By Damon Hines, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Is it possible that our immune systems are being hacked by the toxic chemicals in our homes? And do these toxic chemicals increase complications of COVID-19? Yes, it’s quite possible! Scientists agree that long-term exposure to air pollution increases the risk of diabetes, hypertension, asthma and coronary artery disease – four of the biggest underlying health risks associated with COVID-19. But there are hazardous chemicals right inside our own home – the “safe” place that we’ve been told to shelter since the start of the global pandemic –that might be affecting our immune system’s
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM Dr. Greger has scoured the world’s scholarly literature on clinical nutrition and developed this presentation based on the latest in cutting edge research exploring the role diet may play in preventing, arresting, and even reversing some of our most feared causes of death and disability. …read more Source:
Environmentally conscious consumers who switch from cow’s milk to soya milk may be doing harm to the rainforest because it is cleared to grow soya beans. Vast areas in South America, including in the Amazon, have been cleared to grow soya and demand for it continues to drive illegal deforestation. Cows in Britain are fed partly on soya but a litre of soya milk requires 11 times as much of it as does a litre of cow’s milk, according to a new study. Britain imports 1.1 million tonnes of soya a year to be used in animal feed and between
By Tess Pennington The temperatures are heating up and so are the deals in August. If you are looking for frugal ways to stock up on your food pantry and preparedness supplies, this month will not disappoint! 7 Things You Can Buy To Stock Up On Your Preps Buying items during certain months of the year will allow you to buy at discounted prices so you can stock up and save big time. You just have to know which items are best to buy. Back To School Supplies – Take advantage of the back to school deals and purchase pens,
By Tess Pennington A sweltering heat wave that has enveloped most parts of California causing a surge of demand on the power grid. During the hottest part of the day on Friday, energy companies made the decision to start rolling blackouts – something that has not been done for 20 years. The heat wave is ramping up this weekend, and some areas could reach triple-digit record highs, meteorologist Jonathan Belles said, adding that the temperatures are more typical of mid-summer than August. An excessive heat warning was issued by the National Weather Service for Friday through Tuesday, and the
By Tess Pennington A massive sunspot on the surface of the sun has the potential to shoot solar flares toward Earth, and this particular sunspot is one of concern. A solar flare could disrupt the power grid and take down some radio communications. A massive flare is expected from sunspot AR2770. Not only is a massive flare likely, but this sunspot is also expected to grow in size and cause eruptions, The Financial Express reported. According to the report, the sunspot with an expected diameter of 50,000 kilometers is likely to release a huge amount of energy that will lead
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Despite advances in diagnosis and treatment, chronic disease continues to exert a lethal toll in the United States. Close to 650,000 Americans die from heart disease every year, while the CDC reports that cancer is expected to claim over 600,000 lives in 2020 alone. In addition, 5.7 million people are currently living with Alzheimer’s disease, the number one form of dementia among older adults (and the sixth leading cause of death). Now, peer-reviewed research reveals a common thread connecting these illnesses – virtually all people suffering from these health issues exhibit low levels of
By Joy Jensen, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Ashwagandha, a prominent herb in traditional Indian medicine Ayurveda, continues to gain support from the medical community as studies find how beneficial the herb is for overall wellbeing and health. Previous studies have found the herb helps reduce cortisol levels and boosts testosterone levels in humans, and now researchers have found evidence the herb is linked to better quality sleep and reduced anxiety. One new trial, published in the journal Cureus, discovered that among aging women and men, taking Ashwagandha improved sleep, mental alertness and overall quality of life. For centuries, the herb has
Bad breath, or halitosis, can be a pretty annoying condition to deal with. According to studies, an estimated 25 percent of the global population is affected by halitosis. Fortunately, home remedies exist that can take care of bad breath. Here are eight natural solutions to your oral health concern. Read More: Stop halitosis in its tracks with these 8 natural remedies for bad breath
A study from Isfahan University of Medical Sciences (MUI) found that combining raw garlic and lemon juice can lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels in people with hyperlipidemia — a condition involving high levels of triglycerides, cholesterol and other lipids in the blood. This natural remedy provides an alternative to medicines such as statins, which also lower cholesterol levels but without the added benefit of reducing blood pressure. High blood pressure and high cholesterol are two of the most important risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 37 and 48 million adults with high blood pressure
By Sharon Thomas, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Who wouldn’t want to clean their home of the unwanted viruses and bacteria that may threaten one’s health? Unfortunately, many people, unknowingly, purchase the most toxic chemical cleaners to get the job done – which only create more harm than good. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) explains that commercial cleaning products can cause many health problems, including asthma, allergies, chemical burns and even birth defects or cancer. Simply put, avoid these poisonous products like “air fresheners” or “scented” cleaners. Instead, you can eliminate the threat of bacteria and viruses (naturally) with essential oils, which
