By Dr. Mercola Aside from sepsis — which in one study1 was present in 59% of COVID-19 patients and 100% of those who died — blood clots also appear to be common in patients with severe COVID-19 disease.2,3,4,5 As reported by STAT news:6 “Doctors treating the sickest COVID-19 patients have zeroed in on a new phenomenon: Some people have developed widespread blood clots, their lungs peppered with tiny blockages that prevent oxygen from pumping into the bloodstream and body … Physicians from the U.S., the Netherlands, and China …read more Source: mercola
On March 12th, 2020, Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta held a global town hall on “Corona Facts and Fears.” During the discussion, Anderson said to the viewing audience, “And, again, if you are concerned about coronavirus, and you haven’t gotten a flu shot…you should get a flu shot.” Setting safety and efficacy of influenza vaccination aside, is Anderson’s claim that the flu shot will help people fight COVID-19 remotely true? The short answer is no. In fact, the results of many peer-reviewed, published studies prove that Anderson’s recommendation may have been the worst advice he could have given the
New UBC research shows for the first time that soil silicates — the most abundant material on the Earth’s crust — play a key role in blood clotting. “Soil is not simply our matrix for growing food and for building materials. Here we discovered that soil can actually help control bleeding after injury by triggering clotting,” says the study’s senior author Dr. Christian Kastrup, associate professor in the faculty of medicine’s department of biochemistry and molecular biology and a scientist in UBC’s Michael Smith Laboratories and Centre for Blood Research. The study, published today in Blood Advances, found that the
By Daisy Luther by Daisy Luther For those who may have lost their jobs during the lockdown, it appears a whole new sector of jobs is opening up across the country. Cities and … Read the rest The post “Contact Tracer” and “Disease Investigator” Jobs Spring Up Across the Country appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper
By Michael By Anthony Gill As the world becomes mired in the COVID-19 pandemic, efforts to raise charitable funds are out in hurricane force. Nary an hour goes by when our eyes and ears are not bombarded by… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
In 2017, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Hilal Elver, and UN Special Rapporteur on Toxics, Baskut Tuncak, produced a report that called for a comprehensive new global treaty to regulate and phase out the use of dangerous pesticides in farming and move towards sustainable agricultural practices. In addition to the devastating impacts on human health, the two authors argued that the excessive use of pesticides contaminates soil and water sources, causing loss of biodiversity, the destruction of the natural enemies of pests and the reduction in the nutritional value of food. They drew attention to denials by
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM The fat-burning properties of brown adipose tissue can be boosted by cold exposure, certain flavor molecules, and arginine-rich foods. …read more Source:
The global spread of coronavirus/COVID-19 has sent researchers and scientists into overdrive to find both treatments and cures. In the meantime, doctors and other practitioners are, to a large extent, improvising. They are employing best-care practices for the very sick in hospital and providing best-guess advice for those with mild symptoms who are self-isolating, and for those who have no symptoms and would like to keep it that way. It’s important to remember that there are no proven treatments for coronavirus. The picture changes daily. But right now, the main treatment for severe cases is not a drug at all
By Dr. Mercola Dr. Mercola Interviews the Experts This article is part of a weekly series in which Dr. Mercola interviews various experts on a variety of health issues. To see more expert interviews, click here. Robert Epstein, who received his Ph.D. in psychology from Harvard in 1981 and served as the former editor in chief at Psychology Today, is now a senior research psychologist for the American Institute of Behavioral Research and Technology, where for the last decade he has helped expose Google’s manipulative and deceptive practices. He explains what got him interested in investigating the internet search monopoly
By Sara Tipton Because of bamboo’s quick growth and reproduction, it is deemed one of the most sustainable resources we can use. Bamboo can be incorporated into your everyday life too in order to help reduce your impact on the planet. While bamboo is hard like wood, it is really a grass that self-regenerates from its own root. This means it does not need to be replanted once it gets started. As well, it is easy to care for and requires no fertilizer, is not labor-intensive, and does not require large amounts of water to regrow. In fact, there are
By AdminM Once again, COVID-19 reveals child welfare’s double standards Are you a parent who just can’t handle the demands of your own work, the stress of coronavirus and educating your child from home while schools are closed? If you’re middle-class you can get indulgence, sympathy and helpful hints. Your kids can “play Fortnite for the next eight hours.” If you’re poor you can get a caseworker at the door investigating you for “educational neglect.” by Richard WexlerNational Coalition for Child Protection Reform Excerpts: All over America, parents are finding out just how hard it …read more Source: Health Impact
By Ralph Flores (Natural News) Your face mask may protect …read more Source: Natural News
By everybodysfit Coughing. Wheezing. Tight chest. Shortness of breath. These are the common symptoms of the air restriction condition called asthma. When the bronchial tubes become inflamed, the airway tightens and can fill with mucus. People experience different symptoms at different times and can go a long period without “attacks”. Some people only have asthma during exercise, others only when they have a cold, and others when their allergies are heightened. Triggers can include dust mites, cigarette smoke, molds, pollen, animal dander, and pollen. Asthma is common in people who have low levels of vitamins C, E, and omega 3
