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By Dr. Mercola Google, which is neither a governmental agency nor a health organization, is nonetheless acting as such in their latest push to provide “accurate and timely information on COVID-19 vaccines.”1 In a blog post published December 10, 2020, Dr. Karen DeSalvo, Google’s chief health officer, and Kristie Canegallo, the company’s vice president of trust and safety, detailed Google’s plans for COVID-19 vaccine promotion. Since the start of the outbreak, Google has introduced more than 200 products and initiatives, including an exposure notification contact tracing system, which aims to alert individuals via their cellphones if they’ve been exposed to [More]
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) calls the problem of antibiotic resistance, one of the “biggest public health challenges” of our time. Indeed, when pathogens become immune to the medications meant to combat them, it is a public health issue with frightening consequences. Also known as antimicrobial resistance, antibiotic resistance affects nearly 3 million Americans and claims a shocking 35,000 lives each year. Thankfully, essential oils have the ability to combat bacterial and viral infections. For example, in a clinical study published in a leading medical journal, a mixture of …read [More]
By Daisy Luther by Daisy Luther As supplies become more expensive, and in many cases, more difficult to come by, it’s time to up your preparedness game. If 2020 has made anything clear, … Read the rest The post The 10 Food Preservation Books Every Prepper Needs appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper     
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM How do we explain studies that suggest overweight individuals live longer? …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
Since I began my medical studies, I read everything I could read about my profession, but also about related topics. I still do that, if only because I really enjoy reading, and to this day I haven’t finished learning and reading. Along the way, to my surprise at first, I learned that many of my colleagues don’t, and limit themselves to compulsory training and (sometimes) guidelines. There are several reasons for this that I will not mention here. However, it’s also difficult to keep up with the medical literature, given the sheer number of articles that appear on a daily [More]
By Dr. Mercola At the start of the pandemic, doctors were placing COVID-19 patients on ventilators for more reasons than saving lives. The Wall Street Journal reports some physicians are now reverting to the basics of treatment with better survival rates and better patient outcomes. How much of this story will reach mainstream media? In the 1950s, the CIA ran a cover campaign called “Operation Mockingbird,” in which they recruited journalists as assets to spread propaganda.1 The campaign officially ended in the 1970s, but when you read the uniform media reports over the past 10 months, the evidence suggests the [More]
By Dr. Mercola I’ve written many articles detailing the roles vitamin D plays in COVID-19, from how it can help prevent initial infection, to how it can reduce your risk of complications and death. One of the reasons I’ve been pushing for vitamin D optimization as a way to minimize the risks associated with this infection is because the evidence for it is overwhelming. British Health Authorities Disparage Vitamin D Claims British health authorities, however, disagree.1 According to new COVID-19 guidance2 from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), Public Health England and the Scientific Advisory Committee on [More]
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) There is nothing particularly attractive or healthful-sounding about the phrase “gut bacteria.” In fact, one could say it sounds fairly unappealing! (Unless you understood what we’ll tell you today.) In truth, gut bacteria – the thriving community composed of trillions of microbes in the digestive tract – just might be the best friend your body never knew it had. Also known as the gut microbiome and the gut flora, this collection of bacteria, viruses, and fungi plays an essential role in regulating digestion, brain function, and mood – and even helps to sustain life [More]
By Joy Jensen, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Over the past few decades, the incidence of childhood asthma has continued to rise among children within the U.S. According to the CDC, 5.5 million American children currently have asthma. Because those numbers keep increasing, researchers have started digging to find what’s driving the increase. According to a recent study, there’s a link between meat consumption and asthma symptoms in children. Published in the journal, Thorax, Mount Sinai researchers discovered that children’s dietary habits – particularly the consumption of cooked meat – may play a role in developing the disease. Higher dietary AGEs intake [More]
