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By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Let’s be frank about something that the mainstream media doesn’t like to admit: while some people believe that wearing a face mask may help slow the spread of viral illnesses like COVID-19, it doesn’t come without a cost. In fact, there is plenty of evidence revealing the negative health effects of prolonged use of face coverings, from N95s to cloth masks. So, whether you’re choosing to wear a mask or forced to wear one due to a local or state mask mandate, keep reading to discover how you can avoid “maskne” and other unintended [More]
By Dr. Mercola In this interview, Tucker Goodrich and I discuss what will be the topic of my next book, namely linoleic acid (LA), which I believe is likely the leading contributing cause of virtually all chronic diseases we’ve encountered over the last century. Unfortunately, this is a topic that most clinicians and health care practitioners who focus on natural medicine have only a superficial understanding of. Goodrich has a business background as a stockbroker and asset manager, and developed an IT risk management system used by two of the largest hedge funds in the world. …read more Source: mercola [More]
“You can skip ahead to the 54 min. mark which is where the interview starts. The audio quality when Mr. Kennedy is speaking is poor so you will have to decide whether you want to listen to it or not.”  Admin   Robert F. Kennedy Jr. revealed to Thomas Paine that he personally warned Dr. Anthony Fauci and the FDA commissioner about potentially deadly problems with the COVID vaccine but those warnings fell on deaf government ears. In fact, shockingly — they were ignored.   Mr. Kennedy, a vaccine expert and top lawyer, joined the Thomas Paine Podcast to drop [More]
By Dr. Mercola As temperatures drop, rates of respiratory infections — the common cold and influenza, primarily — increase exponentially. Many believe this has to do with the drop in temperature, but cold exposure actually ramps up your immune system, making you less prone to infection. According to a 2002 study1,2 by the U.S. and Canadian armies, cold exposure can double the number of natural killer (NK) cells in your body, which are part of your first line of defense against pathogenic infiltration and other types of cell damage. As detailed by retired nurse …read more Source: mercola     
By Brian-Admin by Alliance for Natural Health FDA-approved pain medicines are dangerous, but the government is systematically attacking safer, non-addictive natural treatments. Action Alert! A recent study in Switzerland found that acetaminophen poisoning increased by 40% following the approval of 1,000mg doses. This is just the latest data to indicate the public health problems caused by this commonly used pain drug, which is the active ingredient in Tylenol. Despite the dangers of FDA-approved pain drugs, the federal …read more Source: Health Impact News     
By Dr. Mercola Bay leaves are popularly used in pickling, marinating and flavoring stews, soups and stuffing. They come from the bay laurel tree native to Mediterranean countries. The leaves can be up to 3 inches long and are almond-shaped. You’ve likely seen cooking shows or read recipes that recommended adding a bay leaf to savory soups and stews, but removing it before eating. As Serious Eats describes the bay leaf:1 “It’s understandable why you may think they’re optional. Bay leaf, by its very nature, plays second fiddle to other, more prominent flavors. But just as a grind of black [More]
By Sara Tipton Those on homesteads have mastered the art of preserving that meat too so it won’t go to waste without a refrigerator! We live in a world where it has become extremely important to prepare your family for disasters. It would be unfortunate to have all of that leftover Thanksgiving turkey go to waste in the event that the power grid goes down or an ice storm knocks out your electricity. To prepare for these situations, many people are beginning to realize the importance of not wasting food and keeping stored food on hand. 1 Curing – Salt [More]
Public health groups, including the World Health Organization, are making a concerted effort to reduce COVID vaccine hesitancy, as many medical professionals and minority groups remain doubtful about safety and efficacy. As details on the latest COVID vaccine contenders flood the news cycle on a daily basis, reports of concerns regarding the safety and efficacy of the vaccine are widespread among many demographics, even including the professional medical community. As vaccine hesitancy grows agencies, including the World Health Organization (WHO), are stepping up efforts to build vaccine confidence through public relations and communications campaigns. …read more Source: Sott health news [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM The temporary quintupling of heart attack risk associated with cannabis smoking may be due to the increased heartrate, blood pressure, and carbon monoxide levels. …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
