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By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Researchers and scientists have dubbed it “the master antioxidant;” “the body’s premier antioxidant” and even “the mother of all antioxidants.” And, no matter how complimentary the labels, glutathione richly deserves any of them. This indispensable antioxidant helps to neutralize toxins in the body, eliminate dangerous free radicals, detoxifies the liver and support overall functioning of the entire immune system. Today, we’ll take a closer look at how this powerful substance and, more importantly, a way to boost your levels within the body. Glutathione is produced naturally by …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola If you’ve ever heard of people who drink a lot of coffee every day on a regular basis and thought, “Whoa —that can’t be good,” you may not be right after all. Some may think drinking four to six cups a day is too much, but scientists say it might actually be good for you. Keep in mind, though that a true “cup” — an actual measure of 16 tablespoons — is an important distinction, because some of the giant mugs many like to use often hold twice that and more. The remarkable thing [More]
By Sierra Bright Getting a good nights sleep on a regular basis is one of the best things you can do for your health. While you’re sleeping, the body is repairing and restoring itself. Quality rest helps to ensure that the brain stays functioning properly, allowing you to resolve problems better, make good decisions, remain more emotionally stable, boost creativity and help you cope better with change. When you don’t get enough rest, it negatively affects your health in many different ways. For example, your immune system needs sleep in order for it to stay strong and function at its [More]
By Reality 99% of all sick people here believe their disease is not their fault, but their genes’ fault or the environment and are just waiting for a miracle drug to cure them; the other 1% believe they are at fault for how they feel and then take action to change their health, and many do! That same 99% also believe you should see a doctor when you feel sick; the other 1% do not believe they should see a doctor when they feel sick, in fact the 1% believe seeing their doctor is the reason why they got worse! [More]
By Admin – Orissa Comments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Marco Caceres of The Vaccine Reaction takes a look at the government and pharmaceutical claims that vaccines are safe, and that adverse reactions to vaccines are only about 1 in a million. Is this a claim based on any facts? Or is it mainly just a statement of belief? The point that is often missed in this debate is that there is one thing that is NOT disputed, and that everyone agrees about: vaccines injure and kill …read more Source: Health Impact News     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in nearly every cell of your body and is essential to good health. Your body uses it to make hormones, protect your cell membranes, digest food and manufacture vitamin D after exposure to the sun. Your liver manufactures most of the cholesterol your body requires from nutrients extracted from your food. Animals use cholesterol in much the same way. This means the meats from beef, pork or chicken have similar levels of cholesterol. Even fat cells in animal meat have the same amount of cholesterol as other cells. [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola For many, happiness is elusive at best and at times near impossible. There’s always something (or someone) pushing our buttons, making us feel less than joyful. According to Barbara Fredrickson, a psychologist and positive-emotions researcher, most Americans have two positive experiences for every negative one. While that sounds good and well, this 2-to-1 positivity ratio is barely enough to get by. To flourish emotionally, Fredrickson’s research1 shows you need a 3-to-1 ratio. That is, you need to have three positive emotions for every negative emotion. Only 20 percent of Americans achieve this critical ratio, [More]
By Admin – Orissa Comments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News The annual flu vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine in the market today, a fact that is not in dispute. The most recent report from the Department of Justice submitted at this year’s Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) meeting revealed that the U.S. Government had settled 275 lawsuits for flu vaccine injuries and deaths, while all other vaccine injury and death settlements were 57 combined. See: Government Issues First Report in 2017 on Vaccine Injuries and Deaths: 275 Injured 4 Dead …read more Source: Health Impact News     
By Dr. Serge Gregoire I seldom have a sleepless night but remember an occasion when I had difficulty falling asleep. Being awake when I should have been asleep was very annoying. Since I worked at night, the problem may have been too much sunlight coming in through the window when it was time to go to bed. In the winter time, the light isn’t bright enough to be bothersome. Light influences the production of a hormone that regulates when we get that sleepy feeling. Too much light tends to make us wake up. Unfortunately, light is only one of the [More]
By Thora Toft Tips to help you break the junk food habit, along with a recipe for “Vanilla Custard” you can make yourself – gluten free. Food advertising and marketing shows us many truly beautiful looking products. Many of these products do actually look amazing in real life. A bakery is an example where almost every single item on display is a work of art. It really does seem impossible sometimes to resist. We know this is never going to stop. We also know there isn’t really any chance of avoiding it. There may be times when we avoid it [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Bisphenol A (BPA) is a component of the strong, clear plastics used in the food packaging industry. However, the majority of over 1,000 studies of the chemical show its link to numerous health problems including increased risk of cancer, impaired brain development and cardiovascular issues. BPA can also contribute to obesity, depressed immune system functioning and mood disorders. It is a known endocrine disruptor that can throw off hormonal balance in the human body, damage chromosomes and lead to birth defects and miscarriage in pregnant women. …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Admin Image Source. U.S. Air Force Is Spraying 6 Million Acres With Chemicals in Response to Harvey by Whitney WebbEcoWatch Excerpts: Amid statewide efforts to clean up the aftermath left by the historic flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey, the Pentagon announced last week that it had dispatched C-130H Sprayers from the Air Force Reserve’s 910th Airlift Wing in order to “assist with recovery efforts in eastern Texas.” However, these “recovery efforts” have little to do with rebuilding damaged structures or with the resettlement of evacuees. Instead, …read more Source: Health Impact News     
