A highly-rated nonprofit vaccine safety charity has been censored by Facebook on behalf of pharmaceutical industry interests in a purge of vaccine safety information. The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) had maintained a Facebook page since 2008. The organization was started 39-years ago. Co-founder and president is Barbara Loe Fisher. Fisher became a vaccine safety advocate after her two-and-a-half-year-old son suffered a severe neurological reaction to DPT vaccine in 1980. He was left with multiple learning disabilities that required him to remain in a special education classroom throughout his public school education. …read more Source: Sott health news feed
“This is scary folks! The Salk study showed that the Covid spike protein by itself can damage vascular cells. Since the vaccines contain mRNA code which gets inserted into cells in the body causing them to produce these spike proteins will these altered cells also cause damage to the vascular system, this is the big question that needs an answer. You can read the Salk study on their website here.” Admin The Salk Institute came out with a study on April 30th saying the actual spike protein (key part of COVID vaccines) is a driver of disease. Also, COVID is
05/02/21 “Some excellent videos of her talking about the horrible things she witnessed while at this facility.” Admin ‘The very first day [at Elmhurst] I was shocked. It was something I’ve never seen before. Patients were alone in the rooms on ventilators [with] no family allowed in [to advocate for them]. People were just dying from gross negligence, medical malpractice, [and] mismanagement.’ Erin Maria Olzewski, the whistleblower nurse who made headlines last year documenting “fraud, negligence, and greed” that “led to unnecessary deaths” during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, sat down with LifeSiteNews during the Health &
By Michael By Elias Marat Over 27,000 barrels of the toxic insecticide DDT have been found so far on the seafloor about 12 miles off the coast of Los Angeles, in what could be one of the greatest examples of… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Damon Hines, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) From sea to shining sea, America is riddled with industrial wastelands. Manufacturing plants, ship channels, abandoned mines, smelters, landfills, illicit dumps – all of these places fall under an umbrella term: Superfund sites. There are more than 1,300 Superfund sites in the U.S., toxic wastelands so contaminated with hazardous waste and toxic chemicals that the federal government has designated them a national priority to clean up. But what is it like to actually live near one of these contaminated sites? According to a new, first-of-its-kind study published in Nature Communications, living in a …read
By Michael By Daisy Luther I love growing my own vegetable garden. I’ve spent many fulfilling hours outside every summer, tending to my plants, nurturing my soil, and babying things along, with the birds for… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Zoey Sky (Natural News) Banana chips are a sweet …read more Source: Natural News
By Damon Hines, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) The Clean Water Act passed in 1972, promising access to safe drinking water for all Americans. Today, almost 50 years later, millions of people continue to face serious water quality problems because of contaminants, old and deteriorating infrastructure, and poor treatment at water plants. Can you hear it? That tap, tap, tap isn’t just the sound of a broken water faucet; it’s the sound of America’s broken water system, and like Edgar Allan Poe’s Tell-Tale Heart, a guilty reminder that the government’s Clean Water Act was just that, an act. So, just how bad
‘People are trying to scare us from taking ivermectin,’ Dr. Benigno Agbayani declared. ‘It’s one of the safest drugs in the world.’ A doctor from the Philippines strongly defended the use of ivermectin for preventing and treating COVID-19, pointing to “80 clinical studies” which support his arguments, and alluding to “bias” and conflicts of interest, which have led medical bodies to be reluctant about promoting the drug. Read More: Doctor Defends ‘80 Clinical Studies’ Showing Ivermectin Is ‘89% Effective’ At Preventing COVID | SGT Report
By Michael By The Corbett Report Today on #SolutionsWatch James talks to Jack Spirko of The Survival Podcast about how to choose the best chicken breed for your back yard or homestead and what such a seemingly… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Fabian Ommar by Fabian Ommar The developed world, accustomed to safety, convenience, and comfort, is facing a slow-burning SHTF called Thirdworldization by some. Each time humankind faces some tribulation like the one … Read the rest The post Thirdworldization: The Slow Burning SHTF of America appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper
The diapers most of us are wearing on our face most of the time apparently have no effect at stopping Covid-19. This explains a lot. Did you hear about the peer-reviewed study done by Stanford University that demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubt that face masks have absolutely zero chance of preventing the spread of Covid-19? No? It was posted on the the National Center for Biological Information government website. The NCBI is a branch of the National Institute for Health, so one would think such a study would be widely reported by mainstream media and embraced by the “science-loving” folks
By Damon Hines, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Bill Gates, the all-powerful sultan of software, has an alter ego: “Farmer Bill.” At age 65, the former co-founder and CEO of Microsoft is swapping ones and zeroes for sod and soil, rebranding himself as a 21st-century gentleman farmer. However, there’s nothing gentlemanly or regenerative about his technocrat’s vision for the future of food in America. The third richest man in the world has finally discovered what the British aristocracy has understood for thousands of years: Land is power. According to the Land Report, Bill Gates is the largest private owner of …read more
By Sara Tipton Hardtack is a staple in most prepper pantries. The good news is that it is still an excellent option for preparedness, and there’s a newer more modern version that may be a better choice for you and your family. Generally speaking, hardtack is a hard biscuit made of flour, water, and salt. This is the traditional recipe but you can also add some herbs and spices to help out with flavor if desired. Adding any ingredients above and beyond the simple list will decrease the life of your hardtack, so bear that in mind if you decide
