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By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Composting your food and yard waste, and recycling your recyclable “stuff,” are among the simplest yet most powerful ways to reduce your environmental footprint and help the Earth. As a bonus, the compost you can easily create from kitchen scraps like coffee grinds and vegetable peels is phenomenal to add to your flowerbeds and vegetable garden. As it stands, the majority of Americans (72 percent) do not compost their food waste, but 62 percent said they’d be willing to if it were more convenient.1 Residential food composting programs are currently being tested in a [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola …read more Source: mercola     
By Lori Alton, staff writer (Naturalhealth365) Myeloma, a type of ‘incurable’ blood cancer in which abnormal cells accumulate in the bone marrow, strikes over 30,000 people in the United States every year, and claims the lives of over 12,000. With experts estimating overall survival rate at a mere 5.2 years from diagnosis, the disease carries a particularly grim prognosis. Myeloma typically follows a course of relapse and remittance – with periods of remission becoming shorter over time until the patient ultimately enters the final phase. But, for one woman, this bleak prognosis was …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Dr. Veronique Desaulniers Is cancer a modern-day disease? Recent discoveries as to the health status of ancient peoples may give us a clue as to the answer to this question, and also how oral health could have played a role. Oral Health, Stress and Disease in Prehistoric Times The best-preserved examples of the health of people who lived thousands of years ago was discovered recently in the Middle East. The 13th-11th century Nile Valley settlement called Amara West was unearthed in the 1930’s in what is now Sudan (back then the area was called Nubia). Archeologists at the time [More]
By Dayna Colvin This past year, I learned about a wonderful healing plant known as cannabis. I read about all the wonderful healing benefits men and women have experienced when treating their physical pain and mental health distress with cannabis. I’ve also read about parents whose special needs children suffer from chronic pain from chronic illness and when given cannabinoid oil (CBD), their children feel relief and sleep better. Up until last year, I was only familiar with recreational marijuana, also known as pot or weed, and sadly, like many misinformed people across the country, I had my own trepidations [More]
By audreythrone Many of us go on a diet because we want to lose all that extra weight and become fit and healthy. Following specific diets for weight loss is a common phenomenon among fitness fanatics which often include custom-made dietary plans. While the perceived benefits of being on a diet typically revolve around calorie loss and building energy, recent research has been indicating that specific foods contain unique benefits that go beyond weight loss and fitness. A simple diet plan is now believed to be able to go so far as to protect the human brain and prevent …read [More]
By planetnaturopath Often when people are feeling down they reach for the comfort foods like chocolate, cakes and other sweet indulgences, as these simple carbohydrates help boost mood. This approach may bring short term pleasure but it does not take long for the feelings of guilt, sadness and depression to creep back in. If this high carbohydrate/ high sugar approach does not work to improve symptoms of anxiety and depression, what about the growing trend of high fat and low carbohydrate diets to help with anxiety and depression? Low carbohydrate diets have become popular in the last few years as [More]
By Reality With suicide rates at an all-time high right now, and the drug companies pushing more and more psychotropic drugs on children and adults alike, using their favorite mild-mannered middlemen of course – doctors!, you might agree with the medical establishment that mental health is a big concern that we must treat! But is it logical to treat mental illness with mind altering drugs? That’s Like Treating Cancer With Radiation! Oh Wait…They Do! Now I’m no drug-pushing MD in a white coat, but I can’t be the only one who thinks this is completely ridiculous. Am I the only [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Middle to older age women now have even more reason to spend time in the sun and stay vigilant with vitamin D supplementation. A recent research project called the Sister Study has confirmed a link between higher blood serum vitamin D levels and a lower risk of breast cancer. The Sister Study assessed women with a sister who had been diagnosed with breast cancer, as this placed them at higher breast cancer risk. There were 1,611 women in the study who subsequently developed breast cancer. …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Dr. Mercola 1 All teas come from the same plant, an evergreen called Camellia sinensis, except for: Black Green Herbal Black and green tea (as well as oolong, dark and white teas) come from the same plant, an evergreen called Camellia sinensis. Learn more. Oolong 2 Grain feeding cows encourages the growth of E. coli in the animals’ gut because it: Impairs their ability to get optimal deep sleep Detrimentally changes their gut microbiome Grain feeding cows also encourages the growth of E. coli in the animals’ gut, as it leads to a more acidic environment. Learn more. Decreases [More]
By Dr. Mercola 30 Tips in 30 Days Designed to Help You Take Control of Your Health This article is part of the 30 Day Resolution Guide series. Each day a new tip will be added designed to help you take control of your health. For a complete list of the tips click HERE By Dr. Mercola Despite the fact that more than 2,000 studies1 have been performed on coconut oil, demonstrating a wide range of benefits, it continues to be wrongfully vilified to this day, mainly because 90 percent of its fat content is saturated fat. However, …read more [More]
The use of vaccines on animals is common throughout the world yet efficacy in disease prevention is scant. A new study shows that vaccines used by commercial fish farmers are not protecting fish from disease. …read more Source: Prevent Disease     
By REALdeal Source: Autopsy Reveals the Real Reason Tom Petty Died For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Tom Petty‘s autopsy results indicate that he died from an apparent accidental drug overdose. The 66-year-old’s heart stopped as a result of taking a variety of medications prescribed to him due to several serious ailments. The L.A. County Coroner says some of Tom’s organs failed due to “mixed drug toxicity.” The official autopsy report reveals that […] Source: Autopsy Reveals the Real Reason Tom Petty Died Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Source: realfarmacy.com     
