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By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola The common cold is likely the most easily recognized illness. Symptoms include a runny nose, sore throat, itchy eyes and low-grade fever. The illness is usually mild, lasting one to two weeks and requires nothing more than supportive care at home. However, while mild, it often results in days of lost work, lost productivity and lost income. The common cold is the leading cause of doctor visits, and American school children miss about 22 million school days each year due to colds. Some estimates are that 1 billion colds occur each year in the [More]
By lanawall When you’re on v???t??n, ?t’? all too ???? to abandon everything you know ?b?ut ??t?ng healthfully ?nd then r?turn h?m? unable t? butt?n ??ur pants. But, ?x??rt? ???, ?t is ?????bl? to ?ndulg? ?n your f?v?r?t? foods and b?v?r?g?? while on v???t??n without the r??ult?ng w??ght g??n. Vacation ?h?uld be an opportunity to re-?n?rg?z?, refresh and relax, but not a ?x?u?? to take a break fr?m h??lth. When ?l?nn?ng ??ur v???t??n, opt f?r locations that w?ll ?ll?w you t? ?ng?g? ?n ?h?????l activities ??u enjoy. Keep in mind that physical activity is the best way to enjoy extra [More]
The cancer-fighting potency of plant- versus marine-derived omega-3s has always been debated. Omega-3s from fish pack a stronger punch than flaxseed and other oils when it comes to cancer prevention, according to a first-ever University of Guelph study. …read more Source: Prevent Disease     
By Thomasina Copenhaver If you don’t take care of your body, where will you live? Chinese Proverb I remember watching Jack Lalanne on black and white TV with my Mother when I was a small child. We would get our dining room chairs and follow along with him. His exercise show ran for 34 years. He was an incredible motivational speaker. The Jumping Jack was named after him. So was a juicer. Jack’s message was timeless and inspirational. It wasn’t about politics or money. It was hard not to be inspired. He lived his message and shared it passionately and [More]
By Lori Alton, staff writer (Naturalhealth365) For most, the word “home” evokes feelings of privacy, sanctity and safety. But, in reality, most people (unfortunately) would never suspect that the carpeting underfoot would be a source of danger and a hidden reservoir of toxic chemicals. In a report released last October by Healthy Building Network (HBN), 44 toxic substances were identified in ordinary broadloom carpets and carpet tiles – which are purchased and installed in homes and businesses to the tune of 11 billion square feet per year. Note: these toxins increase the risk …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Michael By Matt Agorist A state-sponsored forced sterilization on a massive scale has allegedly taken place in Africa according to opposition leaders and the public who are railing against the government. An… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Heather Callaghan Mike Papantonio and the author Carey Gillam discussed her new book on Thursday, which reveals how Monsanto viciously worked to cover-up the fact that their weed-killer could cause cancer, as part of… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Rosanne Lindsay Why is it important not to get bogged down in the Science Debate? Because science does not determine morality. Science cannot give you truth. All it can determine is internal… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Phyllis Bentley Iron cookware has been with us for thousands of years….since the dawn of the Iron Age. It fell out of favour in the second half of the 20th century with the successful marketing of synthetic coatings for convenience. Cooking in cast iron is known to greatly increase the dietary source of iron. This is especially true when cooking foods high in acid, such as tomato based sauces. The body needs iron because it is used in the blood. It is what carries oxygen from the lungs via the bloodstream to the rest of the body. It has [More]
By Michael By Mae Chan Vitamin D supplements could help to ease the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) that include bloating, stomach cramps and constipation, a UK review concludes. In the absence of… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Carly Nuday, PhD (NaturalHealth365) Raw water has been making a lot of headlines lately. From being touted as a Silicon Valley trend, to being slammed for supposed safety concerns, the reporting on the topic has been biased and inaccurate at best. As an independent researcher of water physics, I wanted to share my perspective with two very basic points. First, the “raw water” or “off-the-grid” water trend is reflective of a market drive for Spring-to-Cup water, in the same way there has been a drive for Farm-to-Table food. People recognize the …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Michael By Eric Durak There’s always a member of your family who you truly love. Who you wish you could spend more time with, and who treated you with so much love in return that you just couldn’t get enough… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By David Williams (Natural News) Scientific research on the human …read more Source: Natural News     
By Mike Barrett When you buy supplements, you expect them to contain the advertised ingredients, right? And I’m sure you certainly don’t expect them to contain any pharmaceuticals, such as Viagra. But a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) analysis published in JAMA Network Open reveals that hundreds of dietary supplements actually contain pharmaceutical drugs. And yes, that includes Viagra, a drug that treats erectile dysfunction (ED). [1] (Click for larger version.) Summary of Products Reported in the US Food and Drug Administration’s Tainted Supplements Database, 2007 through 2016a. Researchers found unapproved and potentially dangerous drugs in 746 dietary supplements. [More]
By Michelle Simmons (Natural News) Indeed, advertisements influence the mind. …read more Source: Natural News     
By Janine Acero (Natural News) Mined from ancient seabeds, Himalayan …read more Source: Natural News     
By Jhoanna Robinson (Natural News) A study that was published …read more Source: Natural News     
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Isabelle Z. (Natural News) There is no doubt that …read more Source: Natural News     
By Mike Adams (Natural News) Health freedom advocate Michael Snyder …read more Source: Natural News     
By Michael By Cat Ellis Last night, my husband attended our beekeeping association meeting. He was looking forward to it all day. Talking with other “bee people” is exciting, chatting about the upcoming spring,… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Admin – Orissa by Paul Fassa Health Impact News Once upon a time dog sledding was a common mode of rural overland travel and transporting goods among the colder regions of North America from upper Midwest states and New England throughout Canada and into Alaska. Now those regions feature races among dog sled teams. Dog team sleds are handled by one person, known as a musher. Dog sledding races range from “sprints” of 12 miles to the grueling 1,000 …read more Source: Health Impact News     
By Admin – Orissa Grace Alleluia – taken from her parents when they seek a second opinion. Photo provided by family. by Health Impact News/MedicalKidnap.com Staff They thought they had the right to get a second opinion. They thought they had the right as parents to have proof of a diagnosis before agreeing to a treatment plan. When California parents Leah Beabout and Christopher Vega asked for medical evidence before doctors remove their 2 year old daughter’s kidney, the hospital called Child Protective Services and seized custody of their child. Leah and their daughter Grace Alleluia had been visiting in [More]
By Admin – Orissa by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Last January, the Medical Director and Chief Operating Officer of the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, medical doctor Daniel Neides, was fired due to an article he wrote questioning vaccine safety. Dr. Neides became sick after receiving a flu shot, which caused him to examine more closely the ingredients included in the influenza vaccine. I, like everyone else, took the advice of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) – the government – and received a flu shot. I chose to receive the preservative free vaccine, thinking I did not want any [More]
By Admin – Orissa The Vaccine Program’s Unintended Consequences: A Tale of Two Hepatitis B Studies by the World Mercury Project Team In 1991, US public health authorities began recommending that all infants get the hepatitis B (HepB) vaccine, stipulating that they receive three doses within the first six months of life, starting at birth. The World Health Organization (WHO) followed suit with its own recommendation in 1992, instructing countries to vaccinate from birth even where hepatitis B virus was uncommon. Two 2018 …read more Source: Health Impact News     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola …read more Source: mercola