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By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Generally speaking, vitamin E deficiencies are rare and affect only about 0.1% of American adults. But, when you do the math: this still represents nearly a quarter million people. Plus, even if clinically-definable deficiencies are uncommon, too many people are still missing out on the key health benefits of vitamin E because they get insufficient amounts of it in their diet. And it’s not just about how much vitamin E you’re consuming! New research suggests that another antioxidant, vitamin C, has a complementary effect on your body’s ability to absorb vitamin E – providing [More]
By Dr. Mercola The fundamental goal of the $3 billion Human Genome Project1 was to discover the genetic origins to common diseases, such as cancer and dementia. Based on this knowledge, scientists believed new treatments could be developed to wipe out conditions rampant in the human population. The project was launched in 1990 and completed in 2003. While it yielded a bountiful harvest of information for biologists, any treatments have remained elusive.2 Since the goal of sequencing 3 billion units in the human genetic structure was far too expensive, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) devised a shortcut. They proposed [More]
By Arsenio Toledo (Natural News) Many Indonesians are now soaking …read more Source: Natural News     
By AdminM Comments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Tests that can accurately test for the COVID-19 virus have been a hot topic since the pandemic started. I have previously highlighted the pharmaceutical infighting with each other over the lucrative COVID-19 test market, where it is admitted that some tests, in this case anti-body testings, are notoriously unreliable. See: Roche CEO: COVID19 Tests “Not Worth Anything – Two of us could do it Overnight in the Garage” This begs the question: do we actually have a test that can accurately identify a COVID-19 virus? It is a controversial question, and [More]
By Admin by Project Veritas Excerpts: Project Veritas today released another video featuring conversations with funeral home directors and their staff throughout New York City questioning the number of deaths officially attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic. Judge Calls Bullsh*t on Relative’s COVID-19 Cause of Death Funeral Home: To Me all You’re Doing is Padding the Statistics…Making the Death Rates in New York City Higher than Estimated Staten Island Funeral Director Questions Mayor DeBlasio’s Role and Adds: I Think It’s Political Brooklyn Funeral Director: They Are Padding Numbers; Medical Examiners Too Busy to Investigate Brooklyn Funeral Director: 40-year-old Died in Home [More]
High blood pressure, obesity and type 2 diabetes are risk factors for COVID-19, leading to increased risk of severe illness in people who develop COVID-19, US researchers have said. A New York study has also shown that 88% of people who were admitted to hospital with the killer virus and put on a ventilator, ended up passing away. Further analysis among the ventilation death rates showed that 76.4% were aged between 18 to 65, and the mortality numbers rose to 97.2% among those aged 65 or older. …read more Source: Sott health news feed     
By Michael By Vic Bishop In early 2019 we reported on how capitalism was reaching out into the night sky as high-tech advertisers were planning on developing technology that would display giant sky… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Divina Ramirez (Natural News) Reported cases of COVID-19 continue …read more Source: Natural News     
President Trump was ridiculed in February for suggesting that “the heat, generally speaking, kills this kind of virus.” CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Alisyn Camerota and many others openly mocked him over his naiveté. Well, it turns out he was right. A new study from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has shown that sunlight and humidity kills COVID-19. At Thursday’s White House briefing, William N. Bryan, the acting undersecretary for Science and Technology at DHS, told reporters: “We’ve identified that heat and humidity is a weakness in that chain. We’ve identified that sunlight, solar light, UV rays, is a weakness in [More]
By Ethan Huff (Natural News) As most of America waits …read more Source: Natural News     
By Michael By Matt Agorist Last month, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made headlines with a blunder of epic proportions. According to a report by the Food and Drug Administration, two of the… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
Comment: YouTube has deleted all iterations of these Californian doctors’ press briefing, and the media is running a smear campaign describing their criticism of the lockdowns as “dubious”, so we’re reposting their video at the top of our page. Covid19 being logically reviewed by two ER doctors with huge experience in immunology and microbiolgoy, in California but based on nationwide statistics. “BAKERSFIELD, Calif., (KBAK/KBFX) — Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi of Accelerated Urgent Care are calling for the county to reopen” PLEASE WATCH. “Millions of cases, small amount of death” Dr Erickson COVID19 briefing: …read more Source: Sott health [More]
