We’re publishing an important piece today by Anthony Brookes, a Professor of Genomics and Health Data Science at the University of Leicester, in which he explains why the SARS-CoV-2 virus spreads across different populations in waves separated by three or four months. His theory is similar to that put forward by Dr Will Jones, namely, that the overall immunity levels in most populations are quite high, but need to be ‘topped up’ each time a new variant appears, causing infections to rise and then fall. Importantly, the decline in infections has little or nothing to do with non-pharmaceutical interventions –
Copied these links from one of his podcast posts. Would be good to keep these handy for reference. Admin Below are some key links to resources: – https://www.truthforhealth.org/patientguide/patient-treatment-guide/ – myfreedoctor.com – https://frontlinemds.com/telehealth-service/ – https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/treatments/how-do-i-get-covid-19-medication/ – https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-mask-plus-protocol/ – https://speakwithanmd.com/americasfrontlinedoctors/
By Selco by Selco Begovic Author of The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival and the SHTF Survival Bootcamp online course In the spirit of our survival philosophies, I think something is pretty … Read the rest The post SELCO: Do Not Hold Your Breath for a Quick Resolution of This Crisis appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper
By Brian-Admin by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News The popular online dictionary, Merriam-Webster.com, has had the same definition for “vaccine” for several years. Here is the definition until early to mid-January, 2021: By January 26, 2021 it was changed to include a section on “genetic material” and mRNA: Apparently that was not quite good enough to silence …read more Source: Health Impact News
By Ethan Huff (Natural News) Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has …read more Source: Natural News
Fauci Exposed: Historical Research of COVID Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked August 14, 2021 Story at-a-glance Charles Rixey, a COVID-19 analyst, combed through 100,000 pages of FOIA documents and reviewed more than 1,000 research articles, forming a conclusion over six months of investigation that “one of the worst developments of the pandemic is the evaporation of public trust in scientists” This erosion of trust came at the hands of “America’s doctor,” Fauci, who sprung to action at the start of the pandemic — not to protect the public, as his duty required, but to protect himself One of
By Michael By Neenah Payne King of Clowns Don Lemon says unvaxxed people should be banned from going to buy food “CNN talking head Don Lemon says we ‘shouldn’t waste our breath’ on… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
“If you live in the Cape Coral, FL area stop by and check his new market & cafe out.” Admin Article courtesy of mercola.com In 2015, we moved Mercola.com’s headquarters from Hoffman Estates, Illinois, to Cape Coral in Florida, to take advantage of all the health benefits this sunny location can provide. A few days ago, August 7, 2021, we celebrated our 24th anniversary and the grand opening of Mercola Market & Café,1 a 15,000-square-foot retail space located at 125 S.W. 3rd Place in Cape Coral, by hosting the Inaugural Mid-Cape Summer Fest.2 As our Mercola market general manager, Patrick
I subscribe to a free newsletter, Doctors House Call, written by Dr. Al Sears MD who is a holistic practitioner and big believer in natural therapies. Lots of free articles on his site to read. Here’s a bit about him with a signup link plus below that is a recent newsletter he emailed as a sample: Can a free natural health newsletter change your life? I think so and I invite you to see for yourself. Sign up for my free daily report, Doctor’s House Call. I’m Al Sears, MD, and I specialize in integrative, anti-aging medicine. I travel the
In a new Brighteon Conversation, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, got the chance to sit down and talk with Dr. Richard Fleming about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). And what Fleming had to say about this whole thing is truly eye-opening, including what may be coming next in the plandemic saga. Fleming has a book coming out this fall, by the way, called Is COVID-19 a bioweapon? A scientific and forensic investigation. It dives deep into many of the topics discussed throughout the interview, which you can watch below: As an esteemed research scientist, Fleming has been closely tracking
Frontline Care Doctor Shares How to End COVID Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked August 13, 2021 Story at-a-glance Critical care physician Dr. Paul Marik speaks with Dr. Mobeen Syed about trends in the management of COVID-19, including what he believes could have wiped out the virus early on The continued recommendation that people stay home and isolate while doing nothing until they’re cyanotic, or turning blue from a lack of oxygen, is a disgrace, because early treatment options are available The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group I-MASK+ protocol can be downloaded in full, giving you
Are COVID Shots Fueling More Dangerous Mutations? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked Aug. 12, 2021 Story At A Glance When vaccines that don’t provide robust immunity are overused, they allow viruses to mutate in potentially hazardous ways. COVID variants with measurably different behavior emerged in mid-December 2020, which coincides with the rollout of the first COVID shots While variants were identified in various areas before the shots were introduced in those same regions, vaccine makers were conducting large-scale trials on thousands of people in those areas well before the shots became available to the public, and before variants
“Must watch presentation on what these Covid jabs do to your vital organs. Share this with everyone you know.” Admin Ryan Cole MD AFLDS PHYSICIAN A scientific clarification, with pictures, of what these injections do in the head and other organs of the vaccinated people. Watch On Rumble
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM A randomized controlled trial investigates diet and psychological well-being. …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org
A new study has found that prolonged illness from Covid among minors is uncommon, reaffirming data showing that the virus is rarely deadly for children. The findings come as the UK prepares to start giving teens the shot. The research, conducted by King’s College London scientists, revealed that children aged between 5 and 17 who test positive for coronavirus typically recover in less than a week. Headaches and tiredness were the most common symptoms observed, according to their paper, which was published on Tuesday in the Lancet. Using data provided by parents to a non-profit group that supports Covid research,
