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By Dr. Mercola Are artificial sweeteners such as Splenda still part of your daily diet? If so, I would strongly recommend reconsidering. It’s important to realize that while artificial sweeteners have no (or very few) calories, they are still metabolically active,1 and not in a beneficial way. For example, research2,3 published in the online version of the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health August 21, 2018, shows sucralose — sold under brand names such as Splenda, Splenda Zero, Zero-Cal, Sukrana, Apriva, SucraPlus, Candys, Cukren and Nevella — is metabolized and accumulates in fat cells. Remarkably, artificial sweeteners have become so [More]
By Dr. Mercola Fatty liver disease is caused by excess fat in your liver. The medical term is hepatic steatosis. Your liver normally contains some fat, but when greater than 10% of the weight of the liver is fat, it’s called fatty liver. There are two main types: nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and alcoholic fatty liver disease, also called alcoholic steatohepatitis.1 NAFLD may be suspected if a blood test shows higher levels of liver enzymes than expected. While the disease is found more frequently in adults, researchers are finding NAFLD is a growing concern in the pediatric community, which [More]
By Sarah Garone It was a Sunday morning when I started to feel the telltale pain and burning that could only mean one thing: a UTI. As the pressure on my bladder increased, sending me to the bathroom every twenty minutes, I couldn’t believe I was experiencing this again. I had suffered through this miserable type of illness just six months before, as well as six months before that. Depressingly, this meant my third urinary tract infection in a year, qualifying me for the dreaded title of someone with “frequent UTIs.” When I had to leave a social event later [More]
By Seth Pollard In recent years, IKEA has become more health and environmentally-conscious, removing Styrofoam from packaging, reducing plastic use, and even planning to use only renewable and recycled materials in its products by 2030. The company launched products perfect for city-dwellers wanting to get in touch with nature, including a sustainable DIY indoor garden, as well as a hydroponic gardening system that goes in your very own kitchen. Now, IKEA plans on helping buyers breathe easier with air-purifying curtains. The new Gundrid curtains employ some pretty high-tech ways of purifying the air. They don’t use any special filters or [More]
By Mike Barrett When you go outdoors this spring or summer, make sure you cover up and do what is necessary to repel insects. A report released last year by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) shows that in the U.S., diseases spread by tick, flea, and mosquito bites more than tripled from 2004 to 2016. During that period, more than 640,000 cases of vector-borne diseases were reported. So, you should probably be careful this year, too. [1] ?Dr. Lyle Petersen, the director of the Division of Vector-Borne Diseases in the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases [More]
Some newer diabetes drugs have been linked to a nightmarish “flesh-eating” genital disease that can spread rapidly and kill skin tissue as it grows, according to a new study by US Food and Drug Administration scientists. Symptoms of the disease known as ‘Fournier gangrene’ include pain, redness and a foul odor in the genital area. Alarmingly, the infection starts by attacking your genital or anal region, but can also spread rapidly and kill other body tissue along the way. The rare infection concerns people taking a newer class of diabetes medications known as SGLT2 inhibitors, according to FDA scientists who [More]
By Daisy Luther By Daisy Luther Most of the time, no one actually expects the S to HTF on that particular day. Most folks don’t go through their lives expecting one specific disastrous … Read the rest The post Prepping: The Only Way to be Ready for Anything is to be Ready for Anything appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper     
By Mike Barrett If you grew up in the 1980’s, you might remember the thrill of getting a Happy Meal every once in a while. Going out for fast-food was a treat back then, not a regular occurrence. But the frequency in which Americans eat fast-food isn’t the only thing that has changed in the past 30 or so years. Though many headlines tell us that fast food is getting healthier as time goes on, others say that this already-unhealthy food has gotten even worse. [1] ?Earlier this year, researchers at Tufts University and Boston University looked at 10 popular [More]
