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By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Magnesium is an essential mineral found throughout nature – including your own body. Most people know it as a natural remedy to help you sleep and relax. Plus, magnesium is an important player in building and maintaining healthy bones. But, what most people don’t realize is that magnesium can prevent and manage type 2 diabetes as well as a related health issue known as insulin resistance. In fact, magnesium’s impact on blood sugar and insulin has been so well-studied, many informed physicians now advise their patients to incorporate more magnesium-rich foods into their …read [More]
Color psychology is the study of how colors affect human behavior, mood, or physiological processes. Colors are thought to influence our buying choices, our feelings, and even our memories. Ideas related to color psychology are heavily implemented in the areas of marketing and design. Companies choose colors that they believe will motivate customers to buy their products and improve brand awareness. Colors have even been used in color therapy techniques to treat various diseases. Colors matter in medicine because humans are defined by the light they absorb and re-radiate. We are color. We are light! God is light. We are [More]
By Arsenio Toledo (Natural News) Going organic can get a …read more Source: Natural News     
Dr. Matthew Cook is a former anesthesiologist who became a regenerative medicine specialist and founder of BioReset Medical1 in Campbell, California. In this interview, we discuss several novel therapies offered there, which can be next to impossible to find elsewhere. “I went to medical school and did an anesthesiology residency at University of California San Francisco (UCSF) … I was doing regional anesthesia, so I was basically doing nerve blocks all day, every day … After that … I figured out how to do almost every surgery, from total knee replacement to shoulder surgery, without having to do general anesthesia. [More]
By Ethan Huff (Natural News) The state of Washington is …read more Source: Natural News     
By Dr. Mercola For many years now, I’ve written about the health hazards posed by cured meats, which are high in nitrates. As explained in “Top 9 Reasons to Optimize Your Nitric Oxide Production,” not all dietary nitrates are the same. While nitrates from plant foods promote beneficial nitric oxide production in your body, processed meats trigger conversion of nitrates into carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds.1Nitrates from plants turn into beneficial nitric oxide due to the presence of antioxidants such as vitamin C and polyphenols, which are absent in processed meats. Nitrates and nitrites are used to cure (preserve) processed meats of [More]
By Jeff Australia has at least seven Leptospermum species that produce honey with exceptionally high levels of antibacterial activity, providing the scientific basis to facilitate the entry of Australian… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola It is no longer a secret there is a serious issue in the food supply. Toxicity levels in food are rising as conventional agriculture continues to be a leading cause of environmental pollution and destruction. Toxins may accumulate during plant growth, as they can be added during harvesting and processing or introduced during manufacturing. One serious toxin in the food supply is glyphosate, the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup. No other pesticide has come even close to the “intensive and widespread use” it enjoys in agriculture. As I’ve written in the past, glyphosate has been tested [More]
By Arsenio Toledo (Natural News) If you’re looking for a …read more Source: Natural News     
A new study has found that many common drugs — including those that treat diabetes, digestive problems, bacterial infections, and even depression — could actually predispose people to certain types of infection by affecting the balance of their gut microbiome. Prescription drugs help treat diseases, ease infections, and manage the symptoms of certain chronic health conditions. However, they can sometimes bring side effects, ranging in severity. Doctors and researchers are not always aware of all the possible adverse outcomes. …read more Source: Sott health news feed     
The NHS has launched a new maternity app that allows women to manage their pregnancy from home. Last year, health officials announced that more than 100,000 women were offered the digital maternity app under a pilot scheme. Following a successful trial, the NHS has revealed that the app will be rolled out across the country, with all pregnant women – around 650,000 women a year – able to access it by 2024. The app will allow pregnant women to take photographs of their scans to store, record their birth preferences and refer themselves to local maternity units. …read more Source: [More]
By Michael By Tess Pennington Oftentimes, those that are dependent on medical equipment feel the most vulnerable in the aftermath of an emergency or when the electrical grid is unpredictable. This is especially… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By everybodysfit Vomiting is the body’s way of getting rid of something it does not like. It is a natural, protective reflex. Nausea is the feeling right before the body does this release. This is an unpleasant feeling, but because vomiting is typically involuntary, it is the body’s warning system. Nausea and vomiting are not a sickness themselves, but are brought upon by an underlying cause. This can be from a virus, food poisoning, bacteria, parasites, or the norovirus. It can also be caused by pregnancy, motion sickness, or even stress. Vomiting is controlled by the brain’s vomiting center, which [More]
If you’ve ever wondered how safe your tap water really is, you can now find out. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) released its updated Tap Water Database on Wednesday, which allows people to discover which contaminants are in their local tap water and how it may affect their health. In the database, people can search by ZIP code or state to find their local utility, then can click on the individual contaminants detected in their water to find out more about them and their health risks.   Read More: How Safe Is Your Tap Water? This Database Can Tell You [More]
