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By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola In this new article series, we look at the “Ghost in the Machine” –– the murderous forces in our health care system that harm patients instead of help them. This series will expose the deceptions that occur in almost all facets of health care today for no reason other than money. It will also expose the identities of the ghost’s “puppet masters” who perpetrate health misinformation and unethical drug marketing for profit, whether it’s Big Pharma or its helpers in academia, government and non-government agencies. It should surprise no one that, in most cases, [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola If you have noticed that prescription drugs are becoming more dangerous — and more expensive — you are right. As the drug industry’s influence over the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) increases, dangerous drugs are approved and marketed despite their clear risks to patients. Recent examples include the aggressively promoted blood thinners Xarelto and Pradaxa which cause uncontrollable bleeding, the testosterone drug Androgel, for “Low T” linked to noncalcified plaque buildup in coronary arteries, and fluoroquinolone antibiotics. When warnings are added to these dangerous drugs or they are withdrawn, like 28 popular …read [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Direct-to-consumer (DTC) drug advertising, which began in 1997, has done a lot more than make Pharma arguably the most profitable industry in the world and a Wall Street success story. It has greatly increased the number of prescription drugs that Americans take. In 1992, five years before DTC advertising began, Americans took an average of seven prescription drugs a year. A mere 15 years later that number had nearly doubled to 12 per year.1,2 To sell drugs, aggressive drug advertising whips up fears over rare diseases like exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (introduced at the …read [More]
By pixieforest1 Oh yes, just a couple because there have been so many that one could say it’s been a decade’s long experiment. The Tetanus Vaccine Scandal In 2011 African bishops became suspicious that WHO was rolling out a nationwide program to vaccinate females aged 14-49 with this vaccine. The bishops explained that when the ordinary tetanus vaccine is combined with b-HCG and given in five doses every six months, the women develop immunity against both tetanus and HCG. The HCG hormone is the one that is necessary for pregnancy and is also the hormone that home pregnancy test kits [More]
By Ralph Flores (Natural News) It’s common knowledge that smoking …read more Source: Natural News     
By Heather Callaghan Natural Blaze Blueberry vinegar restored the memory and cognitive ability of mice with induced amnesia, American Chemical Society reports Dementia affects millions of people worldwide, robbing them… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Air pollution is a traveling, insidious health problem. In other words, air pollution created in Michigan affects those in Canada, and pollution that enters the air in Asia affects people living on the California coast. Air pollution is a worldwide problem that must be addressed with worldwide solutions. The Commission on Pollution and Health1 is an initiative of The Lancet, the Global Alliance on Health and Pollution and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. A report from the Commission found:2,3 “[T]he largest contributor to pollution-related deaths is air pollution … …read more [More]
By Dr. Mercola Beyond its wonderful scent and flavor, cinnamon bark oil also offers an array of therapeutic and healing benefits. Here’s what you need to know about this essential oil. What Is Cinnamon Bark Oil? Cinnamon bark oil is obtained from the bark of trees that belong to the Cinnamomum species (also called Cinnamon zeylanicum), which comprise more than 250 aromatic evergreen trees and shrubs all throughout Asia and Australia, although it is native to Sri Lanka, Myanmar and India.1 Cassia oil, sassafras and Ho leaf oils fall under the same category. Cinnamon bark oil is quite rare …read [More]
By Lori Alton, staff writer (Naturalhealth365) Extensive studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet has proven abilities to lower the risk of potentially life-threatening conditions such as cancer, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. Researchers believe that olive oil and olive leaf extract play a major role in conferring these benefits – thanks to a natural plant compound known as oleuropein. In terms of the olive leaf extract, it’s made from olive leaves and offers a richer source of oleuropein – which can be a potent ally against chronic disease conditions. What …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Heather Callaghan By Natural Blaze Children who eat fish at least once a week sleep better and have IQ scores that are 4 points higher, on average, than those who consume fish less frequently or not at all, according… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By REALdeal Source: Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Depression, Pain, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and Breast Cancer For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. By Dr. Mercola Vitamin D research continues to impress upon us the importance of appropriate sun exposure as the ideal way to optimize your vitamin D levels. Winter limits sun exposure for many up to six months of the year. During those times, your next best bet would be artificial UVB light, as UV ray […] Source: Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Depression, Pain, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and Breast Cancer Learn more at