By Jonathan Landsman (Naturalhealth365) New parents, college students, people with demanding jobs, widows, executives, caregivers for elderly parents and the chronically ill – on the surface, these individuals might seem to have little in common. Yet they are all subject to levels of physical or psychological stress that can trigger adrenal fatigue. This horrible condition – often poorly addressed by Western medicine – is a draining condition that can sap the life out of your years. In reality, if you ignore the signs – you will tend to experience lower self-confidence, vitality and …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By REALdeal Source: Massive Flu Outbreak? Here’s the REAL Story the Mainstream Media Won’t Touch For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by Jon Rappoport In case you haven’t been following the uproar over the flu outbreak, you’ve missed the fact that… Health authorities admit this year’s flu vaccine is only 10% effective. But of course, they urge you to take the vaccine anyway. Why is this year’s vaccine ineffective? Because it’s made using chicken eggs, and […] Source: Massive Flu Outbreak? Here’s the REAL Story the Mainstream Media Won’t Touch Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – …read more Source: realfarmacy.com [More]
By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalHealth365) The cost of weight loss is astronomical. In fact, estimates run well over $60 billion per year and those expenses are only within the United States – with diet drinks, weight loss centers, medical plans, health club memberships and bariatric surgery making up the vast amount of the cost. But, is it really a long-term, practical solution for everyone? And, more importantly, is there a better way to improve our metabolism – without the need for extreme dieting, crazy exercise routines or unhealthy starvation tactics? Don’t be fooled …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Dr. Mercola 30 Tips in 30 Days Designed to Help You Take Control of Your Health This article is part of the 30 Day Resolution Guide series. Each day a new tip will be added designed to help you take control of your health. For a complete list of the tips click HERE By Dr. Mercola Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to use colors as a way to make your life healthier? The truth is, you can. Dr. Alexander Wunsch, who is based in Germany, is a world-class expert in the use of light as a therapeutic [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Research is now showing that artificial sweeteners in diet soda and other foods and beverages could actually be causing the opposite of their intended effect. Unfortunately, millions of people remain uninformed about how these so-called ‘diet products’ actually contribute to weight gain and obesity risk as well as high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease, according to Canadian researchers. The use of artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose has been in practice for many years. However, an increasing amount of data is showing that …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Heather Callaghan By the World Mercury Project Team The Unhealthiest State in America Has the Best Vaccination Rate: Offit’s Orwellian Logic Fails to Connect the Dots In a Daily Beast opinion piece on December 15,… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Most people actually consider milk thistle a pesky weed, and while it can be quite invasive, it also possesses remarkable medicinal benefits that make it worth keeping around. Most notably, this tall, thorny herb with spiky flowers has been prized for centuries for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiviral properties. It is also highly regarded as a liver tonic due to high amounts of a chemical compound known as silymarin. Silymarin is a group of flavonoids (silibinin, silidianin and silicristin) known to help repair your liver cells when they’ve been damaged by toxic substances. These [More]
By Dr. Mercola 30 Tips in 30 Days Designed to Help You Take Control of Your Health This article is part of the 30 Day Resolution Guide series. Each day a new tip will be added designed to help you take control of your health. For a complete list of the tips click HERE By Dr. Mercola Growing your own food is a convenient and cost-effective means of boosting your nutrition and health. Garden-grown organic vegetables and fruits are nutrient-rich and represent the freshest produce available. Growing your own crops not only improves your diet, but it also: Enhances and [More]
By Hesh Goldstein Most people involved with natural healing usually advise specific vitamin, mineral, or other food supplements, depending upon the state of health of the person desiring to reverse something. There is a lot of research being done to further understand the physiological effects of these food factors. The use of these natural substances as medication has been hotly contested by most of the medical profession. The average conventional physician feels that all factors necessary for health can be gotten through the SAD (Standard American Diet) and that additional supplements are a waste of money. Practitioners that practice natural [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Heather Callaghan By Dr. Mercola Hippocrates used vinegar to manage wounds, while medical practitioners in the 1700s used it to treat everything from poison ivy and croup to stomach aches. Vinegar was even used to… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Admin – Orissa Image from video at CBS DFW. by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News As the U.S. is in the midst of one of the worst outbreaks of influenza in years, frightening reports are coming in regarding an FDA-approved drug being given to allegedly lessen the effects of the flu: Tamiflu. Local CBS news affiliate DFW in Dallas, Texas, has reported the story of a 6 year old girl who was given Tamiflu and suffered horrible hallucinations, allegedly trying to kill herself: A North Texas family says their daughter’s side effects from the popular drug Tamiflu were beyond [More]
Americans believe they have less stamina for strenuous mental activity than their European counterparts — an indication that people in the U.S. perceive their willpower or self-control as being in limited supply, a new study suggests. …read more Source: Prevent Disease     
By Admin Health Impact News You can’t escape environmental toxins. No one can. Heavy metals are interfering with your life. Learn how to overcome their influence and reclaim your health! The Heavy Metals Summit is online and FREE from January 29 – February 5, 2018. Toxins are everywhere. They are in our food, water, air, even our household goods…and they’re destroying health. EVERYONE has some level of mercury toxicity. Aluminum has been linked to breast cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, allergies, even autism. The connection between toxins and disease is now undisputed, but it’s still being ignored by the conventional medical community. [More]