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By AdminOK Are postpartum 16 to 26 year old mothers in a position to decide to take part in Gardasil vaccine trials 0-4 days after giving birth? UPDATE Since this story was published representatives from SaneVax, Inc., one of the Internet’s leading portals on the dangers of the Gardasil vaccine, notified us that there have been entries into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database citing instances where breast-fed healthy infants have died after their mothers were vaccinated with the Gardasil vaccine. One such case is VAERS ID: 398755 Information has been received from a physician for the pregnancy [More]
By REALdeal Source: What 7 Smoker Vs. Non-Smoker Identical Twins Look Like After Years of Smoking For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by APRIL McCARTHY Although identical twins are born with “nearly identical” DNA, that DNA changes over their life span. It can change due to the foods they eat, environmental toxicity and the chemicals they’re exposed to in their lifetime. Identical twins are also excellent subjects for study because they allow us to observe the effects […] Source: What 7 Smoker Vs. Non-Smoker Identical Twins Look Like After Years of Smoking Learn more at <a target=_blank rel="nofollow" …read [More]
By David Williams (Natural News) Whether you’re a seasoned survivalist …read more Source: Natural News     
By Zoey Sky (Natural News) According to a recent study, …read more Source: Natural News     
By Edsel Cook (Natural News) From Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea, …read more Source: Natural News     
By Michael By Anna Hunt Some are calling energy psychology “the most impressive intervention,” with the ability to defuse emotions built up after years of trauma. Also called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Ethan Huff (Natural News) It’s not exactly a pleasant …read more Source: Natural News     
By Michelle Simmons (Natural News) The healing effects of a …read more Source: Natural News     
By Zoey Sky (Natural News) A report from NewsWise reveals …read more Source: Natural News     
By Jhoanna Robinson (Natural News) As opinions differ regarding marijuana …read more Source: Natural News     
By Zoey Sky (Natural News) If you’re pregnant and plan …read more Source: Natural News     
By Hesh Goldstein Constipation is more than a troublesome condition. It is an insidious drain on the health of millions of people. As bowel transit time is increased, the doo doo becomes hardened and difficult to pass due to dehydration.The body slowly reabsorbs the fluid content in the feces and along with it many soluble toxins. This auto-intoxification is the reason people are suffering from constipation have coated tongues, bad breath, lack of energy, and difficulty in thinking. These poisons affect every area of the body. Fiber deficiency and constipation are associated with diverticulitis, appendicitis, and colon cancer.??The small, hardened [More]
By REALdeal Source: Why You Should Avoid Palm Oil Like The Plague For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by MICHELE MILLER Palm oil is used in many things from chips and baked goods to shampoo and cleaning products to an oil used for cooking. It is the most widley used vegetable oil in the world. It even sounds healthier because it’s different from GMO vegetable oil like canola. It comes from a palm fruit […] Source: Why You Should Avoid Palm Oil Like The Plague Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Source: realfarmacy.com     
By AdminOK by Dr. Mercola Bisphenol-A (BPA) was first created by a Russian chemist in 1891, but wasn’t used in the manufacture of products until the 1950s when it was used to produce resilient and often transparent plastics. Today, BPA is found in countless personal care products, water bottles, cashier receipts and the lining of canned goods. Although research shows BPA is detrimental to human health, the market was valued at over $13 billion in 2013 and expected to reach $20 billion in 2020. [1] Unfortunately, as the demand for BPA-free products is rising, substitute chemicals that are nearly identical [More]
By Lori Alton, staff writer (Naturalhealth365) Breast cancer – one of the leading causes of death from cancer among women – claimed over 41,000 lives in 2014 alone. Yet, we know that weight loss could help thousands of women to avoid this dreadful condition. In truth, researchers have long known that obesity, which currently affects close to 40 percent of women in the United States, is a known risk factor for breast cancer – but the amount of weight loss necessary to begin lowering the risk was unknown. That is, until last month …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Cooking up some tasty, tender-crisp asparagus with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar and a few sprinkles of Himalayan salt is a popular side dish, and after dinner you might even find yourself sneaking a few half-warm sticks of the interesting green veggie to munch — it’s that delicious. Asparagus has its own valuable set of nutrients that make it a healthy food. There are purple (due to more anthocyanins) and white (due to thwarted chlorophyll from the absence of sunlight) varieties of this veggie, too, with slightly varying nutrient content. However, there’s an odd [More]