A plan to release over 750 million genetically modified mosquitoes into the Florida Keys in 2021 and 2022 received final approval from local authorities, against the objection of many local residents and a coalition of environmental advocacy groups. The proposal had already won state and federal approval. “With all the urgent crises facing our nation and the State of Florida — the COVID-19 pandemic, racial injustice, climate change — the administration has used tax dollars and government resources for a Jurassic Park experiment,” said Jaydee Hanson, policy director for the International Center for Technology Assessment and Center for Food Safety,
By Isabelle Z. (Natural News) California issued its first rolling …read more Source: Natural News
Luteolin is a flavonoid found in many herbs and vegetables that are part of the human diet. Examples of these plant-based foods include chamomile, celery, green peppers and thyme. Being a widely studied flavonoid, luteolin’s biological activities are well-discussed in several studies. Besides having anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, luteolin is perhaps best-known for its anti-cancer activities. According to a study published in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention, luteolin is able to prevent the development of tumors largely by inactivating chemical signals and gene expression pathways essential for cancer cells. Read More: Naturally occurring flavonoid in herbs and vegetables
In this study, researchers from India evaluated the beneficial effects of black tea extract on key enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism. Their findings were published in the International Journal of Green Pharmacy. Read More: Researchers explore the antidiabetic properties of black tea
Plants from the genus Ajuga are clump-forming, flowering herbs that are widely distributed around the world. They are commonly referred to as simply bugle, carpet bugle, ground pine or bugleweed. According to studies, at least 301 species are known to be members of the genus Ajuga. The genus is one of the 266 genera that belong to the mint (Lamiaceae) family of medicinal plants. Many Ajuga plants have been used in traditional medicine. In fact, these plants are considered effective remedies for a wide variety of ailments, such as diabetes, dysentery, fever, gastrointestinal disorders, high blood pressure, malaria and toothache. Read More: Bugleweed contains 280
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) As a macronutrient crucial to good health, magnesium is no slouch. This powerful mineral takes part in about 300 enzyme activities going on in your body, impacting everything from protein synthesis to blood pressure regulation. Magnesium is also vital to a number of energy-related functions, earning it the reputation as the body’s ‘energizer’. Surprising, to most people, magnesium is responsible for: Bone development Synthesis of DNA, RNA and the antioxidant glutathione Plus, the active transport of potassium and calcium ions across cellular membranes, which is critical to such bodily functions as muscle contraction, nerve
By Virgilio Marin (Natural News) A study published in the …read more Source: Natural News
By Lori Clarkson, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Move over turmeric lattes, a study at Penn State has revealed a specific blend of spices that will also reduce inflammation. The research was published in the Journal of Nutrition. They experimented with a mix of spices and the effect they have on inflammation in the human body. The results were astonishing. Without changing the participant’s diet, a specific mix of 13 spices showed a significant reduction in inflammation markers. The subjects continued to eat foods high in saturated fats and carbohydrates with positive results. Massive reductions in inflammation markers in overweight participants Researchers
By Divina Ramirez (Natural News) It’s no secret that soda …read more Source: Natural News
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Half of all Americans over 60 suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension), a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke and kidney failure. In fact, research shows that even small increases in blood pressure increase the danger, with every 20/10 mmHg rise over optimal levels (115/75 mmHg) causing heart disease risk to double! And, while conventionally-trained physicians tend to prescribe drugs to reduce blood pressure, these medications can produce toxic side effects. Fortunately, a variety of vitamins and nutrients can significantly reduce blood pressure. To discover the top 9 natural supplements for blood …read
By Virgilio Marin (Natural News) A recent study found that …read more Source: Natural News
08/20/20 “This is great news! It appears there is now no need to beg someone to write you a prescription for HCQ if you need it, here’s another option.” Admin Back in May, The Washington Post published an article that asked the question: Why has the death toll from covid-19 apparently been lower in Asia than in Western Europe and North America? The answer, it would appear, is that Asian countries tend to drink more green tea than the rest of the world, as well as consume more zinc, both of these things being powerful antiviral nutrients. Green
Despite its health and economical benefits, gardening might be neither practical nor doable for most people in cities and urban neighborhoods. These places just offer little to no space for green gardens – or so people think. Lack of outdoor space shouldn’t rule out a garden, at least not in the traditional sense. Old plant pots and tin cans can still be put to good use for starting an indoor herb garden right on the kitchen windowsill. Best herbs for indoor gardening Herbs are some of the easiest plants to care for, requiring minimal maintenance and space. Here
By Ethan Huff (Natural News) On July 31, The Washington …read more Source: Natural News
By Evangelyn Rodriguez (Natural News) In this review, South African …read more Source: Natural News
By Divina Ramirez (Natural News) Prolonged exposure to air pollution …read more Source: Natural News