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By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalHealth365) There are 268,670 new breast cancer cases expected in the U.S. – this year alone! But, what’s most disturbing is how the vast majority of these cases get treated with risky surgical procedures and highly-toxic ‘therapies’ like, chemotherapy. The truth is: most mainstream media outlets refuse to report on the dangers of conventional cancer care. For example, most cancer patients would be shocked to hear that chemotherapy can increase the risk of heart failure and, in many cases, trigger the production of secondary …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Ralph Flores (Natural News) For a lot of men, …read more Source: Natural News     
By Michael By Michael Maharrey FAIRFIELD, Maine (Nov. 2, 2018) – The Fairfield town council unanimously passed a food sovereignty ordinance last month. The ordinance not only frees local farmers and consumers… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola 1 Which of the following treatments has been shown to eliminate the need for insulin in Type 2 diabetics within a month’s time? Intermittent fasting (24-hour fasting three times a week or every other day) Diabetic patients who did 24-hour fasting three times a week or every other day were able to stop taking insulin within a month. They also lost 10 to 18 percent of their body weight. Learn more. Eating a high-carb, low-fat diet High-intensity exercise, once a week Getting seven to eight hours of sleep every night 2 The DARPA project, “Insect Allies,” uses [More]
By Virgil Usher, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) The fear of diabetes and heart disease can cause many people to think that fat is the ‘enemy.’ Nothing could be further from the truth – especially when it comes to eating (healthy) fats like, tree nuts. You see, there are many misguided theories out there suggesting that nuts have fat, therefore they are ‘bad for you.’ And, while nuts do contain fat, they are ‘good’ (non-toxic) fats – which actually help people to lose excess body weight, avoid heart disease and even balance blood sugar …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) New research out of France has found that eating organic foods – free of toxic chemicals like glyphosate – is a key lifestyle choice that can help with avoiding a cancer diagnosis. While there may be a (slim) genetic component to cancer, lowering cancer risk is largely accomplished by making good lifestyle choices. On top of diet: not smoking, avoiding severe sunburns, regular exercise, nutritional supplementation (when needed) and a positive outlook on life are instrumental to avoiding premature death from chronic disease. But, the research …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Michael By Jon Rappoport Here I am printing the abstract of a new study: “Aluminium in brain tissue in autism.” The publication is Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology. The authors of the study… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By AdminM by Paul FassaHealth Impact News Researchers in Brazil recently completed an animal study to determine if virgin coconut oil (VCO) could replace pharmaceutical drugs for reducing obesity and its attendant co-morbid inflammatory and diabetic conditions. The researchers refuted the misguided conventional thinking of saturated fats causing obesity. They wanted to investigate the saturated fat coconut oil as a functional food to replace pharmaceutical drugs currently used for obesity that cause adverse side effects. The Brazilian researchers also expressed concern with the abundant schemes and dietary efforts at …read more Source: Health Impact News     
By Seth Pollard In a study of more than 3,500 individuals with psoriasis, adopting a healthier diet was associated with an improvement in their symptoms – particularly a Mediterranean diet. [1] In fact, the closer someone adhered to the Mediterranean diet, the less burdensome their psoriasis became, regardless of whether or not the individual was obese. A Little About Psoriasis Psoriasis is a non-contagious chronic skin condition that causes a thick, patchy, red rash with silvery, white scales. The most common type of the disease is known as plaque psoriasis. [2] The telltale patches can show up anywhere on the [More]
By Hesh Goldstein With all the hullabaloo abounding concerning flus and vaccines, we are constantly bombarded by government agencies steering us toward our nearest injection site. But, the question is: are these vaccines safe? Recently, a newspaper article ran where the CDC (the Centers For Deceit Control and Procrastination) advised us as to when and which shots to get. In this article, there was no mention of any adverse side effects, with the assumption being that each shot was safe. What will be presented herein is the CDC’s advice followed by reality. Pneumococcal disease: CDC A bacterial infection that can [More]
By REALdeal Source: Bayer Stock Crashes After Monsanto Cancer Verdict Upheld By Judge – Analyst Estimates $800 Billion In Future Liability For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. By Sayer Ji, Founder Greenmedinfo.com Bayer greedily bought and swallowed the ‘poison pill’ of Monsanto without considering its true liability. Fifty-seven billion Euros of market cap down the drain later, now their headache is taking on epic proportions… Growing uncertainty about whether San Francisco Superior Court Judge Suzanne Ramos Bolanos would rule in favor or against […] Source: Bayer Stock Crashes After Monsanto Cancer Verdict Upheld By Judge – Analyst …read more [More]
By REALdeal Source: This Is The Best Way to Keep Mice Out of Campers For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. A mouse contained in a cage running on a wheel can be cute, but a mouse scurrying across your camper or living room floor without an invitation is a big NO-NO. Now that summer is over and it’s time to pack up certain things and stay out of certain rooms for months at a time, […] Source: This Is The Best Way to Keep Mice Out of Campers Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News …read more Source: realfarmacy.com [More]
By REALdeal Source: “Sacrificial Virgins” The Must-See Film About Young Girls Being Severely Damaged By HPV Gardasil Vaccines For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. By Arjun Walia “I would never give my daughter, or my son the shot… This is a massive PR event by the company that makes Gardasil, and the same is the truth for the company that makes Cervarix… I think one needs to do a lot of research, and I think parents are in the […] Source: “Sacrificial Virgins” The Must-See Film About Young Girls Being Severely Damaged By HPV Gardasil Vaccines Learn …read more [More]
