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By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Factory farmed chicken has been identified as the food responsible for the greatest number of foodborne illnesses, thanks to the presence of pathogenic bacteria, many of which are resistant to antibiotics. Now, testing reveals chicken and other meats may also contain drugs that are banned for use in food animals. As reported by Consumer Reports,1 drugs such as ketamine, phenylbutazone and chloramphenicol are all found in the U.S. meat supply. “The data — as well as Consumer Reports’ review of other government documents and interviews with farmers, industry experts, government officials and medical professionals [More]
By Susan Patterson In some cases, modern technology can have a negative impact on our health, such as staring at a screen just before bed, which can really mess up the quality of your sleep and too much screen use, can strain our eyes. But there are also a lot of high-tech devices that can enhance our health and well-being, including these gadgets that can make your home healthier. 1. Automatic Dustpan Most people don’t really think about dust, especially when it’s hiding in corners and underneath furniture. At least until it starts to coat every crevice and surface in [More]
By Julie Fidler Did seeing gym class coming up on your schedule fill you with dread and loathing? The reason I ask is, a new study suggests that your past experiences with physical education may influence your feelings about exercise today, and whether or not you’re physically active. [1] About 2/3 of the Western world rarely gets off its butt to exercise. A lot of that might have to do with people’s views on exercise. If you saw gym class as a fun experience, you’re more likely to be physically active today. If gym class was akin to torture for [More]
Prepared sashimi products are where you’re likely to find genetically modified salmon, the CEO of AquaBounty Technologies, a Massachusetts-based biotechnology company that produces the fish, told investors, but they won’t say who they’re selling to …read more Source: Prevent Disease     
Ever wonder why some people seem to feel less pain than others? A study conducted at Wake Forest School of Medicine may have found one of the answers – mindfulness. …read more Source: Prevent Disease     
By Debbie Wolfe Fill your home with the scent of fall with these easy, natural blends. Scents have an amazing ability to change moods, well-being and comfort. Most of us have hectic lives, so why not surround yourself with pleasant smells and enhance your well-being? No need for an essential oil diffuser or scented candle. You can make these blends with ingredients found in your kitchen pantry. Related Reading: 10 Essential Oil Diffuser Blends To Make Your Home Smell Like Fall Fall Blend Recipe #1 Watch the 30 second video below to see how to make this super simple Autumnal [More]
By AdminM by Dr. Brownstein’sHolistic Medicine In July, 2018, The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released a policy statement titled, Food Additives and Child Health. (1) The report begins by stating, “Our purposes with this policy statement and its accompanying technical report are to review and highlight emerging child health concerns related to the use of colorings, flavorings, and chemicals deliberately added to food during processing (direct food additives) as well as substances in food contact materials, including adhesives, dyes, coatings, paper, paperboard, plastic, and other polymers, which may contaminate food as part of packaging or manufacturing …read more Source: [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Most people assume that the drugs they are using either by prescription or off store shelves will be labeled correctly. It’s the sort of thing you hope you can take for granted. However, a recent incident involving blood pressure medication made by Accord Healthcare indicates that this isn’t always the case. The pharmaceutical company was forced to issue a voluntary recall across the nation for their hydrochlorothiazide product, a popular blood pressure medication. The medication was discovered to be mislabeled; instead of hydrochlorothiazide, the bottles contained …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Seth Pollard In a clinical report, the American Academy of Pediatrics urges doctors to write kids a prescription for play, explaining that playtime is vital for children’s “social-emotional, cognitive, language, and self-regulation skills.” The report – an update to a report released in 2007 – notes that ample playtime helps little ones manage stress and forge nurturing relationships with their caretakers. It reads: “The importance of playtime with children cannot be overemphasized to parents as well as schools and community organizations.” In an accompanying press release, the authors suggest that regular, daily playtime is the conduit to “creative, curious, [More]
By Rhonda Johansson (Natural News) The concept of achieving food …read more Source: Natural News     
By Ralph Flores (Natural News) A team of researchers has …read more Source: Natural News     
By Hesh Goldstein The American medical profession, made up of the doctor-hospital-Big Pharma-commercial industry complex, is the largest pusher of poison chemical drugs in the world. Roughly 90 percent of American medical doctors are poisoners and murderers and certainly not healers. Millions of Americans become ill, suffer and die from the deadly adverse reactions of these poison chemical drugs, and they are all subjected to the saying of the above mentioned – “In God we trust. All others pay cash”. Hippocrates, the father of medicine said, “Leave thy drugs in the chemists’ pots if thou cans’t heal the patient with [More]