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) The avocado, aka the “alligator pear,” might be one of the most popular additions to a brunch spread, Mexican dish, or smoothie thanks to its rich flavor and creamy texture. Yet, in spite of its widespread popularity, many people still doubt if avocados are really good for us. Well, not only is this fruit healthy for us, but researchers have also determined that the avocado appears to be an excellent dietary choice for boosting gut health. And, with the strength of the immune system being dependent on good digestive function … this news is [More]
By Dr. Mercola Dr. Mercola Interviews the Experts This article is part of a weekly series in which Dr. Mercola interviews various experts on a variety of health issues. To see more expert interviews, click here. Thomas Lewis, author of “The End of Alzheimer’s: The Brain and Beyond,” is a microbiologist with a Ph.D. from MIT. He’s done a lot of work on diagnostic testing, and in this interview, we explore how retinal assessment and other laboratory tests can be used to stratify your risk factors for chronic disease and COVID-19. Lewis recently published an excellent paper …read more Source: [More]
By Dr. Mercola A second antimalarial treatment is now being seriously considered and evaluated for its efficacy against COVID-19. The treatment is made from the plant Artemisia annua, which most people know as Sweet Wormwood. Other names for this plant include Annual Sagewort and Sweet Annie. Research over the past few decades has revealed multiple health benefits from this medicinal herb, which has a centuries-long history of use in folk medicine. In 2015, Chinese scientist Tu Youyou received a partial Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of artemisinin and dihydroartemisinin,1 both of which have potent malaria-fighting properties. [More]
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) We’ve all had the experience of going to the doctor for an annual check-up. One of the first things your nurse or doctor will do is check your blood pressure – and for good reason. Hypertension (high blood pressure) is correlated with an increased risk of death from conditions, including heart attack and stroke. Incredibly, someone in the United States has a heart attack every 40 seconds! New research funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) should inspire you to ask your doctor to check blood pressure from both your arms the [More]
By Brian-Admin by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Big Tech is trying to control the political narrative and deciding who can and who cannot participate in online discussions by censoring anyone who does not agree with their Marxist, Communist-like views. Twitter and Facebook have banned President Trump and many of his supporters as a massive purge of Right-wing accounts continued in earnest this weekend. Are we entering into the Cyber warfare stage now as we near inauguration day? See: WARNING! “Dark Winter” Begins! Next Phase is “Digital Pandemic” as Cyber Wars Start The excuse being used is the January 6th [More]
By Joy Jensen, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) “Every woman in America has been exposed to chemicals that may increase her risk of getting breast cancer,” according to a comprehensive scientific review performed by the Silent Spring Institute and published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. The study highlights 17 families of chemicals that women get exposed to on a daily basis … and provides healthy ways for women to reduce their cancer risk. Breast cancer warning … we hope women are listening According to co-author Julia Brody, “the link between toxic chemicals and breast cancer has largely been ignored. Reducing chemical [More]
By Dr. Mercola 1 Research shows that children are: Insignificant disease vectors; they rarely test positive or spread SARS-CoV-2 infection Research shows young children are insignificant disease vectors as they rarely test positive or spread SARS-CoV-2 infection. Learn more. Significant disease vectors; they frequently test positive and spread SARS-CoV-2 infection The No. 1 disease vector for COVID-19 As likely to test positive for and spread COVID-19 as any other age group 2 According to Dr. Reid Sheftall, COVID-19 has an infection fatality rate of 0.1%, which is the same as that from: Bubonic plague Influenza (flu) “… I don’t think [More]
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) As anyone who has had a severe, sudden toothache can attest – dental pain is no joke. Whether aching, stinging, throbbing or twanging, a nagging toothache can wreck your concentration, ruin your mood, and rob you of sleep and rest. Not to mention, the misery always seems to strike at the most inopportune times – such as nights and weekends. So, your first order of business with a severe toothache, of course, is to call your dentist and schedule an emergency appointment. Hopefully, it’s a biological or holistic dentist. But, before you get there… [More]
