“If you know anyone who has acquired natural immunity that is thinking of getting The Jab for whatever reason show them this article and hopefully they will change their mind.” Admin It’s the 800-pound gorilla in the pandemic. The debate over forced vaccination with an ever-waning vaccine is cresting right around the time when the debate should be moot for a lot of people. Among the most fraudulent messages of the CDC’s campaign of deceit is to force the vaccine on those with prior infection, who have a greater degree of protection against all versions of the virus than
“The video of the conference starts at the 20 min. mark so you will need to skip forward to that time. First Dr. Vliet interviews several health care workers about what they’ve seen and experienced at the various places they work regarding vaccine reactions. Then come interviews with Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Jane Orient and Dr. Robert Alexander talking about the rushed approval of the Pfizer vaccine and more. Lastly she interviews a critical care nurse about what she has seen regarding vaccine injured patients. Run time 2 hrs. but lots of good info. You can visit
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) According to the American Cancer Society, the typical woman has a 1 in 8 chance of developing breast cancer at some point in her lifetime. Sadly, the rates of breast cancer have increased dramatically in recent decades. Today, breast cancer remains the most common type of cancer affecting women, other than skin cancer. Why are breast cancer rates skyrocketing – could the growing number of cancer-causing chemicals found in our environment be to blame? Data from one new study suggests yes. Hundreds of chemicals found in common everyday products shown to promote the …read
“I decided to not insert the video here because of the usage of the “F” word several times but if you want to watch it on Youtube here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiwsv51Il4k&t=878s just copy and paste it into your browser’s address bar.” Admin Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked Story at-a-glance New York City is implementing vaccine passport rules to enter certain venues, thereby discriminating against minorities and people of color As of August 2, 2021, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data showed 59% of Americans who had received at least one COVID injection were Caucasian, 16% were
“Another great post from Dr. Mercolas blog. Here are two articles about the spray: article 1 and article 2. Here’s the scientific study. This is the first I’ve heard about this even though the latest version of the study report is dated 12/21/20. If you decide to get Xlear make sure you get the one with grapefruit seed extract in it that’s the one used in the study. If this were some absurdly expensive Big Pharma product it would have been front page news.” Admin A nasal spray containing nitric oxide has been shown to reduce the viral load in COVID-19 cases by
Welcome to another ‘In the News’ episode of the Objective:Health show, where we look into the latest health headlines to give you the O:H take. On this week’s show, we look at German pathologist Dr. Peter Schirmacher findings after doing autopsies on 40 patients who died within 2 weeks of getting the Covid shot. He concluded that 30-40% could be directly attributed to the “vaccines.” He’s not calling for anything drastic; simply asking for more autopsies of those who die shortly after getting injected to see if his numbers pan out. But, as could be predicted Germany has thus far
All those plastic screens that have been erected to stop the spread of COVID-19 are useless and may even make viral transmission more likely, the New York Times reported Thursday. Businesses and schools hastily put up the clear barriers last year at the urging of so-called public-health experts such as the bureaucrats at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The barriers were supposed to prevent the coronavirus from being transmitted from person to person by blocking tiny, virus-laden particles exhaled by infected individuals from entering others’ airspace. The idea sounds reasonable enough, but then so do
“Although this NIH report is from 01/26/21 the results are just as pertinent today as then. Even though the antibodies may experience a decline over time the B cells can crank out more any time they’re needed. It appears the study only lasted 8 months so this immunity may last much longer than that. They hoped that the immunity from the vaccines might do as well but we now know that’s not the case and their immunity wanes rather quickly as soon as another variant becomes dominant. This indicates to me natural immunity is indeed best.” Admin After people recover
Last month we reported on how the CDC’s proclamation that the U.S. is now facing a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” was a lie, with no stats to back up this assertion. They claimed that “99%” of those being hospitalized with COVID were “unvaccinated,” even though reports and other stats proved just the opposite. Even Republican Governors are perpetuating this lie to the American people. See: Republican Governors Join Biden and CDC in Blaming “Unvaccinated” for Alleged New COVID Hospitalizations As regular readers of Health Impact News know, the U.S. Government has a tracking system to track reported injuries following vaccines, called
Dr. Anne McCloskey works on the COVID-19 frontlines in Northern Ireland. Distressed by what she’s witnessed in the hospital, Dr. McCloskey pleaded to others to stop the COVID-19 injections. Dr. McCloskey stated she’s never witnessed anything like this before. Young, healthy people developing upper body blood clots and doctors turning a blind eye to make a connection to the jabs. Dr. McCloskey boldly stated the jabs are killing people and causing a dire situation in the hospitals. And others need to make a stand to protect the children at all costs. Watch/Read: WATCH: Irish Medical Doctor
U.S. public health officials claim cases of myocarditis and pericarditis following COVID vaccination are rare — but new research published online in the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) shows they may happen more often than reported. Post-vaccine myocarditis and pericarditis also appear to represent two “distinct syndromes,” Dr. George Diaz, with the Providence Regional Medical Center Everett, told Medscape Cardiology. Diaz and colleagues reviewed 2,000,287 electronic medical records (EMR) of people who received at least one COVID vaccination. …read more Source: Sott health news feed
“Blog post also includes a video mainly consisting of what Tucker Carlson had to say about the totalitarian lunacy going on there. Lots of other great posts on Dr. Mercolas blog.” Admin Shutdowns, show-your-papers for vaccination proof, huge fines for venturing outside and other drastic measures to keep Australian citizens inside their houses have become so prevalent that even being punished for watching the sunset is now part of the “dystopian nightmare” going on in the country. “No one in Australia is laughing at this,” says Tucker Carlson in a report on his show. “No one can stand
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked Story at-a-glance Driving the irrational and unscientific narrative about mask wearing is the censoring of truthful and factual information by tech platforms. YouTube recently banned a video by U.S. Sen. Rand Paul in which he stated that masks don’t work In a 2020 email obtained via a freedom of information act request, Dr. Anthony Fauci stated, “The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through the material” February 25, 2020, U.K. health authorities published guidance discouraging the
The announcement yesterday by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that it has granted full approval to Pfizer for its Covid-19 vaccine is not surprising to many people who have been watching all of the Operation Warp Speed fast-tracking, moving of barriers, and rule-bending for vaccine makers. Here are 10 reasons why the FDA “gold standard” stamp of approval doesn’t mean anything about protecting citizens’ health and safety but has everything to do with erasing liability and giving governments and businesses the gumption to coerce injections on employees and consumers. Read More: 10 reasons why the FDA approval for
It’s fashionable to talk about periods. Books on the subject, with glossy red and pink covers, are bestsellers. They have sassy titles like Period Power: A Manifesto for the Menstrual Movement and Period:Twelve Voices Tell the Bloody Truth. The Periodical is a podcast for ‘everyone who bleeds, and their friends’. And this being our ultra-capitalist world, you can obviously buy a T-shirt, notebook or phone cover with a period-related slogan slapped across it. ‘Anything you can do, I can do bleeding’ is one mantra. I admit to having not engaged much with this world. My period has always seemed to
Dr. Andrew Kaufman interviews pharma insider on dangers of Covid vaccine and the ingredients in it.