This summer, computational biologist Luke Hutchison volunteered for a trial of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine. But after the second injection, his arm swelled up to the size of a “goose egg,” Hutchison says. He can’t be sure he got the vaccine and not a placebo, but within a few hours, Hutchison, who was healthy and 43, was beset by bone and muscle aches and a 38.9°C fever. “I started shaking. I had cold and hot rushes,” he says. “I was sitting by the phone all night long thinking: ‘Should I call 911?'” Hutchison’s symptoms resolved after 12 hours. But, he says, [More]
By Hesh Goldstein The brain, like the rest of the body, responds acutely to the influence of food. The interesting thing about the brain however, is that it generally gives you a response within an hour after eating (think about how you feel after eating too much candy or drinking too much coffee) while the heart doesn’t let you know for 20–plus years. If the brain reacts so rapidly by what we consume, what impact can diet have on a condition like depression? Depression is defined by the World Hell Organization (WHO), who is allied with communist China, as a [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM Fasting, followed by a plant-based diet, is put to the test for autoimmune inflammatory joint disease. …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
A major new study has identified 2085 excess deaths in England and Wales due to heart disease and stroke during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. On average, that is 17 deaths each day over four months that probably could have been prevented. Excess deaths are the number of deaths above what is normally expected – and the figure relates to the period from 2 March to 30 June, 2020. The scientists believe the excess deaths were caused by people not seeking emergency hospital treatment for a heart attack or other acute cardiovascular illness requiring urgent medical attention, either because [More]
By Dr. Mercola 1 Certain enzymes may be useful for COVID-19 because they help: Support quick weight loss Degrade fibrin, which is a key factor in clot formation Extracted from earthworms, lumbrokinase is a highly effective antithrombotic agent that reduces blood viscosity and platelet aggregation while also degrading fibrin, which is a key factor in clot formation. Learn more. Reduce your exposure to infectious agents COVID-19 mutate into a less virulent virus 2 Which of the following are currently working to eliminate “anti-vaccine propaganda” from public discussion using sophisticated cyberwarfare tools? Facebook and Twitter Google British and American intelligence agencies [More]
By Dr. Mercola There’s good news for those of you who have taken the proactive step to make sure your vitamin D level is optimized. Several recent studies demonstrate vitamin D can have a significantly beneficial impact on your cancer risk, both in terms of preventing cancer and in the treatment of cancer. Vitamin D Reduces Cancer Mortality In the first of these studies,1,2 which included 25,871 patients, vitamin D supplementation was found to reduce the risk for metastatic cancer and death by 17%. The risk was reduced by as much as …read more Source: mercola     
With rollout of various Covid vaccines imminent, we see a simultaneous rollout of the biosecurity state happening on multiple fronts. Under the guise of tracking vaccine effectiveness and side effects, predicting Covid severity risk, and predicting outbreaks, these technological tracking systems are really the mad dreams of the control freak elite, trying to keep an all-seeing eye on the populace. Implanted chips and immunity passports, Covid-sniffing robots, “very active pharmacovigilance surveillance system[s]”, vaccine patches – the Biotech Industrial Complex under COVID-19 is more or less here, just chomping at the bit to be implemented. So as we sit, more or [More]
By Daisy Luther by Daisy Luther Back when the virus that would soon be known as Covid-19 was just a blip on the radar, Selco wrote an article called, It’s Not the Virus … Read the rest The post How the Covid Response Has DESTROYED the Personal Finances of Americans appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper     
12/15/20 “You can see Brandy’s Youtube video channel here and website here. There is a video at the bottom of the article of Brandy talking about her home being broken into and other acts of intimidation she was experiencing.” Admin   It is with such a heavy heart that I list yet another activist found dead, and this time it is my friend and colleague, Brandy Vaughan, the founder of the well-known non profit Learn The Risk. She was found dead by her son who is a minor. I have had the pleasure of meeting Brandy many times and I [More]
By everybodysfit Condiments: The Con to Healthy Eating Adding a little zing, taste, and pop… we love to dip, marinate, and top our food with ketchup, mustard, and/or barbeque sauce. These condiments practically go hand in hand with many of our traditional dishes. Ketchup and French fries. Mustard and hotdogs. Barbeque and chicken. And typical of our habits, we aren’t exactly dipping in moderation After all, every fry needs that red color on it before eating. Enhancing the flavor of what we consume just feels right, but maybe we should consider what these condiments contain. They can actually be the [More]