By REALdeal Source: Pineberries – This Ancient Strawberry That Tastes Like Pineapple Is Being Brought Back For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. If you’ve never heard of a pineberry, you’re not alone. The ancient fruit tastes like a cross between pineapple and bubblegum. Pineberries are strawberries, but the name comes from their pineapple flavor. They have white flesh and red seeds, just the opposite of regular strawberries. Pineberries may be a novelty now, but they are actually […] Source: Pineberries – This Ancient Strawberry That Tastes Like Pineapple Is Being Brought Back Learn more at <a target=_blank rel="nofollow" …read [More]
By Seth Pollard Are allergies from pollen exposure something you need to deal with year after year? You may already know that you can take allergy medication, avoid grassy areas, and stock up on eye drops, but are you aware that you may be triggering your allergies by making a very simple mistake: eating the wrong kinds of fruit. As much as 70% of people who deal with allergies from pollen have a bad reaction to eating certain foods. If you’ve ever struggled to breathe after eating an orange, or developed an itchy mouth after enjoying a fresh, crisp apple, [More]
By Jeff “Mixing ingredients for several hours produces smooth molten chocolate by breaking down lumps of ingredients into finer grains and reducing friction between particles.” By University of… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
It seems we are rapidly moving towards compulsory vaccination in the West. This likely move is widely supported and promoted by the mainstream media (MSM) who accuse all those who choose not to vaccinate themselves or their children of being a public health risk. The bandwagon they have created is overwhelmingly populated by those who have a limited grasp of science. Like me, as lay men and women, they are solely reliant upon what they are told, unless they do their own research. I’m not a scientist and do not profess to have a full grasp of the scientific evidence [More]
As you’ve been reading the news these days, have you noticed a new angle on the “anti-vaccine movement?” The same old rhetoric is being employed, but a bit more subtly. It’s couched in the context of pseudoscientific inquiry into the “phenomenon and psychology” of anyone critical of the vaccine program. Conveniently, media coverage focused on the “state of being vaccine hesitant” draws the conversation away from the actual concerns of the “vaccine hesitant” – such as vaccine injury, zero liability for vaccine manufacturers, an ever-increasing vaccine schedule (72 doses by age 18!) and no double-blind placebo safety testing for any [More]
By REALdeal Source: Vaping Now Linked to Brain Damage, Narrow Arteries, and Serious Lung Damage For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. A new type of e-cigarette called “juul” has become so popular that it is a $2 billion e-cigarette market now. Did you know that over 40 % of kids don’t realize that they are inhaling nicotine when they vape? Unfortunately, vaping’s popularity has grown tremendously. However, vapes or e-cigarettes are extremely toxic. They contain nicotine, […] Source: Vaping Now Linked to Brain Damage, Narrow Arteries, and Serious Lung Damage Learn more at REALfarmacy.com. …read more Source: realfarmacy.com     
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) We all know that a high quality supplement routine can greatly enhance your health; help us age gracefully and (naturally) avoid chronic disease conditions – right? But, unfortunately, NAD+ is one supplement that rarely gets enough attention or credit for its health benefits. Of course, within the huge array of dietary supplements available on the market, it’s often quite difficult to know exactly which supplement is best for you. So, today, we’ll focus our attention on NAD+ and highlight the amazing benefits of this remarkable substance. High quality studies on human subjects, including a [More]
A baby girl fed a vegan diet by her parents in Australia was so malnourished by the time she was 19 months old she didn’t have any teeth and looked like she was just three months old, a Sydney court has heard. The toddler’s parents – who can’t be named for legal reasons – have pleaded guilty to failing to provide for her causing danger of serious injury. Court documents reveal she was fed oats, potatoes, rice, tofu, bread, peanut butter and rice milk. A mouthful of fruit or two sultanas were her snacks. The eastern suburbs couple, who hadn’t [More]
By Susan Patterson Ah, insects. The bane of every gardener and the reason that many reach for pesticides and other chemicals to eliminate their invasive presence once and for all. Surely you wouldn’t want to attract these creatures to your precious garden, right? Actually, beneficial insects could be just what you need to defeat harmful bugs for good. Here are 12 bugs that will defend your garden and tips on how to attract them. Why You Should Attract Beneficial Insects Before we get into our list, it is important to take a moment to …read more Source: Natural Living Ideas [More]
