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By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Admin – Orissa by Paul Fassa Health Impact News If you have been visiting Health Impact News, you may have noticed the notion that arterial inflammation is what’s behind heart disease, not cholesterol from saturated fats. A clinical human trial recently published in The New England Journal of Medicine in August of 2017 may tip a few more in the medical field into accepting the current awareness that inflammatory damage is a major cause of heart and cardiovascular disease, and cholesterol is trying to patch up the damage before the vessel begins …read more Source: Health Impact News     
By Debbie Wolfe The Cleaning Power Of Lemon & Vinegar Commercial dusting sprays may smell citrus fresh, but they are far form it. Instead of using those chemical laden sprays, try this inexpensive and healthier version. This spray uses the power of vinegar to cut through built up grime. It also has lemon and castile soap to disinfect and clean, together with lemon and orange essential oils for added cleaning and disinfectant power. The sandlewood is optional—I just like the smell and thought it helps balance the citrus scents well. If you do not have access to lemon …read more [More]
By Admin – Orissa How To Make Borax Solution. See video below. by Paul Fassa Health Impact News Most of us are familiar with fluoride’s toxicity and capacity for negative effects, ranging from lowered IQ to more serious neurological diseases and greater cancer risk. The type of fluoride added to our municipal tap water supplies is considered toxic industrial waste that the EPA banned from being dumped into our waterways and inland dumping sites. Various health forums or chat sites discuss using the trace mineral boron as a solution for the fluorides in our bodies, but this health journalist didn’t [More]
By Admin The Thriving Child Summit is a FREE online conference for parents who want to learn how to help their children THRIVE! Health Impact News Join holistic mama doc – Elisa Song, MD, for this inspirational, information-packed, 1-week event where she brings you video interviews with over 40 of the world’s leading experts in holistic health and wellness, integrative medicine, nutrition, parenting, and mind-body medicine who will show you how to help your children thrive to their fullest potentials. Whether your child is healthy, or has a chronic health concern – learn how to integrate the best of conventional [More]
By Jhoanna Robinson (Natural News) Hypochondriacs and extreme worriers, take …read more Source: Natural News     
By Dr Lauren Deville, NMD You might have gas and bloating, alternating constipation and diarrhea, or reflux for a number of reasons. These symptoms are hallmarks of many underlying conditions. But if you feel full after eating just a few bites of food… If you feel gassy after taking probiotics… If fiber actually seems to make your constipation worse… If your gut tends to feel better when you’re on a round of antibiotics… If you have chronically low levels of iron but you’ve never found a good reason for it… …Then you might have SIBO. What SIBO Is The main [More]
By Sierra Bright Magnesium is an important mineral that many Americans are lacking. In fact, some reports estimate that as many as 80 percent aren’t getting enough of this nutrient. If you’re one of them, you may experience everything from weakness and fatigue to cramps, mild nausea, seizures and even coronary spasms. Magnesium is something that’s utilized by every organ in your body, especially your heart, muscles, and kidneys. Most of it is stored in the bones and organs, where it’s used for many biological functions, but it’s also quite possible to be deficient and not know it, which is [More]
By Dr. Mercola What Is Sweet Fennel Oil? Sweet fennel oil comes from crushed fennel seeds (Foeniculum vulgare). The plant, which is a part of the Apiaceae family including carrots or parsley, 1 has an herby, slightly spicy smell that resembles aniseed. It is native to Southern Europe, but is also now grown in parts of Northern Europe, Australia and North America. 2 Uses of Sweet Fennel Oil Fennel was used in various ancient civilizations — by the Egyptians for food and medicine and by the Chinese as a remedy for snake bites. During the Middle Ages, it was hung [More]
By Russel Davis (Natural News) A survey carried out by …read more Source: Natural News     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Your body runs on bioelectricity, and having a deeper understanding of how it works can be quite helpful when it comes to optimizing your health. Natural health pioneer Dr. Jerry Tennant has written an excellent book on this topic called “Healing Is Voltage: The Handbook.” The Electric Brain Trained as an ophthalmologist, Tennant transitioned into natural health as a result of being forced to solve his own health challenges. After doing laser eye surgery on a patient with leukemia, Tennant ended up developing encephalitis. He believes the virus, …read more Source: mercola     
By Selene Most of us know turmeric as just a vivid orange spice, something we might add to curries for an extra flavour boost, or use to colour rice a magnificent yellow. But there is far more to this humble plant than first meets the eye. Recent research has proved what countries in South Asia have known for thousands of years: that turmeric has multiple health benefits and can be used to prevent both dementia and cancer. So why is turmeric, a plant in the ginger family, so good for our health? The key ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, and [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Lack of sleep and poor quality of sleep have been linked not only to absentmindedness and accidents, but also to serious health risks such as Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, heart disease and obesity. More than ever, Americans are sleeping less and suffering because of it. Of the many reasons you may be sleep deprived, one of the most dangerous is sleep apnea. If you are among the 22 million Americans suffering from mild to moderate sleep apnea,1 your sleep may be …read more Source: mercola     