By Debbie Wolfe Two ingredients and countless health benefits, these Turmeric Bombs are loaded with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In one bite you can control arthritis, reduce cholesterol, boost your immunity and improve digestion. Health Benefits of Turmeric Turmeric is no stranger to the alternative wellness space. This ancient spice is powerfully therapeutic and so much more than just a culinary delight. You might be familiar with its ability to turn a curry dish into a beautiful yellow hue, but this is only the beginning. Researchers attribute the powerful therapeutic impact of turmeric to the fact that it contains curcumin. [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Ariana Source: 4-Acre Permaculture Food Forest Flourishes Without Using Fertilizer For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Miracle Farms is designed to promote maximum diversity of plant, insect and animal species, with a focus on creating habitats and ecosystems within the orchard. This results in a high population of pollinators and other beneficial insects and birds that help control pests. The healthy population of beneficial animal and insect species increases the […] Source: 4-Acre Permaculture Food Forest Flourishes Without Using Fertilizer Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Source: realfarmacy.com     
By Heather Callaghan Natural Blaze Yellow or Amber-tinted glasses may provide relief for insomnia How do you unwind before bedtime? If your answer involves Facebook and Netflix, you are actively reducing your chance of a… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By REALdeal Source: If You Have A Migraine, Try This Juice For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by: Kirsten Cowart Have you or someone you know ever felt the throbbing pains of a Migraine Headache? Sometimes migraines can get so bad that they cause nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound. Sometimes there are warning signs that a migraine is approaching such as having a stiff neck, depression, moodiness, food cravings, […] Source: If You Have A Migraine, Try This Juice Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Source: realfarmacy.com     
By Admin – Orissa Protest Dengvaxia (Bullit Marquez, AP) Sanofi Dengue Vaccine: Dengvaxia Poses Serious Risk for Children by Alliance for Human Research Protection This is a developing news story focusing on the corruption of industry-initiated government vaccination policies. The case involves Sanofi and the launching of its Dengvaxia vaccine in a massive school-based Dengvaxia vaccination campaign in 830,000 Filipino school children. The New York Times has just published its report, noting that: “public health experts are worried that the distrust could spill over to other vaccination programs.” “The illness, also called …read more Source: Health Impact News     
By Admin A Practicing Physician And 10x NY Times Bestselling Author Reveals How We’ve Arrived At An Epidemic Of “Broken Brains” … And The Surprising Solutions That Can Help You Heal Health Impact News Starting January 17, 2018, NY Times Bestselling author Dr. Mark Hyman is offering a docuseries called “Broken Brain.” This 8-part docuseries will you give a better and much deeper understanding of our most precious and dynamic organ – the brain. Over 50 experts will give you their top tips for creating your best brain. You can achieve more mental clarity, become sharper, more focused and live [More]
By Nikki Gardner Source: What Happens When You Drink 3,043 oz Of Water In One Month? This Woman Looks 10 Years Younger! For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Sufficient daily water intake is vital for virtually every function within our bodies yet fewer than one in five of us drinks enough. Read on to see the results of this experiment. Sarah Smith is a 42 year old mother of two young kids in the UK. She, like many others, openly admitted to not […] Source: What Happens When You Drink 3,043 oz Of Water In One Month? This …read [More]
By David Williams (Natural News) Virtual reality: is it merely …read more Source: Natural News     
By REALdeal Source: How 15 Minutes Of Walking Per Day Can Change Your Body For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. We all know the importance of regular exercise and the crucial impact it has on our mental, physical, and emotional health. Despite all of these benefits, some days you just don’t have time to squeeze in a workout. Thankfully, new studies have shown that walking at least fifteen minutes every day can add seven years to […] Source: How 15 Minutes Of Walking Per Day Can Change Your Body Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy …read more Source: realfarmacy.com [More]
By Michael By Anna Hunt More scientific research has surfaced that shows why you should eat your greens. A study out of Rush University Medical Center claims that eating green leafy vegetables on a daily basis… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Lori Alton, staff writer (Naturalhealth365) According to an international team of experts, this year’s flu season is going to be a doozy and the flu vaccine will most likely prove to be a total failure – at protecting the public. An unusually severe season has already racked up record numbers in Australia, and – with the virus making its way into the Northern Hemisphere – experts warn that the United States should expect the same. It’s important to note: the flu vaccine used in Australia has the same constituents as the formula …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Michael By Jon Rappoport Chemo drugs are highly poisonous to begin with. But suppose, on top of that, they’re contaminated and tainted? Welcome to the FDA: the handmaiden to Big Pharma; the promoter of… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalHealth365) The understanding of mind – body medicine dates back to ancient times. Unfortunately, Western medicine has largely ignored the significance of its value. Common sense tells us, that mental and emotional well-being have a direct influence over our physical health. Today, on the NaturalHealth365 Podcast, we’ll talk about how each and every one of us can dramatically improve the quality of our life by taking greater control over our thoughts, actions, habits and emotional responses to almost every situation imaginable. How mind – body medicine can literally change …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Heather Callaghan By Brandon Turbeville, Natural Blaze Because mass media and technology are geared to shift from one topic to the next with no real depth or understanding of the subject matter, the vast majority of… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By S.D. Wells (Natural News) Most people think it’s completely …read more Source: Natural News