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By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola A number of recent investigations have revealed a significant truth: The sugar industry has long known that sugar consumption triggers poor health, but hid the incriminating data, much like the tobacco industry hid the evidence linking smoking to lung cancer. The most recent of these investigations, based on unearthed historical documents, found the sugar industry buried evidence from the 1960s that linked sugar consumption to heart disease and cancer. The research didn’t see the light of day again until Cristin E. Kearns, assistant professor at UCSF School of Dentistry, discovered …read more Source: mercola [More]
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) It has been 60 years since the discovery of CoQ10, a vitamin-like substance first identified by Nobel Prize-winning scientist Frederick Crane. Currently used to help treat heart disease, CoQ10 may have even more therapeutic benefits to offer – especially for cancer patients. A promising study shows that this nutrient causes cancer cells to self-destruct before they can multiply – giving rise to hopes that it can be utilized as an important integrative therapy for cancer patients. Let’s take a closer look at this wonderful scientific …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola While the holiday season can be a wonderful time of celebration and connection, few of us get through it without experiencing some level of stress. Emotions can run high around the holidays and expectations higher still. You may feel pressure to entertain, cook a big meal and shop for gifts for family and friends, whether you can afford it or not. In addition, there are many holiday-oriented activities and special events to attend. All of those taking place in a short window of time can send your stress levels spiraling out of control, making [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola If you’ve ever been to a grocery store and picked up produce, you’ve more than likely opened a package or two and found yourself stuck with rubbery carrots, mealy apples or muskmelon that was either mushy or hard as a rock. Fruits and vegetables that disappoint once you get them home may have something to do with the fact that, more often than not, it’s not kids who have to be prodded to eat their fruits and vegetables, it’s adults (and if adults don’t think it’s important, chances are they aren’t influencing their kids [More]
Fear is born out of uncertainty. We feel resistance, therefore, when we overcomplicate and over-exaggerate. …read more Source: Prevent Disease     
By Michael By Catherine J. Frompovich Air is one of the PRIMARY elements of life; without it for about three minutes, we cannot survive. If air is such an important biological and functional life component, why… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Women who struggle with obesity are at higher risk for breast cancer, and a look at hormones like estrogen and androgen is providing some possible explanations. A recent study by the University of Colorado Cancer Center and CU School of Medicine examined obese rats with breast cancer and found some important insights. The tumor cells in these animals had especially sensitive androgen receptors as compared with leaner rats. This allowed those cells to amplify growth signals from testosterone. The tumors of the obese rats grew due …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) We all know that chronic degenerative diseases like, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s and stroke are a leading cause of death and disability – throughout the world. For example, in the United States, almost half of all adults suffer from one form or another of chronic disease – and a quarter of all adults suffer from two or more. Yet, we almost never hear Western medicine talk about a major contributor to poor health – mitochondrial dysfunction. In fact, research has clearly shown that mitochondrial …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Michael Op-Ed by Rosanne Lindsay Does a government-issued license protect your right to travel, or practice medicine, to choose for yourself? The Institute for Justice estimates that one out of four American… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Anna Hunt The relationship between the breath and the brain is very powerful. We know that much. Yet, we’ve understood very little about the mechanics behind this relationship. Until now. In a new… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Admin – Orissa Nyhariah was full of life and laughing on September 10. Photo provided by family. by Health Impact News/MedicalKidnap.com Staff Nyhariah Mack’s battle to live has ended. She passed away Thursday afternoon, December 7, 2017. The little girl with a very rare chromosomal disorder was full of life when a doctor and hospital enlisted Georgia’s Child Protective Services to seize her from her mother a year and a half ago. At the time, she had no issues, just a rare medical condition that made her tiny and delayed her development. Shortly after going into “protective” custody, …read [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola While they look deceptively similar to lettuce, with one bite you will realize endive tastes slightly bitter. Despite there being a fair amount of confusion in terms of distinguishing endive from other members of the chicory family, it is characterized by a large rosette with narrow, curly-edged, light-green center leaves surrounded by dark-green outer leaves. Endive’s close relatives — Belgian endive, curly endive (also known as frisée) and escarole — are names of other chicory relatives that are sometimes confused and used interchangeably with endive. No matter which endive …read more Source: mercola     