By Grace Olson (Natural News) People who want to lose …read more Source: Natural News     
An increasingly tyrannical government-pharmaceutical industry partnership wants to vaccinate 100 percent of children from the womb on, no matter the child’s state of health or the family’s beliefs—and in spite of vaccination’s demonstrated failure to live up to its silver bullet promises. However, one formidable interlocutor—the informed parent—has always stood in the way of a complete victory over children. From the point of view of those who seek to impose vaccination at all costs, there is an obvious way to deal with troublesome parents—recast them as the villains! And presto, an anti-parent campaign is unfolding, right on cue. The clever [More]
By Michael By Amanda Froelich Have you heard of guerrilla gardening? If not, it’s time to get familiar with the term. All around the world, activists are planting everything from wildflowers to herbs to fruits… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
Squids, octopuses, cuttlefish, amphibians, and chameleon lizards are among the animals that can change the color of their skin in a blink of an eye. They have photoreceptors in their skin that operate independently of their brains. The photoreceptors are part of a family of proteins known as opsins. Mammals have opsins, too. They are the most abundant proteins in the retina. These light-sensing photopigments are responsible for color vision (cone opsins) and vision in dim light (rhodopsin). While previous studies have suggested that mammals might express opsin proteins outside the eye, there was little information on what functions they [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM The sugar industry’s response to evidence implicating sweeteners in the obesity epidemic. …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By REALdeal Source: The most successful kids have parents who do these 7 things For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Much has been written about the attributes of high-achieving adults, and what makes them different from everyone else. But if you’re a parent, a more compelling question may be: “What can I do to make sure my kids succeed in life?” Here’s what researchers say. Researchers have previous found that children of older parents tend […] Source: The most successful kids have parents who do these 7 things Learn more at REALfarmacy.com. …read more Source: realfarmacy.com     
Corticosteroid injections used to treat osteoarthritis pain in the hip and knee may be more dangerous than previously thought, according to a special report published in the journal Radiology. Researchers suggested that injection-associated risks like rapid progressive osteoarthritis, which eventually may lead to joint collapse, should be integrated into consent forms so that patients are aware of the potential risks associated with these treatments. Osteoarthritis of the hip and knee are common and debilitating joint disorders. Physicians often inject anti-inflammatory corticosteroids into the joint to treat the pain and swelling associated with osteoarthritis. The procedure is widely viewed as safe, [More]
By Dr. Mercola Knowing your potential risk for developing cancer can help you weigh the risks against the benefits of different tests for your situation. According to the American Cancer Society,1 more than 15.5 million people in the U.S. have a history of cancer. At least 1.7 million new cases will be diagnosed in 2019, which does not include a diagnosis of carcinoma in situ (noninvasive cancer). The society estimates 606,880 people will die in 2019, which is 1,660 deaths every day. The four most common types include lung, breast, prostate and colorectal cancer. One of the screening tests commonly [More]
By Thomasina Copenhaver If you were a woman with painful, cystic breasts who lived in the 1800’s—your doctor might have advised you to “paint your breasts” with iodine. Some doctors even injected iodine directly into the breasts or ovaries to heal cysts. Your doctor may have heard about it by word of mouth from the women he treated. Imagine how difficult word of mouth was back then—long before fast transportation and instant messaging. Yet—this was real evidenced based medicine—shared for free by women who cared about each other. And you can bet—if it didn’t work—those same women would have told [More]
Most would probably agree that stretching is an important part of a well-balanced fitness routine, but exactly when should you stretch? Before or after your workout? Both? Neither? To tease out the pros and cons, let’s take a look at what the fitness literature has to say about these options. Stretching Before Exercise If you’re like most, you’re probably convinced that stretching before exercise is important for the prevention of injury. Would it surprise you to learn that the scientific evidence does not support this theory? The confusion appears to have arisen as a result of the type of studies [More]
By Michael By corbettreport Nutrition science is almost always a hot, steaming pile of contradictory nonsense. How much worse, then, that our eating habits and dietary guidelines are shaped by the government… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Tracey Watson (Natural News) Three decades ago, 197 countries …read more Source: Natural News     
By Dr. Mercola During a six-week period every summer, fishermen head out to Bristol Bay, Alaska, to catch their share of wild sockeye salmon. An estimated 38 million of the fish return to the bay each year, supporting a brief economy that creates 14,000 jobs and $1.5 billion in revenue.1 In a report prepared for the Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association, it’s noted that the area is the world’s most valuable wild salmon fishery, supplying nearly half the global supply of wild sockeye salmon.2 Even as other Alaskan fisheries have suffered — due to pollution, deforestation, dams, toxic algae [More]