By Dr. Mercola A new study helps to explain how leptin, a hormone produced by fat tissue, influences your motivation to eat. The researchers described for the first time a collection of leptin-responsive neurons in the brain’s lateral hypothalamic area (LHA). Those LHA neurons feed directly into the mesolimbic dopamine system, which controls the rewarding properties assigned to things. The study therefore adds to growing evidence that leptin doesn’t turn your appetite on and off just by controlling whether you feel hungry or full. It can also make you want food more or less regardless of hunger. …read more Source:
By Linnea Johnson by Linnea Johnson Most prepping articles assume you are at your best or darn near your best. That you may need to lose an extra few pounds, run a few … Read the rest The post How to Prep For SHTF When You Are Not At Your Best appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper
By Michael By Ice Age Farmer Biden’s new climate plan targets for 2030 include reducing red meat consumption by 90%, and all animal source foods & products by 50%. Christian shares the latest… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
Ever since the beginning of the covid pandemic, one of the big topics of discussion has been whether infection results in lasting immunity. Since the advent of the vaccines, that has expanded in to a discussion about whether prior infection or vaccination provides a higher degree of immunity. Back in December, I wrote about a study that showed that 90% of people who get covid still have antibodies six months out from infection. This was encouraging news. However, all it really did was show that most people keep their antibodies for a decent period of time after infection. It didn’t
Johan Giesecke, an advisor to the Director General of the WHO, former Chief Scientist of the EU Centre for Disease Control, and former state epidemiologist of Sweden, returned to UnHerd yesterday to resume his discussion with editor Freddie Sayers, adjourned a year ago. He was one of the first major figures to come out against lockdowns last spring, saying they are not evidence-based, the correct policy is to protect the old and the frail only, and the Imperial College modelling was “not very good”. While he admits he made some mistakes, he believes that history will judge him kindly, and
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) For about 70 percent of women of childbearing age in the US, less than 5 percent of their total fatty acids in their blood are made up of a fatty acid known as DHA. Unfortunately, this is below what many experts recommend as a cut-off for pregnancy and breastfeeding. In other words, this little nutrient can have a huge impact on a child’s long-term health, and not getting enough of it could spell trouble. Let’s take a look at some main health benefits of DHA for mom and baby and discuss how much you
By Daisy Luther by Daisy Luther Before we talk about how to start prepping, let’s take a moment to remind ourselves of why we should be prepping. Over the past decade, here in … Read the rest The post How to Start Prepping: The First 10 Things Every New Prepper Should Do (Some of Them Are FREE!) appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper
If there’s one thing the elites seem to love to do, it’s injecting kids with questionable biological material. Take, for instance, the following: We know children do not transmit Covid-19 virus and that the concept of asymptomatic spread has been questioned severely, particularly for children. Children, if infected, just do not spread Covid-19 to others readily, either to other children, other adults in their families or otherwise, nor to their teachers. It is well-noted that asymptomatic cases are not the drivers of the pandemic; something particularly important in relation to children as they’re generally asymptomatic. In other words there are
By Michael By Jonathan Latham, Ph.D According to a new peer-reviewed paper, “The Myth of a Food Crisis,” corrupt philanthropic and academic sectors in agriculture and development perpetuate the lie that Big Ag… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
The interplay between blood sugar and appetite appears to be more complex than scientists realized, with new research showing that glucose levels in the blood even several hours after eating can still have a pronounced effect on how hungry people get later in the day. Specifically, the new findings reveal that some people are prone to experiencing ‘sugar dips’ up to four hours after eating their last meal – a delayed glycemic response that turns out to be a more accurate indicator of appetite (and energy consumption) than glucose levels following meals. “It has long been suspected that blood sugar
By Michael By Dr. Joseph Mercola Story at-a-glance Dr. Paul Saladino, a proponent of animal-based diets, debates Dr. Joel Fuhrman, who advocates for a primarily plant-based diet Many of the studies linking… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Julie Fidler Using data from a large, ongoing study, researchers have discovered what they think is a direct link between increased coffee consumption and better heart health. That direct link is a strong one, too. Researchers, funded by the American Heart Association (AHA) and the University of Colorado School of Medicine, found that for every additional 8 oz. cup of coffee people drank, their risk of experiencing a heart failure, stroke, or coronary disease decreased by 8%, 7%, and 5%, respectively. [1] The data comes from the Framingham Heart Study, the country’s longest-running epidemiological study, which began in 1948
From the inception of mass vaccination, childhood vaccines have produced a raft of unintended consequences. One of the biggest problems-gaining steam over the past several decades-involves the vaccine-induced creation of brand-new risks and vulnerabilities that can be more serious than the condition a given vaccine might be intended to address. The varicella (chickenpox) vaccine represents a case in point. Chickenpox, usually mild when experienced in childhood, was once a routine rite of passage. After the rollout of universal varicella vaccination, the incidence of chickenpox declined but observers began noticing a “‘perverse’ boom” in shingles (also called herpes zoster). Chickenpox and