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) As Dr. Fauci and other officials try to normalize the idea that kids of all ages will be able to (and should) get the experimental COVID jab by early 2022, a growing number of medical experts continue to risk their professional reputations and careers in order to voice their dissent. One example comes from a Johns Hopkins professor, who recently publicized the findings of his study on the COVID death rate among kids. The results, he and his colleagues say, only add to the growing doubts about the need to push an unapproved …read
Last year’s “healthcare heroes” now face unemployment as hundreds of medical organizations across the country bully employees into getting the experimental COVID injection under threat of suspension, termination, or discriminatory testing practices. Across the country, we are witnessing mask mandate after mask mandate and blatant medical coercion, as free citizens are told they must show their proof of injection card to provide food and security for their family or simply move about freely in their community. What will stop authorities from continuing down this path of infringement on bodily autonomy and basic human rights? How long will it be
08/13/21 Dr. Peter Breggin interviews journalist Diana West. An interview with both mind-opening insights and breaking news about COVID-19. Diana West is a journalist and deep-diving researcher whose book American Betrayal about the Communist influence in America changed my understanding of history and prepared me and my wife Ginger to write COVID-19 and the Global Predators. In this amazing interview, we help each other fill out our understanding of how, why and by whom COVID-19 is subjugating America and the world. I can guarantee that this interview will help almost anyone to deepen their understanding of current events. Part II
By Wendy Miller, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) When the concept of genetically modified foods was first discussed, the intent was positive. Because, according to some scientists, GMO technology was supposed to help farmers grow more food to “feed the world” and we were told that genetically manipulated food was the same as their natural counterparts. Ultimately, many people bought into the notion that this “new way” of growing food would help end the worldwide hunger crisis. Yet, once GMOs began to be produced and studied, certain things came to light that offered proof that they may not live up …read more
By Abby Campbell, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Did you know that the benefits of beet juice include fighting cancer? In fact, beetroots have been used as a treatment for cancer in Europe for centuries. The modern interest in using beetroot as a treatment for cancer started in the 1920s when two German doctors named Farberse and Schoenenberger used beetroot to treat cancer patients. In the early 1930s, a Hungarian professor carried out experiments to show that beetroots improved the health of cancer patients. So how does beet juice help kill cancer cells? Beet juice helps to detoxify and protect our cells
When in America, those who make laws are criminals, we are living in a police state. A state-based on lies. The Biden administration and Democrat operatives have a new lie about the pandemic. Hoping to whip up hatred against those who don’t want the genetic modification injection, the message of the CDC is this: The spread of the Delta Variant and an explosion of new cases are caused by the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated are guilty! It’s, of course, deception with intent to divide America more and force the unvaccinated to bend to the will of the tyrants.
An executive order signed quietly by Tennessee’s Republican governor is troubling some Americans as it greenlights the National Guard and State Guard to implement quarantines and involuntary commitment of citizens “in connection with certain health care and emergency services operations,” with the governor specifically concerned about “an increase in COVID-19 cases.” Read More: Shock executive order greenlights quarantines, involuntary commitment amid COVID fears
Since coronavirus pandemic lockdowns were implemented by many governments in 2020, people around the world have held largely peaceful protests against unprecedented social distancing restrictions that are devastating global economies and ruining people’s lives.1,2,3,4 Now, faced with being ordered to obey new laws that require them to be injected with COVID-19 vaccines in order to enter public spaces or hold a job, on July 24, 2021 — World Freedom Day — hundreds of thousands of people of all ages took to the streets in Australia, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Greece and Germany to publicly challenge oppressive public health laws.5,6
“The government is predicting that after the FDA approves the Pfizer vax in late Aug. or early Sep. that many more institutions and businesses will jump on this bandwagon.” Admin By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) A concerning blow to medical freedom advocates: the U.S. Justice Department (DOJ) recently announced that organizations are not legally prohibited from implementing injection mandates, despite the fact that the COVID jabs are experimental, unapproved, and only available under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). So the question is whether schools, employers and other entities can require the COVID shot as a condition of enrollment or
By Daisy Luther by Daisy Luther Author of The Ultimate Guide to Frugal Living and the Build a Better Pantry on a Budget online course If the level of fear being incited by … Read the rest The post EARLY WARNING: Is Another Lockdown Coming? Here’s How to Get Prepared NOW appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper
By Michael By Dr. Diane Fulton Did you know that a deficiency in vitamin B12 could be an underlying cause of nerve pain and is associated with higher risks for heart disease and increased symptoms and severity… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Stephanie Woods (NaturalHealth365) Papaya is a wonderful tropical fruit that is so deliciously versatile. Chop it up with some mango and sweet onion to serve over grilled (pasture raised) chicken, or drop some in the blender with coconut water, pineapple, and mango for a healthy smoothie. Of course, you can always enjoy it on its own, ice cold and juicy. What might surprise you is that this tasty tropical treat actually has a number of pretty incredible health benefits. Papaya is quite good for you. It is chock full of vitamins like vitamins A and C as well …read