By Admin – Orissa by Health Impact News/MedicalKidnap.com Staff An Idaho newborn who was seized by Child Protective Services the day before Thanksgiving over vaccine refusal was conditionally returned to his parents on Friday, December 1. While supporters are rejoicing over the judge’s decision, there is a great deal of concern over the state of Idaho’s overreach in taking baby Elijah. Precious bonding time was lost, and a new family has been traumatized. See our original story: Baby of Idaho Disabled Mom Seized when Parents Claim Religious Exemption to Vaccines Diamond Mehlhoff has cerebral palsy, which is a brain disorder [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Heather Callaghan, Editor A new announcement by one of the most massive natural health supplement companies has just rocked the natural health community, but not in a good way. Dear readers… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola If you don’t grow herbs in your garden, outside containers or inside, you’re missing out on powerful flavors, variety in your meals and impressive health benefits. Aromatic herbs are an excellent key ingredient to any garden, most providing you with a full summer of growth and beauty. Herbs are derived from the leafy green parts of plants, like their leaves and stems, while spices come from other parts, such as flowers, roots, bulbs or bark. Herbs are often used fresh, while spices are usually dried before use in cooking. However, both offer unique and [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Admin – Orissa by Vera Sharav Alliance for Human Research Protection “A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of the truth” — Albert Einstein The wisdom of this observation is borne out by empirical evidence demonstrating that so-called “authoritative” sources of medical information are thoroughly corrupted not only by industry manipulation but by government officials, and biased, financially conflicted academic gatekeepers of medical science — i.e., “expert panels” and journal editors. The most lucrative areas of medicine are the most corrupted by financial conflicts of …read more Source: Health Impact News     
By Admin – Orissa After 30 years of providing medical care in Pine River, Minnesota, Dr. David Laposky was let go from the Essentia Health-St. Joseph’s Medical Center Clinic in Pine River over his decision not to comply with a new mandatory flu shot policy. Image source. by Christina England Health Impact News Health care workers working for Essentia Health in Minnesota received an extra Christmas bonus this year. They were given an ultimatum, to either receive the flu vaccine this year or lose their job. Although many of them chose to receive the vaccination without hesitation, others refused, and [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Heather Callaghan, Editor We would like to applaud Instagramer @Fatgirlfedup for her hard work and dedication shedding an astonishing 303 pounds in just 18 months – no easy feat! She… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) While heart disease and cancer remain the two main causes of death in the United States, the past 20 years have seen skyrocketing rates of Alzheimer’s disease, autoimmune disorders, type 2 diabetes, obesity, non alcoholic fatty liver disease and autism. Could all these health issues be resolved by getting rid of toxic chemicals like, glyphosate and improving the quality of our food supply? An increasing number of independent researchers believe that the rise of these diseases is associated with exposure to glyphosate — the active ingredient …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) An analysis by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine along with the Karolinska Institutet, Sweden has found the link between alcohol use and breast cancer has been systematically suppressed by many alcohol manufacturers. The team examined 26 websites and online data put forth by major alcohol companies between September 2016 and December 2016. Most of them – 24 of the 26 – revealed at least some distortion, omission or misrepresentation of information related to cancer risk brought on by alcohol use. Colorectcal cancer …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
Weight loss strategies are effective if they are customized to on an individual’s biomarkers to use personalized nutrition to help people achieve greater weight loss success. We can add one more thing to the list of traits affected by genetics: how our bodies respond to a particular diet. …read more Source: Prevent Disease     
By Heather Callaghan By Jon Yaneff, CNP A cough combined with nasal congestion is, simply put, annoying. These symptoms often accompany the common cold, but they also occur with allergies. An alternative to sugary cough… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Sierra Bright Back in the 1980s, before the term “natural” was cool, a pioneering company known as Crystal developed a natural deodorant from a hunk of French-sourced mineral salt that looks like a crystal and deodorizes without harmful chemicals. While it’s had somewhat of a cult following in the decades since, with healthier, alternative products now all the rage, Crystal deodorants have been thrust into the spotlight once again. After all, while most of us probably don’t want to smell bad, we also don’t want to be putting toxins under our arms – chemicals in the deodorant can easily [More]
By Admin – Orissa US military revealed as top funder of gene drives by GM Watch Gates Foundation paid $1.6 million to influence UN on gene drives Over 1,200 emails released under open records requests reveal that the US military is now the top funder and influencer behind a controversial genetic extinction technology known as “gene drives” – pumping $100 million into the field. The trove of emails, obtained via open records requests, also shed light on a $1.6 million dollar UN gene drive lobbying operation paid for by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. “Emerging Ag,” a private PR [More]
By Admin – Orissa Health Impact News New statistics released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) show that one out of every 36 children in the U.S. now are diagnosed with autism. The rate in 2013 was one out of 50, in 2008 the rate was one out of 88, in 2002 the rate was one out of 250, and in 1980, six years before Congress and President Reagan passed a law giving vaccine manufacturers total legal immunity for injuries or deaths caused by vaccines, the rate was only one out of 10,000. This should be …read more [More]