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By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola For most people, an occasional bout of constipation is a minor aggravation. However, this is not the case for the nearly 15 percent of the U.S. population suffering from chronic constipation.1 This means 63 million people have difficulty passing hard, dry, lumpy stool, suffer from feeling bloated, have abdominal pain or feel as if there is something stuck in their rectum or intestines.2 For many, the topic of their bowel movements is a private matter. This makes understanding and learning about the actual mechanics of how stool is produced and eliminated difficult, …read more [More]
By Michael By April McCarthy In a nine-day experiment, researchers from Touro University and UC San Francisco found that a diet with reduced sugar cut liver fat by more than 20 percent. Cutting out the sort of… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Derek Henry (Natural News) No one appreciates the feelings …read more Source: Natural News     
By Tracey Watson (Natural News) The question of whether or …read more Source: Natural News     
By Michael By Catherine J. Frompovich Have you ever seen new or updated scientific information published on the Internet and then try to find it again, only to realize it’s disappeared or probably been… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Reality One of the most common causes of colon cancer, is flour! If you’ve never heard this before, it’s because mainstream media and a century of food propaganda want you to believe you need to eat whole wheat/whole grains every day. Over a century ago, when wheat was still just minimally processed and it was still possible to actually assimilate some of the important wheat germ oil and other important nutrients found in wheat and other grains, you could definitely still view wheat and other grains as an important part of your daily food intake. But Those Days Are [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Heather Callaghan Op-Ed by Julian A. Gordon Glassford, Natural Blaze Dramatic decline in male fertility may be a product of modernity Modern living can be a real drag, particularly if you’re a sperm cell it seems. In… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) August 20, 2017 wasn’t just the day before a total eclipse of the sun; it is also the day on which thousands of fish farm raised salmon escaped into Pacific waters, home of a variety of native salmon species. Believe me, this is a bigger story than you’ll ever hear from mainstream media outlets. A net pen on a fish farm containing hundreds of thousands of salmon on the coast of Cypress Island in the San Juan Islands failed, releasing the salmon into the wild. The …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Heather Callaghan By Heather Callaghan, Editor Obesity is now estimated to affect one-third of the globe and it’s a red flag that something is wrong with our health. It’s not a natural state. With such a… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Heather Callaghan By Aaron Kesel, Natural Blaze A team of scientists headed by Jason Slot at Ohio State University compared genomes of three different hallucinogenic mushrooms with three non-hallucinogenic relatives…. …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Brian J. Eckert More than a year has passed since Bayer announced a Monsanto takeover that would give the German company control over roughly one-quarter of the world’s seeds and pesticides. Concerned observers understand that a Bayer-Monsanto megacorporation spells trouble for farmers, consumers, and the environment. But in Big Ag’s alternate reality, the merger is in the public’s interest. “We can bring better solutions, faster to the growers so they can help contribute to feeding an ever growing world. That’s what this is all about,” Bayer CEO Werner Baumann told CNBC when the merger was announced last September. Monsanto [More]
By Admin – Orissa Ruby is 16 and almost totally paralyzed from the HPV vaccine. Her story is part of the new documentary, Sacrificial Virgins The HPV vaccine – one of the world’s most popular vaccines – is also the world’s greatest source of serious adverse reactions, on a different scale to any other mass-administered vaccine, according to a new film launched today on YouTube. Pain and Suffering, part two of the three-part series Sacrificial Virgins, examines why the reported number of adverse reactions associated with the HPV vaccine is so great, offering a …read more Source: Health Impact News [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Mac Slavo Governments of the world have long been in the business of manipulation and power accumulation. This is ever evident in the current events we are seeing. But there were some instances… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Isabelle Z. (Natural News) When actress Angelina Jolie found …read more Source: Natural News     
By Heather Callaghan By Daisy Luther It looks like preppers aren’t that crazy after all. FEMA’s new director, Brock Long, has repeatedly said that Americans do not have a “culture of preparedness,” something that is… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Isabelle Z. (Natural News) Even though many people associate …read more Source: Natural News     
By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalHealth365) Unfortunately, especially living in these toxic times, indoor air cleaning is often overlooked – as a great way to protect our health. Our air is seemingly invisible, a source of life that we very often (unintentionally) ignore as important. However, did you know that we inhale about 15,000 or more quarts of air per day? We all know that air is an essential factor in our everyday function, and that should speak to the importance of maintaining our air quality. Unfortunately, when I first thought …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Heather Callaghan By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Every year, the President of the United States issues a proclamation in honor of Child Health Day (the first Monday of October), which in turn launches Children’s Health… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Admin – Orissa Books by doctors, such as Dr. Ravnskov and Dr. Kendrick, exposing the cholesterol and saturated fat myths have been around for decades. by Paul Fassa Health Impact News It seems to coincide that when fraudulent medical or nutritional dogma promoted by mainstream medicine or government nutritional institutions starts getting exposed in the alternative media, they both double down with the aid of mainstream media, especially if the result of that exposure is lowered sales of statin drugs and processed non-fat foods. This is what is happening with both statin drugs and saturated fat disinformation. But now [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Headaches are a common complaint, suffered by 45 million Americans each year, or nearly 17 percent of the population. They also are the most common medical complaints accounting for 8 million doctor visits each year.1 Less severe, but not less frustrating, are tension headaches, affecting up to 90 percent of all people at some point during their lifetime. When tension headaches occur occasionally, or less than 15 times each month, they are called episodic tension headaches. When they occur more than 15 times a month, they are chronic tension headaches. The diagnosis is given [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) If you’re looking for a flavorful way to help fight and prevent cancer, add red onion to your shopping list. It will be worth the effort … as you will soon see why. In the first study of its kind, University of Guelph researchers looked at how the Ontario-grown red onion and several others affected the growth and proliferation of cancer cells. Their findings indicate that all onions are not created equal. Why you should consider red onion for your cancer prevention program The Canadian researchers looked …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Heather Callaghan By Justin Gardner Selfies cause 800% more deaths than cannabis in the U.S. Nothing captured the mindless hysteria of prohibitionists quite like the 1936 film Reefer Madness, where pot users were… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Jamie Larrison Being green in the face usually isn’t a positive thing, but when you use this nourishing spirulina face mask it is. It’s packed with raw food nutrition to keep your skin glowing and fresh. It’s great for all skin types, from acne prone to dry. It’s quick and easy to whip up, making it the perfect weekday mask for some extra pampering! Spirulina This green algae may smell a little funky, but it’s packed with superfood nutrition. It’s rich in protein, iron, antioxidants, magnesium and b-vitamins to name just a few. It has more than 26 times [More]