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By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola You can get a 6-ounce jar of extra hot, “feels like your hair is falling out” Atomic brand horseradish sauce on Amazon for $5.99. If you’re a horseradish lover, that might not be a problem, but can you imagine growing your own spicy horseradish roots to produce your own horseradish sauces, saving money and learning the tricks of this easy-to-propagate, fast-growing crop? Horseradish tolerates nearly every climate, but generally requires full sun or part shade. Starting with “crowns” or roots acquired either by a generous gardening friend, the supermarket or nursery, …read more Source: [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola If you’ve never tried leeks, you may be interested to include them in your fall garden this year. Actually, you can grow leeks year-round, but given their hardiness to cold, they make a great fall crop. If you live in an area with mild winters, you can even leave leeks in the ground during winter and harvest them in early spring. Now is the time to consider growing (and eating more) leeks. Taking a Peek at Leeks, the Tall, Leafy Cousin of Garlic and Onions Leeks (Allium ampeloprasum porrum) are a member of the [More]
By AdminM by Paul FassaHealth Impact News Almost everyone was introduced to photosynthesis in school biology classes. It is the process where plants, grasses, and tree leaves containing green pigment chlorophyll use the sun’s energy and water to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen for the environment and glucose for the plant. There has been a quiet, gradual shift from thinking chlorophyll is simply part of a plant’s photosynthesis process that does not directly affect internal human cellular metabolism processing. Slowly, scientific research is recognizing how chlorophyll helps human life, not only by producing oxygen for us to breathe with photosynthesis, [More]
Differences in lifestyle patterns rather than mortality or health outcomes appear to have immense research potential in gauging life expectancy. How do patterns in thought, actions, supplements, and diet interact, synergize, or interfere with one another? Here’s a look at 10 powerful things that influence our aging processes. …read more Source: Prevent Disease     
By Dr. Mercola Are you tired of drinking the same old tea over and over? Chaga mushroom tea may be a good option for you. Chaga tea has been used in Russia and other Baltic countries for hundreds of years to boost immunity and improve overall health.1 It is now gaining popularity in Western countries, as numerous studies are touting the nutritional components of chaga mushrooms. this article to learn more about the impressive health benefits of chaga tea and how you can include it in your daily routine. What Is Chaga Tea? Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) is a parasitic fungus [More]
By Lori Alton, staff writer (Naturalhealth365) Did you know, with the 2016 passage of SB277 in California, parents have lost the right to refuse vaccines for their children on personal or religious grounds? The only remaining legal pathway for refusal is to obtain a medical exemption from a physician. And, that’s a hard exemption to obtain. The penalty for not complying with the mandated vaccinations, of course, is loss of the child’s right to receive a free and appropriate education in public and private K-12 schools (talk about strong-arm tactics!) As …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Heather Callaghan By Jessica Corbett While the Trump administration recently moved to roll back a ban on neonicotinoid pesticides in U.S. wildlife refuges, conservationists are celebrating Canada “for… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Heather Callaghan BY ANH-USA Consumers are demanding BPA-free products, but the alternatives are no safer. Action Alert! The word is out about bisphenol-A (BPA), the chemical that is commonly used in drinking… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Julie Fidler The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on July 10 ordered that stronger safety warnings be added to a powerful and potentially dangerous class of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones. The new warnings will inform patients about the drugs’ potential to cause dangerous drops in blood sugar and neurological side effects, including delirium and memory problems. The following drugs are all fluoroquinolone medications. There are more than 60 generic versions of fluoroquinolones. Levofloxacin (Levaquin) Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) Ciprofloxacin extended-release tablets Moxifloxacin (Avelox) Ofloxacin Gemifloxacin (Factive) Delafloxacin (Baxdela) Read: 3 Drugs That Made the Pharmaceutical Industry Millions Despite Deadly Risks Edward [More]