By Dr. Mercola Choline is an essential nutrient, but it is not usually classified as a vitamin. According to Biology Online, a vitamin is “a low molecular weight organic compound that is essential for normal growth and metabolic processes and is required in trace amounts.”1 Since your body can produce some choline in the liver, it is not classified as a vitamin. Your body needs fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins to function optimally. Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in fatty tissue and the liver.2 They include vitamins A, D, E and K. Water-soluble vitamins are not easily stored and the excess is [More]
By Sima Ash (NaturalHealth365) The GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diet was created by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, a neurologist and nutritional consultant from the UK, to treat her sons’ autism. The diet is not meant to be a lifestyle change, but a temporary eating plan to heal the gut and replenish gut flora and is intended to help a wide variety of neurological conditions – including autism. Parents note they are seeing their children lose symptoms, find relief from gastrointestinal issues and regain emotional expression after adhering to the GAPS diet – although they note that recovery does not …read [More]
I came across this site, link below, and spent some time on it. Lots of great information on treating cancer with supplements, repurposed drugs like Fenbendazole and combining them with conventional treatments. You can use the menu items at the top to dig down further. They also have a forum where you can read questions and answers or join to post your own Q & A’s. Their search box is quite useful as well. I searched for Fenbendazole and more that 20 articles were listed that mentioned it. The link below is to their Summary of Site page with information about [More]
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Astounding news out of a western European country. On November 11, a Portugal ruling concluded that the widespread use of the PCR test for COVID-19 is simply not reliable. Yet, the mainstream media continues to suppress this kind of information and calls anyone that reports on it a “conspiracy theorist.” In fact, the ruling – brought against Azores Regional Health Authority on behalf of a group of tourists who were held in the country against their will – cites research that severely questions the coronavirus test reliability. Monumental Portugal ruling shatters the mirage of [More]
By Edit Lang, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Although the wireless industry claims that exposure to wireless radiation is “safe,” numerous studies have shown that EMF radiation is harmful to the human body. Each day, we are exposed to more wireless, cellular, microwave, and electric fields than ever before in history. No matter how hard we try, it is impossible to completely avoid EMF exposure and still participate in our modern society. Thankfully, new research reveals an easy way to help protect ourselves against the damaging effects of EMF radiation. Is 5G a breakthrough innovation or a threat to human health? The [More]
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) How can walnuts help someone concerned about heart health issues? Well, the answer may just surprise you. Heart disease claims the lives of over 655,000 Americans every year, with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimating that someone dies of the condition every 36 seconds. Along with smoking, high blood pressure, obesity and a poor diet – high in unhealthy fats and refined sugar – are major triggers for this killer disease. The good news: simple dietary changes can help lower the risk, and lead to real improvements in …read more [More]
By Damon Hines, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, global fish consumption jumped 122% from 1990 to 2018. But, the alarming news is: about 50% of the fish eaten worldwide is now farm-raised. And, while fish is viewed as a “healthier alternative” to red meat, lower in saturated fat and an excellent source of protein, omega-3s, vitamin B12, vitamin D, potassium and iron … industrial farmed – or I should say – toxic salmon is no better than junk food. You see, industrial-scale ocean fish farms, or factory farms, rely on …read [More]
By Dr. Mercola Dr. Mercola Interviews the Experts This article is part of a weekly series in which Dr. Mercola interviews various experts on a variety of health issues. To see more expert interviews, click here. Sharyl Attkisson is an award-winning investigative journalist with uncompromising integrity. Her latest book, “Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism,” is scheduled for release right around Thanksgiving, November 24, 2020. In this, her third book, she addresses one of the most pressing issues of our time: media bias and the deterioration of objective journalism — …read more Source: [More]