By Ralph Flores (Natural News) The next best thing in …read more Source: Natural News     
By Ralph Flores (Natural News) For the most part, technology …read more Source: Natural News     
By Thomasina Copenhaver Have you ever heard of “Anandamide”? Chances are—you probably have not. Most people have heard of anti-depressants like Prozac—which, as it turns out, cause depression and suicidal thoughts. It’s all spelled out in that paper they give you at the pharmacy. But nobody reads it because they are too depressed and rely on the doctor to know “what’s best” and “fix” them. Time to rely on your Creator. In recent years, a lot of scientific research has been published about the human brain. We now know (if you are a science nerd like I am) that the [More]
By Jonathan Landsman (Naturalhealth365) In the mid-1990’s, coconut oil was (unjustly) vilified for its high content of saturated fat – and for allegedly contributing to heart disease. However, nearly two decades later, this tropical oil had become the darling of nutritionists, holistic physicians and health enthusiast alike. But, now in a whiplash-inducing shift, coconut oil is under attack yet again – this time by a Harvard professor who condemns it as “pure poison” and “one of the worst foods you can eat.” (you just can’t make this stuff up.) In …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Jessica Dolores (Natural News) Our looks, intelligence quotient, and …read more Source: Natural News     
By Heather Callaghan By Andrea Germanos “Consolidation has now reached a point where the top four firms in almost every sector of the food and agriculture economy have acquired abusive levels of market… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola Indigenous people were some of the first users of herbal teas for boosting health and well-being. Such is the case for essiac tea, which was used by the indigenous Ojibwa tribe of Canada. It wasn’t until 1922 that essiac tea became known, after a female nurse from Ontario named Rene Caisse reportedly obtained the recipe from the tribe. Essiac, which is Caisse spelled backward,1 was then administered to the nurse’s cancer patients, some of whom exhibited promising results. Because of this “breakthrough,” essiac tea was promoted for mainstream use to the rest of North America. However, there [More]
By Dr. Mercola What Is Mandarin Orange Oil? Mandarin orange oil is derived from the fruit peel of mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata Blanco), which has been widely cultivated in many parts of Asia, including Japan, China, India, the East Indies and the Philippines. Depending on the variety, mandarin orange tree can grow up to 7 meters (about 23 feet) high. Surrounded with fragrant white blooms, mandarin orange fruit is usually slightly oblate in shape and has an orange to red-orange color when it ripens.1 Aside from the common mandarin, some of the most common varieties based are the king mandarin [More]
By Lori Alton, staff writer (Naturalhealth365) “Let food be thy medicine.” Fifth-century physician Hippocrates, also known as the Father of Medicine, is credited with first uttering this aphorism. And modern research continues to confirm its wisdom – especially when it comes to treating rheumatoid arthritis – a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease that affects roughly 1 percent of the global population. In a relatively new scientific review, the authors resoundingly endorse the ability of specific foods to protect against rheumatoid arthritis – and to reduce painful, debilitating symptoms. Unfortunately, Western medicine …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Ralph Flores (Natural News) Research published in the journal …read more Source: Natural News     
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer have shown that eating EPA and DHA omega 3 compounds reduce the risk of cardiac death by 8 percent. And, with heart disease being the number one reason for premature death, you would think this is big news but, it’s nowhere in the mainstream media. This is a statistically-significant result that should get the attention of every healthcare provider in the country. Simply put, healthy fats are crucial for heart health – especially the right balance of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids. Avoiding the threat of heart disease: We already know how to [More]
By Jessica Dolores (Natural News) One moment, your cuddly infant …read more Source: Natural News     
By Ralph Flores (Natural News) Children are as young and …read more Source: Natural News     
By Jessica Dolores (Natural News) We already know that the …read more Source: Natural News     
By none If you’ve ever been to South America, you’ve probably noticed a few people sipping a drink from a round cup with a metal straw. There’s a high chance that this is yerba mate, a popular energizing tea. What Is Yerba Mate Tea? Yerba mate is brewed from the stems and branches of the Ilex paraguariensis, a plant that originates from South America.1 Yerba mate tea, or simply “mate,” is especially popular in South American countries, such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Paraguay, as a shared caffeine-rich beverage. The practice of drinking mate in groups is well-known and symbolizes [More]