By Julie Fidler Scientists in Miami are developing a “concussion pill” using cannabis that has so far shown great potential for the treatment of traumatic brain injuries. A combination of the hemp-derived cannabinoid, cannabidiol (CBD), and an NMDA amino acid anesthetic has been shown to improve cognitive function in a pre-clinical study of rodents with traumatic brain injuries compared with the individual ingredients. The project is a collaborative effort between the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, and Scythian Biosciences Corp. of Toronto. Scythian’s Jonathan Gilbert, who manages the University of Miami partnership, [More]
By Rebecca Jacobs (NaturalHealth365) Alzheimer’s disease is now the sixth leading cause of death in the nation, with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) predicting that the number of people with the condition will rise to a shocking 14 million by 2050 – triple the current rate. Tragically, there is currently no (conventionally-known) cure for this disease. But recent research has revealed the ability of carnosine, a natural compound, to slow and even halt the processes that damage brain tissue and set the stage for Alzheimer’s disease – leading to …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Julie Fidler In a recently published study, scientists warn that new guidelines for high blood pressure would send the number of people considered hypertensive soaring. [1] New guidelines released by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association have lower values for what is considered high blood pressure, and a lower threshold at which hypertension medications would be recommended. When researchers from the Yale School of Medicine analyzed nationally representative data from adults aged 45-75 in the United States and China, they realized that if both countries adopted the new guidelines, more than half of those in [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM Cabbage is put to the test in a randomized controlled trial. …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Julie Fidler A group of scientists have detected traces of radioactive material from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster in bottles of wine made in California at levels higher than before the power plant exploded and melted down. Years after the disaster, a group of French nuclear physicists set out to determine whether the nuclear isotope cesium-137 was more present in wines produced after the Fukushima meltdown than before the disaster. To find out, they tested bottles of rosé and Cabernet sauvignon that were made from 2009 to 2012. The result: Some wines made after 2011 contained twice as much [More]
One type of underwear exposes men to significantly higher sperm concentrations and total sperm counts when compared to others according to new research led by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The findings of this study, conducted in the Fertility Clinic at Massachusetts General Hospital, suggest that certain styles of men’s underwear may inhibit production of sperm. …read more Source: Prevent Disease     
By Lindsay Sheehan Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is a flowering perennial plant and member of the pea family that has been used as a forage crop for cattle since ancient times. Also known as lucerne in some parts of the globe, alfalfa is both a legume and an herb that can be harvested up to four times per growing season. It grows to a height of two feet with serrate leaflets and pretty lavender flowers that cluster along a central spike. Because of its high yield, good nutritional quality, and resilience during droughts, alfalfa is considered to be the most important [More]
By Jamie Whatever the reason for the planet getting warmer, there are some things we can all agree on: there’s too much pollution and we are too wasteful. If we all take responsibility to change our ways just a little bit then together we can make a big difference. In this article, we take a look at 4 ways we can make our homes more environmentally friendly places. A neat by-product of all these ideas is that they save you money too! 1. Save that water! Being more sustainable is often just attributed to saving energy, but water is a [More]
By Susan Patterson They’re cute, colorful, readily available, and hard to kill. If this sounds appealing to you, succulents may be the perfect addition to your houseplant collection. These trendy, drought-resistant plants not only clean the air, increase oxygen in the home, and give life to a drab space, succulent arrangements also serve as incredible pieces of living art for a unique decor style. Succulent varieties vary significantly in size and color, some adorable growths coming in containers no bigger than a quarter, while others may grow over the edges of large pots. There is no end to the opportunities [More]
By Admin by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News A new review published this month (August, 2018) in the Journal Brain Sciences looked at the effectiveness of the ketogenic diet to treat adult epilepsy, adult malignant glioma (brain tumors), and Alzheimer’s disease. It was written by Tanya J. W. McDonald and Mackenzie C. Cervenka from the Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The high-fat low-carb ketogenic diet was first developed at Johns Hopkins back in the 1920s, but the authors state that …read more Source: Health Impact News     