By Admin – Orissa by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. The CDC has just published a seismic study (Donahue et al. 2017 Vaccine 35:5314) linking spontaneous abortions in women to flu vaccines. The study reviewed data for the 2010-11 and 2011-12 flu seasons. Women vaccinated with the inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV) in the 2010-2011 season were 3.7 times more likely to experience a spontaneous abortion within 28 days than women not receiving the vaccine. Over the entire study period (2010 to 2012), the odds for a spontaneous abortion for vaccinated women were 2.0 times greater than for those women …read more [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalHealth365) Over the past few decades, the incidence of many chronic degenerative diseases including cancer, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, cardiovascular problems and Alzheimer’s disease have all risen by an alarming rate – and Western medicine offers no cure. And, while conventional medicine continues to ‘treat’ every ill with a pill or surgery – the actual underlying cause of every disease remains unaddressed. Many integrative healthcare providers have shown that the rise in chronic disease conditions is largely due to imbalances in body energy, aggravated by an unprecedented amount of environmental toxins …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Chicken is a mainstay of many Americans’ diets, but it wasn’t always this way. In fact, as recently as the 1920s, chickens were raised primarily for their eggs — not their meat. Chicken meat was expensive, not considered very tasty and only available seasonally, as chickens were typically slaughtered in the fall after they were no longer needed for laying eggs. In her book, “Big Chicken: The Incredible Story of How Antibiotics Created Modern Agriculture and Changed the Way the World Eats,” journalist Maryn McKenna uncovers how chickens became big business — and it [More]
By none By Barbara Loe Fisher The Vaccine Culture War is heating up.1 Ground zero is America, Europe and other economically developed countries, where the pharmaceutical industrial complex is raising an iron fist to protect multibillion-dollar profits by disempowering the people.2,3,4,5,6,7,8 In America, professors and doctors in academia and government are profiling parents by class and race to shame and discredit those challenging vaccine orthodoxy. Elite members of the highest paid professions in our society are using academic journals and mainstream media to openly preach fear, hate, prejudice …read more Source: mercola     
By Admin – Orissa by Dr. Mercola There are continual advances in science (as well as always some controversy), but new research supporting vitamin C’s potential in preventing the advancement of several forms of cancer is some of the most promising and remarkable that’s emerged in a while. More specifically, vitamin C may stop leukemia stem cells from multiplying, which could prevent certain forms of blood cancer from advancing, the journal Cell reveals, [1] along with pancreatic, colon, liver and ovarian cancers, according to several other notable medical journals and scientific reports. An enzyme known as Tet …read more Source: [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Heather Callaghan, Editor Don’t let the bloggers and cult diets scare you away from green smoothies. Raw, green and fruit smoothies are life giving – just look at your face glow after… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola What do agricultural giant Cargill Inc. and billionaires Richard Branson and Bill Gates have in common? They’re among a group of investors who have given, so far, $17 million to Memphis Meats — a startup company that’s growing meat (beef, chicken and duck) from animal cells. No actual animals are involved, just their cells, so the idea is that one day environmentally (and ethically) devastating concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) could become a thing of the past. Branson is so confident about Memphis Meats’ future that he told Bloomberg News, “I believe that in [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) When it comes to the health benefits of fruits and vegetables, we all sense that “more is better.” However, new research is confirming that we should be eating double the current recommended dietary guidelines in order to reap the benefits of antioxidants. Higher amounts also increase the body’s ability to fight and prevent disease. Scientists from the Imperial College in London looked at 95 previous studies of fruit and vegetable intake. They found that the highest health benefits of antioxidants and vitamins from fruits and vegetables …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Michelle Simmons (Natural News) Fond of using commercial-grade cleaning …read more Source: Natural News     
By Dr. Becker By Dr. Mercola When you see asparagus standing tall and proud in neat displays at your local grocery store, you might have a hard time imagining how it is grown. It may seem even harder to imagine you could grow it in your own vegetable garden. While growing asparagus takes patience — about three years to be exact, to ensure vigorous growth and plant maturity — it is not as difficult as you may think. All the preparation and hard work you do initially will be richly rewarded when you harvest those first tender shoots. If you [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Heather Callaghan, Editor There are around 50 million people around the world who suffer from seizures. One of them was 11-year-old Billy Caldwell of Northern Ireland who was born with a… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Sierra Bright Even if you don’t drink wine all that often, those empty wine bottles can stack up quickly. While you could recycle them, why not repurpose instead? Thankfully, they’re the perfect receptacle for repurposing, allow you to get creative and make all sorts of fun things with them. We’ve rounded up some of the best empty wine bottle projects so that you can make use of yours – and, if you don’t have any lying around, be sure to start saving them. 1. An Elegant Water Carafe One of the easiest ways to make dinner at home feel [More]
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) It’s hard to think of a substance more seemingly harmless and wholesome than soap. Yet many of these cleaning products, especially those billed as “antibacterial,” contain a stew of toxic chemicals, allergens and irritants – which may cause physical harm when used long-term. And laundry detergents and household cleaners can be fatal if ingested – a frightening situation, in light of the fact that these products rank high on the list of substances that are accidentally ingested by small children. To discover how to minimize the threat …read more Source: Natural Health 365