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) You might not need scientific research to know that being outdoors and surrounded by nature is good for your well-being. In fact, the health benefits of nature have been widely accepted as part of individual and public health measures since the 19th century, and likely long before, in other ancient cultures. But thanks to the pandemic – which has driven millions of Americans indoors and created a fear over even outdoor dining … many of us could use extra motivation to get outside (yes, even with colder temperatures and shorter days). Having said that, [More]
By Dr. Mercola A growing interest in health and heath food has helped drive consumer demand for fish to an all-time high. A diet rich in fish has grown so popular that global fish consumption jumped 122% from 1990 to 2018, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).1 Fish is often viewed as a healthier alternative to meat2 due to the so-called “benefits” on human health and the environment. But is it really healthier for you and the planet? That all depends on what kind of fish you’re eating and where it’s …read more Source: [More]
Policymakers worldwide have been relying on a junk science test for COVID-19. That’s according to a team of eminent international experts. A study relied on since January 2020 as ‘proof’ that a PCR test can reliably diagnose the novel coronavirus has been firmly debunked in a compelling new open letter.   The bombshell dropped on November 27th 2020 when an independent international consortium of life-science experts published their detailed open letter exposing ten critical errors in the study “Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR” published in Eurosurveillance (January 23rd, 2020).   Read More: COVID TEST FAIL: External [More]
Congestion, fever and sore throat are all symptoms that could point to a viral infection. Fortunately, there are many potent herbs that have been used since ancient times to prevent a viral infection or reduce its severity.   These herbs’ antiviral properties can be attributed to the numerous potent compounds they contain. These phytochemicals not only help fight harmful viruses, but they also actively help the body heal itself in case of an infection. Additionally, many medicinal herbs support the immune system by strengthening the body’s natural defenses.   Here are some of the most potent antiviral herbs on the planet, many of which can be included in a healthy diet:   [More]
Strokes are some of the most common medical conditions in the United States. So common, in fact, that according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 795,000 people in the United States have a stroke every year. Of these cases, 610,000 are classified as first or new strokes, while 185,000 — or nearly 1 of 4—are in people who have had a previous stroke.   Despite its regular occurrence, however, did you know that having healthy levels of vitamin C in your body can function as an effective preventive measure against strokes?   Read More: Study reveals vitamin C [More]
Herbal tinctures are liquid herbal extracts that confer protective effects against infections and diseases better than capsules or supplements. This is because tinctures best preserve the active constituents of the medicinal plants. Liquid extracts also enter the bloodstream faster and are absorbed better.   When SHTF, knowing how to make tinctures, and the right ones at that, can mean the difference between life and death. This guide will give a brief introduction to tinctures, list the herbs and medicinal plants often used to make tinctures and detail the process of making one.   Read More: Survival medicine: How to make tinctures [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM The most well-published community-based lifestyle intervention in the medical literature is also one of the most effective. …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Brian-Admin Another Flawed Data Model from Imperial College to Blame for Latest UK Lockdown by Whitney WebbThe Last American Vagabond Excerpts: The source behind the claim that a new COVID-19 strain in the UK is 70% more transmissible, Dr. Erik Volz of Imperial College, admits that the model that produced that statistic is flawed and that it is “too early to tell” if the strain is more easily spread. On Saturday, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced extreme new measures just before the holidays due to the emergence of a new COVID-19 variant. Per Johnson, as well as …read [More]
Some researchers conducting clinical trials on a COVID-19 vaccine have not revealed to the public what the placebo contains, but they should. This is because the placebo ingredients influence how effective or harmful the active treatment, with which the placebo is compared, appears. Our new guideline published in PLOS Medicine remedies this problem by providing a template for reporting what’s in placebo controls. In some COVID-19 vaccine trials, participants in the control group (the group receiving a placebo) are injected with a saline solution. In other trials, they receive an actual treatment. For example, in the COVID-19 vaccine developed by [More]