By Dr. Mercola What Is Tangerine Oil? Tangerine (Citrus tangerina) belongs to the mandarin orange family, both of which are members of the citrus family. They have very similar taste and properties — two reasons why is often mistaken for the other. But horticulturists can easily distinguish one from another. Compared to mandarin’s light colored skin, tangerine’s skin has a darker reddish-orange hue. And while mandarin skin has a smooth texture, tangerine has a thick, bumpy skin.1 Tangerine oil comes from the fruit’s outer peel and has a warm, fresh and citrusy aroma. Because of its sweet, tangy scent and [More]
By Reality It seems everyone and their grandma has another diet to share with you and another weight-loss story where someone lost 100lbs or more. Of course, if you try any of these diets, most likely you won’t lose any weight permanently and probably just injure yourself, which will make it harder to lose weight permanently the next time. You see, people are so eager to lose weight that they don’t stop to look at exactly what that diet does to your body – maybe it’s because as long as you lose weight, then that’s all that counts? But That’s [More]
By REALdeal Source: Six Pharmaceutical Medicines That Instantly Make Your Health Worse For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Can you guess how many Americans take prescription drugs? Did you guess one in 20 or maybe one in 10? Or did you possibly guess as many as one out of every five Americans? If you guessed any of those you would be wrong. A new report published by the CDC shows nearly half of […] Source: Six Pharmaceutical Medicines That Instantly Make Your Health Worse Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Source: realfarmacy.com     
By Admin – Orissa Studies Link Heavy Metals to the Explosion of Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Declining IQ in American Children by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. World Mercury Project A “silent pandemic of neurodevelopmental toxicity” is disabling a generation of children around the world. This is the verdict of neurology experts Philippe Grandjean and Philip Landrigan in a 2014 report in Lancet Neurology. The staggering tsunami of developmental disabilities now affects at least one in six children in the U.S. and millions more worldwide. Two new studies suggest that the most common of these illnesses—autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention-deficit …read more [More]
By Tracey Watson (Natural News) A Scottish woman given just …read more Source: Natural News     
By Heather Callaghan By Heather Callaghan, Editor While a “sedentary lifestyle” is the new modern scapegoat for all that ails us, Indian doctors are pointing fingers at ingredients commonly found in sodas:… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Jayson Veley (Natural News) According to a recent study …read more Source: Natural News     
By Isabelle Z. (Natural News) A new warning has been …read more Source: Natural News     
By Dr. Mercola Cypress Island Atlantic Salmon Spill from Liam Gallagher on Vimeo. By Dr. Mercola Water pollution is a growing problem, and nonorganic farming activities — both on land and in water — are significant contributors. In addition to farming chemicals such as nitrates, which pose a serious threat to water quality, there’s the issue of drug-resistant bacteria. As reported by the Center for Public Integrity,1 water testing in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, has revealed coliform bacteria “at levels too dangerous to drink.” Drug-resistant bacteria are a direct result of antibiotic overuse, especially in …read more Source: mercola     
By Isabelle Z. (Natural News) Obesity is one of the …read more Source: Natural News     
By Heather Callaghan Grace Cooper is 2 and a half years old right now and she has never eaten a gram of processed sugar in her life! Shan, Grace’s mom, said publicly that when her daughter is old enough to understand… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Across the world, countries have experienced significant changes in weather patterns in the past decades.1 Recently, the southern U.S. coastline was again hit with category 4 hurricane winds, dumping over 50 inches of rain on Texas.2 People in Louisiana are still digging themselves out of the destruction wrought by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and experts expect Houston may experience the same long-term consequences that have affected the residents of New Orleans. Meteorologists are calling the flooding and storms that hit Texas “like no other.”3 However, scientists did expect the storm,4 and …read more Source: [More]
You’re probably thinking you’re a genius right? Well, you know those people who always boast about having a perfect memory? Maybe they shouldn’t, because having total recall is totally overrated. That’s according to a new paper in the journal Neuron, which concludes that forgetting things is not just normal, it actually makes us smarter. …read more Source: Prevent Disease     
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Most people are already aware of the many benefits of exercise. It’s essential for bone, muscle and heart health. It helps with weight control, boosts mood and contributes to immune system functioning and longevity. But, is ‘mild exercise’ good enough? New research is showing that mild (easy-to-do) exercise benefits also include positive anti-inflammatory effects. These findings have exciting implications for persons suffering with chronic diseases such as arthritis and fibromyalgia, as well as diabetes or obesity. Just 20 minutes of activity brings anti-inflammatory exercise benefits A University of …read more Source: Natural Health 365 [More]