By Jonathan Landsman (Naturalhealth365) According to the American Cancer Society, the number of people living with a cancer diagnosis in the United States is expected to soar to almost 19 million by the year 2024. For many people, this may be a (good) sign that more and more individuals are ‘living well’ past their diagnosis. But, you and I both know that this statistic barely reveals the real story. For example, approximately 1,735,350 new cases are expected in the year 2018 alone – with the most common projected to …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Even though your brain affects everything you do, you probably don’t give it — literally — much thought. Clever pun aside, how often do you actually consider what your brain may need to stay healthy? Given the fact your brain impacts all aspects of your life — from happiness and health, to relationships and rest — it’s important you understand how to take care of it. While aging and genes have some effect, they may not have the final word about the fate of your brain. Your brain’s lifelong neuroplasticity enables you to have [More]
By Dr. Mercola Don’t be fooled by the name, but red cedarwood oil comes from a type of juniper tree (Juniperus virginiana),1 a member of the Cupressaceae or cypress family. These trees, which grow 30 to 65 feet tall, can be found in the U.S.,2 where they are commonly known as the Eastern red cedar. Essential oils made from cedar trees grown in the U.S., such as red cedarwood oil, are primarily used in making perfumes. These oils are high in both cedrol and thujone as well, the latter often being used to “falsify” …read more Source: mercola     
It’s common for women to report feeling cold, partly as a result of physiology, hormones and a greater susceptibility to factors within the body that play with our internal thermostat. Our body relies on various chemical reactions to keep its warmth and when there is a significant deficiency of essential physiological mechanisms and nutrients, it may make you feel cold all the time. …read more Source: Prevent Disease     
By Thomasina Copenhaver How many people ask their MD questions about chemotherapy? Have you ever wondered how such a toxic substance (so toxic that those who administer it must wear gowns and gloves) became the “standard of care” for cancer? The truth of its origin is as far away from a scientific laboratory as one could imagine! In August of 1943, President Roosevelt approved the shipment of chemical munitions containing mustard gas to the Mediterranean theater. Two thousand mustard bombs were loaded onto the USS John Harvey. The ship was waiting to unload in Bari, Italy when German planes attacked [More]
By Sierra Bright Spices are pretty incredible. Not only do they add flavor to all sorts of dishes, they come with a wide range of health benefits, and turmeric is ranked among the very best. This bright yellow spice that’s best known for its use in Indian cuisine like curry, has a long history of medicinal use in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine, and in more recent years, its benefits have been well-documented in numerous studies. While cooking with turmeric is a great way to enhance your health, much of the research conducted on it has found that the [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) New research out of the Mayo Clinic is showing that harsh cancer treatments, like chemotherapy, are causing those who survive to age (in a negative way) and die prematurely. Although most NaturalHealth365 readers understand this concept – we know that most cancer patients remain uninformed about this reality BEFORE making a treatment decision. While some cancer survivors do give chemotherapy credit for saving their lives, these individuals are far more prone to health issues later on – even if they are biologically young in years. Some …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Sherice Carrots are one of the healthiest vegetables – and they’re a great source of vitamin A & carotene which are important for the health of your eyes. Carrot is rich in alkaline elements which purify and revitalize the blood. They nourish the entire system and help in the maintenance of acid-alkaline balance in the body. The carrot also has a reputation as a vegetable that helps to maintain good eyesight. Eating carrots is also good for allergies, aneamia, rheumatism, tonic for the nervous system. Carrot is good for diarrhoea, constipation , intestinal inflammation, cleansing the blood , an [More]
By Michael By Catherine J. Frompovich There’s nothing like the past, which to learn from, for the future. The New York Daily News reported on March 21, 2009 a vaccine story that should have had the vaccine… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Alex Pietrowski The drugging of the American public is one of those strange, well-known, but under-discussed issues that’s never quite fully represented in the conversation about where our culture… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By AdminOK by Paul Fassa Health Impact News A bacterial pathogen that’s difficult to treat, which often breeds in hospitals, and also easily infects those using antibiotics or other pharmaceutical medications for gastrointestinal issues is Clostridium difficile (klos-TRID-e-um dif-uh-SEEL). This pathogenic bacterium also goes by C. difficile or C. diff, or even just CDF. A combination in vitro and in vivo study was performed by researchers in Taiwan during 2017 and published in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology in January 2018 with the title Lauric Acid Is an Inhibitor of Clostridium difficile Growth in Vitro and Reduces Inflammation in a [More]