By Dr. Mercola Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) — gigantic factory farms that hold many thousands of animals in a warehouse-style setting — are an environmental disaster in more ways than one, and when hurricanes hit, this fact becomes acutely obvious when animal waste, collected in massive “lagoons,” overflow, contaminating both land, water and residential homes. Even under the best circumstances, the lagoons may leak, seeping millions of gallons of waste a year into neighboring soil and groundwater.1 Add in a formidable force like a hurricane and the potential for leakage, overflow and runoff is virtually guaranteed. I recently discussed [More]
By Julie Fidler An analysis shows that tobacco use increases the risk of oral cancer (duh). But e-cigarettes, too, were linked to an increased risk of oral cancer, particularly if people used the nicotine-delivery devices alongside tobacco products. [1] Oral cancer includes cancers of the lips, tongue, cheeks, the floor of the mouth, the hard and soft palate, sinuses, and the throat. For the study, Benjamin Chaffee and co-author Neal Benowitz of the University of California evaluated exposure to known carcinogens based on recent use of different nicotine and tobacco product types, and whether they were used individually or together. [More]
By Hesh Goldstein Some time ago, Mike Adams wrote and continues to write great pieces on greedy people intent on keeping the public nutritionally uneducated. Unfortunately, the best place to start with this are the youngest members of society through the school lunch program. In this era of government bailouts and concern over wasteful spending, an opportunity presents itself to take a hard look at the National School Lunch Program. When it was started in 1946 as a public safety measure it certainly turned out to be a disaster. Under the program, the USDA gives public schools cash for every [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM What to avoid and what to eat to help with dyspepsia. …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Maintaining an ideal body weight is clearly linked to many health benefits – which is why so many people consider weight loss a top priority. And, now, recent research related to the World Health Initiative Observational Study has found that women who properly control their body weight have a much lowered risk of getting breast cancer than those who don’t. To examine the issue, the City of Hope National Medical Center of Duarte, California analyzed 61,335 postmenopausal women who participated in the World Health Initiative …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Michael By Lorna Harries, University of Exeter and Matt Whiteman, University of Exeter The ability to reverse ageing is something many people would hope to see in their lifetime. This is still a long way… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Julie Fidler If you vape, then you may have heard that e-cigarettes are safer than tobacco cigarettes. There might be some truth to that, but as a study shows, most e-cigarette users don’t really know what they’re inhaling, even if they take the time to look at the ingredients on the label. [1] Study author Sven Jordt, an associate professor of anesthesiology, pharmacology and cancer biology at the Duke University School of Medicine, said: “Flavor chemicals and the solvents, the liquids, that are in electronic cigarettes, they are forming new chemical compounds.” These chemicals can become irritants that agitate [More]
By REALdeal Source: Should You Harvest Apples Before or After The Frost? For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Question: Should I pick my fruit before the frost? Answer: It depends. If the fruit is ripe, by all means pick it. Contrary to a freely circulated old wives tale, fruit such as apples and grapes do not need a frost to “set” the sugars. If they are ripe they should be harvested before […] Source: Should You Harvest Apples Before or After The Frost? Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Source: realfarmacy.com     
By AdminM What Doctors Learn in Medical School About Vaccines by Marco CáceresThe Vaccine Reaction The idea that there are “medical experts” who, by virtue of the MD initials placed after their names, automatically know more than anyone else about vaccines is pervasive. This commonly held belief persists, despite overwhelming evidence that doctors are taught almost nothing about vaccines in medical school. Doctors are taught that vaccines have saved the world from infectious diseases and they are taught to follow the vaccine schedule promoted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—which tells them …read more Source: Health Impact [More]
By Dr. Mercola Could relief for chronic back pain be as easy as taking a sugar pill? In the BBC documentary, “The Placebo Experiment: Can My Brain Cure My Body?” Dr. Michael Mosley sets out to investigate the power of the placebo effect. Several studies have demonstrated complaints of lower back pain have risen dramatically in recent decades. Ranking 12th as a cause of disability in 1990,1 it’s now the leading cause of disability in nearly all high-income countries.2,3 As many as 8 in 10 adults will experience low back pain at some time in their life.4 Unfortunately, while the [More]
By Mike Barrett Infants who are breastfed for at least 6 months have fewer antibiotic-resistant bacteria in their guts, likely because the sugars in breast milk feed “good bacteria,” which prevents the proliferation of harmful microbes, a new study shows. It’s an important benefit of breastfeeding, as antibiotic-resistant superbugs are increasing worldwide, fueling fears that modern medicine could be wiped out if new treatments aren’t soon developed. Researchers from Helsinki University analyzed the genes of 16 mothers and their babies over 8 months. The team sequenced the DNA of a total of 96 samples, including breast milk and feces, from [More]
By Julie Fidler A California judge on October 22 upheld a San Francisco jury’s verdict finding that Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide caused a former school groundskeeper’s cancer, but slashed the amount of money to be paid from $289 million to just over $78 million. [1] In August, a jury awarded Dewayne Johnson $250 million in punitive damages to punish Monsanto (now Bayer), and $39 million in compensatory damages to cover Johnson’s lost income, as well as pain and suffering. On October 10, Superior Court Judge Suzanne Bolanos issued a tentative ruling granting Monsanto’s request for a judgment notwithstanding verdict, or a [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM Red Bull and Rockstar brand energy drinks are put to the test. …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Dr. Mercola Satchidananda Panda, Ph.D., is a leading researcher in a very important field of study: the circadian rhythm, which is the topic of his book, “Circadian Code: Lose Weight, Supercharge Your Energy and Sleep Well Every Night.” It’s a great read, written at a level that is easy to understand. Growing up on a farm in India, he was initially intrigued by the fact that he slept best during the summertime. Then, going through agricultural school, he realized that different plants flower at certain times of the day. “A few years later, when I was thinking about grad [More]