By Dr. Mercola Table of Contents Jackfruit Basics Growing Jackfruit from Seed Nutritional Benefits of Jackfruit Low-Glycemic Boon for Diabetics Jackfruit Recipe Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is a unique tropical fruit with a distinct musky smell and deliciously sweet taste. Jackfruit can grow to enormous sizes with specimens measuring between 4 and 24 inches in length and 10 to 30 inches in diameter. Weighing between 10 and 100 pounds, it’s the largest tree-borne fruit in the world. Jackfruit is widely grown throughout Asia and India but can thrive in any tropical location. It’s the national fruit of Bangladesh, where it is [More]
By REALdeal Source: Using Air Fresheners Inside Your House Is Equivalent to Smoking 20 Cigarettes per Day For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Everybody loves that divine smell of air fresheners, however that sweet smell could cause an entire scope of health issues. One of these products is Febreeze. As per EWG the Febreze items score a D or an F. Air fresheners cause development and reproductive toxicity, skin irritation, skin allergies, respiratory issues, asthma, and even lung […] Source: Using Air Fresheners Inside Your House Is Equivalent to Smoking 20 Cigarettes per Day Learn more at …read more [More]
By Lance D Johnson (Natural News) Six-time Superbowl champion Tom Brady …read more Source: Natural News     
By Michael By Emma Fiala While those who lead our cities, towns, and public utilities companies continually reassure us that they’re doing us a service and require payment to continue doing so, it is glaringly… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By REALdeal Source: 1,000-Year-Old Illustrated Manuscript of Herbal Remedies Now Available to Public For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Seeking natural remedies outside of chemical pharmaceuticals isn’t just for Eastern medicine. In fact, plant-based health cure also has a long tradition in Western medicine, as evidenced by a beautifully illustrated book in the British Libary’s collection. The Cotton MS Vitellius C III is a 1,000-year-old illustrated manual to plant pharmacology, and has now been digitized for online […] Source: 1,000-Year-Old Illustrated Manuscript of Herbal Remedies Now Available to Public Learn more at REALfarmacy.com. …read more Source: realfarmacy.com     
The eight year anniversary of the triple meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility passed mostly without comment in mainstream media circles. In spite of ongoing radiological contamination that will continue to spread and threaten human health for lifetimes to come, other stories dominate the international news cycle. The climate change conundrum, serious though it may be, seemingly crowds out all other clear and present environmental hazards. As part of efforts to normalize this historic event and cover it up in its magnitude, the Japanese government has invested considerable financial, public relations and other resources into what they are billing [More]
By REALdeal Source: Cigarette Filters Are Made of Glass “Wool” Fibers That Cut Your Lungs to Shreds Over Time For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Why do you think the cigarette filters or “butts” that you find on the ground outside take up to 15 years to disintegrate? Do you know why? That’s not just some sponge wrapped tightly in paper, no, that little heat screen is made from glass wool that is VERY SIMILAR to the fiberglass insulation used […] Source: Cigarette Filters Are Made of Glass “Wool” Fibers That Cut Your Lungs to Shreds Over …read more [More]
By Dr. Mercola Brushing your teeth is an indispensable health habit affecting more than just your mouth. Regardless of your age or the number of years you’ve been using a toothbrush, it’s important you address all aspects of dental health as it plays a role in optimizing your overall health and well-being. You may easily avoid bad breath, plaque, yellow teeth and tooth decay when you adopt an effective oral care routine. It is unfortunate how many fail to appreciate how this simple strategy affects your overall health. In addition to affecting your health, oral care affects the delicate balance [More]
By Dr. Mercola Are you still under the misconception that unchecked exposure to electromagnetic field (EMF) and radiofrequency (RF) radiation is of no concern? Then I urge you to view the featured documentary, “5G Apocalypse — The Extinction Event” by Sacha Stone. Please understand that while I am not in agreement with some of Stone’s conspiracy theories on the militarization of these frequencies, the science is beyond solid to justify concern about 5G without throwing in conspiracy allegations. I do believe that, overall, the documentary was well done and nicely packages the nonconspiracy information. EMF Exposure …read more Source: mercola [More]
By Vicki Batts (Natural News) Many people assume that dementia …read more Source: Natural News