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By Michael By Matt Agorist A new survey published this month in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs helps explain why Big Pharma is so afraid of cannabis. The pharmaceutical and alcohol industries, both powerful… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Catherine J. Frompovich Remember all the hoopla about the documentary VAXXED, From Cover-up to Catastrophe? That factual, videographic, movie portrayal of the U.S. CDC… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) It almost sounds too good to be true: fast for 16 hours per day, eat as usual during the other 8 hours, then watch the weight fall off. But new research suggests that the seemingly simple “16:8” equation – also called, intermittent fasting – really does work. Intermittent fasting, sometimes referred to as ‘IF,’ offers many different variations. But, the 16:8 protocol is one of the most popular and researched methods of IF. Plus, it’s proving to be a valuable alternative for people living with obesity. Editor’s note: For best results in using IF, [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM One week on a plant-based diet can significantly drop blood levels of homocysteine, a toxin associated with cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. Without vitamin B12 supplementation, though, a long-term plant-based diet could make things worse. …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By REALdeal Source: Uncomfortable Fact: Vaccines Found to Contain Pig Virus DNA and Monkey Kidney Cells For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. By Earl Garcia A list of vaccine excipients released by the CDC provides insight into some of the most toxic ingredients that big pharmaceutical companies use in manufacturing vaccines. With the FDA and CDC insisting on the safety of these vaccines, larger drug firms continue to use these ingredients to cash in on their products while simultaneously […] Source: Uncomfortable Fact: Vaccines Found to Contain Pig Virus DNA and Monkey Kidney Cells Learn more at …read more [More]
By AdminM Health Impact News New York City has mandated that all preschool children must receive a flu shot. The National Vaccine Information Center is tracking this mandate as well as other proposed vaccine legislation in New York, which includes a proposed law to mandate the Gardasil HPV vaccine. NYC Flu Vaccine Mandate Update and 3 New Vaccine Bills Filed in NYS Legislature by the National Vaccine Information Center We wanted to update you about the flu shot mandate for New York City Preschoolers and let you know that New York already has three …read more Source: Health Impact News [More]
By REALdeal Source: Proof That It Is Actually Vaccinated People Who Are Spreading Communicable Disease For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. A 2016 report by Kaiser Health News revealed what many vaccine truth advocates have been saying for years: Vaccines and the people who get them are carriers and spreaders of the disease, putting the rest of the population at very high risk. During a recent episode of The Alex Jones Show, available for viewing at Brighteon.com, Alex Jones and Rob […] Source: Proof That It Is Actually Vaccinated People Who Are Spreading Communicable Disease Learn more …read more [More]
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) For many adults, the word “formaldehyde” may summon up memories of a long-ago biology class – and the noxious-smelling fluid used to preserve the frogs intended for dissection. But this toxic chemical, found in a wide range of everyday products, is actually closer at hand than you might think – and can present a grave threat to our health. For example, a new scientific review explores a potential link between formaldehyde exposure and a trio of debilitating diseases: depression, dementia and diabetes. Fortunately, the research also showcases the ability of the amino acid carnosine [More]
By REALdeal Source: Manuka Honey: Improves Sleep, Boosts Immunity, Prevents Cancer, and Is a Natural Antibiotic For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Manuka honey is produced by bees that forage on the nectar of Leptospermum Scoparium, or New Zealand’s Manuka bush, as well as tea trees, native to Australia and New Zealand only. This remarkable type of honey not only effectively kills bacteria, but none of the bugs killed by it have been able to build up immunity. […] Source: Manuka Honey: Improves Sleep, Boosts Immunity, Prevents Cancer, and Is a Natural Antibiotic Learn more at
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM Oxidized cholesterol (concentrated in products containing eggs, processed meat, and parmesan cheese) has cancer-fueling estrogenic effects on human breast cancer. …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By REALdeal Source: List of Foods and Products that Have Tested Positive for Monsanto’s Carcinogenic Glyphosate For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. As one of the world’s most common herbicides, marketed by what is now the world’s largest chemical corporation with Bayer’s purchase of Monsanto, glyphosate (the main chemical in “Roundup”) is present in just about everything. Believe that cotton is sterile, or feminine hygiene products are clean? They aren’t. One thing about biochemistry that industry influenced scientists don’t […] Source: List of Foods and Products that Have Tested Positive for Monsanto’s Carcinogenic Glyphosate Learn more at …read more [More]
By Seth Pollard Oskri Organics Corp. has recalled its sunflower and tahini butter products due to concerns that they may be contaminated with Listeria. [1] In a statement, Oskri, based in Wisconsin, said a customer informed them in mid-December that they “randomly” sent its product in for testing and that the results came back positive for Listeria monocytogenes bacteria. Kind of weird. Listeria monocytogenes can cause a serious infection called Listeriosis. Symptoms vary depending on the person and the part of the body affected, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). [2] People tend to experience [More]
By Mike Barrett The prospect of developing cancer is a terrifying one for everybody, but there is reason to feel a bit more encouraged. A recent report shows that U.S. cancer death rates have decreased constantly for the last 25 years. [1] The report, which comes from the American Cancer Society (ACS), shows that from 1991 to 2016, the U.S. cancer rate steadily declined by about 1.5% per year, resulting in an overall decline of 27% during the quarter-century. That means that 2.6 million fewer cancer deaths occurred than would have been expected had the death rate remained the same. [More]