By AdminM COVID-19: The Spearpoint for Rolling Out a “New Era” of High-Risk, Genetically Engineered Vaccines By the Children’s Health Defense Team [Note: This article represents Part I of a two-part series examining COVID-19 vaccine technologies and their implications.] For weeks, talking heads have been promoting the liability-free vaccine(s) that will save the world—so Bill Gates and Tony Fauci proclaim—from what Gates has now dubbed “Pandemic I.” As Microsoft News peddles self-congratulatory stories about the Gates Foundation’s reorientation of its priorities to devote “‘total attention‘ to the pandemic,” Fauci—making the rounds of talk shows—pledges …read more Source: Health Impact News
By Karen Sanders, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) For a tiny, single-celled organism, Candida albicans can cause some big problems. This fungus exists normally – and harmlessly – in the eyes, mouth, intestines and genitals – unless an overgrowth occurs, toppling the body’s normal balance of microorganisms. The key to all of this is to live an antifungal lifestyle. As a little background: candida overgrowth can include oral thrush, diaper rash, and vaginal yeast infections – all of which can be uncomfortable and unpleasant (to say the least). Alarmingly, candida infections – medically known as candidiasis – are becoming increasingly resistant …read
By Thomas Perry Source: 18 Herbs and Vegetables You Can Grow on Your Porch or Patio For more content like this visit If you’d like to maintain a garden, but don’t have lots of space, you can always turn to container gardening. As far as how much soil you need per plant, a one gallon pot is a good starting place and keep in mind that a plant can only grow as large as its container. Therefore, […] Source: 18 Herbs and Vegetables You Can Grow on Your Porch or Patio Learn more at …read more Source:
By none Table of Contents What Is Soursop Tea? 13 Possible Health Benefits of Soursop Tea How to Make Soursop Tea Soursop Tea Side Effects and Contraindications Don’t Rely on Soursop Tea to Lower Your Cancer Risk Frequently Asked Questions About Soursop Tea According to the World Health Organization, cancer is the second leading cause of death around the world, claiming 9.6 million lives in 2018.1 The prevalence of this disease has led to a rise in remedies with supposed cancer-fighting capabilities, with soursop tea being a perfect example. Soursop (Annona muricata) is a tree native to the tropical …read
By Jeff By Ice Age Farmer To understand the meat shortages and push for fake meat, we must appreciate the technocrats’ agenda for a totalitarian, transhumanist future — and use of FOOD as a… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Daisy Luther by Daisy Luther If you’ve been wondering what it will look like when the kids go back to school, one school in Quebec has released their new guidelines and they’re … Read the rest The post What Will Schools Look Like After COVID? Prison Camps. They’ll Look Like Prison Camps. appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper
Scientists have discovered that eyes and brains in rodents seem to have uncannily similar drainage systems used for self cleaning, and there’s reason to think this might apply to us, too. This sort of maintenance is necessary to wash away waste cells and fluids, and we know that brains make use of a tiny network of pipes known as the glymphatic system, similar to the lymphatic system that clears out rubbish from the rest of the body. New tests on mice and rats show that the structures at the back of their eyes – like the optic nerve and the
By Dr. Mercola Lying in the prone (face down) position, in which your chest is down and your back is up, could be a simple way to improve outcomes in cases of severe respiratory distress. This topic has received renewed attention during the COVID-19 pandemic, as invasive mechanical ventilation is conventionally delivered with the patient in the supine (face up) position, which refers to lying on your back. “Mechanical ventilation is the main supportive treatment for critically ill patients” infected with novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), according to a February 2020 study published in The Lancet Respiratory …read more Source: mercola
By Dr. Mercola Those living in nursing homes or other long-term care facilities are the people most susceptible to infectious diseases. So, it is no surprise that nursing home residents make up a huge part of the U.S.’s COVID-19 deaths. At the end of April 2020, COVID-19 deaths in nursing home reached nearly 12,000.1 According to The Washington Post, almost 1 out of 10 U.S. nursing homes has COVID-19 cases.2 There are clear reasons for the high number of COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes and other long-term care settings like assisted-living facilities, group homes and rehabilitation and psychiatric centers. The
By Arsenio Toledo (Natural News) Patients with depression often experience …read more Source: Natural News
Vitamin D could be a key factor in the fight against Covid-19. Three international studies have shown correlations, and a new US study shows correlation while explaining the medical reason for the correlations and a reason for the racial death differences and the surprising lack of symptoms in the homeless. The US study, “Vitamin D Insufficiency is Prevalent in Severe COVID-19,” was done in New Orleans. It showed the Vitamin D Insufficiency, VDI, prevalence in ICU patients was 84.6% vs. 57.1% in floor patients. Insufficiency is defined as < 30ng/mL. The study states that "VDI affects 80-90% of the African
By Jeff A study shows that administering antioxidant coenzyme Q10 reverses damage done to germinative cells by BPA, a contaminant found in many kinds of plastic Exposure to bisphenol A (BPA), an industrial… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Admin Health Impact News has been labeled by the Corporate Media and their Big Tech alliances such as Facebook and Twitter as “Fake News” even when we report government-verified statistics on vaccine injuries and deaths. by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Back in January of this year (2020) we reported about Event 201, a pandemic simulation which was hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This event took place about 6 weeks BEFORE the first …read more Source: Health Impact News
By Michael By Daisy Luther If the coronavirus has inspired you to become a prepper, you’re not alone. At long last, prepping has become mainstream due to runs on supplies, shortages, and stay-at-home orders… …read more Source: Natural Blaze