A courageous registered nurse has come forward to blow the whistle on the CDC, Dr. Fauci & the mainstream mockingbird media’s covid “vaccine” lies. Her name in Nicole and in coming weeks she’ll drop more bombshells.
By Michael By Jayne Rising Besides drought, disease. and supply chain disruptions, another problem that could cause food shortages is a lack of pollinators. 87% of plants require pollination to reproduce. 1/3… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Michael By Dylan Charles Most people have little to no conscious awareness of why they do the things they do. Their behavior is on auto-pilot 99% of the time as their subconscious mind steers them toward… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
Pro-life hero Abby Johnson recently posted a Twitter thread telling the story of her and her family’s experience after testing positive for COVID-19. She began the thread by stating that she was “exposed to Covid at a work event by a woman who was fully vaccinated. She had come to the event with a few sniffles but thought nothing of it because she had been vaccinated … so surely it wasn’t Covid.” Reports of people who have received COVID-19 vaccines and become ill have circulated lately. In England, 65 percent of hospitalizations and deaths involving COVID-19 are among those who have had at least one dose of
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Opposing COVID measures now tops the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s list of potential terror threats Public officials and media pundits are seemingly intentionally fanning the flames of unveiled hatred against those who choose to not participate in the COVID jab experiment The rhetoric now hurled at unvaccinated people would under normal circumstances be considered hate speech. Now, it’s promoted as virtuous, while reporting a statistic or medical finding that counters the official narrative is considered hate speech By convincing everyone that unvaccinated people are to blame for the never-ending pandemic, the pandemic industrial
“If someone tells you that the Jab provides better protection than natural immunity just show them this information.” Admin In a preprint study of more than 7,000 individuals in Israel, researchers found that natural infection with COVID-19 beats vaccination with the mRNA injection in the long run. Study authors noted that when compared head-to-head, vaccination initially showed higher antibody titers than natural infection, but the levels quickly dropped by up to 40% each month after vaccination, while natural infection dropped by less than 5% per month, showing longer-lasting immunity than the vaccine after just six months. Read
“Lengthy but excellent article on the door knockers being sent out to convince people to take The Jab. It tells you what to expect, the legalities involved and what to do. If you haven’t had such a visit then reading this is a great way to prepare for it before it happens.” Admin Before the White House announced the government would be “literally knocking on doors” to push coronavirus vaccines, health workers, military personnel, and volunteers in some states were already doing just that. “We need to go to community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood, and oftentimes, door
By Sara Tipton As the most recent death toll from the Haitian earthquake has hit a death toll of 1,297 many are reminded of the destructive aftermath of the 2010 Haitian earthquake that caused vast destruction and a rampant epidemic. This chaotic event can be detrimental to society in many different ways. As preppers are well aware, when the needs of the population cannot be met in an allotted time frame, a phenomenon occurs, and the mindset shifts in people. Many people will begin to act without thinking and respond to changes in their environment in an emotionally based manner,
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM See if you know more about basic nutrition than most doctors. …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org
“No surprise that Gates has his dirty fingers in all of this you would think he almost knew back in Sep 2019, when his foundation bought 55 mil worth of shares in BioNTech, what was shortly going to happen. The greed and corruption in all of this is enough to make one sick but instead read Psalm 37 it will help put everything in perspective and show you what to do to have peace in all of this.” Admin An investigation has revealed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are the primary funders of the UK’s Medicine &
Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked STORY AT-A-GLANCE In a recent article, journalist Glenn Greenwald lays out evidence showing the U.S. government has intentionally lied about its impact and progress in Afghanistan for the last 20 years Evidence suggests the Afghan war was designed to funnel taxpayer money to security contractors and Afghan warlords If the U.S. government routinely lies to protect financial war interests, could they be lying about the COVID pandemic and facets thereof as well, and for the same reason? Biological threats and pandemics are a new form of war meant to continue in perpetuity, where the beneficiaries