By Robert Wheeler by Robert Wheeler Hackers have struck again only weeks after the Colonial pipeline hacking. The pipeline hacking had consumers rush to panic buy fuel, causing widespread shortages. This time, however, … Read the rest The post The Biggest Meat Processing Company in the WORLD Was Hacked, Supply Chain Disruptions Increase appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper
By Ethan Huff (Natural News) Japanese researchers have discovered that …read more Source: Natural News
By Michael By Patricia Burke Military Men vs. the Meters and the Microwaves A new generation of two-way wireless and powerline (TWAC) “smart” meters was first “deployed” about a decade ago. Unbeknownst to the… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
Recently a friend of mine who adamantly did NOT want to get a COVID vaccine, did so anyway because of pressure from her peers and her employer. For any of you who feel pressured to get a COVID jab and feel like it’s becoming impossible to say no, I’ve got your back. Before I’m done you will: Understand why vaccine mandates and coercion are illegal. Have a practical way to converse about your decision to opt-out. Feel confident in your decision, and (I hope) feel emboldened to speak up. Read More: How to overcome the pressure to
A citywide initiative in Mexico City to prescribe ivermectin to COVID-19 patients resulted in a plunge in hospitalizations and deaths, two studies found. Hospitalizations were down by as much as 76%, according to research by the Mexican Digital Agency for Public Innovation, Mexico’s Ministry of Health and the Mexican Social Security Institute, according to a TrialSiteNews report highlighted by LifeSiteNews. Earlier this month, as WND reported, a significant decrease in cases in India coincided with the national health ministry’s promotion of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine treatments. Comment: Reported on the 11th May: Goa prescribes effective coronavirus drug Ivermectin for all above
Before SHTF, preppers must have a stockpile full of food and gear ready so they can survive any type of disaster or emergency. But what do you do if you have a ton of canned food but no can opener? (h/t to As a prepper, you should have at least two or three can openers on your homestead. But just in case you lose them, break them, or find yourself in a scenario where you don’t have access to your tools, here are six alternative ways to open canned food without a can opener. Read More: No can opener? No
Foraging is a survival skill that goes back to the time of Adam and Eve. But while it has not changed much, the tools that can help you forage have. Here are four tools that you can use to forage for food successfully. (h/t to Read More: Foraging 101: 4 Must-have tools when gathering food in the wild
This week, Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) president, and Polly Tommey, co-producer of “Vaxxed,” cover the latest COVID headlines, including heart problems in young people in Connecticut post-COVID vaccine, how Snapchat and the White House are teaming up to get teens vaccinated, and schools that are creating pep-rally atmospheres with mascots, food and prizes to encourage students to get the COVID vaccine. Mary and Polly also discuss how Merck is using celebs to push childhood vaccines, Germany’s plan to start vaccinating kids 12 to 15 for COVID and the enrollment of children ages 6 months to 11 years
“This is insane! Never have we seen anything like this. Let’s get everyone injected with an experimental shot with lots of question marks regarding its effectiveness and safety. This is especially absurd since we have safe drugs that can effectively treat this virus but are being suppressed and ignored by the government and Big medicine. We are truly living in bizarre times.” Admin . President Joe Biden unveiled a plan to get 70% of Americans at least one COVID-19 vaccine shot before the July 4th holiday, during a speech Wednesday afternoon. “Today we’re announcing a month-long effort to pull
COVID vaccine researchers had previously assumed mRNA COVID vaccines would behave like traditional vaccines. The vaccine’s spike protein — responsible for infection and its most severe symptoms — would remain mostly in the injection site at the shoulder muscle or local lymph nodes. But new research obtained by a group of scientists contradicts that theory, a Canadian cancer vaccine researcher said last week. “We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now,” said Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario. “We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen,
By Robert Wheeler by Robert Wheeler In an effort to raise awareness of the U.S.’s looming famine, I recently wrote, “Are You Ready For The EVERYTHING Shortage?” As hyperbolic as it … Read the rest The post And a FAMINE Is Looming Over the United States appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper
By Sima Ash (NaturalHealth365) Far-infrared (FIR) radiation is a subdivision of the electromagnetic spectrum that has been investigated for biological effects with very encouraging results. I have clients who have added this modality as part of their overall treatment plan for everything ranging from autism to heart conditions. How does FIR work? The body experiences FIR wavelength energy as a gentle radiant heat that can penetrate up to 1.5 inches beneath the skin. An article published in Photonics & Lasers in Medicine states that FIR energy is sufficient to exert rotational and vibrational modes of motion in …read more Source:
By Edit Lang, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) It’s been over a year now that all eyes have been on COVID-19 and the number of lives claimed by the virus. The truth is, however, that COVID does not affect everyone the same way. According to data released by the CDC in September 2020, the vast majority of COVID-related deaths – 94 percent to be exact – occurred in people with multiple comorbid conditions. One of the concomitant conditions commonly identified in people with the worst outcomes was heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States. Millions live with heart
The most common bacterial cause of food poisoning seems to have another trick up its sleeve. A new study looking at men who have sex with men (MSM) has shown for the first time that Campylobacter is likely being passed on as a sexually transmitted infection (STI) as well. Campylobacter is a genus of squiggly bacteria that can cause humans quite a butt-ache. The bacterium is one of the reasons you’ve been told to make sure poultry is thoroughly cooked before you eat it, and why you are more likely to end up with a bout of gastroenteritis while on
