Myristica fragrans, isn’t just a popular ingredient for cooking. It also possesses therapeutic properties, which made it a part of ancient cultures that include traditional Chinese and Indian medicine.1 Today, nutmeg is very much present in the alternative health scene. As an essential oil, it is used as a natural treatment for digestive problems, arthritis and other health conditions. Using nutmeg oil has a number of benefits, which I’ll discuss below. What Is Nutmeg Oil? Nutmeg essential [More]
By Lindsay Sheehan Each day, the delicate skin on our hands is put through a disproportionate share of abuse compared with other areas of the epidermis. Every chore – whether it’s gardening, cooking a meal, cleaning your home, doing laundry, washing dishes, or bathing your pets – involves using these remarkable tools we call hands. In addition to these tasks, an extremely hands-on job or a particularly handsy hobby can quickly render the flesh on hands dry, cracked, and rough to the touch. Worse still, it can make them appear aged well before their time. What Causes Dry Hands? Of [More]
By REALdeal Source: Top 23 Uses For Apple Cider Vinegar Backed By Science For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by CHANTELLE ZAKARIASEN Apple Cider Vinegar has a plethora of useful and medicinal properties. There have been resources written on all the amazing benefits that Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has regarding multiple physical ailments as well as cleaning and DIY purposes. ACV is a cheap and effective multi-purpose cleaner, you can add it to your water, […] Source: Top 23 Uses For Apple Cider Vinegar Backed By Science Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News …read more Source: realfarmacy.com     
By REALdeal Source: They Stopped Eating Sugar For an Entire Year For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by EVE O. SCHAUB Once upon a time, I was healthy; at least I thought I was. Sure, I lacked enough energy to get me through the day, but with all the commercials on TV touting energy drinks for America’s tired masses, I always assumed I wasn’t the only one suffering. And sure, everyone in […] Source: They Stopped Eating Sugar For an Entire Year Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Source: realfarmacy.com     
By Sierra Bright EDITORS NOTE: Here at Natural Living Ideas we decided to perform a “human guinea pig experiment” whereby one of our contributors drank a magnesium supplement for a week. Since Natural Calm from Natural Vitality is the most popular water-soluble magnesium on the market, we chose that product. We have not been sponsored for this experiment, we did not receive any free samples and we are not obliged to be positive in our review – however we do earn a small commission if you decide to click through to Amazon and buy Natural Calm or any other item [More]
By REALdeal Source: Why Your Grandparents Didn’t Need To Diet For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by NATASHA LONGO Every successive generation seems to be getting sicker, with more illness and disability. This despite government claims that the science of diet has mostly improved from just 50 years ago. These claims are far from the reality the modern world and its population experiences. Our grandparents used to make their own butter, cook […] Source: Why Your Grandparents Didn’t Need To Diet Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Source: realfarmacy.com     
By Heather Callaghan By Heather Callaghan, Editor Marshmallows, gingerbread men, doughnuts and frosted cupcakes all tied up in strings – these may be some of your favorite things, but white coloring pigments in… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By REALdeal Source: 8 Cancer-Causing and Toxic Foods You Need to Stop Eating Immediately For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by APRIL McCARTHY Food scientists are shedding light on items loaded with toxins and chemicals–and simple swaps for a cleaner diet and supersized health. Experts from different areas of specialty explain why they won’t eat these eight foods. Clean eating means choosing fruits, vegetables, and meats that are raised, grown, and sold with minimal processing. […] Source: 8 Cancer-Causing and Toxic Foods You Need to Stop Eating Immediately Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News …read more Source: realfarmacy.com [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Admin – Orissa Nichole Rolfe, formerly Nichole Bruff, was a nursing student at Baker College in Michigan who dreamt of being a nurse practitioner of midwifery before the nursing department’s director dismissed her–shortly before she was to graduate–after Rolfe questioned instructors who were teaching students to lie to patient’s in order to coerce them into getting vaccinated. Health Impact News In April of 2015, we reported here at Health Impact News that nursing student Nichole Rolfe, formerly Nichole Bruff, was dismissed from her nursing program shortly before graduation after she allegedly refused to commit fraud by lying to patients [More]
By Reality When you want to lose fat and start a diet or fitness program, do you stop and think which fat you are going to lose? Who cares, right? Fat is fat, right? NOPE. There are two types of fat – healthy fat that your body needs every day to protect its organs, muscles and bones, and the other fat that is unhealthy. Which fat would you prefer to lose, healthy fat or unhealthy fat? Of course unhealthy fat, because if you lose healthy fat or any muscle while losing weight, you will rebound and if you lose too [More]
More trials are needed to test vitamin D supplementation for the prevention of heart disease, say researchers behind a new study showing heart failure among the elderly is strongly associated with vitamin D deficiency. …read more Source: Prevent Disease     
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reporting that 230,815 women were diagnosed with this disease in 2013 alone. Now, disturbing study results show that female breast cancer survivors who ate more grilled, barbecued and smoked meats had a greater risk of dying, compared to those with lower intakes. Keep reading to discover how cooking meats at high temperatures can generate dangerous toxins – and the best way to protect your health. Warning to all …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
In a nine-day experiment, researchers from Touro University and UC San Francisco found that a diet with reduced sugar cut liver fat by more than 20 percent. …read more Source: Prevent Disease     
By Alexandra Preston Sadly, depression is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people in Australia and around the world. However, there are many natural therapies for depression that give you back your power, as they are more preventive in nature and help your body to heal itself. One of these natural solutions for depression may be magnesium, as pointed out in recent research. This study involved 126 men and women who suffered from mild to moderate depression. Sixty-two were given a supplement containing 248mg of magnesium (as magnesium chloride, not the best supplemental form) for 6 weeks, [More]
By Sierra Bright Thanks to the numerous advancements in technology, today we have a wealth of electronic gadgets at our fingertips, from smartphones and laptops to tablets and portable printers that make doing work from a remote location easier than ever. These portable devices make it possible to enjoy the increasingly popular mobile lifestyle so that we can work or have fun on the go – until those gadgets run out of battery, that is. If you like to get out in the backcountry and explore nature, you may not want to shell out big bucks for an expensive GPS [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Rosmarinus officinalis, more commonly known as rosemary, is a woody, perennial herb that is fragrant, evergreen and native to the Mediterranean. While some gardeners plant a rosemary bush in their garden to harvest the herb, others use it to add beauty and fragrance, without ever using the leaves. The plant has needle-like leaves similar in appearance to hemlock. It flowers in pink, purple or blue in spring and summer in temperate climates, but may flower constantly in warm climates. Rosemary may be used in multiple ways in your home and is extremely hardy. This [More]
By REALdeal Source: This Boy Ate a Common Household Spice and It Ended Up Killing Him For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. He was a happy, healthy 4-year-old boy, and Brianna Radar considered Matthew her perfect son. He was a real acrobat, often climbing up on things he shouldn’t be. One day, Matthew was alone in the kitchen and he got into the spices. He decided to try to eat some of it and immediately began choking. […] Source: This Boy Ate a Common Household Spice and It Ended Up Killing Him Learn more at <a target=_blank rel="nofollow" …read [More]
By Michael By Alex Pietrowski A growing amount of anger and outrage against Monsanto has culminated in a number class action lawsuits being filed against the agrochemcial giant. At issue now are the devastating… …read more Source: Natural Blaze