By Michael By Sofia Adamson Air pollution is an invisible killer – one that slowly poisons you day-by-day. By no means is this an exaggeration. According to a World Health Organization report from 2018, air… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By AdminM N.Y. Law Professor Mary Holland Addresses U.N. on Government Vaccine Policies Violating the Nuremberg Code. Story. Vaccine Mandates Results Don’t Safeguard Children’s Rights or Health: How Did We Get Here? By the Children’s Health Defense Team For decades, the U.S. government has made compulsory childhood vaccination one of the cornerstones of its public health policy. Outside the U.S., countries’ vaccination policies range from completely voluntary to “aggressive,” with some nations promoting vaccination but leaving the decision up to the individual, and others pushing a little harder by financially incentivizing …read more Source: Health Impact News     
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Osteoporosis – in which bones become increasingly more brittle and prone to breakage – affects 16 percent of American adults over age 65, with postmenopausal women at increased risk. According to the World Health Organization, this age-related condition poses more of a threat to health than either high blood pressure or breast cancer – with experts predicting that 50 percent of all women over 50 will experience an osteoporosis-induced fracture of the hip, vertebra or wrist. Now, new research highlights the surprising role of refined white sugar as a major culprit in this debilitating [More]
By Zoey Sky (Natural News) Reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum), also …read more Source: Natural News     
By Ellaine Castillo (Natural News) The small nettle (Urtica urens) …read more Source: Natural News     
By Joy Jensen, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Autism affects approximately 1-2% of the world’s population, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Yet, conventionally speaking, there’s ‘no definitive cause or cure.’ However, over the past few years, scientists have found some promising clues within the gut and recent studies have taken this one step further by featuring the benefits of probiotics for children with autism. First, it’s important to understand: autism is a complex spectrum of disorders with three classic features, repetitive behaviors, communication impairments, and poor social engagement. And, while autism is primarily ‘treated’ with …read [More]
By Mike Barrett The holidays are officially over, and although you may still be picking at leftovers and what’s left in the office cookie tin, it’s time to start thinking about how to make THIS year a healthy year… again! U.S. News & World Report, which calls itself “the global authority in rankings and consumer advice,” has just published its annual assessment of the year’s Best Diets. The platform offers pretty much all the information you could possibly ask for on more than 40 diets. For 2019, the Mediterranean Diet was ranked the best for the 2nd year in a [More]
By Mike Barrett On January 8, 2019, following a protracted legal battle, India’s top court ruled that Monsanto can own patents on genetically modified (GM) cotton seeds. The decision overturns a Delhi High Court ruling which said the country’s laws barred plant varieties and seeds from being patented. Monsanto’s Bt cotton seeds were introduced to India in 2002. Today, more than 90% of the country’s cotton crop is genetically modified. The seeds are referred to as Bt cotton because they have been inserted with a pest-resistant toxin called Bacillus thuringiensis. The court decision could encourage biotechnology to increase investment in [More]
By Dr. Mercola 1 Which of the following cooking oils is harmful and should be avoided to safeguard your health? Coconut oil Olive oil Canola oil Vegetable oils such as canola and corn oil are highly damaging and should be avoided to safeguard your health. Healthy cooking oils include coconut oil, olive oil, grass fed butter and ghee. Black seed oil is another healthy fat that many forget about. Learn more. Pastured lard 2 Which of the following is not a recommended key strategy for easing low back pain? Chiropractic adjustments Stretching Standing and moving more Opioids Opioids are the [More]
By Dr. Mercola 30 Tips in 30 Days Designed to Help You Take Control of Your Health This article is included in Dr. Mercola’s All-Time Top 30 Health Tips series. Every day during the month of January, a new tip will be added that will help you take control of your health. Want to see the full list? Click here. If you struggle with high blood pressure and/or less than ideal heart health, you’d be wise to tweak your diet to include more nitrate-rich foods. The devil’s in the details, though; it’s important to remember that not all dietary nitrates [More]
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) High blood pressure. known as the ‘silent killer,’ affects over 77 million Americans, according to latest figures from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That’s 1 in 3 adults – a full one third of all American adults – living with a major risk factor for stroke and heart disease. It’s no wonder these two conditions are the main drivers of premature death in the U.S. Conventionally speaking, drugs such as beta blockers and diuretics have been the first-line of defense offered by Western medicine. And while these drugs can be [More]
By Mike Barrett Low-carb diets are nothing new. If you haven’t tried the Keto diet or the Atkin’s diet, you’ve likely heard of them. Many people consider these “fad” diets, and they very well may be, but fad or not, research does suggest that cutting carbs could be an effective way for people who have lost weight to keep it off. Click for larger version. Source: BMJ One study, which looked at people who were trying to maintain weight loss, found that the participants burned more calories when they adhered to a low-carb diet, versus a high-carb diet. Among those [More]
By Michael By Matt Agorist A new survey published this month in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs helps explain why Big Pharma is so afraid of cannabis. The pharmaceutical and alcohol industries, both powerful… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Judy Wilyman Important information in this newsletter: 1) A US CDC government medical expert confirms the causal link between vaccines and autism (video 11 mins) by Sharyl Attkisson 2) Healthy… …read more Source: Natural Blaze