A sea change is underway. Ten years ago, it was heresy to propose that a ketogenic (a.k.a low carb high fat) diet was in any way healthier than the low fat high carb diet supported by public health authorities. It was branded a “gimmick” diet. In some places, doctors who prescribed it to their patients risked having their medical licenses revoked. The German physicist Max Planck is often misquoted as having said that “science advances one funeral at a time”. Well, the man who gave birth to the low fat high carb dogma, Ancel Keys, died in 2004. His first
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) The “graying of America” has led to soaring rates of Alzheimer’s disease, an age-related neurodegenerative condition that currently affects 6.2 million adults in the United States. And, there is worse to come. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia doubles every 10 years after the age of 60 – leading experts to predict that cases of cognitive decline will skyrocket to 13.8 million by the year 2050. Conventionally speaking, there is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, characterized by deep deficiencies of memory and impaired cognitive function. And, while
By Michael By Ice Age Farmer In this special Ice Age Farmer broadcast, Christian is joined by Dr. Frédéric Leroy, a professor in the field of food science and biotechnology at Vrije Universiteit, to detail what… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Chloe Morgan by Chloe Morgan How to keep your children safe from predators isn’t the happiest of topics. However, this world is full of predators and people looking to kidnap children for … Read the rest The post How to Keep Your Children Safe from Predators appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Heart disease remains the leading killer in the United States, claiming over 655,000 lives a year. In addition, 54 million people – almost a quarter of all American adults live with the painful, potentially debilitating disease of arthritis, the leading cause of work disability in the nation. Now, in a stroke of medical serendipity, it appears that a popular supplement may benefit both conditions at once. An encouraging new study shows that glucosamine and chondroitin, commonly used to treat the pain and inflammation of arthritis, can also do “double duty” in reducing the risk
A Johns Hopkins School of Medicine professor blasted the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for ignoring crucial data on natural immunity from COVID-19, saying that “probably half the country has natural immunity from prior infection. This is the most slow, reactionary, political CDC in American history.” Read More: Johns Hopkins prof: ‘One of the biggest failures of our current medical leadership is ignoring natural immunity’ | News | LifeSite
Below is a link to a video interview, about 8 min, with Dr. Bryam Bridle on how the toxic spike proteins produced by the mRNA shots travel through out the body via the blood stream and can cause all sorts of problems. Dr. Bridle is an associate professor and viral immunologist in the Department of Pathobiology at the University of Guelph. His research interests include developing a better understanding of how the immune system responds to viral infections as well as designing immunotherapies for the treatment of cancers and infectious diseases.
By Michael By Brett Wilkins After a federal judge rejected a $2 billion class-action proposal from Bayer to avert future lawsuits alleging its popular Roundup herbicide causes cancer, the pharmaceutical and… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Virgilio Marin (Natural News) North America is rich in …read more Source: Natural News
New findings reported Tuesday in a University of Louisville study challenge what has been the prevailing belief that mask mandates are necessary to slow the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus. The study notes that “80% of US states mandated masks during the COVID-19 pandemic” and while “mandates induced greater mask compliance, [they] did not predict lower growth rates when community spread was low (minima) or high (maxima).” Among other things, the study — conducted using data from the CDC covering multiple seasons — reports that “mask mandates and use are not associated with lower SARS-CoV-2 spread among US states.” “Our
Continuous skin-to-skin contact starting immediately after delivery, even before the baby has been stabilized, can reduce mortality by 25 percent in infants with a very low birth weight. This according to a study in low- and middle-income countries coordinated by the WHO on the initiative of researchers at Karolinska Institutet published in The New England Journal of Medicine. Continuous skin-to-skin contact between infant and mother, or “kangaroo mother care” (KMC), is one of the most effective ways to prevent infant mortality globally. The current recommendation from the World Health Organization (WHO) is that skin-to-skin contact should commence as soon as
The “miraculous” drug Ivermectin has proved to be incredibly effective at both preventing and treating COVID-19, yet it has been subject to widespread suppression and misinformation from global health bodies in an apparent attempt to promote financial revenue over saving the lives of millions. In a recent article, New York Times best-selling author and journalist Michael Capuzzo detailed the manner in which Ivermectin came to be used to treat COVID-19, and simultaneously subjected to global censorship despite its incredibly high success rate at treating the virus. The May 2021 issue of Mountain Home contains Capuzzo’s detailed report, following the
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Daily, we are bombarded with a succession of eye-catching, clever, well-edited advertisements for a seemingly endless variety of sugary sodas and energy drinks. Meanwhile, an abundance of scientific studies has confirmed that excessive sugar consumption has been associated with deadly diseases – such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes – later in life. Now, brand-new research reveals that high sugar negatively affects the gut microbiome – the community of trillions of intestinal bacteria that plays a vital role in immune system health and metabolism. Not only that, but the research suggests that excessive