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Chinese vaccine maker Changsheng Bio-technology Co. Ltd. has recently been involved in a shocking big pharma scandal. They are accused of providing false data related to two drugs their company manufactures. The Changsheng Bio-technology company admitted to selling a minimum of 252,600 doses of subpar DPT vaccine to the eastern Chinese province of Shandong. Because of this: over 215,000 Chinese children could have received faulty, substandard or tainted mandatory vaccines. Big pharma at its worse: 15 staff members detained due to tainting of Chinese vaccine and pharmaceutical …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola For an entire week each year, I focus on the campaign to end dental amalgam. Those silver fillings are really mercury fillings, and their use in America and around the world needs to stop — for health reasons, for environmental reasons, for workplace safety reasons and for social justice reasons. We have a united worldwide team, and we can win the campaign for mercury-free dentistry. I have worked closely with the leader of this campaign — Charlie Brown of Consumers for Dental Choice — and I have full confidence that we are on the [More]
By Julie Fidler The government in the U.K. has announced that it will relax laws governing access to medical cannabis, which will allow physicians to prescribe cannabis-derived medications. [1] Home secretary Sajid Javid announced July 26 that cannabis-based medications should be moved to the schedule 2 category in the country’s 2001 Misuse of Drugs Regulations to allow doctors to prescribe them by autumn. Like in the United States, cannabis is currently a schedule 1 drug in the United Kingdom. As a schedule 1 drug, cannabis is categorized as having no medicinal value and is illegal to prescribe or possess. Marijuana [More]
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Quercetin – a flavonoid and plant pigment found in vividly-colored fruits and vegetables – is beginning to emerge as the darling of researchers for its confirmed ability to help prevent heart disease and promote cardiovascular health. In fact, extensive population studies have shown that people with diets rich in quercetin have lower cholesterol, as well as decreased incidence of heart disease and death. If quercetin’s impressive cardioprotective qualities were all it had to offer, it would still be worthy of study. But it turns out that …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Hesh Goldstein First and foremost the most extensive and complete website about the atrocities of fluoridation is Dr. Paul Connett’s, www.fluoridealert.org. Hawaii, with the exception of the military bases, is perhaps the only state that does not subject their residents to the fluoridation, toxic waste chemicals. In 2006, the National Research Council did the first independent report on fluoridation. They condemned it! This prompted the American Dental Association to warn all their member dentists to, at the very least, tell parents of infants about fluoride’s neurological toxicity. Yet, despite the NRC report, the American Dental Association defends fluoridation unequivocally. [More]
By Rebecca Jacobs (NaturalHealth365) According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), sixty percent of the adult population of the United States will experience some type of gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, within a 12-month period – with 20 to 30 percent experiencing weekly symptoms. Commonly referred to as heartburn, GERD costs sufferers a staggering $8 billion a year in prescription and over-the-counter medications alone – many of which feature serious side effects. Fortunately, many GERD sufferers are finding that they can relieve heartburn symptoms with a non-toxic, inexpensive orange-peel extract. …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Hesh Goldstein On July 23, 2015, Dr. Stephanie Seneff gave a free public lecture in Honolulu about the health detriments in consuming glyphosate. Before getting into that, let me tell you a bit about Dr. Seneff. Dr. Seneff has a degree in Biology and is a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Science and Computer Laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She is the co-author, along with Anthony Semsel, of a report showing how glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup Ready herbicide, that is heavily sprayed on all GMO’s (soy, corn, cotton, canola, and sugar beets) is linked to autism, [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola While health agencies make a big stink about unsterilized foods such as raw organic milk, the food associated with the greatest number of foodborne illnesses is factory farmed chicken. According to the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) statistics,1 there were 5,760 reported foodborne outbreaks between 2009 and 2015, resulting in 100,939 illnesses, 5,699 hospitalizations and 145 deaths. Of these, chicken was responsible for the most outbreak-associated illnesses — 3,114 illnesses in total (12 percent), followed by pork and seeded vegetables, each of which was responsible for 10 percent of illnesses. As [More]