No one chooses to be fat. Social scientists from The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) conducted an international poll to find out what matters most to people for their general wellbeing. Good health was revealed as the number one priority, so how can this be squared with the fact that 60% of the UK’s adult population is now overweight or obese? As pointed out in the New England Journal of Medicine: “food choices are often automatic and made without full conscious awareness.” Despite wishing to lose weight, we’re still tempted to buy the chocolate bar at the checkout [More]
By Damon Hines, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Cover-ups, conspiracies, and clandestine efforts to stymie tests from third-party labs: it’s just another day in the life of Monsanto, the agrochemical company notorious for its dangerous arsenal of glyphosate-based weedkillers and herbicides. First it was Roundup; now it’s dicamba. Is there no end to the killing season? According to recent internal documents unearthed in a lawsuit brought by a Missouri farmer, Monsanto and the German chemical giant BASF knew for years that its dicamba herbicide would probably damage U.S. farms. Meanwhile, Monsanto did everything in its power to control the narrative and game [More]
By Michael By Patrice Lewis With the current shift in the economy, and with supply lines being interrupted all around the nation, there has been a massive – massive! – spike in the number of people interested… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By AdminM Comments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News The COVID-19 situation has drawn the attention of the world to the subject of “viruses.” What are viruses, how does one treat them, and other such questions are highly controversial with very many different viewpoints. One fact that seems to be agreed upon by everyone, is that viruses, at least the kind of “influenza” type of viruses that are seasonal, are a problem in the winter months, but not so much during the summer months. Since daylight hours are extended during the summer, most of the research on this topic has [More]
By Jeff Study indicates that compounds in coffee may have anti-obesity properties Women who drink two or three cups of coffee a day have been found to have lower total body and abdominal fat than those who… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola NewsGuard has classified mercola.com as fake news because we have reported the SARS-CoV-2 virus as potentially having been leaked from the biosafety level 4 laboratory in Wuhan City, China, the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak. NewsGuard’s intern Nina Zweig (edited by deputy editor John Gregory) referred to my February 4, 2020, article, “Novel Coronavirus — The Latest Pandemic Scare,” in which I stated: “In January 2018, China’s first maximum security virology laboratory (biosecurity level 4) designed for the study of the world’s most dangerous pathogens opened its doors — in …read more Source: mercola     
By Mike Adams (Natural News) Dr. Judy Mikovits, a virology …read more Source: Natural News     
By Dr. Mercola I have been saying for months now that hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) would be an excellent treatment adjunct against severe COVID-19 and a superior alternative to ventilators, which have been shown to cause harm in many patients and increase the risk of death. Mechanical ventilation can easily damage the lungs for the fact that it’s pushing air into the lungs with force in a disease where the alveoli are compromised and filled with fluid from inflammatory cytokines due to insulin resistance. HBOT bypasses this problem by supplying 100% oxygen in a …read more Source: mercola     
By Divina Ramirez (Natural News) Goldenrod gets a bad rap …read more Source: Natural News     
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM What effect do artificial sweeteners such as sucralose (Splenda), saccharin (Sweet & Low), aspartame (Nutrasweet), and acesulfame K (Sweet One) have on our gut bacteria? …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Michael By Mayukh Saha The Kroger Co., aiming for #ZeroHungerZeroWaste, has launched a Dairy Rescue Program. The program will collect excess milk from dairy farmers and supply that to food banks. This is an… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
About 8,000 more people have died in their own homes since the start of the coronavirus pandemic than in normal times, a Guardian analysis has found, as concerns grow over the number avoiding going to hospital. Of that total, 80% died of conditions unrelated to Covid-19, according to their death certificates. Doctors’ leaders have warned that fears and deprioritisation of non-coronavirus patients are taking a deadly toll. The data shows 8,196 more deaths at home in England, Wales and Scotland compared with the five-year average for this time of year, including 6,546 non-Covid deaths. It also indicates a drop in [More]
By Admin Health Impact News Ironically, as coronavirus deaths continue to decline in the US and as more states are “opening up,” there appears to be an increase in mask wearing. Are the face masks going to prevent the spread of the virus? Will they protect people from the virus? Or may they actually cause harm to some people? Or…even: are they a new form of “virtue signaling,” a show of submission to the “authorities”? Could mandatory face mask requirements be the prelude to mandatory vaccines and other measures in the near future? Plenty of prominent MDs – including Fauci [More]
By Michael By Michael Snyder Just when you thought that things couldn’t get any stranger, two U.S. government agencies have taken things to an entirely new level. The U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S…. …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Divina Ramirez (Natural News) According to a recent study …read more Source: Natural News